42 research outputs found
Doprinos analizi ljudske brzine obradbe podataka: razvojni i diferencijalni argumenti
Speed of human information processing (SIP) is a research
construct which has been examined under different names and
with different intensity for more than sixty years. Its importance is
briefly described in four research fields: differential,
experimental, aging and cognitive development. Since SIP
presents an important component of contemporary intelligence
models and life-span cognitive development research, an
attempt for the construction of an integrated SIP picture was
necessary. Review and systematic analysis of 42 research papers
and additional related literature showed that there are problems
with the validity of the SIP construct, but it also revealed other
theoretical and empirical inconsistencies. A new proposal for SIP
phenomena has been made, which abandons the SIP construct
with related measures, and introduces the RCP property as one
of the general attributes of every cognitive process.Die Geschwindigkeit der Datenauswertung durch den Menschen
ist ein von Forschern geschaffenes Konstrukt, das in der Psychologie
unter verschiedenen Bezeichnungen und mit schwankender
Intensität seit mehr als 60 Jahren untersucht wird. Die Bedeutung
dieses Phänomens wird anhand von vier Forschungsbereichen
knapp umrissen. Das sind: Differentielle und Experimentelle
Psychologie, Altern und kognitive Entwicklung. Da die Geschwindigkeit
der Datenauswertung durch den Menschen einen wichtigen
Bestandteil zeitgenössischer Intelligenzmodelle sowie
wissenschaftlicher Forschungen zur lebenslangen Fortentwicklung
des Menschen darstellt, muss versucht werden, ein integratives
Bild dieses Konstruktes zu entwerfen. Die Durchsicht und systematische
Analyse von 42 wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten sowie
weiterer fachliterarischer Texte zu diesem Thema ergab, dass das
Konstrukt der Geschwindigkeit der Datenauswertung durch den
Menschen in mancherlei Hinsicht problematisch ist und dass es
gewisse theoretische und empirische Inkonsistenzen aufweist. Der
Verfasser nimmt Abstand von diesem Konstrukt und seinen bezüglichen
Werten und schlägt einen neuen Versuch zur Erklärung der
Geschwindigkeit der Datenauswertung durch den Menschen vor.
Er führt den Begriff der Eigenschaft der Geschwindigkeit des
kognitiven Prozesses ein – als eine von mehreren allgemeinen
Eigenschaften eines jeden Erkenntnisvorgangs.Ljudska brzina obradbe podataka (BOP) istra`iva~ki je konstrukt
koji je u psihologiji pod razli~itim imenima i s razli~itim intenzitetom
istra`ivan vi{e od 60 godina. Njegova va`nost sa`eto je
opisana u ~etiri istra`iva~ka podru~ja: diferencijalna i eksperi-
mentalna psihologija, starenje te kognitivni razvoj. S obzirom na to da je to va`na sastavnica suvremenih modela inteligencije te
istra`ivanja cjelo`ivotnoga kognitivnog razvoja, nu`no je poku{ati
izgraditi integriranu sliku toga konstrukta. Pregled i sustavna
analiza 42 znanstvena ~lanka i dodatne literature s toga
podru~ja pokazali su da postoje problemi s konstruktnom
valjano{}u BOP-a, ali i odre|ene teorijske i empirijske
nekonzistentnosti. Iznesen je nov prijedlog za obja{njenje brzine
obradbe podataka koji napu{ta BOP s pripadnim mjerama, a
uvodi se svojstvo BKP (brzina kognitivnoga procesa) kao jedno
od nekoliko op}ih svojstava svakoga kognitivnog procesa
Doprinos analizi ljudske brzine obradbe podataka: razvojni i diferencijalni argumenti
Speed of human information processing (SIP) is a research
construct which has been examined under different names and
with different intensity for more than sixty years. Its importance is
briefly described in four research fields: differential,
experimental, aging and cognitive development. Since SIP
presents an important component of contemporary intelligence
models and life-span cognitive development research, an
attempt for the construction of an integrated SIP picture was
necessary. Review and systematic analysis of 42 research papers
and additional related literature showed that there are problems
with the validity of the SIP construct, but it also revealed other
theoretical and empirical inconsistencies. A new proposal for SIP
phenomena has been made, which abandons the SIP construct
with related measures, and introduces the RCP property as one
of the general attributes of every cognitive process.Die Geschwindigkeit der Datenauswertung durch den Menschen
ist ein von Forschern geschaffenes Konstrukt, das in der Psychologie
unter verschiedenen Bezeichnungen und mit schwankender
Intensität seit mehr als 60 Jahren untersucht wird. Die Bedeutung
dieses Phänomens wird anhand von vier Forschungsbereichen
knapp umrissen. Das sind: Differentielle und Experimentelle
Psychologie, Altern und kognitive Entwicklung. Da die Geschwindigkeit
der Datenauswertung durch den Menschen einen wichtigen
Bestandteil zeitgenössischer Intelligenzmodelle sowie
wissenschaftlicher Forschungen zur lebenslangen Fortentwicklung
des Menschen darstellt, muss versucht werden, ein integratives
Bild dieses Konstruktes zu entwerfen. Die Durchsicht und systematische
Analyse von 42 wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten sowie
weiterer fachliterarischer Texte zu diesem Thema ergab, dass das
Konstrukt der Geschwindigkeit der Datenauswertung durch den
Menschen in mancherlei Hinsicht problematisch ist und dass es
gewisse theoretische und empirische Inkonsistenzen aufweist. Der
Verfasser nimmt Abstand von diesem Konstrukt und seinen bezüglichen
Werten und schlägt einen neuen Versuch zur Erklärung der
Geschwindigkeit der Datenauswertung durch den Menschen vor.
