80 research outputs found

    Croatia in EuroGeoNames

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    Croatia has become a part of the EuroGeoNames (EGN), the system of European geographic name infrastructure. EGN was developed through eContentplus programs of the European Commission (http://www.eurogeographics. org/news/eurogeonames). The system is under the authority of EuroGeographics, and Bundesamt fĆ¼r Kartographie und GeodƤsie (BKG) has operative authority over central service of EGN

    Croatian NSDI Website

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    The National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) web pages have been published at http://www.nipp.hr. The website provides insight into the vision and main developmental objectives of the Croatian NSDI. It represents an information platform providing public access to the NSDI and NSDI-related processes. The website publishes information related to the development of the Croatian NSDI and main developmental processes at the international level (INSPIRE, UN GGIM, GSDI etc.)

    115. redoviti skup EuroSDR-a, Masala, Finska, 21ā€“23. listopada, 2009.

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    The 115th EuroSDR (European Spatial Data Research) Regular Meeting was held in Masala, Finland, from October 21 to 23, 2009. The meeting was organized by the Finnish Geodetic Institute and the National Land Survey. Dr. Željko Hećimović from the Croatian Geodetic Institute participated in the meeting.U gradu Masala u Finskoj održan je od 21. do 23. 10. 2009. godine 115. redoviti skup EuroSDR-a (European Spatial Data Research ā€“ EuroSDR). Organizatori skupa bili su Finnish Geodetic Institute i National Land Survey. U radu skupa sudjelovao je dr. sc. Željko Hećimović iz Hrvatskoga geodetskog instituta

    Regeneration of Floodplain Forests in the Croatian Podunavlje Region Combined with Planting Seedlings of Narrow-Leaved Ash (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl.)

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    U radu je istražena mogućnost prirodne obnove kulture euroameričkih topola (Populus Ɨ canadensis Moench i P. deltoides W. Bartram ex Marshall), bilo ā€œnaletomā€ sjemena ili obnovom iz žilja i panjeva domaćih crne i bijele topole (Populus nigra L. i P. alba L.) i bijele vrbe (Salix alba L.) uz oplemenjivanje poljskim jasenom (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl.) i eventualno hrastom lužnjakom (Quercus robur L.). Nakon sedme godine plantažne starosti, obavljenih njega i čiŔćenja sastojine, u dominantnoj etaži nalaze se poljski jasen (7.86 m), bijela topola (8,66 m) i bijela vrba (8,64 m), a u podstojnoj ā€œameričkiā€ jasen (Fraxinus americana L. i F. pennsylvanica Marshall), negundovac (Acer negundo L.), vez (Ulmus laevis Pall.), crni i bijeli dud (Morus nigra L. i M. alba L.) i druge.The paper explores the possibility of generative and vegetative natural regeneration of Euro-American poplar cultures (Populus Ɨ canadensis Moench and P. deltoides W. Bartram ex Marshall), either with seeds or from sprouts and stumps of autochthonous black and white poplars (Populus nigra L. and P. alba L.) and white willow (Salix alba L.), combined with planting narrow-leaved ash (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl). After the seventh year of plantation age and the applied tending and cleaning treatments in the stand, the dominant layer features narrow-leaved ash (7.86 m), white poplar (8.66 m) and white willow (8.64 m), while the subordinate layer contains ā€œAmericanā€ ash (Fraxinus americana L. and F. pennsylvanica Marshall), boxelder (Acer negundo L.), spreading elm (Ulmus laevis Pall.), black and white mulberry (Morus nigra L. and M. alba L.) and other species. Following the final cut of ā€œEuro-Americanā€ poplars (Populus Ɨ canadensis Moench. and P. deltoides W. Bartram ex Marshall), it is possible to raise a natural stand of black poplar (Populus nigra L.), white poplar (Populus alba L.) and white willow (Salix alba L.) combined with narrow-leaved ash (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl). The regeneration period lasts somewhat longer, but the rotation will also be longer, because narrow-leaved ash and autochthonous poplars and willow are longer-lived than the clones of Euro-American poplars. This will make it possible to achieve natural succession of floodplain forests, thus obtaining the paraclimatic community Fraxino-ulmetum laevis Slav. 52 Salicion (Soo) Oberd 53. By complementing a natural forest with narrow-leaved ash (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl.) we have enriched the vegetation of floodplain forests and accelerated the process which would occur anyway. It is also possible to plant pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.), but this requires more care and time, but also better and drier sites. Black poplar is hard to raise naturally since this species is more demanding. It requires much more care and well prepared soil for the seeds. This, however, should not cause concern as a black poplar selection programme is currently under way (Osijek Forest Administration in cooperation with the Faculty of Forestry in Zagreb, Department of Forest Genetics, Dendrology and Botany), so that it will be possible to introduce it via planting material, similar to narrow-leaved ash. We recommend that, after the final cut of the Euro-American poplar, the site be prepared for natural regeneraton with autochthonous black and white poplar and white willow. The introduction of good-quality two-year-old seedlings of narrow-leaved ash (1,111 pcs/ha ā€“ planting distance 3 x 3 m), pedunculate oak and black poplar (up to 100 pcs/ha ā€“ planting distance 10 x 10 m) will improve the natural stand. In the first, or possibly second year of plantation age, the young growth should be tended by freeing the young trees from luscious vegetation and from dewberry (Rubus caesius L.) in particular. In the fourth of the fifth year the saplings should be cleaned. In the meantime climbers should be removed; common grape vine (Vitis vinifera L.) ss. sylvestris /C.C. Gmel./ Berger), common hop (Humulus lupulus L.), clematis (Clematis L.) and others. Tending with thinning follows depending on the developmental stage of the stand until the final cut and resumed natural regeneration. Apart from the above mentioned species in the dominant layer, ā€œAmericanā€ ash (Fraxinus americana L., F. Pennsylvanica Marshall), boxelder (Acer negundo L.), spreading elm (Ulmus laevis Pall.), white and black mulberry (Morus alba L. and M. nigra L.) should be left in the subordinate layer, as well as other species that sporadically occur on river islands and i

