608 research outputs found

    渡来系弥生人の拡散と続縄文時代人(第2部 研究論文)

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    It is well known that the human remains of the aeneolithic Yayoi period (ca. B.C. 300 - 300 A.D.) recovered from the Northern Kyushu and Yamaguchi districts in western Japan are considerably different in the skeletal morphology from the Neolithic Jomon natives, and they have been regarded as the immigrants from the Asian Continent or their offspring. The morphological gap between the natives and immigrants is found not only in the skeletons but also in the dentition. In consideration of microevolutionary history of the Japanese people, the expansion of immigrants to eastern Japan during the Yayoi period is one of the crucial problems. In order to approach this problem from an aspect of skeletal morphology, however, preservation of skeletal remains of this period is often in a poor state of condition. Even in case that the skeletal remains are fragile and fragmentary, well preserved teeth are occasionally available to study the morphology. The present author made discriminant function analyses on the tooth crown diameters of the Jomon natives and Yayoi immigrants for the purpose of distinguishing between those of the native and immigrant origins. The most effective discriminant functions correctly assessed the origin in more than 90% of the samples from both sexes. Through the use of the discriminant functions obtained, the Yayoi remains from eastern Japan were classified as of the native or immigrant type. The results suggest that the earliest immigrants diffused into central Japan, including the Kanto region.The influence of the Yayoi culture associated with rice cultivation had little impact on Hokkaido, the northernmost island of Japan. There the Jomon period is followed by a so-called epi-Jomon, which corresponds to the Yayoi period on the other main islands. Various researchers have reported that the cranial morphology of the epi-Jomon specimens is similar to Jomon cranial morphology. The present study, based on the dental metrics, also classifies most of the epi-Jomon specimens as the Jomon type, which confirms the epi-Jomon people as direct descendants of the preexisting Jomon natives. On the other side, the present study unexpectedly classified several epi-Jomon specimens as the immigrant type with high probabilities, which can be interpreted as evidence for contact with the immigrants on Hokkaido. The specimen from Rebunge site possess features of the Yayoi immigrant, while those form Chatsu IV site have characteristics of another immigrant group, that it, Okhotsk series immigrated from Northeast Asia


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    基盤教育科目「芸術文化論」意義と可能性 : 学生の学びと生涯教育の観点から

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    本稿では、2017年度から基盤教育科目として開講した「芸術文化論」について、複数年にわたって同様のテーマで行った授業回(禅、放送)を対象に、受講生の振り返りの記述データを用いてテキストマイニング分析を行い、この科目がもつ固有の意義を探った。その結果、禅の授業回では、体験自体が受講生にとって意義をもつこと、また、2019年度のほうが全体として統一感のある意味が現れていること、放送に関する授業回では、本学のミッションにまさに整合する授業内容が展開されていることが明らかとなった。一方、本学は、地域交流センターが広く市民に公開講座を開講しており、「芸術文化論」の一部の回も該当している。生涯教育の視点から捉え直すと、「芸術文化論」はわれわれが提唱している次世代型生涯学習(他の年齢層の人びとと協働して学習する)プログラムのプロトタイプとなっていることから、「芸術文化論」が拓く可能性について展望を述べる。|In this article we attempt to identify the specific significance of lectures on “culture and art” at Kobe Tokiwa University. These lectures were constructed based on a basic education course at Kobe Tokiwa University, and they began in 2017. In particular, we noticed the themes of “zen” and “broadcast” because these two themes were dealt with each year from 2017. Regarding these themes, we analyzed descriptive data of the students’ reflections through text mining methods. The results showed that in the lectures on “zen,” the experience of zen had significance for students, and through the experience, students had meaning feeing and thoughts. A complex network showed that descriptive data from 2019 had more meaning in regards to a sense of unity. Regarding the lectures on “broadcast,” results showed that our university’s mission matched that of these lectures

    Electron Microscopic Studies on Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma III.On the ultrastructural atypy

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    Using disected materials from two cases of mucoepidermoid carcinoma, the ultrastructural appearances of tumor cells were studied. Ultrastructural atypy of the nuclei and the cytoplasms appeared in both cases of tumor cells. It was considered that the existance of ultrastructural atypy proved this neoplasm to be a true malignant tumor. Based upon the above mentioned results, the biological behavior of this neoplasm was discussed. It was determined that the name of this neoplasm was mucoepidermoid carcinoma, and was classified into two groups : the well-differentiated (low-malignant) type and the undifferentiated (high-malignant) type