10 research outputs found

    The Application of Soil Testing, Plant Analysis and Diagnosis, Water and Fertilizer Analysis Service

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    應用土壤速測及植體分析輔以高性能儀器,以加強土壤肥力及作物營養診斷技術及服務,同時配合各區農業改良場共同構成「作物需肥診斷體系」;提供農民營養診斷服務、推薦適量施肥,促使合理化施肥,以節省肥料成本及減少環境污染。本年度擬分析由改良場與農民親自送驗土壤、植體、灌溉水及有機質肥料等預計3,000件,供各場及農民依照推薦施肥量及施肥方法施肥。改進土壤、植物、水質與肥料分析方法,提供迅速分析及營養診斷服務與肥料品質之監測,促使農田合理施肥,可節省肥料成本支出,降低生產成本,提高作物品質,提昇競爭力。 The purpose of this program was to improving the equipment and methods of soil testing and plant analysis, enhancing soil and plant nutrient diagnosis technique and fertilizer analysis to provide better fertilizer recommendation and plant nutrient diagnostic service. Besides, this program is jointed with District Agricultural Improvement Station to form a diagnostic and recommendation network. The plant nutrient diagnostic system would be developed continually, and providing the soil and plant nutrient diagnostic service, soil and plant sample were analyzed with high performance equipment, and the recommendation was provided according to the analyzed data, soil management and plant nutrient. About 3,000 samples of soil, plant, water and organic fertilizer will be analyzed this year

    The Application of Soil Testing, Plant Analysis and Diagnosis, Water and Fertilizer Analysis Service

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    應用土壤速測及植體分析輔以高性能儀器,以加強土壤肥力及作物營養診斷技術及服務,同時配合各區農業改良場共同構成「作物需肥診斷體系」;提供農民營養診斷服務、推薦適量施肥,促使合理化施肥,以節省肥料成本及減少環境污染。本年度擬分析由改良場與農民親自送驗土壤、植體、灌溉水及有機質肥料等預計3,000件,供各場及農民依照推薦施肥量及施肥方法施肥。改進土壤、植物、水質與肥料分析方法,提供迅速分析及營養診斷服務與肥料品質之監測,促使農田合理施肥,可節省肥料成本支出,降低生產成本,提高作物品質,提昇競爭力。 The purpose of this program was to improving the equipment and methods of soil testing and plant analysis, enhancing soil and plant nutrient diagnosis technique and fertilizer analysis to provide better fertilizer recommendation and plant nutrient diagnostic service. Besides, this program is jointed with District Agricultural Improvement Station to form a diagnostic and recommendation network. The plant nutrient diagnostic system would be developed continually, and providing the soil and plant nutrient diagnostic service, soil and plant sample were analyzed with high performance equipment, and the recommendation was provided according to the analyzed data, soil management and plant nutrient. About 3,000 samples of soil, plant, water and organic fertilizer will be analyzed this year


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    工業廢棄物直接或間接大量地進入農耕地,使土壤遭受各種污染,其中有重金屬污染 ,在性質上較為嚴重,為瞭解重金屬銅鉛污染土壤,對作物造成的影響以桃園紅壤, 台中酸性砂頁岩沖積土,彰化黏板岩沖積土,台南鹼性砂頁岩沖積土,高雄台灣黏土 ,屏東酸性黏板岩沖積土,及花蓮片岩沖積土等它類台灣農業土壤,進行土壤中銅、 鉛含量對蔬菜和水稻生長的研究,以探討銅、鉛在不同土壤對作物的臨界濃度及其在 植體累積移動的情形。 它種供試土壤分別添加銅20,40,80,160,320ppm,鉛50,15 0,450,1350ppm,並設對照組,共十種處理,各四重複,盆栽青江白菜 和水稻。 它類土壤盆栽青江白菜產量隨銅濃度之增加而減少,其中影響取巨者為台中地區的酸 性砂頁岩沖積土,其次為屏東地區的酸性黏板岩沖積土.產量減半時的銅濃度(0. 1N HCI抽出),因土類而異,自100∼182ppm。青江白菜受鉛濃度影 響較小,但亦隨鉛濃度之增加而增加.由於pH的關係,使桃園和台中地區的產量較其 他地方的土壤低很多,尤以桃園和台中較低,屏東次之.產量減半時的鉛濃度(0. 1N HCI抽出),土壤的鉛濃度自500∼3200ppm。 它類土壤盆栽水稻時,受銅濃度影響最巨者,為高雄地區的台灣黏土,次為台南地區 的鹼性砂頁岩沖積土,水稻產量減半時的土壤銅濃度因土類不同而異,自100∼3 70ppm。水稻受鉛濃度影響較小,但產量亦隨土壤添加鉛量增加而減少。 由植體分析得知,銅、鉛在蔬菜的移動較水稻快很多,蔬菜所累積的銅、鉛量,隨土 壤添加銅、鉛量之增加而增加,由於土壤不同,植物所吸收的銅、鉛量亦不相同,銅 自7∼240ppm;鉛自9∼255ppm。銅、鉛兩種重金屬在水稻植體的分佈 :根>莖葉>谷,且移動很慢,大部分都累積在根部,其量因土類不同而異,大致都 隨土壤添加銅量之增加而增加,稻根銅自13至1362ppm,鉛自2.1∼10 207ppm,莖葉銅、鉛含量次之,銅自4.1至29ppm,鉛自測不出至10 9ppm而稻榖含量最少,其白米和糙米的含量更少,銅自2.5∼11ppm;鉛 自N.D∼0.73ppm。稻榖中銅自2.9∼8.9ppm;鉛自N.D∼2. 9ppm

