163 research outputs found

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    Strategi Pengembangan Kompetensi Inti Industri Daerah Kabupaten Tojo Una-una Sulawesi Tengah

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    This research assesment about strategy of core competence development industryTojo Regency Una-Una in Sulawesi Middle of.This research in background overshadow that industry competitive ability in areadetermined by correct strategy for development of industry nucleus interest area.Method that conducted to determine IKM considered superior that is documentanalysis and interview, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Interview is conductedto effort perpetrator, and parties relates for example on duty industry andcommerce, and Bapeda. Criterion that used by to determine IKM exeeding iscontribution to economics, labour absorbtion, local raw material support andsupport of government policy. Method of analysis that used is TEV (Tree diagramexpected vakue), Focused group discusion, value chain analysis, analysis SWOTand strategy compilation development of area core competence.Based on research result found that there is five products/commodity competitivethat is, furniture, workshop, brick, ready made clothes and food (cake). Based onfive this excellent products, then furniture is product priority/commodity thatdeveloped. Based on value chain analysis, then activity that must paid attention isat process step finishing. In consequence, required high labour skill in course offinishing or attenuation. With skillful labour can improve added value of furnitureindustry Tojo Regency Una-Una Sulawesi Middle.Keyword : Strategy, Development Industry, Core Competenc

    Talking Stories: An Analysis of Haolewood\u27s Attempts to Tell Hawai\u27i\u27s Stories Through Movie Trailers

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    This study investigated how Native Hawaiians and Hawai\u27i are represented by the media, specifically in movies and their accompanying trailers. Thirty movie trailers from movies released between 1939 and 2016 were analyzed. These movies represented the various movie genres of romantic comedy, thriller, war, animation, drama, historical, and more. The aim of the study was to compile evidence of various themes such as stereotyping, white-washing and language pronunciation within movie trailers in order to validate or extend conceptually the theoretical framework or theory about the lack of accurate representation of Native Hawaiians. This is a feasibility study that could help set up a future study on the subject. There is extensive evidence that Native Hawaiians and Hawai\u27i are consistently stereotyped in Hollywood films and these stereotypes have damaging effects on others\u27 perceptions of Native Hawaiians. While, white-washing of Native Hawaiians is not as prevalent a phenomenon as expected because whiteness is at the core of Hollywood films. Mispronunciation of Native Hawaiian words and over-use of common words to describe Hawai\u27i contribute to the negative influences of white-washing and stereotyping on movie consumers\u27 perceptions of Hawai\u27i and Native Hawaiians

    Veiling Substance in Semantics: The Knotty State of the Earmarking Doctrine

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    Conflicting social philosophies with their infinite variations will inevitably influence law making and law interpretation. Consciously or unconsciously, social and political attitudes affect even those concerned with such an apparently technical matter as the definition of preferential transfer in bankruptcy. As it evolved over time from its English law antecedents, the law of preferential transfers in the United States gradually shifted its concern from the culpability of commercial actors to the effect of the transfer on distributive equality goals, culminating in our current law of preferences as codified in the federal Bankruptcy Code. While crafted in a highly technical and formalistic fashion, the black-letter law is simply incapable of capturing all of the nuances of behavior in the credit marketplace. Therefore, the need has remained for the bankruptcy courts to put their gloss on the statute to ensure it serves its intended purposes in any given case and also as a system. One prominent example of this judicial explication is what\u27s known as the earmarking doctrine, a court-made equitable invention intended to assure that the transfer under scrutiny truly involves property of the debtor, as opposed to circumstances where the debtor serves merely as a conduit to move funds from one creditor to another. Although its existence has been recognized almost without exception, courts, and for that matter commentators, disagree sharply over the circumstances when it is appropriate for the doctrine to be invoked and, even when there is agreement about those circumstances, similar disagreement over the standard to apply in determining if the transfer at issue is actually protected under the earmarking exception. This Article attempts to address both of these questions by proposing a fluid approach to defining the scope of the earmarking doctrine that conforms its application to what is asserted to be the foundational purpose of the preference law; namely, ratable distribution among creditors with similar rights. The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal

    Genealogy kicks!

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    Effects of location, size, and animation on the response rate to a promotional Web banner

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the layout and design of promotional Web banners on a company home page. To accomplish this, three variables; location, size and animation were used to test their effect on the response rate to those banners. Response rates were calculated by dividing the total number of click-throughs to the banner by the total number of visits to the Web pages. In each case, a relationship existed between the variable and the response rate. The results of this study also show that both animation and size can have a positive effect on response rate. Furthermore, it was found that location was not as effective as the other variables in the determination of response rates to the promotional banners. Marketing managers should consider these and other variables when designing and constructing company Web sites

    The 444--Sandin-Tillner Family Statistics

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    La carence en vitamine D chez l’adulte au Gabon: cas isolé ou problème méconnu?