Er führt den Begriff der Eigenschaft der Geschwindigkeit des
kognitiven Prozesses ein – als eine von mehreren allgemeinen
Eigenschaften eines jeden Erkenntnisvorgangs.Ljudska brzina obradbe podataka (BOP) istra`iva~ki je konstrukt
koji je u psihologiji pod razli~itim imenima i s razli~itim intenzitetom
istra`ivan vi{e od 60 godina. Njegova va`nost sa`eto je
opisana u ~etiri istra`iva~ka podru~ja: diferencijalna i eksperi-
mentalna psihologija, starenje te kognitivni razvoj. S obzirom na to da je to va`na sastavnica suvremenih modela inteligencije te
istra`ivanja cjelo`ivotnoga kognitivnog razvoja, nu`no je poku{ati
izgraditi integriranu sliku toga konstrukta. Pregled i sustavna
analiza 42 znanstvena ~lanka i dodatne literature s toga
podru~ja pokazali su da postoje problemi s konstruktnom
valjano{}u BOP-a, ali i odre|ene teorijske i empirijske
nekonzistentnosti. Iznesen je nov prijedlog za obja{njenje brzine
obradbe podataka koji napu{ta BOP s pripadnim mjerama, a
uvodi se svojstvo BKP (brzina kognitivnoga procesa) kao jedno
od nekoliko op}ih svojstava svakoga kognitivnog procesa
Kako hrvaški policisti dojemajo določene značilnosti policijskih menedžerjev?
To explore the importance and existence of Croatian police managers’ relevant characteristics from the perspective of police officers, and in relation to several police officers’ demographic and professional characteristics.
A convenience sample of 132 Croatian police officers (104 males) who attended a study programme in criminal investigation (average age 31.5 years) was examined by means of a questionnaire that – within Katz’s skill theory of successful management – assesses the perceived importance and the perceived existence of technical/expert, social and strategic knowledge/skills, as well as the most representative characteristics of current police managers.
A dominant perception of the highest level of importance for all three categories of managerial knowledge/skills was detected, while possession of the said skills was mainly assessed to be at the medium level. The largest difference was found between the perceived importance and the perceived possession of social skills. Social skills were also perceived to be significantly more important than the other ones, while police managers were perceived to most frequently possess expert skills. Out of 12 offered police manager characteristics, the most frequently selected were negative ones. Finally, there were no significant and systematic effects of demographic and professional factors on the perceived importance and perceived possession of any of the three knowledge/skills categories.
Research Limitations / Implications:
A larger and more representative sample would ensure the study’s greater external validity and statistical power. Additional management skill items are needed in the questionnaire to improve the construct validity (besides including other relevant factors and questions useful for interpreting the trends detected).
Practical Implications:
Within the research limitations, the findings suggest possible changes to the education system, staff assessment and police officers’ promotion.
This is the first police management research in Croatia and probably the first generally within the framework of Katz’s skill theory of successful management.Namen prispevka:
Namen prispevka je analizirati pomen in prisotnost relevantnih osebnostnih značilnosti in veščin/kompetenc policijskih menedžerjev v hrvaški policiji in ugotoviti, ali socialne in demografske značilnosti policistov vplivajo no to oceno.
