157 research outputs found

    Cloning and expression patterns of gonadal soma-derived factor (Gsdf) in two hermaphrodite fishes

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    性腺体细胞衍生因子(Gsdf)是转化生长因子β(TGF-β)超家族的新成员。作为一种硬骨鱼特有并仅在性腺表达的生长因子,Gsdf在早期生殖细胞发育中发挥重要作用。雌雄同体鱼类为研究性腺分化和发育机制提供了理想的材料,然而Gsdf在雌雄同体鱼类中的表达模式及功能目前仍不明确。本研究运用组织学、生物化学和分子生物学等技术,对Gsdf在雌性先熟的赤点石斑鱼和雄性先熟的黄鳍鲷两种不同类型雌雄同体鱼类中的表达模式进行了初步研究,主要研究成果如下: 1.观察了赤点石斑鱼和黄鳍鲷性腺发育组织学,根据各级生殖细胞的数量和发育状态以及卵巢和精巢的成熟先后,并结合GSI数据,将赤点石斑鱼性腺发育分为雌性阶段(F...Gonadal soma-derived factor (Gsdf) is a new member of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) superfamily. As an unique growth factor that only expresses in gonads of teleost, Gsdf plays an important role in early germ cell development. Hermaphroditic fishes provide a good experimental model for understanding the mechanisms of sex determination and differentiation. However expression patterns ...学位:理学博士院系专业:海洋与地球学院_海洋生物学学号:2242011015361

    Correlation analysis between bone metabolism and blood stasis in perimenopausal women

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    目的探讨围绝经期女性骨代谢状况与"血瘀"的关联性。方法 132例符合纳入标准的围绝经期女性按年龄每5岁为一组,分为4组,采用电化学发光法检测不同阶段Ⅰ型胶原氨基端前肽(PINP)、Ⅰ型胶原羧基端肽β特殊序列(β-CTX)、骨钙素N-端中分子片段(N-MID)等骨代谢指标,同时检测血液流变学指标,并对其进行"血瘀"量化评分、甲襞微循环评分,相关数据采用多元回归等统计学进行分析。结果 PINP与全血中切粘度、血瘀量化评分、甲襞微循环评分存在显著的正相关(P<0.01);β-CTX与血瘀量化评分、甲襞微循环评分存在显著的正相关(P<0.01),与红细胞电泳时间存在显著负相关(P<0.01),与全血低切粘度、红细胞刚性指数存在正相关(P<0.05);N-MID与全血中切粘度、血瘀量化评分、甲襞微循环评分存在显著正相关(P<0.01)与全血低切粘度存在正相关(P<0.05)。结论围绝经女性骨代谢状况与"血瘀"关系密切,血瘀是导致围绝经女性骨代谢状况发生变化而发生骨质疏松的重要因素之一。Objective To discuss the correlation between bone metabolism and blood stasis in perimenopausal women. Me thods132 cases of perimenopausal women meeting the inclusion criteria were divided into 4 groups by every 5-year age. Type I collagen amino-terminal propeptide( PINP),carboxy-terminal peptide β special sequence( β-CTX),and molecular osteocalcin N- terminal fragment( N-MID) were detected with electrochemical luminescence at different stages. Blood rheology,blood stasis quantitative score,and microcirculation score were simultaneously detected. Data were analyzed using multiple regression method. Re sults PINP was positively correlated with shear viscosity of whole blood,blood stasis quantitative score,and microcirculation score( P <0. 01). β-CTX was positively correlated with blood stasis quantitative score,microcirculation score,lowshear whole blood viscosity,and erythrocyte rigidity index( P < 0. 01),but was negatively correlated with erythrocyte electrophoresis time( P <0. 01). N-MID was positively correlated with whole blood viscosity,blood stasis quantitative score,microcirculation score( P <0. 01),and lowshear whole blood viscosity( P < 0. 05). Conclusion Bone metabolism and blood stasis are closely related in perimenopausal women. Blood stasis is one of the important factors leading to osteoporosis and change of bone metabolism in perimenopausal women.福建省医学创新课题(2012-CXB-26);; 福建省中医药课题(WST201205


