4 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of an Innovative Disease Reporting System with Mobile Devices

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    [[abstract]]行動通訊技術的發展以及網路的進步和普及化,增加透過手機、平板電腦或各種智慧型裝置來進行緊急醫療疾病通報的可行性,若有系統達到跨平台、跨裝置和離線的服務,不僅提升效率及方便性,而且不受地域環境限制。疾病的監控及防治,常會有時效性的需求,本計畫由學校與疾病管制署合作,應用智慧型行動裝置的優勢,首先建置疾病通報系統,隨後又繼續擴充,增加適用於舉辦大型活動時疾病及意外傷害紀錄的功能。系統分為伺服器端和行動裝置端的應用程式,包括(1)離線資料記錄模組:於網路通訊不良的環境,可以先下載資料及程式並儲存到行動裝置中進行臨床資料的填寫,透過行動裝置設備將資料記錄,待連線環境存到伺服器端資料庫;(2)帳戶管理模組:可以針對不同類型的使用者進行帳號權限的控管;(3)資料管理模組:提供資料上傳及下載伺服器端和行動通訊端的資料庫更新與同步。系統利用超文件標示語言5、JavaScript腳本語言、jQuery mobile 以及CSS樣式表建置系統,並使用網頁結構化查詢語言資料庫和離線應用程式介面達成離線使用的功能。目前系統已開發完成,曾經經過多次的測試,並且於北部某大學校慶運動會實際上線應用,針對系統的不足及缺失進行更新及改版,後續準備在國內外的大型集會活動上繼續應用,相信對於疾病通報作業會有很大的幫助。 The development of mobile devices and wireless network technologies progress rapidly and become popularity. It increases the feasibility of the emergency disease reporting by using smart phone and tablet personal computer. Taking the limit of environment into account, the cross-platform and offline services are in need. Monitoring and prevention of disease usually have timeliness requirements. In this project, we cooperated with Center for Disease Control, Taiwan to implement a disease reporting system by using the advantages of intelligent mobile devices. More than that, an application could record those accidents and diseases for mass gatherings have been included as well. The architecture of this system is divided into server-side and client mobile devices applications. There are three modules including (1) Offline Data Records Module: for the bad internet conditions, offline module provides downloading the data and program to a mobile device. It lead users can do the normal functions in the no internet area, and can upload the data to server after the connection is recovered. (2) Account Management Module: control the users' access right for each group of users. (3) Data Management Module: updates and synchronizes the database in the server and the client sites. The system was implemented in software tools including Hyper-Text Markup Language 5 (HTML5), JavaScript Language, jQuery mobile, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) development system, Web Structured Query Language (SQL) database and offline application system. The system now is already passed many tests. For the real evaluation, the application was used for the injured student's record in the sports of university celebration. The system is still updating and renewing for use abroad in few years. We believed that the system will be helpful for diseases and accident report in the future

    [[alternative]]A Study of Resolving Data Synchronization Problems between Mobile Device and Server under Poor Network Environment

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    [[abstract]]目前行動裝置的應用與日俱增,其中不乏對行動裝置資料庫操作的系統,但因環境及網路等因素,行動裝置與伺服器的資料庫間存在資料同步的問題。研究上卻無一套能完整適用於Web Apps的資料同步模組及產品,因此,本研究以長期照顧為例,解決建置行動裝置應用系統時的資料同步問題。系統可針對使用者所需之表單資料預載至行動裝置上,在離線狀態時能對表單資料進行新增、修改、刪除,於連線狀態時再將受影響的資料自動回存至伺服器資料庫。本研究之研究架構主要分資料預載模組及資料回存模組,其中資料預載模組主要負責下載並更新符合使用者權限及任務所需之資料至行動裝置上,且於連線狀態時檢查資料的完整性,以達成離線使用之目的及提升系統使用之效能;資料回存模組主要負責記錄使用者於系統使用期間之任何資料修改歷程,並於有網路的狀態時蒐集所有受影響之資料,再以表單為單位自動進行上傳。本研究分析出資料預載及回存所需之資料表,包括伺服器端之「Form異動紀錄表」及使用者端之「Table異動紀錄表」。本研究依資料表建構出用於行動裝置應用系統資料同步之資料預載及回存模組,希望能與未來行動裝置系統相關研究分享經驗,將此模組推廣及改善,提升系統的實用性及效能。[[abstract]]Currently, the mobile application development is increasing; one of the common uses is through a mobile database. But considering the environmental and network problems, they might influence data synchronization between mobile devices and server databases. There is still no module or product that can reach the data synchronization between server and mobile devices. Therefore, this study uses the web apps of long-term care systems as an example to resolve database synchronization problems between server and mobile device. The system can preload the data into the user's mobile device. Users can then add or modify the form data offline, and the system can automatically refresh the data online.The research framework of this study is divided into Data Preloaded Module and Data Uploaded Module. Data Preloaded Module is mainly dealing with downloading and updating data to the mobile devices that match the required tasks and user permissions. In order to improve the efficiency and use offline, Data Preloaded Module will check the data integrity when it is connected. Data Uploaded Module is mainly dealing with data recording; it would be modified in the mobile database and upload the data to the server database. During the work, two related tables have been analysed and used in the Data Preloaded Module and Data Uploaded Module. This study has constructed the Data Preloaded Module and the Data Uploaded Module for data synchronization. We hope to share experiences for mobile systems research in the future, promoting and improving this module, and increasing system performance and usability

    Combing Electronic Maps and Satellite Positioning with Long-Term Care Services System: A Case Study of Optimal Path Planning for Meals-on-Wheels in Rural Areas

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    [[abstract]]居家式長期照顧是一種到府服務的照顧方式,若能有效規劃照顧訪視與餐飲配送等路線,可降低成本也有助於提升服務品質。因此,本研究以先前開發東部某醫院長期照顧管理系統的經驗為基礎,針對老人餐飲配送服務,以模組化方式延伸建置一個新的路徑規劃及衛星定位子系統。結合Google Maps路線規劃,依照送餐員當日服務地點來安排出最佳的送餐路線,並使用HTML5定位功能來做送餐員所在位置與送餐目的地的比對,不但能增加服務紀錄的正確性,也能讓後台管理者查看個別送餐員的所在位址,方便做人員的調度與任務分派。未來準備擴充應用到居家護理、居家服務和日照中心的交通接送等相關長期照顧服務。 Long-term home care provides caring services for people in their homes. To achieve better service quality, it is imperative to find the optimal path for home visiting and meals-on-wheels (MOW). Therefore, in this study, we introduced our experience in developing an electronic map and path planning system. We implemented a new prototype system based on the modular design for long-term care services. Using Google Maps to route directions for MOW vehicles. Arranging the best delivery route for MOW staff will provide rapid service, and we use HTML5 geolocation API to compare the staff's current location with the destination, where the MOW staff will provide the service. Furthermore, it could increase the accuracy of the service record, allowing the management to observe their staff’s current location and improve scheduling and dispatching staff. In the future, we will extend the system to other long-term care services such as home care visits and transportation for day care