Raziskava je bila izvedena na priložnostnem vzorcu 132 hrvaških policistov (104 moških) – študentov študijskega programa kriminalistike. Uporabljen je bil vprašalnik, ki je v skladu s Katzovo teorijo uspešnega menedžmenta meril oceno pomembnosti in prisotnosti določenih osebnostnih kompetenc pri hrvaških policijskih menedžerjih – tehničnih oz. strokovnih kompetenc, socialnih kompetenc ter strateških kompetenc. Anketiranci so ocenjevali tudi najbolj značilne osebnostne značilnosti hrvaških policijskih menedžerjev.
Anketiranci so vse tri vrste kompetenc ocenili kot zelo pomembne, medtem ko so pomembnost osebnostnih značilnosti menedžerjev za njihovo uspešnost ocenili kot srednje pomembno. Največji razkorak je bil zaznan med pomembnostjo in dejansko prisotnostjo socialnih veščin/kompetenc pri policijskih menedžerjih. Socialne veščine so bile ocenjene kot pomembnejše kot drugi dve vrsti ocenjevanih veščin/kompetenc, medtem ko so bile tehnične/ekspertne veščine označene kot najbolj pogosto prisotne pri ocenjevanih menedžerjih. Od skupno 12 ocenjevanih osebnostnih značilnosti policijskih menedžerjev so bile najpogosteje izpostavljene tiste, ki jih lahko ocenimo kot negativne. Med socialnimi in demografskimi značilnostmi anketirancev in ocenjevanimi kompetencami avtorji niso ugotovili statistično značilnih povezav.
Omejitve/uporabnost raziskave
Večji in bolj reprezentativni vzorec anketiranih policistov bi dal tudi bolj relevantne rezultate za hrvaško policijo. Za večjo veljavnost rezultatov bi bilo treba v vprašalnik vključiti tudi druge osebnostne značilnosti in kompetence, tako da bi lahko analizirane vsebine bolj celovito ocenili.
Praktična uporabnost:
Upoštevaje omejitve raziskave so lahko rezultati študije uporabni pri prihodnjem izobraževanju in selekciji policijskih vodij.
Izvirnost/pomembnost prispevka:
Gre za prvo raziskavo o policijskem menedžmentu na Hrvaškem in verjetno eno prvih z uporabo Katzove teorije veščin v povezavi z uspešnostjo vodenja
Der Einfluss tschechischer Kapitalanlagen auf die Entwicklung Vukovars zwischen den Weltkriegen
Godine 1932., kada je gospodarska kriza vladala svjetskim i
hrvatskim gospodarstvom, u "Bati" u Borovu kraj Vukovara
započela je proizvodnja prve u cijelosti industrijski izrađene
obuće u Kraljevini Jugoslaviji. U svojim početcima
zapošljavala je tek oko stotinjak radnika, no taj je broj
porastao 1939. godine do više od 4000 radnika, kada je i
zabilježen najveći broj zaposlenika u povijesti ove tvornice.
Uzimajući u obzir broj zaposlenika, cjelokupnu proizvodnju
te raspon uloženoga kapitala, tvornica "Bata" u međuratnom
razdoblju bila je jedna od najvećih tvornica u Kraljevini
Jugoslaviji. Sam smještaj tvornice u Borovu odabran je
zbog povoljna geografskoga položaja koji je omogućavao
povoljne prometne veze ne samo unutar granica Kraljevine
nego i s inozemstvom. Istodobno s izgradnjom tvornice
podizana su i stambena naselja. Uz industrijski rad nije se
zapuštala ni briga za socijalni i ekonomski boljitak
zaposlenika, tzv. "Batinih" suradnika. Vukovar se od
administrativnoga središta Srijemske županije, odnosno
oblasti, transformirao, zajedno sa svojom okolicom, u
industrijsko središte. Kasnije, u poslijeratnom razdoblju,
posebno od 1950-ih godina, tvornica će poslužiti kao
temelj snažna gospodarskog i demografskog uzleta
grada Vukovara.In 1932, when the economic crisis ruled both the world and
Croatian economy, the production of the first completely
industrially manufactured shoes in the Kingdom of
Yugoslavia began at “Bata”, a factory in Borovo, near
Vukovar. In its beginnings the factory employed not more
than a hundred workers, but by 1939 this number grew up
to 4000 workers, the highest ever number of employees in
the history of this factory. Taking into consideration the
number of employees, the whole production and scope of
the invested capital, “Bata” was one of the biggest factories
in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia between the two wars. The
factory was located in Borovo, a place which had been
chosen for its very favourable geographical position enabling
good traffic connections not only within the borders of the
Kingdom but also with other countries. While the factory was
being built, residential housing projects were erected. In
addition to industrial labour, the social and economic
wellbeing of the employees, the so-called “Bata” cooperants,
were not neglected. Vukovar was then transformed from the
administrative centre of the Srijem County together with its
outskirts, into an industrial centre. Later, in the postwar
period, especially since the 1950s, the factory served as a
foundation for strong economic and demographic growth of
the city of Vukovar.Im Jahre 1932, als die internationale wie auch die kroatische
