10 research outputs found

    [[alternative]]INTERLLIGENT AGENT

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    采用含活性氢的氯羟丙基磷酸酯(CHPA)参与Pu发泡配方中的异氰酸酯反应,使生成的软质聚氨酯泡沫(软Puf)分子含阻燃元素Cl、P而实现其阻燃化。研究结果表明,含12PHrCHPA的软质Puf的阻燃性能可达gb10800-89/Ⅰ级。着重研究了CHPA对软质Puf的阻燃机理,提出燃烧初期Puf/CHPA中的C-Cl键断裂,释放出HCl与磷酸酯作用,生成POCl3、PCl3、PCl5等不燃性化合物。此P/Cl化合物一方面因其散发速度比HCl慢,而延长在燃烧区域的停滞时间,更有效地在气相起阻燃作用;另一方面,在高温有氧存在下,与氧作用生成各种形态的磷酸,其强烈的脱水作用使含氧的Puf在层碳化而生成阻隔燃烧的覆盖层,起到固相阻燃的作用。二者的协同是使软质Puf呈较佳阻燃效应的原因。In the Foaming of PU,chlorohydroxypropylphosphate(CHPA) was used to react with the isocyanate to participate the Foaming recipe so that Fire-extinguishing elements such as P,Cl was made to join in the molecular chain of PU to make the Foam Flame-retarding.It was studied to show that the Flame-retarding eFFect of the Flexible PUF containing 12 phr CHPA hit the speciFication of GB-10800-89/I.In this paper,the Flame-retarding mechanism is investigated to show that in the early stage of the combustion,C-Cl bond in PU-CHPA is broken and HCl is given ofF to interact with the phosphate so that incombustible compounds such as POCl_3 PCl_3,PCl_3 are released.On the one hand,they have a smaller volatizing speed than HCl and consequently a longer interval of time to suspend in the material,so they can act more eFFiciently under gas phase;on the other hand,under high temperatures,they react with oxygen in the enviroment to produce varieties of phosphoric acids whose extremelt strong eFFect of dehydration carbonizes the PU Foam to Form an insulation surFace layer to prevent the material From Further combustion,that is,act under solid phase.The cooperation of the two aspects is the major reason to give the PUF a Fairly good Flame-retarding eFFect

    Studies of the Flame-retarding EFFect and Mechanism of CHPA on Flexible PU Foam

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    本文研究了含活性氢的氯羟丙基磷酸酯(CHPA)对聚氨酯(Pu)软泡的化学阻燃作用及其阻燃机理.结果表明,含12PHrCHPA的Pu软泡阻燃性达到gb10800—89/I级.通过对阻燃机理的研究,可以认为,在燃烧初期Pu—CHPA中的C—Cl键断裂释出HCl,HCl可与磷酸酯相互作用生成POCl_3、PCl_3和POCl_5等不燃性物,在气相起阻燃作用;在燃烧过程中,这些含P化合物在高温有氧存在下又形成具有很强脱水作用的各种形态磷酸,它们使含氧的Pu软泡炭化形成阻隔燃烧的覆盖层,这些是使软泡具有较佳阻燃性的原因.The Flame-retarding eFFect and mechanism of chlorohydroxypropylphosphate(CHPA) containing active hydrogen on PU Foam were studied.The results showed the Foam containing 12 PHR CHPA hit the Flame-retarding speciFication of GB10800-89/I.The result of the study of the Flame-retarding mechanism of CHPA showed in the early stage of combustion, the C -Cl bond in PU -CHPA was broken and HC1 was released to interact with the phosphate so that incombustible compounds such as POC13, PCl3 ,POCl5 were given ofF to act as Flame-retardants.In the very stage of combustion, under higher temperaturs the compoundes containing phosphorus reacted with oxygen to lead to the producing of varieties of phosphoric acids, whose extremely strong eFFect of dehydration carbonized the PU Foam to Form an insulation surFace layer to prevent the material From Further comubstion.These two aspects were the major reasons because of which the Foam had a Fairly good Flame-retardant property


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    [[abstract]]本發明提出一個有效的非線性加權模糊均值濾波器可以濾除影像中高密度污染之高斯突波雜訊(Gaussian impulse noise)。僅藉由單一週期,濾波器的權重便可以根據模糊規則來調整。這些模糊規則是依據影像的歷史統計資料(histogram)所訂定的。在知識庫中所有的模糊規則可同時平行推論以評估輸入訊號的自然特性並且調適濾波器。統計上的分析保證所發明之濾波方法即使在影像已經完全地被污染的情況下依然具有強固性與穩定的效能。本濾波器中的各個重要元件由LR模糊基本元件所合成。該基本元件採用類比電流模式的技術以達到高速、低功率、小電路面積的目標。每一個基本元件都同時地執行每秒20,000,000模糊推論,因此可以使得合成的濾波器每秒至少處理50張256點見方的影像。此實為一高速的濾波器。[[abstract]]This invention proposes a novel nonlinear filter called adaptive weighted fuzzy mean (AWFM) filter which is capable of removing Gaussian and impulse noises in high-density polluted images. Via a single epoch, the weights of the filter are adapted according to a small set of fuzzy rules, which are constructed by a proposed procedure. All the fuzzy rules in the knowledge base infer concurrently for input nature estimation and filter adaptation. Statistic analyses ensure that this AWFM filtering possesses robust and consistent performance even when images are thoroughly polluted. The AWFM filter is synthesized with generic LR fuzzy cells which adopts CMOS analog current mode technology to subject high speed, low power, and small circuit area objectives. Simulations show that parallel inferences realized by the generic LR fuzzy cells, each of which performs 20M FLIPS (fuzzy logic inferences per second) promise that the synthesized AWFM filter is able to process up to 50 256x256 images per second