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    对 1999年全国游泳冠军赛和锦标赛的 18个省市代表队 12 0名高水平运动员的运动损伤进行全面、系统的调查研究。结果显示 :我国高水平游泳运动员的运动损伤患病率达 6 5 % ;女运动员患病率明显高于男运动员 ;运动员损伤多属于急性中度损伤 ;损伤多发生在冬训和赛前大负荷训练阶段 ;损伤好发部位为肩、腰、膝部 ,以肩袖损伤最多 ;受伤者多为具有 6~ 9年训练年限、运动等级达到健将级水平的 14~ 18岁的运动员 ;损伤的主要原因有超负荷和局部负荷过重、训练水平不够、生理机能或心理状态不良等。福建省教委课题! (NO .JB991345

    Structural Recombination of Polymethylsilicone Induced by Laser Plasma

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    [中文文摘]将脉冲激光束在惰性气氛中溅射石墨产生的等离子体,与一维链状聚甲基硅氧烷的蒸气束流反应 ,在产物中通过真空升华和重结晶分离出了两种单晶,经X射线衍射测定为具有 (CH3SiO1.5) n(n =8,10 )组成的硅氧烷,它们均具有多面体的三维笼状构型 .通过色 -质联用还检测到其它硅氧烷化合物,其中某些产物已表征为二维多环的构型.反应结果表明,经由激光等离子体的碰撞和能量传递,反应物的链状结构发生解离和进一步反应,经结构重组形成了多种不同组成和构型的产物。[英文文摘]A special synthetic reaction has been developed, in which vapor of the reactant interacts with the high temperature plasma generated by laser ablating a graphite target. By selecting chained methylsilicone as reactant, a series of methylsilsesquioxanes products with various structural configurations have been obtained. Among them, two products, which were separated by sublimation in high vacuum and recrystalization, were characterized by X-ray crystal diffraction as (CH_3SiO_ 1.5)_n (n=8,10). Both of them are found to have three-dimensional cage structure.In addition,other products with double ring structure were detected by GC-MS analysis.The results demonstrate the potential application of the synthetic reaction.In the reaction described in this article,resulting from the collision and energy-transfer of the laser plasma,chain structure of the reactant dissociated and recombined to give the cage and ring structure of the product.国家自然科学基金重大项目(29890210)资助课


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    Soft magnetic properties and high frequency characteristics of Fe-O nanocrystalline alloy films

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    采用等离子体增强射频磁控溅射沉积方法,在室温下制备了fE-O合金薄膜。研究了氧的掺杂量和薄膜厚度对薄膜软磁和高频特性的影响。结果发现少量氧的掺杂不导致低饱和磁化强度铁氧化物的形成,但可使薄膜晶粒细化,矫顽力下降。在薄膜厚度低于150nM且氧气与氩气相对流量比为2.4%的条件下,薄膜的实部磁导率高达1100且能够维持到1gHz.The effect of oxygen-doping and thickness has been studied on soft magnetic properties and high-frequency characteristics of Fe-O alloy thin films prepared by a helicon-plasma-enhanced RF magnetron sputter-deposition at room temperature.A reduction in coercivity due to grain refinement was achieved using very low dose of oxygen which did not lead to the formation of crystalline Fe oxides with the low saturation magnetization.The real part(μ')of permeability has a high value of 1100 and is maintained up to 1 GHz below 150 nm for the relative O 2 flow ratio of R O 2 = 2.4%

    On Assembling Polychlorinated Aromatic Hydrocarbons from carbon tetrachloride via dichlorocarbene intermediary by a solvothermal reaction: A reaction pattern from carbene-ylide interconversion

