11 research outputs found

    MRI u ginekoloŔkoj onkologiji

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    The use of magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI) in gynecological oncology is rapidly expanding. Pelvic MRI has excellent soft tissue contrast and multiplanar imaging ability to demonstrate either normal or pathological processes. In gynecological oncology the rapidly evolving role of MRI includes not only diagnosis but also disease staging, planning of therapy and monitoring response to treatment. We perform around 350 preoperative gynecology MRI annually, mostly in patients with suspected malignancy. In this paper we review the role of MRI in endometrial, cervical and ovarian cancerSvakodnevno raste uporaba magnetske rezonancije (MR) u ginekoloÅ”koj onkologiji. MR zdjelice ima odličnu prostornu i kontrastnu rezoluciju za prikaz kako fi zioloÅ”kih tako i patoloÅ”kih procesa. Sve je veća uključenost MR pregleda ne samo u dijagnostici već i u određivanju stadija bolest i praćenju terapije. U naÅ”em radioloÅ”kom odjelu obavi se oko 350 preoperativnih ginekoloÅ”kih MR pregleda godiÅ”nje, najčeŔće kod pacijenata sa sumnjom na malignu bolest. U ovom radu osvrnuti ćemo se na ulogu MR u karcinomima endometrija, grlića maternice i jajnika

    Implementation of First Croatian Law on Protection of Persons with Mental Disorders

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    The aim of this article was to examine Croatian psychiatric practice regarding involuntary hospitalization, after the Law on Protection of Persons with Mental Disorders became effective, on January 1, 1998. Data on the practice of involuntary hospitalizations of patients with mental disorders in Vrapče Psychiatric Hospital were collected from the medical records, for the years 1998 and 1999. Data regarding involuntary hospitalizations from other Croatian hospitals and departments were obtained from heads of psychiatric hospitals and departments for the first five months of 1998. The rate of involuntarily hospitalized patients in Vrapče Psychiatric Hospital rose significantly from 1998 to 1999 (p<0.01). The rate of patients involuntarily hospitalized under section 21, subsection 3 rose significantly from 1998 to 1999 (p<0.01), while rate of patients involuntarily hospitalized under section 22, subsection 1 decreased significantly in the same period (p<0.01) in Vrapče Psychiatric Hospital. The implementation of the Law on protection of persons with mental disorders was not applied uniformly in all Croatian psychiatric institutions during first five months of 1998. Further analyses on this subject are necessary in order to investigate the influence of changes and supplements to the Law on the protection of persons with mental disorders on the practice of involuntary hospitalizations

    Simplified description and interpretation of pathological thermography signs in malignant breast lesions

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    Background and Purpose: Breast cancer is the leading cause of death among women aged 20ā€“59 years in developed countries, with similar mortality trends, observed among women in Croatia. Breast cancer detection usually relies on mammography, ultrasound (US) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), however, thermography is a noninvasive, reliable and applicable diagnostic procedure for early detection of breast disease that has attracted interest in this field. The aim of this study was to establish the frequency and characteristics of pathological thermographic signs in female patients, who were operated on malignant breast lesions. In addition, the authors offered a simplified description and interpretation of pathological thermographic signs, based on published literature. Matherial and Methods: The seventy four female patients with histopathologically confirmed breast cancer were included in the study. In all patients breast cancer was diagnosed using standard protocol which have included clinical examination, mammography, ultrasound and for selected patients MRI and/or fine needle aspiration (FNA). Thermographic imaging has been conducted 1 to 14 days before scheduled surgical procedures. Results: Mean tumor size positively correlated with number of pathological thermographic signs (IR 3 vs. IR 5, p < 0.05). Mean number of pathological thermographic signs per patient was 3.5Ā±1, 72 (range 1 to 8). The most frequently noted singular signs were heat in area of finding and vascular signs, as well. Conclusion: The simplified description could offer a suitable clinical tool for standardization of pathological thermography signs in malignant breast lesions, taking into account the learning curve of medical teams involved and ethical aspects, as well