    Development of Context-Aware Service Automation Technology for Implementing Smart Home Living Space

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    [[abstract]]有效結合資訊與通訊技術及其它技術建構智慧生活空間是近??相當熱門的主題。除?獲得政府相關部門的大?推動,學術界與產業界亦競相投入大?資源進?研發。欲真正?實智慧生活空間必須包含三個層面:一、情境感知資訊之擷取;二、自動化服務之產生;三、?質智慧生活空間裝置之整合與管?。情境感知包含環境?態資訊以及使用者?態資訊,而使用者?態資訊包含顯性之生?與?為資訊以及隱性之心?資訊(包含:意?、智慧、感情與認知)。自動化服務之產生係依據情境感知資訊與智慧生活空間裝置之?態,藉由探勘、推?與評估進而自動產生最符合使用者“需求(want)?與“需要(necessary)?之服務。而?質智慧生活空間裝置之整合與管?,則是能依據使用者所處的空間,自動推?出一組最佳之服務裝置以提供使用者最佳之服務品質。 有鑑於此,本計畫乃基於研究團隊過去在研發?位家庭科技(尤其是智慧型?位家庭服務網?)的成功經驗與?好基礎上,進一步針對智慧家庭生活空間,建構出情境感知之服務自動化系統。為?開發此一系統,本計畫將針對五個核心研究議題進?研究,提出完整的解決方案,並且開發雛型系統及示範應用;此五個核心研究議題分別為:情境資訊探勘與整合(Context Information Discovery and Composition) 、可信賴情境資訊管?與推?(Trustworthy Context Management and Reasoning)、使用者為中心之普及服務發現與合成(User-centric Ubiquitous Service Discovery and Composition)、服務導向資源分配與規劃(Service-oriented Resource Allocation and Scheduling)、以及情境感知服務驗證(Context-aware Service Validation & Emulation)技術。 上述核心研究議題在普及計算(pervasive computing)和情境感知計算(context-aware computing)?域已個別成為目前熱門的研究課題,深具學術研究價值。而整合性的解決方案在國際上仍甚少人觸及,但對發展智慧家庭生活空間的影響甚大。本計畫研究團隊希望且有信心能透過本計畫建構一個完整的情境感知自動化服務之軟體開發平台,以期在智慧生活空間的研究?域中能帶頭向前邁進。[[abstract]]Building smart home living space by integrating ICT and other technologies has been a hot research area. Therefore, government agencies, academy and industry all invest more and more resources in this area. There are three major issues to construct smart living space, including efficient acquisition of trustworthy context information, context-aware service automation, and management and coordination of equipments in the smart living space. The so-called context information includes environment type context information and user type context information. The latter further consists of physiological information and mental information. Service automation denotes the automatic supply of wanted and necessary services to users by evaluating and reasoning the context information. The coordination and management of service equipments in smart home living space denotes the optimal allocation of service equipments according to users’ location and service quality requirement from users. This project intends to develop a context-aware service automation platform and related technologies to support the construction of smart home living space. It is based on the achievements of digital home technology research by the executive team of this project in the past five years. To implement this platform, we must develop the solutions of five key technologies: context information discovery and composition, trustworthy context management and reasoning, user-centric ubiquitous service discovery and composition, service-oriented resource allocation and scheduling, context-aware service validation & emulation。 The key technologies mentioned above just become hot research topics in pervasive computing and context-aware computing now. Besides, integrated solutions have not yet been proposed in the world. However, to reach the goal of constructing smart home living space, it is a must. Based on rich experiences on the study of digital home technology, the research team of this project has high confidence to propose a complete and innovative solution and implement the desired context-aware service automation platform for smart home living space.[[note]]NSC97-2221-E006-144-MY


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    [[abstract]]本發明係關於一種應用於一媒體存取驅動層(media access control driver sub-layer)之傳輸品質服務(Quality of Service,QoS)排程方法,係包括有以下步驟:(A)提供一具有媒體存取驅動層的封包存取裝置,其至少包括有複數個佇列和複數個對應該佇列的暫存器;(B)根據一優先權設定機制來設定該等佇列的優先權參數;(C)根據封包的存取類型將封包儲存於對應的佇列之中;(D)根據佇列所設定的優先權參數將封包傳輸至對應的暫存器中;及(E)根據各暫存器封包儲存的數量調整該優先權設定機制;因此,透過本發明之方法,可根據不同應用需求設定佇列的優先權參數,來達到較佳的網路傳輸品質服務


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