2,672 research outputs found

    Studies on Asymptotics of Nonparametric Estimators of Distributions in Several Financial Econometric Models

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    本文第一部分讨论一般可逆线性过程、自回归条件异方差模型以及非线性自回归时序模型中扰动项密度基于残差构造的核估计量与基于误差项构造的核估计量之间Lp(p=>1)距离的极限行为,分析该Lp距离收敛于0的条件以及收敛速度,并在相应条件下证明基于残差的核估计与基于扰动项的核估计具有相同的极限行为,这些结论表明基于残差项的核估计量是扰动项密度的可行估计。 第二部分证明了一阶平稳自回归模型扰动项密度基于残差的核估计的经验似然定理,结论表明依据经验似然构造的统计量在任意固定点处的渐近分布是卡方分布,依据该结论可构造密度函数在任意点处经验似然置信区间以及对密度函数进行假设检验。MonteCarlo模拟实...In the first part, we discuss the asymptotic behaviors of Lp(p=>1) distances between the kernel density estimators based on residuals and those based on error terms for the density of disturbance in infinite order invertible linear process, in autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity models and in the nonlinear autoregressive models. We investigate the conditions under which the Lp-distances ...学位:经济学博士院系专业:王亚南经济研究院_金融学学号:2772010015398

    Study on the mechanisms of Pygopus-2 promoting invasion and metastasis in hepatocellular carcinoma

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    第一部分Pygopus-2在HCC中高表达与病人恶性预后密切相关 Pygopus-2是经典Wnt/β-Catenin信号通路转录复合体的重要成分。本研究目的是观察在原发性肝癌中Pygopus-2的表达情况及相关的临床病理意义。RT-PCR的方法检测50对肝癌病人组织标本中癌组织与癌旁组织中Pygopus-2的mRNA表达情况,结果发现癌组织中Pygopus-2的mRNA水平明显高于癌旁组织(P=0.009)。免疫组化分析显示异常表达的Pygopus-2蛋白与肝癌病人的年龄(P=0.025)、肿瘤大小(P=0.005)、肝内外转移(P=0.029)、组织分化(P=0.004)以及脉管癌栓侵犯(...Part 1 Abnormal nuclear expression of Pygopus-2 in human primary hepatocellular carcinoma correlates with a poor prognosis Pygopus-2 (Pygo2) is a critical element of thecanonical Wnt/β-Catenin transcriptional complex. The aim of the present study was to investigate theexpression patterns and clinic pathological significance of Pygo2 in human primary hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Real-time poly...学位:医学硕士院系专业:医学院_外科学学号:2452013115350

    Intellectual Property Rights Protection and The Sophistication of Export Technology In China

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    摘要 决定一国经济增长的不是出口贸易的数量,贸易品的技术含量才是各国追求的目标。然而近年来,越来越多的问题制约着中国制造业的转型升级:贸易壁垒愈演愈烈、国内低技术含量产品无序竞争等等。显然,以往的贸易扩张拉动经济增长模式已经不适合当前中国的国情。在当前经济转型的大背景下,提髙出口产品技术含量(技术复杂度)、促进出口贸易结构转型升级是促进中国由“制造大国”向“制造强国”转型的关键。 本文首先选取了2006-2014年九年时间全球平均贸易额排名前50的国家,进而根据SITC标准与中国制造业分类标准得到中国制造业26种行业层面的出口技术复杂度和国家层面的出口技术复杂度。同时,本文构建知识产权保护...Abstract The technical content of the export product determines the economic growth of a country. But in recent years, China's exports in the manufacturing sector face many difficulties: more and more trade protection, unfair competition in the domestic low-tech products and so on. Obviously, expanding the scale of trade is not a solution to economic growth. In the context of the current econo...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_数量经济学学号:1722014115195

    Design and Implementation of Staffs Work Performance Appraisal System for a Commercial Bank