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    La carence en vitamine D chez l'adulte est un sujet d'actualité à cause de ses multiples effets et de son  extension de par le monde. Cependant elle est peu explorée au Gabon et en Afrique centrale en général. Le but de cet article qui rapporte trois cas documentés de carence en vitamine D chez l'adulte au Gabon, est d'attirer l'attention sur l'existence de ce problème même en zone équatoriale ensoleillée. Vu les implications de cette carence dans diverses pathologies osseuses, cardio-vasculaires, métaboliques, infectieuses, auto-immunes, néoplasiques..., des recherches plus approfondies sont nécessaires pour cerner le problème et prendre des mesures appropriées.Key words: Vitamine D, carence, Gabon, équateu

    L’insuffisance surrénalienne chronique: une cause sous-estimée de fatigue chronique

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    L'insuffisance surrénalienne chronique est considérée plutôt comme une maladie rare dans sa forme primitive. Par contre la forme secondaire, essentiellement à l'arrêt de l'usage des corticoïdes serait plus fréquente allant de 4,2% à 60% selon la pathologie traitée, mais souvent méconnue. Nous rapportons le cas d'une patiente de 66 ans qui se plaignait d'une fatigue chronique depuis plus de deux ans, allant de médecin en médecin et considérée à tort comme dépressive, alors qu'elle présentait en fait une insuffisance surrénalienne corticotrope

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Alat Peraga Kartu Persamaan Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa Pada Pokok Bahasan Persamaan Linear Satu Variabel (Studi Eksperimen Terhadap Siswa Kelas VII Mts Darul Falah Cijati Kabupaten Majalengka)

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    Mata pelajaran matematika adalah salah satu mata pelajaran yang diajarkan pada setiap jenjang pendidikan danmerupakan bagian integral dari pendidikan nasional dan tidak kalah pentingnya bila dibandingkan dengan ilmupengetahuan lainnya. Rendahnya minat belajar matematika siswa, mengakibatkan aktivitas dalam kegiatan belajarsiswa dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran di dalam kelas belum seperti yang kita harapkan. Kegiatan siswa yangmemperhatikan pelajaran yang diterangkan oleh guru masih sedikit, sehingga materi pelajaran yang disampaikankurang dipahami siswa. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, penggunaan media adalah salah satu alternatif yang bisadigunakan agar konsep-konsep matematika bisa lebih dipahami oleh siswa. Salah satu bentuk media yang dapatdigunakan adalah alat peraga kartu persamaan. Tujuan daripenelitian ini adalah : pertama, ingin mengetahui seberapa besar respon siswa dalam penggunaan alat peraga kartupersamaan dalam pembelajaran matematika. Kedua, ingin mengetahui seberapa besar prestasi belajar matematikasiswa di kelas VII MTs Darul Falah Cijati Kabupaten Majalengka. Ketiga, ingin mengetahui adakah pengaruhpenggunaan alat peraga kartu persamaan terhadap prestasi belajar matematika siswa. Alat peraga kartu persamaan adalah suatu bentuk alat peraga matematika yang berkonsep dasar pada PersamaanLinear Satu Variabel. Alat peraga ini mudah didapatkan dan dibuat bersama-sama siswa, karena bahan dasarnyaterbuat dari kertas lipat. Alat peraga ini juga bermanfaat untuk membantu mempermudah menyelesaikan persamaanlinear satu variabel. Dalam penelitian ini, terdapat 2 variabel yaitu penggunaan alat peraga kartu persamaan sebagai variabel bebas (X)dan prestasi belajar siswa sebagai variabel terikat (Y). Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIIMTs Darul Falah Cijati Kabupaten Majalengka tahun pelajaran 2011/2012 yang berjumlah 142 siswa. Sampel yangdipilih adalah 1 kelas sebagai kelas eksperimen dengan menggunakan teknik Cluster Sampling. Pengumpulan datamenggunakan angket dan tes.Pada umumnya siswa menyatakan setuju pembelajaran matematika menggunakan alat peraga kartu persamaan dikelas VII MTs Darul Falah Cijati Kab. Majalengka. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari respon siswa dilihat dari hasil angketbahwa sebanyak 77,1% siswa memberikan respon tinggi dan 22,9% siswa memberikan respon rendah. Berdasarkan ujistatistik didapat bahwa thitung > ttabel yaitu 6,704 > 2,035 yang berarti bahwa hipotesis nol (H0) ditolak danhipotesis a (Ha) diterima.Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifika
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