11 research outputs found

    The concept of therapy of patients with sensory-motor aphasia

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    Summary. In Poland, every year suffer a stroke about 70 thousand. people every year this number increases. Stroke is the third leading cause of death among adults in Poland, right after heart disease and cancer. Statistically, the number of people who experience a stroke, is similar in almost all over Europe, but in our country in comparison with the countries of Western Europe often death occurs as a result of stroke or permanent disability. This is related to the health condition of our society, with concomitant diseases, but above all, the difficulties with diagnosis quick and very little access to complex therapy in the first, acute phase after the onset of stroke. A significant proportion of patients experiencing post-stroke speech disorders and / or understanding of, on average, it is estimated that every third person after a stroke is diagnosed aphasia. Appointment of the National Program for Prevention and Treatment of Stroke, which seeks to modernize the branches of neurological rehabilitation and the creation of a system of neurological rehabilitation on an outpatient basis, to contribute to the better functioning of the impact of the incident. Currently, about 70% of patients after stroke disability remains, which increases the likelihood of post-stroke depressive disorder (PSD). Stroke, in conjunction with physical disabilities, communication disorders, permanently life-changing, not only the patient, but also families. Dependence on other people, abnormal functioning in the accompanying next of said depression can lead to outbursts of anger, decrease in self-esteem. The proper operation of therapy

    The role of antenatal education as a prevention of emerging disorders during pregnancy

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    Introduction. The presented work is the result of a literature`s studies in the field of feeding pregnant women and experimental analysis on their knowledge and health behaviors. The study highlighted the importance of preventive actions by medical staff and school instructors in giving birth to the education of future mothers. The aim of the study was to determine the knowledge of pregnant women about the principles of proper nutrition. The analysis verified the ability to use the obtained data in the daily life of the respondents. Materials and method. The research group consisted of 101 pregnant women, including 51 patients from one of the Poznan`s Hospitals of Gynecological and Obstetrics Department and 50 participants of Birth School in the same city. The research tool was an authoritative questionnaire that included questions about the knowledge of pregnant women about the impact of a rational diet for a developing fetus. Results. On the basis of the data obtained it can be stated that students of childbirth schools were more willing and more likely to undertake pro-health activities than those who were never participants in such courses. The effectiveness of knowledge transfer by professionals is an important element of prevention of disorders during pregnancy. In educational programs, emphasis should be placed on the practical application of the acquired knowledge. Conclusions. The future mother should have clearly defined goals and principles in the rush of all the information. Thanks to them she will be able to consciously and without risk of complications as a result of bad eating habits, survive the period of nine consecutive months and enjoy the correct course of pregnancy and its completion

    The Effects of Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Fluoride, and Lead on Bone Tissue

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    Bones are metabolically active organs. Their reconstruction is crucial for the proper functioning of the skeletal system during bone growth and remodeling, fracture healing, and maintaining calcium–phosphorus homeostasis. The bone metabolism and tissue properties are influenced by trace elements that may act either indirectly through the regulation of macromineral metabolism, or directly by affecting osteoblast and osteoclast proliferation or activity, or through becoming part of the bone mineral matrix. This study analyzes the skeletal impact of macroelements (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus), microelements (fluorine), and heavy metals (lead), and discusses the concentration of each of these elements in the various bone tissues

    Concentrations of Bioelements (Zn, Cu, Fe, Cr, Mg, Mn) in Serum and Bone Tissue of Aging Men Undergoing Hip Arthroplasty: Implications for Erectile Dysfunction