    Development on the Mass and Rapid Methods of Soil Testing and Plant Tissue Diagnosis

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    以3年的期程針對各地區大面積且具發展潛力之重點產業,研發及建立快速且大量化的土壤與植體營養診斷技術,結合各種作物體系肥料施用基準資訊,達成輔導農民準確施肥,生產優質農產品之目標。 The project will develop mass and rapid methods of soil testing and plant tissue diagnosis for the major crop sectors with large acreages and potential marketing. These methods will combine with many kinds of fertilizers application standards and information to guide the farmer produce good quality of agriculture products by accurate fertilizer application

    Effect of Soil Management and Applying Fertilizer Technique on Mutrient Balance and Physiological Barrier of Some Crops under Soils with Limiting Factors or Special Characteristics

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    本計畫旨在解決地區重點作物土壤與作物之養分平衡問題、養分有效率及肥力之動態平衡等相關之品質產量與後熟品質問題等。包括地區重點作物土壤特性、管理之調查分析及作物性狀、營養特徵與產量間相關之調查分析與診斷;地區性土壤之水分、養分供應能量與強度因子分析,擬定初步作物營養生理障礙解決方案。 The objective of this project is to study the effect of soil management and fertilizer controll on increase of crop yields and quality, and establish the adaptive techniques in applying fertilizer and improvement of nutrient efficience and balance for soils with limiting factors or special characteristics. The field experiments has been conducted on sandstone and shale alluvial soils in the farm of TARI and other soils with limiting factors or special characteristics such as shallow depth soil, coarse texture, high P-fixation soil, nutrient unbalance in capacity and intentity. . The treatments for residue are composed of residue incorporation, residue burning and residue removal in the field experiments of TARI in order to compare the P efficience with that of black soil.under rice culture.. The other soil survey and field invetigation include soil pH, texture, drainage condition, exchangeable calcium and magnisium content, organic matter, micronutrient and balance of available nutrient. The effects of fertility and quality of irrigation water are also monitored in this study. It is expected with finishment of this project, techniques for appropriate soil management methods will be established to maintain the development of sustainable production with high crop qualitity. On the other hand, this research also study the effect of cropping, organic manure. green manure crop, and other soil managements on the changes of available nutrients, especially for the balance between soil nutrients

    The Relationships between Rice Yield Variability with crop Nutrients on Precision Agriculture

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    以水稻為主要試驗作物,在行政院農業委員會農業試驗所農田進行精準農業之試驗研究,分析與評量試驗農田植體營養狀態之變異與土壤性質變異之相關性,並進一步利用地理統計軟體繪製各試驗田區之植體營養變異分佈圖。根據農場室於水稻收穫後所得之產量與植體分析資料進行協同克利金(co-kringing)分析,以評估植體營養分對產量之最佳關係。發展及應用有效且精確的方法,藉以評量水稻營養分之空間變異,俾建立植體養分變異與作物生長變異之相關性。 Paddy rice is the main crop for the study. The experiment field of precision agriculture is located at Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute Experimental Farm. We have analyzed and evaluated the rice nutrient spatial distribution and the soil variation of the experiment farm. Geo-statistic sofiware and GIS were applied to map detailed plant nutrient distribution map of experiment fields. The rice yields and plant nutrition data were analyzed by co-kringing method to find the best relationship of rice nutrient and crop yields. For precision agriculture, efficient and accurate methods for assessing the spatial variability of rice nutrient, and relating it to yield quantity and quality component, must be developed and utilized in order to build the relationships between plant nutrient and growth variability