10,395 research outputs found

    Proses Penerapan Keterampilan Manajemen Kelas dengan Senam Otak dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Kesiapan Belajar dan Hasil Belajar Mata Kuliah Metode Penelitian Mahasiswa Pgsd, Fkip Universitas Esa Unggul, Jakarta

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    Permasalahan, kebutuhan dan hambatan belajar yang dialami peserta didik tidak menjadi fokus perhatian dalam penanganan permasalahan pendidikan. Kondisi ini perlu diatasi dengan pembiasaan gerakan sederhana senam otak sebagai penerapan keterampilan manajemen kelas guna optimalisasi kesiapan dan hasil belajar. Penelitian Mixed Methods dengan eksperimen pada Proses Penerapan Keterampilan Manajemen Kelas Dengan Senam Otak Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kesiapan Belajar dan Hasil Belajar Mata Kuliah Metode Penelitian Mahasiswa PGSD FKIP UEU Jakarta.. Ukuran sampel (Slovin) 30 mahasiswa semester 6. Hasil penelitian : (1) Proses penerapan senam otak dilakukan sebagai kegiatan pra, aktivitas dan pasca terintegrasi keterampilan manajemen kelas; dan terdapat pengaruh yang positif kuat dan sangat signifikan pada: (2) Manajemen kelas tanpa senam otak dengan kesiapan belajar (r = 0,783, R2 = 61,4%); (3) Manajemen kelas tanpa senam otak terhadap hasil belajar (r = 0,688, R2 = 47,3%) ; (4) Manajemen kelas dengan senam otak terhadap kesiapan belajar (r = 0,799, R2 = 63,9% ); (5) Manajemen kelas dengan senam otak terhadap hasil belajar (r = 0,693, R2= 48,1%); dan terdapat perbedaan yang kuat, positif dan signifikan sebelum dan setelah senam otak pada: (6) Kesiapan belajar (mean = 2,94, r = 0,784 ; dan (7) Hasil belajar (mean = 9,74, r = 0,765).. Kata Kunci : Proses, Keterampilan Manajemen Kelas, Senam otak, Kesiapan Belajar, Hasil Belajar


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    ABSTRAK RATNAWATI . 2019. Kont r i busiKekuat anOt otLenganPanj angTungkaiDanKekuat an Ot otTungkaiTer hadapKemampuanPassi ngBawahPadaPer mai nanBol aVol i Mahasi swaFI KUNM , Skr i psi , Fakul t asI l muKeol ahr agaanUni v er si t as Neger i Makassar . Penel i t i ani ni adal ahpenel i t i andeskr i pt i fy angber t uj uanunt ukmenget ahui kont r i busi kekuat anot otl engan, panj angt ungkai , dankekuat anot ott ungkai t er hadapkemampuanpassi ngbawahpadaper mai nanbol av ol i mahasi swaFI KUNM. Adapunpopul asi ny aadal ahMahasi swaPKOFI KUNMangkat an2017secar ar andom sampl i ngsebany ak30or g.Tekni kanal i si sdat ay angdi gunakanadal ahanal i si s deskr i pt i f , anal i si skoef i si enkor el asi pear sonpr oductmoment( r ) , dananal i si s Regr esi mel al ui pr ogr amSPSS16padat ar afsi gni f i kanα0, 05. Ber dasar kananal i si sdat ay angdi per ol ehhasi l : 1)Adakont r i busi kekuat an ot otl engant er hadapkemampuanpassai ngbawahpadaper mai nanbol av ol i , di per ol ehni l ai r( p)57, 1( P<α0. 05) .2)Adakont r i busi panj angt ungkai t er hadap kemampuanpassi ngbawahpadaper mai nanbol av ol i , di per ol ehni l ai rhi y ung ( p) =55, 2%( P<α0. 05) .3)Adakont r i busi kekuat anot ott ungkai t er hadap kemampuanpassai ngbawahpadaper mai nanbol av ol i 56, 2%( P<α0. 05) .Ada kont r r i busianat ar akekuat anot otl engan, panj angt ungkai dankekuat anot ott ungkai t er hadapkemampuanpassi ngbawahpadaper mai nanbol av ol i , di per ol eh61, 6%

    Analisis Faktor-faktor Keluarga Yang Berhubungan Dengan Perilaku Agresif Pada Remaja Di Kota Malang (Dengan Pendekatan Teori Struktural Fungsional Keluarga)

