18 research outputs found

    한정숙, '시베리아 유형의 역사: 격리 형벌, 계몽, 자유', 민음사, 2017.

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    Literature : A Study on the Tragic Aspect of Gogol`s dualist View

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    Взгляды Гоголя характеризуются символизацией мира сквозь призму эстетического и дуалистического мировоззрения, которое объясняется влиянием романтического идеализма и православия, с одной стороны, и личной устремлённостью Гоголя к идеализму, с другой стороны. В связи с этим, его отражение действительности имеет большое значение в его миропонимании как способ ощущения мира и в его творчестве как способ живописного представления мира. Но дуалистическое мировоззрение Гоголя представляется в его произведениях противоречиво в зависимости от предмета изображения. Когда речь идёт о высоком - об искусстве и художниках, Гоголь относится к ним серьёзно с точки зрения своего мессианского и символизирoванного понимания искусства и представляет их символичным способом. А к пошлой, низкой действительности он относится с иронией и представляет её аллегоричным способом: с помощью фрагментальности, повторов, параллелизма и т. д. Стремясь достичь нового символизированного представления разрушенной, по его мнению, действительности, Гоголь терпит неудачу. Неудача писателя может объясняться или принципиальной невозможностью достижения гармонии для человечества, или нецельностью его мировоззрения, в котором совмещены разнородовые дуалистические философские взгляды, такие как платоновский, романтический, религиозный и т. д

    Neoliberalist Globalization and Russias Resource Nationalism: In Search of New Russian-EU Energy Cooperation Measures

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    The neoliberalist globalization led by the U.S.A. and EU, based on the neoclassical viewpoint of humanity as an individual autonomous subject, has been confronted with strong counteractions by the developing countries abundant in energy resources like Russia. The Russian government under Putin government takes the strategy of "resource nationalism" for the purpose of restoring the status of "Global Superpower" by means of energy resources and counterbalancing U.S.A.s imperialistic foreign policy of keeping their unipolar hegemony all over the world. But ironically Russia, criticizing the U.S.A.'s imperialistic foreign policy, takes the similar path of nationalism and imperialism, which leads Russia to the aggravation of domestic economic basis and the impairment of its external image. The Russian government should perceive that its policy of chauvinistic resource nationalism has brought about such serious side effects and has prevented it from effective exploitation and distribution of abundant fossil resources, which made Russia further isolated from Global Superpower. This study aims at searching for an alternative energy cooperation measures between Russia and EU, based on "gift theory". This study comes to the conclusion that EU and Russia should give each other the gifts of understanding the other as a precious neighbor and trying to take energy cooperation measures over 까he gap over generosity and reciprocity" of gifts. In the future, this study may be followed by the future studies on the energy cooperation measures between Russian and other energy importing countries, including South Korea

    고골 문학의 아라베스크 시학 연구 : 『아라베스끼』 문집을 중심으로

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    학위논문(박사)--서울대학교 대학원 :노어노문학과 노문학전공,2003.Docto

    Изменение идиллического миропонимания в ранних произведениях Гоголя

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    고골(H. В. Гоголь, 1809-1852)의 작품 세계를 연구하는 데 있어, 그의 처녀작인 「한스 큐헬가르텐(Ганц КюхельгартеН)」(1829)(이하 『한스』)은 발표 당시 뿐 아니라 오늘날까지도 연구자들과 독자들의 관심의 대상이 되지 못하였고, 그 이유로 이 작품에서 드러나는 낭만주의 시 전통의 단순한 모방성과 고골의 미숙한 시적 기교가 주로 거론되어 왔다. 그러나 그 이외에도 그의 처녀작이 사람들의 주의를 끌지 못한 데에는 19세기 중, 후반과 20세기의 사실주의 문학 비평이 낭만주의를 가치폄하하면서 고골의 작품 세계를 주로 낭만주의에서 사실주의로의 진화의 관점에서 바라보았던 시대적인 배경도 작용하였다. 그러나 19세기 말, 20세기 초의 모더니즘 시기에 고골과 낭만주의의 관계가 주로 상징주의자들에 의해 잠시나마 집중적으로 조명되었으며, 거의 1세기가 지난 오늘날에는 고골의 작품 세계와 낭만주의의 연관성이 새롭게 문제 제기되고 있다. 이러한 상항에서 고골의 가장 낭만주의적인 처녀작을 통해 그의 작품세계에 접근하는 것은 그동안 간과되어 왔던 고골 문학의 낭만주의적 토대를 진지하게 조명하는 작업이 될 것이다. в истории исследования творчества Гоголя вне серьёзного внимания обычно нах одится его самое первое произведение (ГК), которое по жа нру определяется романтической идиллией. Причина такого явления, кажется, в том, что считается сплошным и фрагментарным подражанием разных р омантических поэтических жанров. Но, хотя признано, что оно обнаруживает бес порядочную подражательность и вообще неспособность Гоголя к стихотворчеств у, там тоже можно найти механизм творчества Гоголя, особенно романтизирова нное идиллическое начало, которое постоянно варьируется во многих его прозаи ческих произведениях. Показательными являются (С П) и (пт)

