111 research outputs found

    Novel intelligent and high performance conductivity detector for ion chromatog-raphy

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    结合电子测量技术和计算机智能控制技术,设计了一种新型高性能智能化的离子色谱电导检测系统。系统采用两级分布式控制方式,在有效抑制噪声的同时,能够精确并且智能化的完成离子色谱信号的放大、采集、处理、谱图显示等功能。文章介绍了该系统的硬件组成、软件设计以及系统工作的基本原理,并给出测量实例。实验结果表明系统运行良好,结果可靠,完全可应用于实际的离子色谱检测。Combined with the technology of electronics measurement and computer intelligent control, a novel conductivity detector for ion chromatography with high performance and intelligence is presented in this article. The system implements a two-level distributed control, so it can not only suppress the noise effectively, but also accomplish such functions as magnifying, gathering and processing the ion chromatography signal precisely and intelligently, as well as displaying the spectrum of the ion chromatography signal. This article introduces the hardware construction and software design of the system and the principle of the system working. A measurement instance is also presented in this paper. The experimental result shows that the system runs well and the datum are reliable, so it can be applied in practical detection for ion chromatography completely.福建省科技资助项目(2001H081);; 厦门市科技计划资助项目(3502Z2001251

    Arachidonic acid oil production by microbial fermentation

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    花生四烯酸(ArA)是一种重要的脂肪酸,现在主要由生物法生产,本文综述了高山被孢霉发酵生产花生四烯酸油脂的菌落形态控制及其代谢途径,以期为相关的研究者提供参考。Arachidonic acid(ARA) is a very important fatty acid,and mainly proudced by biological method.In this paper,production of ARA by Mortierella alpina and the involved metabolic pathways were reviewed,in order to provide references for relative research.广东省工业技术研究院生物工程研究所科技基金(B201301

    Advances in the Catalysts and Mechanism for Ammonia Synthesis

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    通讯联系人:廖代伟[中文摘要]本文综述了氨合成这一最重要的工业多相催化过程80 多年来的研究进展。介绍了氨合成熔铁催化剂、氨合成钌催化剂的发展以及对氨合成催化反应机理的不同看法。[英文摘要]The advances in ammonia synthesis as is one of the most important industrial heterogeneous catalytic processes are reviewed. The developments of both fused iron catalysts and ruthenium catalysts and the different opinions on catalytic mechanism for ammonia synthesis are discussed.国家自然科学基金;固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室和福建炼油厂资


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    Assessing ecological risks of heavy metals to marine organisms in the Jiulongjiang Estuary by species sensitivity distribution

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    采用物种敏感性分布法(SSd)构建常见重金属元素对海洋生物的SSd曲线,结合九龙江口水体5、8、11月份21个站位重金属调查数据,计算了九龙江口7种重金属(AS,Cd,Cr,Cu,Hg,Pb,zn)不同暴露浓度对海洋生物的潜在影响比例(PAf),并分析了在相应站位重金属复合污染生态风险(MSPAf)。结果表明,7种重金属中AS的生态风险最大(即PAf值最高);时间尺度上,5月份总的MSPAf较其他月份稍高;空间尺度上,西溪至海门岛(1~7号站位)污染较严重,其中又以位于西溪和玉枕洲的2号和5号站位的MSPAf为最。In the present work,a species sensitivity distribution( SSD) method was used to assess the ecological risk of common heavy metals to marine organisms.The ecological risk was characterized by potentially affected fraction( PAF) of species in relation to concentration of the toxic materials.According to the investigation data obtained at 21 stations in the Jiulongjiang Estuary in May,August and November,the PAFs of seven heavy metals( As,Cd,Cr,Cu,Hg, Pb,and Zn) to marine organisms were calculated.The results showed that As had the highest PAF among the seven heavy metals at each station of the Jiulongjiang Estuary.Spatially,the multi-substance PAF( msPAF) in May was higher than in other months.Temporally,the msPAF of the Stations 1-7( from the Xixi Stream to the Haimen Isle of the Jiulongjiang Estuary) suffered from heavier pollution.In particular,the pollution status of the Station 2 and Station 5 was the most serious among all the investigated stations.海洋公益性行业科研经费专项(201105015); 国家海洋局青年海洋科学基金项目(2011143); 国家自然科学基金项目(31101902); 福建省自然科学基金项目(2012J05074); 国家海洋局第三海洋研究所基本科研业务费专项(海三科2011006)资


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    FT-IR spectroscopy is employed to investigate the methane dissociation and methane partial oxidation over the Rh/SiO 2 catalyst. When CH 4 is adsorbed onto the catalyst surface, it dissociates into adsorbed CH x (x=1~3) and atomic hydrogen on Rh surface. Atomic hydrogen can diffuse from Rh surface to SiO 2 surface where a proton exchange reaction of H with the surface Si-OH occurs, or it reacts with the lattice oxygen of SiO 2 to form new Si-OH


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    采用原位时间分辨红外光谱(in situ TR-FTIR)技术, 在500~600℃、时间分辨率优于0.3 s的条件下, 对CH4/O2/He (2/1/45, 摩尔比)混合气在不同预处理后的Rh/SiO2, Ru/?-Al2O3和Ru/SiO2上的反应及其与催化剂上吸附CO物种的作用情况进行了跟踪、考察. 实验结果表明, 在还原态和工作态Rh/SiO2上, CO是POM反应的初级产物. 由甲烷直接脱氢生成表面吸附氢和CHx (x = 1~3)物种, 后者再进一步氧化生成CO是Rh/SiO2上POM反应的主要途径. 在Ru/?-Al2O3, Ru/SiO2和氧化态的Rh/SiO2上, CO2是CH4/O2/He混合气反应的初级产物. CH4与CO2和H2O的重整反应是Ru/?-Al2O3和Ru/SiO2上CO和H2生成的主要途径. 在Rh/SiO2和Ru/?-Al2O3上, 催化剂表面吸附CO物种的进一步氧化是POM反应中CO2生成的重要途径之一.国家重点基础研究发展规划项目!(批准号: G1999022408);高等学校博士学科点专项科研基