7 research outputs found


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    青藏高原东北地区位于我国东部季风区、西北干旱区和青藏高原高寒区的交汇地带,人为影响较少,是研究人为影响与生物种群组成的理想场所,然而目前尚缺乏大范围的分子生物学研究。2012年4-5月期间对青藏高原东北部10个湖水进行采样调查(表层、底层水各0.5 L混匀),应用16S rRNA和PCR-DGGE指纹分析研究细菌种类和组成。共鉴别出样本湖水中117个分类单元(Operational taxonomic unit,OTU)的细菌,分别隶属于12个纲,其中以&alpha;-变形菌纲(21种)和&beta;-变形菌纲(27种)检出频次最多。细菌主要源于水生的微生物,同时各湖区细菌分类单元数量(平均32.1 &plusmn; 11.2)偏少,多样性指数(平均0.97 &plusmn; 0.29)和均匀度指数(平均0.19 &plusmn; 0.04)偏低,湖区之间相似性(平均0.31 &plusmn; 0.11)较差,种群生态结构脆弱。各湖区物种分类单元数量受环境因素影响明显,温度与种群分类单元数(R = 0.763, P &lt; 0.05)、多样性指数(R = 0.708, P &lt; 0.05)及均匀度指数(R = 0.641, P &lt; 0.05)正相关,湖水面积与种群分类单元数量(R = 0.754, P &lt; 0.05)及多样性系数(R = 0.668, P &lt; 0.05)呈正相关,并且细菌种类组成受到湖水水化学(如矿化度等)因素影响。本研究表明春季青藏高原东北部10个湖区细菌种类组成较为简单,生态结构脆弱,受自然环境因素限制明显,结果可为青藏高原东北部地区水生生物研究积累基础资料,亦可为群落结构的限制性气候因素分析、区域的可持续利用和保护提供科学依据。</p


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    本文从土壤物理、化学和生物因子等方面综合考虑,运用土壤质量综合指数模型,计算 土壤质量综合指数。定量化评价黄土高原自然植被恢复对土壤质量的影响,期望为该区植被恢复 对土壤质量的影响提供理论指导,促进当地生态环境重建工作的进展。研究结果表明: 1)与农 田相比,植被恢复对土壤容重、水稳性团聚体、 pH、电导、有机碳、全氮和微生物量碳、氮影 响显著,对含水量、无机碳含量影响居中,对土壤粘粒、砂粒含量、全磷影响不显著。 2)与农 田相比,植被恢复后,土壤质量综合指数(SQI) 值在 0~10 cm 和 10~20 cm 均有较大幅度的提高, 0~10 cm 比 10~20 cm 增幅更大。 3)当地农田土壤质量处于低(Ⅴ)水平,草地处于较低(Ⅳ) 水平,灌木林和混交林处于中等(Ⅲ)水平,山杨和辽东栎林处于较高(Ⅱ)水平。草地恢复对 于提高土壤质量的效果较差,林地恢复对提高土壤质量的效果相对最佳。</p

    酶法制备的环糊精-三丁酸甘油酯包合物对小鼠 生长性能、抗氧化功能和肠道健康的影响Effects of enzymatic cyclodextrin synthesis-tributyrin inclusion complex on growth performance, antioxidant function and intestinal health of mice

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    为了明确酶法制备的环糊精-三丁酸甘油酯包合物(ECT)在动物体内的生物效能,为其在动物饲料中的应用提供理论指导,将36只3周龄雄性BALB/c小鼠随机分为6组,分别为对照组、三丁酸甘油酯组、酶法环糊精组、麦芽糊精-三丁酸甘油酯复合物组、硅基三丁酸甘油酯组、ECT组,饲养5周后测定小鼠体质量、血清生化指标、肝脏抗氧化指标、小肠绒毛高度及隐窝深度、结肠长度、结肠组织学损伤评分、结肠杯状细胞数量以及粪便中短链脂肪酸含量,探究ECT对小鼠生长性能、抗氧化功能和肠道健康的影响。结果表明:与对照组相比,ECT组日均增重增加88.37%,料重比降低45.01%,血清中三酰甘油含量降低38.88%,总抗氧化活力提高36.45%,结肠组织学损伤评分降低,结肠组织中杯状细胞数量增加23.44%,粪便中总短链脂肪酸和丁酸含量分别增加64%和196%。综上,ECT能够提高小鼠的生长性能和饲料利用率,提高肝脏抗氧化能力,还能够促进小肠发育,提高肠道中丁酸等短链脂肪酸含量,预防结肠炎症,有益于肠道健康,具备作为营养型饲料添加剂的应用潜力。 In order to clarify the biological effectiveness of enzymatic cyclodextrin synthesis-tributyrin inclusion complex (ECT) in animals and provide theoretical guidance for its application in animal feed, 36 3-week-old BALB/c male mice were randomly divided into 6 groups: control group, tributyrin group, enzymatic cyclodextrin group, maltodextrin-tributyrin complex group, silica-tributyrin group, and ECT group. After 5 weeks of feeding, the body weight, serum biochemical indexes, liver antioxidant indexes, villus height and crypt depth of small intestine, colon length, colonic histological injury score, colonic goblet cell number and short-chain fatty acid contents in faeces were measured to explore the effects of ECT on the growth performance, antioxidant function and intestinal health of mice. The results showed that compared with the control group, the ECT group increased the average daily weight gain by 88.37%, reduced the feed/gain by 45.01%, reduced the serum triglyceride content by 38.88%, increased the total antioxidant activity by 3645%, reduced the colonic histological injury score, and increased the number of goblet cells in colon tissue by 23.44%. Total short-chain fatty acids and butyric acid contents in faeces increased by 64% and 196%, respectively. In conclusion, ECT can improve the growth performance and feed utilization rate of mice, improve the antioxidant capacity of the liver, promote the development of the small intestine, increase the content of short-chain fatty acids such as butyric acid in the intestine, prevent colon inflammation, and benefit intestinal health. ECT has the application potential as a nutritional feed additive