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    Background: Erectile dysfunction (ED) stands out as one of the most prevalent sexual disorders in men, with its incidence progressively escalating with age. As delineated by the International Consultation Committee for Sexual Medicine on Definitions/Epidemiology/Risk Factors for Sexual Dysfunction, the prevalence of ED among men under 40 years is estimated to be within the range of 1–10%. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between the concentration of bioelements (Zn, Cu, Fe, Cr, Mg, and Mn) in the serum and bone tissue and the concentration of selected hormones in men with and without erectile dysfunction. Materials and methods: The retrospective cohort study included 152 men who underwent total hip arthroplasty for hip osteoarthritis at the Department of Orthopaedic Traumatology and Musculoskeletal Oncology at the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin. Certain exclusion criteria were applied to ensure the integrity of the study. These included individuals with diabetes, a history of cancer, alcohol abuse, liver or kidney failure, New York Heart Association (NYHA) class III or IV heart failure, and those taking medications that affect bone metabolism, such as mineral supplements, neuroleptics, chemotherapeutic agents, immunosuppressants, corticosteroids, or antidepressants. Patients with hypogonadism or infertility were excluded from the study. Results: The study showed an association between bioT concentrations and Cu concentrations in both patients with and without erectile dysfunction. A correlation between bioactive testosterone and Cr concentrations was also observed in both groups. Patients with erectile dysfunction showed a relationship between bioT concentration and Zn concentration, TT concentration and Mn concentration, FT concentration and Zn concentration, and E2 concentration and Cr concentration. An analysis of elemental concentrations in bone tissue showed an association between FT and Mg and Mn concentrations, but only in patients with erectile dysfunction. In patients without erectile dysfunction, a correlation was observed between FT and Cu concentrations. A correlation was also observed between bioT concentrations and Mg, Mn, and Zn concentrations, but only in patients with erectile dysfunction. In patients without erectile dysfunction, a correlation was observed between bioT and Cu concentrations. Conclusions: Studying the relationship between the concentration of bioelements (Zn, Cu, Fe, Cr, Mg, and Mn) in the serum and bone tissue and the concentration of selected hormones in men may be important in explaining the etiology of the problem. The study of the concentration of Zn and Cu in bone tissue and serum showed that these two elements, regardless of the place of accumulation, may be related to the concentration of androgens in men

    Comparative Analysis of the Influence of Selected Physical Factors on the Level of Pain in the Course of Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

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    Introduction. Temporomandibular joints (TMJs) play a very significant function in the activity of the locomotor system of the masticatory system. But they are often a source of pain, myopathy, myoarthropathy, and malfunction of their surrounding or internal structures. The treatment of a patient’s discomfort associated with masticatory system dysfunctions strongly depends on their cause. Aim of the Study. The objective of the study was to evaluate the impact of selected physical factors: LED light therapy with electromagnetic field and cryotherapy for the level of pain, in the treatment of patients suffering from temporomandibular disorders (TMDs). Materials and Methods. The study included 60 patients of both genders with diagnosed TMD in a clinical trial. The participants were randomly divided into two groups. Each group consisted of 30 people and was subjected to separate therapies in which LED light therapy with electromagnetic field (MLT) and cryotherapy (CT) were applied. Results. Having assessed the results of the author’s own research in terms of analgesic activity, determined on the VAS scale during the daily routine activity of the mandible and its individual movements, in general, each of the studied groups demonstrated a considerable decrease in the level of the patients’ perception of pain (<0.001). Having compared both the therapeutic methods used, a greater reduction in the level of perceived pain was achieved with MLT (p=0.002). The type of therapy used turned out to be the only significant factor for the magnitude of this reduction. Conclusions. Conclusions based on the results of our own research indicate that the selected methods of treatment demonstrate an analgesic effect in terms of the overall discomfort in the course of TMD, and that they may be an alternative pain relief thereby reducing the patient’s intake of painkillers

    Impact of Varied Factors on Iron, Nickel, Molybdenum and Vanadium Concentrations in the Knee Joint