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    在银行业改革发展的新时期,为了更好地促进银行业的健康、快速发展,必须要进一步完善银行的管理制度,其中对企业员工的绩效进行全面、客观、公平地考评是管理制度中的一项核心任务,建立一套任务考核和目标考核为一体的激励机制,有利于提高银行业员工的工作热情,从而提升银行的竞争力。为此,可依托现代化的计算机信息平台,借助于先进的绩效考核方法和技术,构建一套适应银行业的员工绩效考核系统。 本文首先阐述了某商业银行员工工作绩效考核系统开发的初衷、研究的意义、当前现状等等;然后介绍了进行系统设计和开发使用的关键技术;分析了系统研发的可行性;然后根据某商业银行员工工作绩效考核的业务需求进行了系统的设计工作,主要包...During the new era of reform and development of the banking industry, in order to better promote the health of the banking sector, the rapid development, it is necessary to further improve the bank management system, the enterprise staff's performance comprehensive, objective, fair assessment is a core task management system, establish a set of tasks and objectives of assessment as a whole incent...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323133

    The Study on Core CPI of China——The Analysis based on the impact of cost and technology

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    目前世界的主要发达国家和地区通常定期公布核心消费者价格指数(核心CPI),作为通胀监控指标。但中国定期公布扣除食品等项目的核心CPI时间不长,有关核心CPI的研究相对不足。因而研究中国的核心CPI对于监控通胀和分析宏观经济形势,为国家福利政策与货币政策的制定和实施提供参考,无疑具有一定的理论和现实意义。通常而言,核心CPI估计方法包括统计方法和计量方法两大类,但中国尚未定期公布CPI篮子商品的权重数据,国内主要基于后者估计中国的核心CPI。而相关研究表明,计量方法中的结构向量自回归模型(SVAR)估计的国内核心CPI具有相对优良的性质,因此本文基于该模型估计中国的核心CPI。 首先,本文根据...Currently, most of the developed countries and regions has published core CPI regularly as an indicator to monitor inflation. Although the core CPI has been published regularly by our national statistical agency for sometime, the research about the core CPI is relatively inadequate in domestic. So, it’s theoretically and practically important to study the core CPI of China to monitor the change of...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院_数量经济学学号:1542013015397

    An Empirical Analysis on the Reform Pilot Practice of People's Assessor System ——Taking Five Courts of F Province as the Research Sample

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    2004年以降,人民陪审员制度呈现出在改革中走向复苏与繁荣的镜像:顶层设计方面,全国人大常委会于2004年8月通过了《关于完善人民陪审员制度的决定》,最高人民法院在“二五”及“三五”改革纲要中明确提出要继续完善人民陪审员制度。底层探索方面,各地法院的创新之举不计其数,陪审率不断攀升。但是,较为遗憾的是,由于制度设计与实践不具契合性、陪审文化土壤贫瘠、司法实践功利色彩浓厚等原因,人民陪审员制度功用出现了严重异化的现象。为探索人民陪审员制度改革的合理路径,2015年4月,全国人大常委会授权北京、河北等地的50家法院开展人民陪审员制度改革试点工作。显然,本轮改革试点有助于改革者重新审视人民陪审员制度...Since 2004, People's Assessor System presents the scene of recovery and prosperity during the reform: about the top design, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress adopted the Decision on the Perfection of People's Assessor System. The Supreme People's Court clearly proposed to continue improving the People's Assessor System in the second and the third Five-Year Development Outlin...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_诉讼法学学号:1362015115096

    Luminescent Properties of Sr_(3-x)Si_(1-x)Al_xO_5:xCe--(3+) Phosphors Prepared by Heterogeneous Precipitation Method

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    采用非均相沉淀法制备了Sr3-XSI1-XAlXO5∶XCE3+荧光粉,并与高温固相法制备的该荧光粉进行了对比。以Xrd、SEM和荧光光谱分析来表征所制备的荧光粉。结果表明,非均相沉淀法比高温固相反应法制备的荧光粉相纯度更高,颗粒分布更窄,晶面清晰,团聚程度小,相对发光强度也更高。荧光粉的激发光谱为270~500 nM的双峰宽带,最强激发峰位于417 nM处。发射光谱为450~700 nM的单峰宽带,峰值位于525nM处。电荷补偿剂对荧光粉相对发光强度影响较大,外加Al3+置换SI4+作为电荷补偿剂比外加lI+置换Sr2+的效果更好。Phosphors of nominal composition Sr3-xSi1-xAlxO5∶xCe3+ were prepared by heterogeneous precipitation method and high temperature solid state reaction method,respectively.The phosphors were characterized by XRD,SEM and fluorescence spectrum analysis.The results show that phosphors synthesized by heterogeneous precipitation method have higher phase purity,narrower particle size distribution,clearer crystal surface and lighter aggregation,also yield higher relative luminous intensity,than those by high temperature solid state reaction method.The excitation spectra of the phosphors range from 270 nm to 500 nm with the bimodal broadband,while the strongest excitation peak at 417 nm.The emission spectra range from 450 nm to 700 nm with single-peak broadband,with peak at 525 nm.Charge compensation has a great influence on the relative luminous intensity of phosphors.It could be conclude that adding Al3+ to substitute Si4+ as charge compensation might be better than adding Li+ to substitute Sr2+.福建省科技重大专项(2005HZ02-2);福建省重大平台建设基金(2006L2003)资助项

