6 research outputs found

    Maximum Entropy Production Theorem for Transitions between Enzyme Functional States and Its Applications

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    Transitions between enzyme functional states are often connected to conformational changes involving electron or proton transport and directional movements of a group of atoms. These microscopic fluxes, resulting in entropy production, are driven by non-equilibrium concentrations of substrates and products. Maximal entropy production exists for any chosen transition, but such a maximal transitional entropy production (MTEP) requirement does not ensure an increase of total entropy production, nor an increase in catalytic performance. We examine when total entropy production increases, together with an increase in the performance of an enzyme or bioenergetic system. The applications of the MTEP theorem for transitions between functional states are described for the triosephosphate isomerase, ATP synthase, for β-lactamases, and for the photochemical cycle of bacteriorhodopsin. The rate-limiting steps can be easily identified as those which are the most efficient in dissipating free-energy gradients and in performing catalysis. The last step in the catalytic cycle is usually associated with the highest free-energy dissipation involving proton nanocurents. This recovery rate-limiting step can be optimized for higher efficiency by using corresponding MTEP requirements. We conclude that biological evolution, leading to increased optimal catalytic efficiency, also accelerated the thermodynamic evolution, the synergistic relationship we named the evolution-coupling hypothesis

    Theoretical Improvements in Enzyme Efficiency Associated with Noisy Rate Constants and Increased Dissipation

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    Previous studies have revealed the extraordinarily large catalytic efficiency of some enzymes. High catalytic proficiency is an essential accomplishment of biological evolution. Natural selection led to the increased turnover number, kcat, and enzyme efficiency, kcat/KM, of uni–uni enzymes, which convert a single substrate into a single product. We added or multiplied random noise with chosen rate constants to explore the correlation between dissipation and catalytic efficiency for ten enzymes: beta-galactosidase, glucose isomerase, β-lactamases from three bacterial strains, ketosteroid isomerase, triosephosphate isomerase, and carbonic anhydrase I, II, and T200H. Our results highlight the role of biological evolution in accelerating thermodynamic evolution. The catalytic performance of these enzymes is proportional to overall entropy production—the main parameter from irreversible thermodynamics. That parameter is also proportional to the evolutionary distance of β-lactamases PC1, RTEM, and Lac-1 when natural or artificial evolution produces the optimal or maximal possible catalytic efficiency. De novo enzyme design and attempts to speed up the rate-limiting catalytic steps may profit from the described connection between kinetics and thermodynamics

    The maximum entropy production principle and linear irreversible processes

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    It is shown that Onsager’s principle of the least dissipation of energy is equivalent to the maximum entropy production principle. It is known that solutions of the linearized Boltzmann equation make extrema of entropy production. It is argued, in the case of stationary processes, that this extremum is a maximum rather than a minimum

    The Maximum Entropy Production Principle and Linear Irreversible Processes

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    It is shown that Onsager’s principle of the least dissipation of energy is equivalent to the maximum entropy production principle. It is known that solutions of the linearized Boltzmann equation make extrema of entropy production. It is argued, in the case of stationary processes, that this extremum is a maximum rather than a minimum