    부닌의《Жизнь Арсеньева 》 연구 : "서정적 산문"과 "예술가 정신"에 관하여

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    학위논문(석사)--서울대학교 대학원 :노어노문학과 노문학전공,1997.Maste

    Korea-Russia Agricultural Cooperation for Activation of Social Agricultural Economy in Sakhalin Oblast': Searching for Christian Cooperation Policies

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    세계화 체제에서 농업은 다양한 자연적, 사회문화적, 경제적 위기에 봉착해 있다. 이 위기를 극복하고 식량안보와 식품안전 및 농업과 농촌의 내발적이고 지속가능한 발전을 이루기 위해서는 경쟁중심적인 경제 체제가 보다 생명중심적이고 친환경적인 가치관에 토대를 둔 사회적 농업 경제로 전환되어야 할 것이다. 본고는 기독교적인 관점에서 사회적 농업 경제의 원칙을 정립하고, 사할린 주의 사회적 농업 기업의 현황과 사회적, 경제적 문제의 해결방안을 모색하고, 이를 한국과 사할린 주의 지자체간 농업협력에 적용해보고자 한다. 이를 위하여 한국과 사할린 주의 모든 행위자들은 가치지향적이고 생명을 중시하는 세계관에 따른 관계 정체성의 재정립, 사할린 주 농업활동의 단일화, 사할린 한인 영농인과의 협력, 농업협력사업의 자원순환산업, 관광산업 등으로의 확대, 선도개발구역 유즈나야에 사회적 농업 기업 형태로의 진출, 한국 정부의 ODA와 기업의 CSR의 연계, 동북아 지자체간 농업협력의 활성화 등을 추진하는 것이 효과적이다. 이 기독교적인 농업협력을 통하여 동북아 차원에서 장기적인 이윤 창출, 농업 및 농촌의 내발적이고 지속가능한 발전, 식량안보와 식품안전의 효과를 거둘 수 있을 것이다. In the globalization regime, the agricultural sector faces intensifying risk factors in the natural, socio-cultural, and economic dimensions. To realize the food security and safety, and voluntary and sustainable development of agriculture and rural villages, the current competition-centric economic system should be transformed into more life-centric and environmental friendly social economic system. This paper aims to establish Christian principles for the development of social agricultural enterprises, especially agricultural cooperatives and Korean-Russian agricultural cooperation. To realize them, from my Christian viewpoint, all agents in Korea and Sakhalin Oblast are required to establish alternative relational identities based on more value-oriented and life-centric Christian worldview and search for alternative policies for the unification of business channels; agricultural cooperation with Sakhalin Korean farmers; expansion of agricultural business into relevant businesses, such as resources-recycling industry and tourism; participation of social agricultural enterprises in an agro-industrial cluster in Territory of Advanced Development Yuzhnaya; integration of ODA and CSR in official and unofficial; activation of agricultural cooperation for development of social economy in Northeast Asia, etc

    Reflection on CSRs of Companies at Energy Blocks on Caspian Sea: Centering on Risk Management on Climate and Environmental Problems

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    This paper aims to diagnose interaction of energy projects and environmental risk factors in the northern part of Caspian Sea in Kazakhstan and reflect on CSR implemented by two international consortiums, NCOC and TCO at Kashagan and Tengiz respectively, additionally referring to Chevron`s CSR in the world and BP`s CSR in Azerbaijan. Then it intends to reflect on governmental policies to tackle environmental risk factors in energy sector and suggest ideas for better risk management at energy blocks in Kazakhstan. Continental climate and geological conditions of offshore Kashagan and onshore Tengiz blocks in the Northern part of Caspian Sea are too severe for NCOP and TCO to overcome, and the conditions will be aggravated by intensifying climate change and environmental pollutions. The international consortiums of the two super-mega projects have not paid sufficient attention to their negative impact on ecosystem and local communities adjacent to the projects such as emission of sour gas and other toxic gases like mercaptan, GHG emission, water pollution and lack in water, etc. Consequently diverse climate and environmental risk factors may in turn threaten the environmental security of the energy projects. NCOC and TCO have been punished by Kazakhstan government for their chronic violation of environmental regulations since 2007. The resource nationalism policy taken by Kazakhstan government may reflect partially the government`s intensifying awareness of climate change and environmental degradation in energy industry. Even if energy companies in Kazakhstan have published considerably rational and viable CSR reports since 2008, containing risk management system to gas flaring, sour gas emission, water pollution, still their CSRs and Chevron`s and BP`s CSRs do not make big difference in reality. The reason may lie in the companies` opportunistic and dual practices of CSR strategies, based on economist principle, which result in the companies` highly vulnerability to climate and environmental, geopolitical and economic risk factors such as climate change, environmental degradation, national government`s resource nationalist policy and prevalent corruption in local societies. Their economy-centered and Western-centric CSRs should be transformed into alternative CSR models both universal and tailored to local conditions, especially to fulfil local people`s basic need. Kazakhstan government, as a national government with the biggest potential to play the role of leader in risky society, is required to guide energy companies and the whole nation to the way of sustainable development by establishing joint project with governmental, corporate and civil stakeholders and searching for alternative risk management and sustainable energy development systems