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    The forced one-electron reduction of carbon tetrachloride with sodium in a sealed steel vessel is shown to have a narrow window of conditions to arrest the reaction at the polychlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons (PCAHs), as well as to prevent the reaction from proceeding all the way to the final stage of graphite and other carbon solids. The intermediates are quenched with toluene or benzene to give electrophilic substitution products and with water to give a quinomethine as the major product. The product pattern leads us to propose the carbene, perchlorobenzo[c,d]pyren-6-ylidene, or its reversible dimer as the major intermediate among others, that survives the severe conditions until coming into contact with these nucleophiles. Mainly from aromatic resonance stabilization, the carbene is proposed to have a delocalized singlet state analogous to a ylide electronic structure and, thus, undergoes observed ionic reactions instead of typical carbene reactions. This work serves as a mechanistic link on the structural evolution of carbon networks between molecular chemistry and nanomaterial chemistry

    pH-Induced Simultaneous Synthesis and Self-Assembly of 3D Layered beta-FeOOH Nanorods

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    Higher-ordered architectures self-assembly of nanomaterials have recently attracted increasing attention. In this work, we report a spontaneous and efficient route to simultaneous synthesis and self-assembly of 3D layered beta-FeOOH nanorods depending oil a pH-induced strategy, in which the continuous change of pH is achieved by hydrolysis of FeCl3 center dot 6H(2)O in the presence of urea under hydrothermal conditions. The electron microscopy observations reveal that the square-prismic beta-FeOOH nanorods are self-assembled ill a side-by-side fashion to form highly oriented 2D nanorod arrays, and the 2D nanorod arrays are further stacked in a face-to-face fashion to form the Final 3D layered architectures. Oil the basis of time-dependent experiments, a multistage reaction mechanism for the formation of the 3D layered beta-FeOOH nanorods architecture is presented, involving the fast growth and synchronous self-assembly of the nanorods toward I D, 213, and 3D spontaneously. The experimental evidence further demonstrates that the urea-decomposition-dependent pH continuously changing in the Solution, spontaneously altering the driving force competition between the electrostatic repulsive force and the attractive van der Waals force among the nanorods building blocks, is the essential factor to influence the self-assembly of the beta-FeOOH nanorods from 1D to 3D.NSFC,20525103,20801045,20531050,20725310 973 Program 2007CB81530

    Effect of Refractive Index of Substrate on Fabrication and Optical Properties of Hybrid Au-Ag Triangular Nanoparticle Arrays

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    以石英和不同型号的玻片为基底,系统研究了基底折射率对周期性金银复合纳米阵列的制备及其光学性能的影响。采用离散偶极子近似(ddA)数值方法研究了复合阵列的局部表面等离子共振(lSPr)光谱特性,计算结果表明,当基底折射率为1.43和1.68时,纳米阵列的折射率灵敏度(rIS)和品质因子(fOM)比较优异。利用纳米球刻蚀法(nSl)制备了二维周期性复合纳米点阵结构,实验结果表明,当基底折射率为1.43和1.68时,基底与贵金属纳米颗粒有较好的粘合度,纳米阵列结构形貌比较规则清晰。Based on the substrate of silica and different types of slides, the effect of refractive index of substrate on fabrication and optical properties of hybrid Au- Ag triangular periodic nanoparticle arrays is systematically investigated.The optical spectrum of localized surface plasmon resonance(LSPR) simulated by discrete dipole approximation(DDA) numerical method shows that the nanoparticle arrays can obtain better refractive index sensitivity(RIS) and figure of merit(FOM), when refractive index of substrate is 1.43 and 1.68, respectively.The nanosphere lithography(NSL) is used to fabricate the periodic nanostructure arrays.The experimental results demonstrate that when refractive index of substrate is 1.43 and 1.68, nanoparticles and substrate have better adhesive ability.Meanwhile, the nanoparticles both form a large-scale monolayer array with the hexagonally close-packed structure.国家自然科学基金(11074207); 厦门科技项目(3502Z20143020;2012S0484); 福建省教育厅科技项目(JA11157;12200); 集美大学潘金龙基金(C512038