    Study on Linked Data Aggregation of Artwork: Case Study of Xiamen University

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    [目的/意义]从多角度挖掘美术品的价值元素,探讨全方位描述美术品的新方法。[方法/过程]依托厦门大学丰富的美术品资源,运用案例分析、比较分析、相关与预测等研究方法,在既有资源整理的基础上,结合高校实际情况,完善了关联字段,通过测试性展示和对比,圈定了美术品的关联字段及数据来源。[结果/结论]立体呈现了美术品,方便使用者从中读取所需要的资源,并在辅助教学和确定价值方面产生积极意义。[Purpose/significance]The paper is to mine value elements of artwork from many angles, and discuss a new method of describing artwork in all directions. [Method/process]The paper relies on rich artwork resource of Xiamen University, applies methods of case analysis, comparative analysis, correlation and prediction analysis to perfect linked fields combining with actual situation of university on the basis of the existing resources, and confirm artwork's linked fields and data source by test and contrast. [Result/conclusion]The method roundly presents artwork, is convenient for users to read resource that they need, and has a positive significance for instruction assisting and value confirming

    Analysis of the clinical effect of small incision in the thyroid surgery uni- lateral by sternocleidomastoid inside edge

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    目的 探讨单侧经胸锁乳突肌内侧缘小切口入路甲状腺手术的临床效果。方法 选择2013年1月~2016年1月厦门大学医院收治入院的行甲状腺手术患者100例作为研究对象,按随机数字表法分为观察组和对照组,每组50例。观察组采用单侧经胸锁乳突肌内侧缘小切口入路的手术方式,对照组采用颈白线正中入路的手术方式。观察两组患者手术总时间、显露甲状腺时间、术中出血量、住院时间、切口长度,记录两组患者术后并发症,并进行统计学分析。结果 观察组患者手术总时间、显露甲状腺时间、术中出血量、住院时间、切口长度等指标均明显优于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05);观察组患者术后出现并发症3例,发生率为6.0%,对照组患者术后出现并发症18例,发生率为36.0%,观察组患者并发症发生率明显低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论在甲状腺患者行手术时采用单侧经胸锁乳突肌内侧缘小切口入路可以获得更为清晰的解剖层次,有利于减少手术损伤,对提高患者的治疗效果具有重要的意义。Objective To study the unilateral by sternocleidomastoid inside edge the clinical effect of small incision in the thyroid surgery.Methods 100 patients with thyroid surgery from January 2013 to January 2016 in Xiamen Univer- sity Hospital were selected as the research object,according to random number table method they were divided into ob- servation group and control group,50 cases in each group.Patients of the observation group were given the unilateral sternocleidomastoid inside edge small incision in the way of operation,and the control group was given the operation with the center of the white line into the neck surgery way.The total time,expose thyroid time,intraoperative blood loss, hospitalization time,incision length of patients in two groups were observed,postoperative complications of patients in the two groups were recorded and statistical analyzed.Results The total time of operation,time of revealing thyroid,intra- operative blood loss,hospital stay,incision length of the observation group were significantly better than the control group,the differences were statistically significant (P〈0.05);3 patients with postoperative complications of the observa- tion group,arid the incidence was 6.0%;while 18 patients with postoperative complications in the control group,and the incidence was 36.0% ,the the incidence of postoperative complications in the observation group was significantly lower than the control group,the difference was statistically significant (P〈0.05).Conclusion Thyroid surgery with unilateral sternocleidomastoid inside edge small incision approach can get more clear anatomical level,is conducive to reducing surgical injury,has the vital signifi,eance to improve the treatment effect of patients