716 research outputs found

    The Influence of Attachment to Mother on the Psychological Health of Pre-school Children

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    The research of 97 children (49.5% girls) deals with the contribution of attachment to the mental health of senior pre-school age subjects. Child’s attachment has been assessed by means of the Types of Attachment to Mother Assessment Questionnaire; child’s health has been assessed by comprehensive health evaluation (with defining a health group), R. Sear’s technique, Psychological Health Assessment List and The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. The ratio of pre-school children with secure and insecure attachment constituted 62.9 and 37.1%. Children with secure attachment had basic trust to mother and assurance in her support and acceptance. The obtained results confirmed the known data of the peculiarities of children with insecure attachment. Children with insecure attachment had a higher level of anxiety and a higher level of emotional symptom manifestations and external problems. The obtained multiple regression equation forecasted anxiety, emotional symptoms, hyperactivity and problems with peers according to the indices of attachment (emotional proximity with mother, mother’s empathy and perceiving mother as a source of assistance and support). Mother’s empathy to a child was the most significant for the development of anxiety, hyperactive behavior and pro-social behavior. The obtained results may be used in the preventive and correctional work on keeping and strengthening pre-school children’s mental health. Keywords: attachment to mother, mental health, preschooler

    Development of students’ scientific society of Sochi state university for tourism and recreation

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    The article concerns the development of students’ scientific society of Sochi State University for Tourism and Recreation. Special attention is attached to students’ scientific work and occupational guidance activities, aimed to involve schoolchildren in research work

    Compact Precomputed Voxelized Shadows Construction on GPU

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    We consider the problem of producing high-quality shadows in real-time for 3D computer graphics software. In [1, 4] authors have proposed new data structure for object geometry representation by binary voxel grid. This binary data was packed to directed acyclic graph — traditional sparse voxel octree with merged identical subtrees. This approach has been extended to shadowing by voxelizing shadow volumes instead of object geometry [2, 3]. Obtained structure enables high-quality filtered shadows to be reconstructed for any point in the scene in real-time. In [1–4] authors have used CPU-based bottom-up algorithm that reduces sparse voxel octree to minimal directed acyclic graph. In the present paper we construct new parallel algorithm for such reduction that runs entirely on GPU

    Die deutsch-russischen Filmbeziehungen Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts bis Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts

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    Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es, die Entwicklungen deutsch-russischer Filmbeziehungen in den verschiedenen historischen Phasen zu verstehen, die Auswirkungen von politischen und wirtschaftlichen Veränderungen auf die Filmbeziehungen zu analysieren und die Bedeutung für den Globalisierungsprozess mit seinen verschiedenen Formen des Kulturtransfers zu bestimmen. Zu diesem Zweck wurde die Arbeit in drei Kapitel gegliedert, die bestimmten historischen Phasen in der Entwicklung der Filmbeziehungen entsprechen. Dabei ergab sich, dass die Entwicklung der deutsch-russischen Filmbeziehungen insgesamt stark von großen kulturpolitischen Ereignissen beeinflusst wurde. Manchmal standen diese Ereignisse der deutsch-russischen Zusammenarbeit im Filmbereich im Wege (z.B. die Zensur in der DDR und der Sowjetunion, der Zweite Weltkrieg, später der Kalte Krieg und der Mauerbau 1961), manchmal gaben sie dagegen Anregungen zu ihrer Entwicklung (beispielsweise die Filmemigration nach der Revolution 1917, Deutschlands Wiedervereinigung und die Perestroika in Russland). Die deutsch-russischen Filmbeziehungen wurden durch technische, politische, ökonomische und ideologische Momente bedeutend geprägt. Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts basierten die Filmbeziehungen vor allem auf dem Filmtechniktransfer. Aber auch ökonomischen Ziele, wie die Stärkung der europäischen Filmproduktion gegenüber der amerikanischen sind dieser Zeit zuzuordnen. In der Nachkriegszeit und zur Zeit des Kalten Krieges war die Motivation zur Kooperation und zum Filmexport zwischen Deutschland bzw. der DDR und Russland vor allem politischer Natur. Nach 1990 sind die deutsch-russischen Kulturbeziehungen auf eine völlig neue Grundlage gestellt worden. In der Zeit der Globalisierung, des Internets und der internationalen Arbeitsteilung sind die technischen Möglichkeiten und Ziele der Zusammenarbeit ganz andere als in den Zeiten des Kalten Krieges. Auf der anderen Seite ist die anfängliche Euphorie, die mit den Transformationsprozessen in Russland verbunden war, einer schnellen Ernüchterung gewichen. Die Untersuchung der Einspielergebnisse und Einschaltquoten ergab, dass Filme aus Russland im deutschen Kino nur wenig präsent waren. Das Gleiche gilt auch für den deutschen Film in Russland. Die deutsch-russischen Filmbeziehungen standen seit 1990 vor einer Reihe finanzieller und technischer Schwierigkeiten: Transportprobleme, Zollprobleme, hohe Leihgebühren und Kosten für die Synchronisation. Um diese Herausforderungen zu bewältigen und die Zusammenarbeit weiterzuentwickeln, ist es wichtig den Dialog zwischen den beiden Partnern weiterzuführen

