1,062 research outputs found

    Electrolysis of Sodium Chloride Solution with Pt-Plated Titanium Anode

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    Titanium plates were electroplated with platinum, and sodium chloride solution was electrolyzed using these plates as anodes. Four kinds of plating baths were tried, and good results were obtained with bath containing 4g of H_2PtCl_6・6H_20, 20g of (NH_4)_2HPO_4 and 100g of Na_2H_2O per litre. Using the best anode obtained, sodium chloride solution was electrolyzed without diaphragm at room temperature for about 13 months, the solution being renewed at intervals of 7 or 8 days. Current was about 1 A and the volume of the solution was about 250ml. The surface of the anode looked unchanged after 13 months.不溶性陽極の重要性は今更喋々するまでもないがその理想的なものは得難い。古くより知られたものとして白金,黒鉛,磁性酸化鉄があり更に過酸化鉛極が登場している。これらの中,白金は性状は理想に近いが甚だ高価である。他のものは白金のように高価ではないが性状にいずれも何らかの欠点がある。然るに近時新しい電極としてチタン上に白金をメッキした電極が現われた。この電極は主として電解ソーダ用電極としての意義が注目されているが,その作用は次の如くである。チタンは食塩水中で耐食性大であり,陽分極させると酸化皮膜を生じ抵抗が大になるが,その時その表面に白金が接触(例えば白金メッキ)していると電流は大部分白金附着部を通り,チタンの一部が露出されていた場合その部分は保護膜のため電流は僅しか通らぬが極全体としての総電流は必要な大きさになるというのである。メタンは白金より勿論遥に安価だからこの様な極を用いれば例えば食塩水電解において白金に似て白金より安価な極を得た事になる。食塩水電解において黒鉛に比すると両極間隔を一定に保ち易く崩壊によるトラブルなく得られる製品の純度も高い等の利益があると云われる。(食塩水電解以外の用途も勿論ある)。この種の電極はI.C.IとEngelhard社の共同研究以来(1959)各社の注目するところとなり,隔膜槽,水銀槽に用いての試験,或いはクロレート槽での試験も行われるに至っている。白金―チタン極は必しも白金メッキに限らず線状またはリボン状の白金をチタンに接着したものも含まれるというが,やはりメッキをしたものの方が経済的であろう。メッキ層は密着している必要があるだろうが薄くて事足りるならそれに越した事はない。このメッキ方法がまず第一に重要な問題であろう。本電極については記載はいくつもあるが多く総説的な紹介記事で具体的詳細の発表は殆どないと言ってよいであろう。筆者らは手始めにまず従来知られているありふれた電鍍浴を用いてチタン板に白金メッキを行い,その極を用いて食塩水電解を行ったのでその結果を報告する

    ダイ5ジ ナンキョク チイキ カンソクタイ エットウタイ キショウ ブモン ガイホウ

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    Meteorological observations at Syowa Base in 5th expedition were maintained in the year 1960-1962. Among scientific disciplines importance was attached to the meteorological section consisting of 4 members, to take various types of observation. General and characteristic features in meteorological observations are summarized in the following. A. Surface observation: 3-hourly observations were made throughout the wintering period, 4 observations were transmitted to Mother Station (Mawson), twice daily. In addition to the specified observations, radiation, sunshine and ground temperature were also observed by continuous selfrecording instrument respectively. The special features of this year is that, compared with the appearance of the annual minimum temperature normally in September in the Antarctic, the minimum occurred in July and it is shown that the average temperature in September was 5.5℃ higher than the normal value. B. Upper air observation: One time (12Z) daily rawinsonde observations were made throughout the year except a few cases of only radiosonde observation. Twice daily (00 and 12Z) rawinsonde observations were made during World Meteorological Interval of Post-IGY (July 16-July 25). All observations were transmitted to Mother Station every day. Equipments used : D-55A type Automatic Direction Finder (Similar type with GMD-1A) JMA-RSII Rawinsonde, 1680 Mc JMA-SIII Radiosonde, 27 Mc 800g Balloon (Latex) CaH_2 Cans for Hydrogen gas to fill balloons. Monthly average temperatures and heights were shown in respective figures. In September, combined with the surface temperature, the strong warm-air inflow throughout the troposphere below 300mb could be seen. A rapid warming in the stratosphere in spring was also clearly observed. Wind rose at some selected pressure levels were shown in Figs. 7-10. In general, the wind is strong in winter, especially in the stratosphere and NE-ly and SW-ly winds are predominant in the troposphere, SW-ly or W-ly in the stratosphere. The E-ly winds were also observed above 30 mb in summer. C. Ozone observation: i) Total ozone observation Dobson ozone spectrophotometer was used for this observation. Table 3 shows the results of only direct sunlight observation with reliable AD wave length setting. Comparison is made in Figs. 11 and 12 between Syowa Base, Little America and Halley Bay. Total ozone amount can be said to increase in spring from November to December over the Antarctic and the maximum seems to appear in summer. The 10-days average values of Syowa Base and Halley Bay show to be in good similarity in spite of different year. It may also be noted that a good correlation exists between rapid increase of ozone amount and temperature of 50mb in late November. ii) Surface ozone observation The density of surface ozone was measured on days without drifting snow from the end of February 1961. Based on Ehmert method, the equipment developed by Mr. KAWAMURA, Meteorological Research Institute, was used. It may be seen that the density increase in autumn and reaches its maximum value about 40 μg/m^3 in early June in polar night season, then decreases rapidly until the sun comes back and indicates minimum in early summer. It should be noted that there is 6 months\u27 phase difference between the surface ozone amount and the total ozone amount. D. Special observation: Snow accumulation Toward ENE-ly direction from the base, 6 snow stakes were erected and snow accumulation was observed several times every month. The result is shown in Table 4 in which the annual accumulation was 121 cm. Average density of snow was 0.474 and the equivalent amount of water was 574 m/m