Wirtschaft im Zeichen einer globalen Wirtschaftskrise standen,
produzierte „Bata“ in Borovo unweit von Vukovar
erstmals das erste gänzlich industriell gefertigte Schuhwerk
im Königreich Jugoslawien. Zunächst stellte man nur etwas
mehr als 100 Arbeiter ein, doch bis 1939 wuchs diese Zahl
auf über 4000 an, was zugleich den Rekord in der Unternehmensgeschichte darstellt. Im Hinblick auf die Zahl
der Angestellten, den Produktionsumfang und die Höhe des
investierten Kapitals gehörte der Schuhhersteller „Bata“ in der
Zwischenkriegszeit zu den größten Fabriken des Königreichs
Jugoslawien. Der Sitz der Fabrik in Borovo war wegen seiner
günstigen Verkehrslage gewählt worden, der gute
Verbindungen nicht nur innerhalb des Königreiches, sondern
auch mit dem Ausland ermöglichte. Parallel zum Bau der
Fabrik errichtete man auch Wohnsiedlungen für die Arbeiter;
neben der industriellen Produktion wurde das soziale und
wirtschaftliche Wohl der Belegschaft, der sog. „Bata“-
Mitarbeiter, nicht vernachlässigt. Vukovar mitsamt seiner
Umgebung wandelte sich vom administrativen Mittelpunkt
seines Bezirks, der Gespanschaft Srijem (Syrmien), zu einem
Industriestandort. In der Zeit nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg,
zumal ab den 50er-Jahren, diente die Fabrik als Grundlage
für den wirtschaftlichen und demografischen Aufschwung der
Stadt Vukovar
The World of Young People: a Challenge to the Church and the Society
Rad u svojemu prvom dijelu analizira pravno, demografsko i psihološko određenje mladih u Hrvatskoj, s ciljem preciznoga upoznavanja ciljne populacije te problematizira gornju granicu mladenaštva. Pravno gledano, dobne granice populacije mladih nisu jednoznačno određene i kronološki se povećavaju. Sažeta demografska analiza ukazuje na nepovoljno postojeće stanje i trendove u populaciji mladih definiranih s dobi od 15 do 29 godina. Razvojno-psihološke teorije i spoznaje ne prepoznaju jedinstvenu populaciju mladih te razlikuju adolescente od mladih odraslih osoba. U cilju sagledavanja i uvažavanja svih relevantnih čimbenika i zahtjeva u radu s mladima, nastoji se sažeto prikazati najvažnije osobitosti adolescencije i mlade/rane odrasle dobi temeljem spoznaja standardne razvojno-psihološke literature: biološke/tjelesne, intelektualne, moralne, emocionalne, socijalne i ličnosti u užem smislu. Uvažavajući sastavnice određenja mladih i njihove razvojne osobitosti pokušava se definirati uspješan rad s mladima, navode njegove pretpostavke te iznose neka specifična iskustva suvremenoga rada s mladima u okviru Crkve (opća vrijednosna primjerenost kršćanstva za rad s mladima, nedostatnost osobne inicijative mladih u društveno usmjerenim angažmanima, važna uloga duhovnika koji radi s mladima, važnost poznavanja službenih društvenih okvira rada s mladima). Konačno, analizira se važnost poznavanja društvenih okvira rada s mladima za bavljenje tom populacijom unutar Crkve te se sugeriraju konkretne smjernice za razvoj tih djelatnosti, ali i za poboljšanje ukupne perspektive mladih u društvu, temeljem mogućnosti kojima raspolaže Crkva.The article analyses the legal, demographic and psychological determination of the Croatian youth, aiming at a precise acquaintance with the target population and the identification of the upper age limit of a young person. From the legal point of view the age limit of a young person is not determined unilaterally and increases chronologically. A concise demographic analysis points towards the unfavorable current situation and trends among the young population defined as the age between 15 and 29. The developmental and psychological theories and insights do not recognize the young population as such whereas they make a distinction between adolescents and young adults. In a striving to examine and consider all the relevant factors and requirements of working with youth, the author endeavors to give a brief presentation of the most significant characteristics of the adolescent and young/early adult age, based on the insights of the standard developmental and psychological literature: biological/physical, intellectual, moral, emotional, social and the individual in the narrow sense. By taking into account the components determining young people and the unique characteristics of their development, the author strives to define the successful work with young people, mentioning its preconditions and indicating specific experiences related to the work with young people carried out within the Church nowadays (universal appropriateness of Christian values for working with young people, insufficient personal initiative of young people in socially oriented engagements, the significant role of spiritual directors, who work with youth, the importance of awareness about the official social frameworks of working with young people). Finally, the author analyses the significance of thorough understanding of the official social frameworks of dealing with young people as means of taking care of this population within the Church. The author suggests the exact guidelines for the development of these activities and for the improvement of the overall perspective of young people in the society, relying upon the possibilities offered by the Church