    Эксплуатация природы на «ничьей земле»

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    Application of Computer Simulation to Study the Features of the Austenite Isothermal Transformation in Steels

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    An algorithm was developed for the simulation of a phase transition in solid state which makes it possible to obtain the kinetic curves of transformation under different initial conditions (the number and arrangement of new phase nuclei, the distance between the nearest nuclei). The simulation results were analyzed using the KolmogorovJohnson-Mehl-Avrami equation and the corresponding coefficients were determined. The correlation between the simulation results and the experimental kinetics of the austenite isothermal transformation in alloyed steels was shown.     Keywords: computer simulation; modeling; phase transformation; kinetics; KJMA equation; logistic function; steel

    The Concept of Sustainable Development in the Projection of Modern Transformational Trends: A New Reality and New Opportunities for Business

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    The relevance of the topic of the article is due to the importance of the concept of sustainable development for the successful functioning of enterprises in the new reality.   The purpose of the article is to analyze the concept of sustainable development in the projection of modern transformational trends.   Tasks: to consider the evolution of the conceptual provisions of sustainable development; perform an analysis of the UN sustainable development goals in the context of the formation of the “green” agenda; assess the impact of the digital transformation trend on sustainable development goals; identify new opportunities for implementing the concept in a new reality; identify ESG transformation risks and digital transformation risks.   Methods. System approach, logical analysis, synthesis. Results. In modern conditions of the functioning of economic systems, sustainable development goals are a guideline for developing strategies not only at the state level, but also at the level of individual companies; ESG transformation is a new vector of business development.   As a result of the development of globalization and the strengthening of the influence of transnational corporations, the focus of the concept of sustainable development has shifted from the national level to the corporate one. The general direction of the ESG approach to managing the development of economic systems at all levels will be set by international trends. To the greatest extent, the UN Sustainable Development Goals correlate with the social criterion (11 goals), while the environmental criterion and the criterion of corporate governance account for 8 goals each. Full coincidence in all ESG criteria is observed for two goals (“Industrialization, innovation and infrastructure; “Responsible consumption and production”). The most significant for companies in the short term are environmental and social risks; in the long term, the most significant criterion is “assessment of climate risks at the asset level”. When developing and implementing corporate strategies, it is necessary to take into account ESG risks, as well as possible threats to economic security (resource substitution, growth of intellectual property, cyberattacks, industrial espionage).   Findings. The updated concept of sustainable development makes it possible to ensure economic growth when it is balanced with the needs of society to improve the quality of life, prevent degradation of the natural environment, but subject to ensuring safety and security

    On the Development of the Tourism Industry through the Implementation of the Socio-Economic Potential of the Regions of Russia (On the Example of the Regions of the Arctic Zone)

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    The tourism industry is one of the most dynamically developing and promising sectors of the global economy, but currently the tourism industry contributes less than 3.5% to Russia’s GDP, which cannot be recognized as corresponding to the huge tourist and recreational potential. The “Strategy for the Development of Tourism in the Russian Federation until 2035” formulates the tasks of increasing the efficiency of functioning. The importance of the tasks actualizes the study of all scientific and applied aspects of the development of gions of the Russian Federation, one of the key elements of which is the tourist and recreational potential. The article considers the management of tourist and recreational activities in the context of the socio-economic development of the subject of the Russian Federation. The results of studying world experience in the field of tourism are presented and the possibilities of using best practices in Russia are investigated. The mechanism of integration of tourist and recreational zones of the country into a single economic system is substantiated and a model of a virtual tourist and recreational cluster is proposed. The possibilities of implementing public-private partnership projects as a source of financing the tourism industry on the example of Arctic tourism are considered. The directions of development of the tourism industry through the implementation of the socio-economic potential of the regions of Russia are formulated

    Sustainable Development and New Challenges of the Energy Market: Amendment on “New Normal”

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    At present, the use of the term “new normal” as a new reality, characterizes a situation of challenge that requires a new model of economic development which would take into consideration current threats and risks. The article analyzes the possibility of implementing a concept of sustainable development in the context of new challenges at the energy market. Such challenges are the formation of the model of a low-carbon economy, the oversupply of hydrocarbons, and changing conditions of competition at the gas market. A key factor in restructuring the global energy industry is the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon-free sources of energy rejecting traditional production technologies are becoming increasingly popular. Accelerated innovative development of the oil and gas sector of economy is an adequate response and a measure of Russia’s sensible reaction to the current challenges at the energy market. Innovative development of enterprises in the oil and gas sector is associated with a transition from the profit maximization model to the added value maximization model which forms an innovative vector of development of the industry. The article revisits the conditions for effectively using the global competitive advantages of the Russian Federation in the energy sector, and suggests measures of state support for creating favourable conditions for the innovative development of enterprises in the oil and gas sector