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    Remaja memiliki tugas perkembangan yang harus dicapai yaitu identitas diri (identity). Tugas ini menekankan pentingnya rasa percaya diri. Ketidak berhasilan dalam mencapai tugas perkembangan akan mengakibatkan kebingungan peran (role confusion) yang dapat menyebabkan perilaku menyimpang seperti perillaku agresif. Perilaku ini muncul sebagai interaksi dari beberapa faktor seperti individu, keluarga, sosiokultural, dan paparan. Pendekatan teori struktural fungsional keluarga memandang terjadinya,Perubahan fungsi, dukungan, dan lingkungan didalam keluarga dapat mempengaruhi anggota keluarga. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis faktor keluarga (fungsi, dukungan, lingkungan didalam keluarga) yang berhubungan dengan perilaku agresif. Metode dalam penelitian ini deskriptif korelasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Jumlah sampel 83 responden diambil dengan proportional stratified random sampling. Alat ukur yang digunakan kusioner fungsi Family Assesment Device (FAD),dukungan Model Friedman, lingkungan Family Environment System (FES), dan perilaku agresif Aggression Questionnaire(AQ). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan mean skor fungsi keluarga 36,24 (59%) dalam kategori fungsional keluarga, dukungan keluarga 58,13 (58%) kategori dukungan sedang, lingkungan keluarga 72,18 (94%) kategori lingkungan terstruktur, dan perilaku agresif 76,24 (75%) kategori agresif diatas rata-rata. Analisis korelasi dengan Pearson didapatkan faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku agresif p-value &lt; α 0,05 adalah fungsi (p-value=0,001,r=-0,361), dukungan (p-value=0,000,r=-0,416), dan lingkungan (p-value=0,000,r=-0,37). Analisis multivariat dengan regresi linier berganda didapatkan sig 0,000&lt;0,05, dan koefisien fungsi keluarga paling besar (-0,390). Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa secara bersama-sama faktor fungsi, dukungan, dan lingkungan keluarga berhubungan secara bermakna dengan perilaku agresif. Peningkatan faktor fungsi, dukungan dan lingkungan keluarga akan menurunkan perilaku agresif. Dan faktor fungsi keluarga adalah yang paling berkontribusi atau berhubungan dengan perilaku agresif

    Preparation, Proximate Composition and Culinary Properties of Yellow Alkaline Noodles from Wheat and Raw/Pregelatinized Gadung (Dioscorea Hispida Dennst) Composite Flours

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    The steady increase of wheat flour price and noodle consumptions has driven researchers to find substitutes for wheat flour in the noodle making process. In this work, yellow alkaline noodles were prepared from composite flours comprising wheat and raw/pregelatinized gadung (Dioscorea hispida Dennst) flours. The purpose of this work was to investigate the effect of composite flour compositions on the cooking properties (cooking yield, cooking loss and swelling index) of yellow alkaline noodle. In addition, the sensory test and nutrition content of the yellow alkaline noodle were also evaluated for further recommendation. The experimental results showed that a good quality yellow alkaline noodle can be prepared from composite flour containing 20% w/w raw gadung flour. The cooking yield, cooking loss and swelling index of this noodle were 10.32 g, 1.20 and 2.30, respectively. Another good quality yellow alkaline noodle can be made from composite flour containing 40% w/w pregelatinized gadung flour. This noodle had cooking yield 8.93 g, cooking loss 1.20, and swelling index of 1.88. The sensory evaluation suggested that although the color, aroma and firmness of the noodles were significantly different (p ≤ 0.05) from wheat flour noodle, but their flavor remained closely similar. The nutrition content of the noodles also satisfied the Indonesian National Standard for noodle. Therefore, it can be concluded that wheat and raw/pregelatinized gadung composite flours can be used to manufacture yellow alkaline noodle with good quality and suitable for functional food

    The Effect of Pyrolysis Temperature of Palm Oil Shell on Quantity and Quality of Liquid Smoke

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    Palm oil shell can be processed into carbon and liquid smoke through pirolysis reaction where liquid smoke was obtained by condensation of smoke produced. In this research, liquid smoke was produced by pirolysis of 5 kg palm oil shell at temperature of 200 °C, 300 °C, and 400 °C for 4 hours and the composition of liquid smoke was analyzed with Gas Chromatography -Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). The pirolysis processes at 200 °C, 300 °C, and 400 °C produced 460 mL, 510 mL, and 550 mL of liquid smoke and 3.98, 3.24 and 1.49 kg of carbon respectively. The result of liquid smoke with pirolysis process at 200 °C were 30.73 %(w/w) of antioxidant and food flavor component (guaiacol, 2,3 - butanedione, furfural and 2-methyl-2-cyclopentenone), and 34.31 %(w/w) of harmful components (phenol , 2-propanone, 2-butanone and cyclopentanone). At 400 °C, 27.39 %(w/w) of components can be used in food products and 26.51 %(w/w) of components was harmful for health. Liquid smoke produced fromthis experiment cannot yet be used as food preservative because it still contains harmful components which are dangerous for health, therefore it needs further separation

    Perbedaan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematik antara yang Menggunakan Pembelajaran Kontekstual dengan Problem Based Learning di Mts Al-mu\u27amalah Garut

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    This study uses a model of learning that is Contextual teaching and learning and method Problem Based Learning. Research conducted a experimental study. Learning with this learning method directs students to be able to solve mathematical problems. The purpose of this study was to determine differences in mathematical problem-solving skills among students who received guided discovery method is better than the students who received contextual teaching learning and problem Based learning method is haven\u27t better enough significance then between two methods. After doing a pretest and posttest and using a significance level of 5% can be concluded that the mathematical problem-solving ability of students who received contextual teaching and learning methodis no better than problem based learning
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