    Smjernice za provođenje dijagnostičkih pretraga prije početka liječenja onkoloÅ”kog bolesnika ā€“ kliničke preporuke Hrvatskog druÅ”tva za internističku onkologiju HLZ-a I. dio: tumori urogenitalnog sustava (rak bubrega, rak mokraćnog mjehura, rak prostate, rak testisa), tumori probavnog sustava (rak jednjaka, rak želuca, rak debelog i zavrÅ”nog crijeva, rak guÅ”terače, rak žučnih vodova, hepatocelularni rak, neuroendokrine novotvorine) [Guidelines for usage of diagnostic procedures prior to initiation of antineoplastic treatment ā€“ Croatian society for medical oncology clinical recommendations Part I. tumors of urogenital system (renal cell cancer, urinary bladder cancer, prostatic cancer, testicular cancer), tumors of gastrointestinal system (oesophageal cancer, gastric cancer, colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, biliary ducts cancer, hepatocellular cancer, neuroendocrine neoplasms)]

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    Cancer is the second most important cause of death in our country, immediately after cardiovascular diseases. With the assumption that cancer incidence and mortality will increase in the next years, projections show that the costs of diagnosis and treatment of cancer will be significantly increased, both due to the introduction of new diagnostic techniques and innovative medicines and treatment methods. Consequently, the imperative of making optimal use of financial resources, available personnel and techniques is all the more necessary in or-der to ensure the continuity of adequate diagnosis and treatment. Optimal use of diagnostic methods can pre-vent unnecessary processing delay, waste of financial resources and unnecessary burden on healthcare work-ers, and shorten waiting lists. HDIO has made these guidelines with the aim of overcoming these problems, rationalizing and standardizing diagnostic procedures in everyday clinical practice. Guidelines should help us to select, from the entire range of diagnostic procedures available, those which are most relevant to a particular localization and clinical extension of the disease

    Design, Construction and Control of a Manipulator Driven by Pneumatic Artificial Muscles

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    This paper describes the design, construction and experimental testing of a single-joint manipulator arm actuated by pneumatic artificial muscles (PAMs) for the tasks of transporting and sorting work pieces. An antagonistic muscle pair is used in a rotational sense to produce a required torque on a pulley. The concept, operating principle and elementary properties of pneumatic muscle actuators are explained. Different conceptions of the system realizations are analyzed using the morphological-matrix conceptual design framework and top-rated solution was practically realized. A simplified, control-oriented mathematical model of the manipulator arm driven by PAMs and controlled with a proportional control valve is derived. The model is then used for a controller design process. Fluidic muscles have great potential for industrial applications and assembly automation to actuate new types of robots and manipulators. Their characteristics, such as compactness, high strength, high power-to-weight ratio, inherent safety and simplicity, are worthy features for advanced manipulation systems. The experiments were carried out on a practically realized manipulator actuated by a pair of muscle actuators set into an antagonistic configuration. The setup also includes an original solution for the subsystem to add work pieces in the working space of the manipulator

    The Impact of Novel Antipsychotic Drugs on Quality of Life Among People Suffering from Schizophrenia

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    More attention is increasingly being paid to quality of life of people suffering from schizophrenia. The results of numerous clinical trials indicate that novel antipsychotic drugs are as efficient (if not more so) than the conventional drugs. Novel drugs also cause fewer side effects and allow for better quality of life. In order to confirm these thesis we have studied the quality of life of 80 female outpatients in good social remission that have been under psychiatric evaluation for at least six months and were on antipsychotic drugs. Of those 80 outpatients, half were on the conventional medication, while the other half were on the novel antipsychotic drugs. Their life quality was evaluated with the questionnaire Ā»Heinrichs-Hanlon-Carpenter ā€“ Quality of life questionnaireĀ«, which is one of the most frequently used QL scales. The results demonstrate that the only difference between the two groups lies in the field of social activity. While leaving the question of different influence of novel and conventional drugs open, the authors are trying to find the possible reasons for such results