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    本文结合现代季风和古季风研究成果对全球季风进行了一个全面回顾,并引入了一个 全球季风的新定义,该定义考虑了三维分布、终极成因,强调了季节性气压梯度变化对季风环 流的影响,并同时使用了环流与降水来描述季风强度。我们在从构造到季节内的宽广时间尺度 上来考察全球季风气候变化。全球季风的性质包括全球不均一性、区域差异性、季节性、准周 期性、不规则性、不稳定性和穿时性。对全球季风动力学来说,太阳辐射、地球轨道参数、下 垫面性质和海 - 陆 - 气相互作用十分重要。本文还讨论了季风变率在不同时间尺度上的主要驱动 因子以及多时间尺度之间的动力学关系。自然过程与人类活动影响对我们理解未来全球季风行 为都非常重要。</p


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    黄土高原是中国农业文明的发源地,该区总面积大约 64 万平方公里,养育了约 1 亿人口。 新中国成立以来,党和国家十分重视黄土高原可持续发展问题。为了进一步巩固退耕还林(草) 工程取得的成效,帮助老区人民尽快脱贫致富,发展现代农业, 2013 年国土资源部、财政部等 批准在延安市实施治沟造地重大工程,总规模 50.67 万亩,总投资 51.72 亿元。 2015 年,全市累 计完成治沟造地面积 21 万亩,取得了显著成效。但是,目前仍有许多地方需要进一步改进,建 议坚持造田不毁林的原则,增加造地成本投入,建设高质量农田,科学管理提高效益,科学评估、 稳妥推广,以促进黄土高原地区农业可持续发展。</p

    母乳中1,3-二不饱和脂肪酸-2-棕榈酸甘油三酯的组成及其功能特性研究进展Composition of 1,3-diunsaturated fatty acid-2-palmitin triacylglycerols in human milk and their functions: a review

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    1,3-二不饱和脂肪酸-2-棕榈酸甘油三酯(UPU)是指甘油骨架的sn-1、sn-3位连接不饱和脂肪酸、sn-2位连接棕榈酸的一类甘油三酯的总称,其在母乳脂肪中含量最高,可为婴儿提供更加均衡的脂肪酸和甘油三酯,对婴儿生长发育有特殊的生理功能。为对开发新型母乳结构脂肪提供理论支持,系统介绍了不同国家、地区母乳脂肪中3种sn-2棕榈酸甘油三酯UPU、UPS、SPS的含量,我国成熟期母乳中UPU的组成和含量,从降低婴儿粪便硬度、促进脂肪和矿物质吸收、保护肠道健康,提供更多种类、比例更稳定均衡的脂肪酸等方面,论述了UPU的功能作用及其消化和吸收特性,另外对比了市售营养强化剂OPO与母乳中UPU组成的差异,通过分析提出LC-MS方法更适合婴儿配方奶粉中OPO含量的测定。 1,3-Diunsaturated fatty acid-2-palmitin triacylglycerols (UPU) are the triacylglycerols that unsaturated fatty acids combined at sn-1 or 3 position, and palmitic acid located at the sn-2 position. UPU has the highest content in human milk fat, providing infant balanced fatty acids and triacylglycerols which are important for infant growth. In order to provide the scientific basis for the development of novel human milk fat substitutes, the contents of three sn-2 palmitate triglycerides UPU, UPS and SPS in human milk fat in different countries and regions, and the composition and contents of UPU in maturing human milk in China were systematically introduced, the function of UPU in terms of reducing fecal hardness, promoting fat and mineral absorption, protecting intestinal health of infants, providing a wider variety of fatty acids in a more stable and balanced ratio, and its digestive and absorption properties were discussed, and the differences in the composition of commercially available nutritional fortifier OPO and UPU in human milk were compared.The LC-MS method was proposed to be more suitable for the determination of OPO content in infant formula