178 research outputs found


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    Study on the bio-production of dimethyl sulfur compounds of typical HABs algae

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    二甲基硫(DMS)是海洋中主要的挥发性硫化物,对全球气候变化及硫循环有重要影响。二甲基巯基丙酸(DMSP)是DMS的重要前体,在DMSP裂解酶的作用下分解为DMS和丙烯酸。二甲亚砜(DMSO)是DMS的光化学氧化或细菌氧化的产物,也可以直接由藻细胞在体内合成。本论文通过实验室藻类培养和现场围隔实验相结合的途径,研究藻类二甲基硫化物的生物生产以及二甲基硫化物在藻类不同生长时期里的产生和消耗速率,以期深入了解二甲基硫化物与藻体之间的关系。研究的主要内容和结果如下:1)DMSP、DMS和DMSO分析方法的建立以目前国际上最流行的海水中二甲基硫化物的测定方法,即吹扫-冷阱捕集-气相色谱法为基础,加以改...Dimethylsufide (DMS) is the most abundant volatile biogenic sulfur compound in the surface ocean, which plays an important role in the global sulfur cycle and global climate change. Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) is the major precursor of DMS, and DMSP can be degraded to DMS and acrylic acid with DMSP cleavage lyase. Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) in seawater is usually considered as the product of p...学位:工学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院环境科学与工程系_环境科学学号:20033401

    A Sino-British Exchange in Science in the Qianlong Period of the Qing Dynasty:Natural History Exploration of the British Mission in China from 1792 to 1794 and Its Planner

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    1792-1794年,马嘎尔尼率英国大使团访问中国,这是世界近代以来两大帝国之间发生的首次大规模外交活动。皇家学会主席班克斯希望借此增进对中国博物学的认识,实现对中国动、植物资源的科学与经济价值使用,以增强大英帝国实力,于是便主动帮助使团制定在中国的博物学活动规划。抵达中国后,以斯当东为首的博物学团体记载下大量博物情报,采集了许多植物标本,并多次与班克斯通讯,报告在中国的博物学见闻。英国使团的博物学活动体现出该时期中英科学文化交流与“西学东渐“十分不同的特点。From 1792 to 1794, Macartney led the British mission to visit China.It was the first large-scale diplomatic activity between the two countries in modern times.Joseph Banks, President of the Royal Society, hoped to take this opportunity to enhance the understanding of Chinese natural history and to take advantage of the scientific and economic values of Chinese animals and plants to consolidate the Great Britain, so he took the initiative to help the mission to plan the activities of natural history in China.After arriving in China, the group of naturalists recorded lots of information of natural history and collected many plant specimens.They communicated many times with Banks, reporting what they had seen and heard about Chinese natural history.The natural history activities of the British mission reflected the characteristics of the scientific and cultural communication between China and Britain at that period, which were quite different from those at the period when Western learning was introduced into China.国家社会科学基金重大项目“西方博物学文化与公众生态意识关系研究”(批准号:13&ZD067


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    Distribution of dimethylsulfide of Xiamen sea surface water in spring

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    采用固相微萃取(SPME) 气相色谱法(GC)测定了厦门海域20个站位表层海水中DMS二甲基硫的含量,并对其分布进行分析。结果表明,厦门海域DMS含量在0 65~40 69nmol·L-1,平均浓度为12 83nmol·L-1。其中,西海域的含量最高,东海域次之,同安湾最低。与其它海域海水中DMS浓度比较,厦门海域DMS含量较高,浓度变化范围大,与叶绿素a浓度及表层水温、盐度之间无明显的相关关系。Dimethylsulfide (DMS) in surface seawater samples collected at 20 stations in the Xiamen sea area were analyzed with SPME-GC method. The results showed that the DMS concentrations varied from 0.65 to 40.69 nmol·L~(-1) with an average of 12.83 nmol·L~(-1). The concentration was the highest in Xiamen Western sea area, while was lower in Eastern sea area and the lowest in Tong'an Bay. Comparation with other sea areas, DMS concentration in Xiamen sea was higher, with the large variation. There were no clear relationships DMS with chlorophyll a, temperature and salty in Xiamen sea.国家自然科学基金(20077022);; 教育部重点课题(教技司2000第156号

    Variations of the concentration of dimethyl sulfur compounds during three algal blooms in a mesocosm experiment

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    于2005年6月至7月,研究了海洋围隔不同藻类水华演替过程中二甲基硫化物的含量动态,并考察了相关环境参数对二甲基硫化物含量的影响。2个围隔实验组均出现未知藻水华-硅藻水华-甲藻水华的演替过程,这3次不同藻类水华分别对应了二甲基硫化物含量的3次高峰,表明藻类水华对二甲基硫化物含量有重要贡献。不同藻类水华的贡献有较大差异,甲藻水华的贡献最大,硅藻次之,未知藻类水华的贡献最小。实验结果还表明PO34-、NO2-和NH4+主要通过影响藻类生长状态,进而影响DMSP和DMSO的含量;NO2-和NH4+亦可能通过调节DMSP和DMSO在藻细胞内的生理功能,影响DMSP和DMSO的含量;PO43-、NO2-和NH4+与DMS含量无显著相关。Variations of the concentration of dimethyl sulfur compounds(DMSCs)and the effects of environmental factors on the concentrations of DMSCs were investigated in a seawater mesocosm experiment from June to July 2005.Three large algal blooms,an unknown algal bloom,a diatom bloom,and a dinoflagellate bloom,respectively,were developed in the experimental enclosures.Three peak concentrations of DMSCs,corresponding to three algal blooms,indicated that algal blooms played an important role in the production of DMSCs.This study also showed that dinoflagellate bloom contributed the most to DMSCs,unknown algal bloom the least,and diatom bloom was intermediate.PO3-4,NO-2 and NH+4affected the productions of dimethylsulphoniopropionate(DMSP)and dimethylsulfoxide(DMSO)through the influence on the growth of algae,and NO-2 and NH+4might even affect the productions of DMSP and DMSO through the control of their physiological roles in the algal cell.However,no significant effects of PO3-4,NO-2 and NH+4on the production of dimethylsulfide(DMS)were evident.国家自然科学基金资助项目(200077022)~