Industry in Zagreb from 1935 until 1939
Industrija u Zagrebu kao jedinstvena i samostalna tematska cjelina dosada se nije obrađivala u hrvatskoj historiografiji, stoga se doktorskim radom nastojalo pridonijeti boljem poznavanju gospodarske prošlosti grada Zagreba za vrijeme Savske banovine. Uz pomoć relativno objektivnih činjenica prikazan je dinamizam i struktura industrijske djelatnosti u Zagrebu u razdoblju koji je u gospodarskom smislu predstavljao određeni postdepresivni konjunkturni napredak sa svim ograničenjima koja su donosile politička situacija u Kraljevini Jugoslaviji i politički događaji na međunarodnom planu. Uslijed svjetske gospodarske krize, ali ponajviše zbog ekonomske politike vladajuće strukture, uzlet, koji je zagrebačka industrijska djelatnost doživjela 1920-ih u razdoblju od 1935. do 1939., počeo je slabjeti. Ponajprije se to očitovalo brojem novosnovanih industrijskih poduzeća koji je pao za više od 80 % u odnosu na razdoblje prije gospodarske krize. Zbog toga se može zaključiti da u promatranom razdoblju, politički obilježenom vladom Milana Stojadinovića te njegovom novom ekonomskom politikom, u gradu Zagrebu nije bilo poticaja za stvaranje novih industrijskih poduzeća. Dapače, razvoj postojeće industrijske djelatnosti, otežavan je neravnopravnim porezenim opterećenjima koja su iznosila i do 40 % više nego primjerice u Beogradu. Unatoč tomu, podatci o ukupnom kapitalu, pogonskoj snazi i broju radnika i osoblja, koja su tri najsimptomatičnija čimbenika za proizvodnu sposobnost industrije, ukazuju na dobru likvidnost i stabilno poslovanje industrijskih poduzeća u Zagrebu od 1935. do 1939.Zagreb's Industry as a unique and independent study subject has been neglected by the Croatian Historiography. It is, therefore, the intention of this PhD dissertation to contribute comprehensibly to improve understanding of Zagreb’s economic history during Sava Region (Savska banovina). With the aid of relatively objective facts, dissertation provides an overview of Zagreb’s industrial activities and its dimensions and structures for the period of five years. Sense wise and in relation to the economy, this period represents a post-depression conjunctive progress with all its limitations brought about by political situation in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and political events on the international scale. During the World Economic Crises and predominantly due to economic policy of the government structures in power, the rise of Zagreb’s industrial activities accomplished in 1920s started to decline in the period 1935 – 1939. This, however is evident in the number of newly established industrial companies as it declined more than 80% compared to the period before the economic crises. It could be concluded therefore, that in the period 1935 – 1939 - which was politically marked by the Milan Stojanović’s Government and his new economic policy - there were no incentives for the establishment of new industrial companies in Zagreb. On the contrary, the existing industrial activity is aggravated and burdened by the uneven taxation amounting up to 40% more then, for example, in Belgrade. Nevertheless, for the period 1935 – 1939, three most symptomatic factors of the industry production capabilities: figures related to overall capital, power-generating capacity and the number of workers and staff members, indicate good business liquidity and stability of the industrial companies in Zagreb.PhD dissertation Industry in Zagreb from 1935 until 1939 greatly contributes to the future research and synthesis (which is still absent in our historiography) related to the economic circumstances in Zagreb between two World Wars
Der Einfluss tschechischer Kapitalanlagen auf die Entwicklung Vukovars zwischen den Weltkriegen
Godine 1932., kada je gospodarska kriza vladala svjetskim i
hrvatskim gospodarstvom, u "Bati" u Borovu kraj Vukovara
započela je proizvodnja prve u cijelosti industrijski izrađene
obuće u Kraljevini Jugoslaviji. U svojim početcima
zapošljavala je tek oko stotinjak radnika, no taj je broj
porastao 1939. godine do više od 4000 radnika, kada je i
zabilježen najveći broj zaposlenika u povijesti ove tvornice.