    115th EuroSDR Regular Meeting, Masala, Finland, October 21-23, 2009

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    The 115th EuroSDR (European Spatial Data Research) Regular Meeting was held in Masala, Finland, from October 21 to 23, 2009. The meeting was organized by the Finnish Geodetic Institute and the National Land Survey. Dr. Željko Hećimović from the Croatian Geodetic Institute participated in the meeting

    26th Session of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names, Vienna, May 2ā€“6, 2011

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    The 26th Session of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN) was held in the UN Headquarters in Vienna from May 2-6, 2011. As opposed to previous UNGEGN sessions, which lasted two weeks, this session lasted five days. Thus the session program was reduced, which meant national reports were not presented individually, but as group reports

    118th EuroSDR Meeting, Vienna, May 18ā€“20, 2011

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    Od 18. do 20. svibnja 2011. u Beču je održan 118. skup EuroSDRa. Organizator skupa bio je Bundesamt fuer Eich- und Vermessungswesen (BEV). Iz Hrvatske su u radu skupa učestvovali mr. sc. Ivan Landek i dr. sc. Željko Hećimović.The 118th EuroSDR Meeting was held in Vienna from May 18 to 20, 2011. It was organized by Bundesamt fuer Eich- und Vermessungswesen (BEV). Msc. Ivan Landek and Dr. Željko Hećimović from Croatia participated in the meeting

    CROPOS kao osnova za Hrvatski terestrički referentni sustav (HTRSYY)

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    U članku je dan pregled koordinatnih sustava, referentnih sustava i referentnih okvira s obzirom na Hrvatski terestrički referentni sustav (HTRS96). Prikazan je odnos osnovnih referentnih okvira koji se koriste prilikom GNSS mjerenja: geocentrični nebeski (prostorno-fiksni) u kojem su zadane efemeride satelita, terestrički (zemaljski-fiksni, državni) u kojem su zadane koordinate točaka i lokalni astronomski (instrument-fiksni) u kojem se provode mjerenja. Napravljen je osvrt na vremenske promjene koje se javljaju: gibanje točke, vremenske promjene referentnih okvira i transformacijskih parametara. Razmatrane su vremenske promjene koje se javljaju s obzirom na modele gibanja geotektonskih ploča u CROPOS točkama

    Uključivanje Hrvatske u EuroGeoNames sustav

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    U radu je dana vijest o uključivanju Hrvatske u sustav EuroGeoNames
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