Uzimajući u obzir broj zaposlenika, cjelokupnu proizvodnju
te raspon uloženoga kapitala, tvornica "Bata" u međuratnom
razdoblju bila je jedna od najvećih tvornica u Kraljevini
Jugoslaviji. Sam smještaj tvornice u Borovu odabran je
zbog povoljna geografskoga položaja koji je omogućavao
povoljne prometne veze ne samo unutar granica Kraljevine
nego i s inozemstvom. Istodobno s izgradnjom tvornice
podizana su i stambena naselja. Uz industrijski rad nije se
zapuštala ni briga za socijalni i ekonomski boljitak
zaposlenika, tzv. "Batinih" suradnika. Vukovar se od
administrativnoga središta Srijemske županije, odnosno
oblasti, transformirao, zajedno sa svojom okolicom, u
industrijsko središte. Kasnije, u poslijeratnom razdoblju,
posebno od 1950-ih godina, tvornica će poslužiti kao
temelj snažna gospodarskog i demografskog uzleta
grada Vukovara.In 1932, when the economic crisis ruled both the world and
Croatian economy, the production of the first completely
industrially manufactured shoes in the Kingdom of
Yugoslavia began at “Bata”, a factory in Borovo, near
Vukovar. In its beginnings the factory employed not more
than a hundred workers, but by 1939 this number grew up
to 4000 workers, the highest ever number of employees in
the history of this factory. Taking into consideration the
number of employees, the whole production and scope of
the invested capital, “Bata” was one of the biggest factories
in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia between the two wars. The
factory was located in Borovo, a place which had been
chosen for its very favourable geographical position enabling
good traffic connections not only within the borders of the
Kingdom but also with other countries. While the factory was
being built, residential housing projects were erected. In
addition to industrial labour, the social and economic
wellbeing of the employees, the so-called “Bata” cooperants,
were not neglected. Vukovar was then transformed from the
administrative centre of the Srijem County together with its
outskirts, into an industrial centre. Later, in the postwar
period, especially since the 1950s, the factory served as a
foundation for strong economic and demographic growth of
the city of Vukovar.Im Jahre 1932, als die internationale wie auch die kroatische
Wirtschaft im Zeichen einer globalen Wirtschaftskrise standen,
produzierte „Bata“ in Borovo unweit von Vukovar
erstmals das erste gänzlich industriell gefertigte Schuhwerk
im Königreich Jugoslawien. Zunächst stellte man nur etwas
mehr als 100 Arbeiter ein, doch bis 1939 wuchs diese Zahl
auf über 4000 an, was zugleich den Rekord in der Unternehmensgeschichte darstellt. Im Hinblick auf die Zahl
der Angestellten, den Produktionsumfang und die Höhe des
investierten Kapitals gehörte der Schuhhersteller „Bata“ in der
Zwischenkriegszeit zu den größten Fabriken des Königreichs
Jugoslawien. Der Sitz der Fabrik in Borovo war wegen seiner
günstigen Verkehrslage gewählt worden, der gute
Verbindungen nicht nur innerhalb des Königreiches, sondern
auch mit dem Ausland ermöglichte. Parallel zum Bau der
Fabrik errichtete man auch Wohnsiedlungen für die Arbeiter;
neben der industriellen Produktion wurde das soziale und
wirtschaftliche Wohl der Belegschaft, der sog. „Bata“-
Mitarbeiter, nicht vernachlässigt. Vukovar mitsamt seiner
Umgebung wandelte sich vom administrativen Mittelpunkt
seines Bezirks, der Gespanschaft Srijem (Syrmien), zu einem
Industriestandort. In der Zeit nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg,
zumal ab den 50er-Jahren, diente die Fabrik als Grundlage
für den wirtschaftlichen und demografischen Aufschwung der
Stadt Vukovar