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    The aim of this study was to determine the concentrations of iron, nickel, molybdenum, and vanadium in the knee joint. We also examined the relationships between the concentrations of these metals in the knee joint and the influence of varied factors on the concentration of Fe, Ni, Mo, and V. The study of these trace elements is important, because these elements are used alone and in combination in diet supplements, and they are components of biomaterials implanted in medicine. The study materials, consisting of the spongy bone, cartilage, meniscus, anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), and infrapatellar fat pad, were obtained from 34 women and 12 men from northwestern Poland. The concentrations of Ni, Fe, Mo, and V were determined using spectrophotometric atomic absorption in inductively coupled argon plasma (ICP-AES). We found significantly higher Mo concentrations in the ACL of women than men. There was a significant difference in the Mo concentration in the spongy bone between patients from cities with fewer than 100,000 inhabitants and patients from cities with more than 100,000 residents. Iron concentrations in the spongy bone were higher in non-smoking patients and those who did not consume alcohol. Vanadium concentrations were higher in the infrapatellar fat pads in abstainers. In patients who had not undergone arthroscopy surgery, V concentration was lower in cartilage. The concentrations of V in the cartilage and infrapatellar fat pad were higher in osteoporotic patients than in non-osteoporotic patients. There were significant differences in Fe concentrations in the meniscus, with the lowest in osteoporotic patients. We noted lower Mo concentrations in the spongy bone of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Furthermore, we noted some new interactions among metals in the studied structures of the knee joint. The results reported in this study show the influence of gender, place of residence, smoking, consumption of alcohol, arthroscopy surgery, osteoporosis, and rheumatoid arthritis on the Fe, Ni, Mo, and V concentrations in the studied structures of the knee joint

    The Relationship between Diabetes Mellitus and Respiratory Function in Patients Eligible for Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

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    Introduction: Spirometry performed prior to surgery provides information on the types of lung disorders in patients. The purpose of this study was to look for a relationship between the prevalence of diabetes and spirometry parameters. Material and Methods: The study was conducted in patients with coronary artery disease who were eligible for an isolated coronary artery bypass graft in 2013. The study group included 367 patients (287 men and 80 women) aged 68.7 &plusmn; 8.4 years. They were divided into those with diagnosed diabetes (group I, n = 138, 37.6%) and without diabetes (group II, n = 229, 62.4%). Spirometry tests were performed on the day of admission to the hospital. Results: Patients with diabetes (group I) had a significantly higher body mass index than those without diabetes (group II). Spirometry tests also showed that patients with diabetes had statistically significantly lower forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1.0). Both FVC and FEV1.0 were also statistically significantly lower for overweight and obese individuals in group I than those in group II. Conclusion: Patients with diabetes eligible for coronary artery bypass grafting with concurrent overweight or obesity are more likely to have lower spirometry parameters than those without diabetes

    Impact of sitting position on the formation of spinal curvatures in the sagittal plane of taxi drivers - preliminary report

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    Introduction: Human body posture is an individual feature influenced by environmental conditions and the type of performed work. The curvatures change with age, quality and style of life. Civilizational development has led to a sedentary lifestyle, which has an influence on postural defects formation. The aim of this study was to verify the effect of length of time for taxi drivers on spine curvature formation compared to people who adopt a sitting position. Materials and methods: The study comprised 60 subjects: 30 controls and 30 study subjects (taxi drivers), all with work history longer than 10 years. Triplicate measurements of spinal curvatures were taken using the Rippstein Plurimeter in a relaxed position, and results were saved according to the SFTR system. In addition, body height and weight were measured to calculate body mass index (BMI). Results: The average work time in the examined group was 57.7 and the control group 6.8 hours per week. The mean values of thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis in the examined group were 36.3 and 17.9 degrees, respectively, versus 30.3 and 20.8 in the control group. Age and length of service had an impact on the shaping of the spinal curvatures. Greater value of BMI was associated with deeper thoracic kyphosis, but not with shallower lumbar lordosis. Conclusions: Adverse changes in shaping spinal curvatures progress with increasing age and length of the employment performed in the sitting position. Body mass index and body weight above the normal level contribute to deepening thoracic kyphosis

    Concentration of Selected Elements in the Infrapatellar Fat Pad of Patients with a History of Total Knee Arthroplasty

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    In the period of long development, the human body adapted to specific concentrations of trace elements. Any changes in the trace element content manifesting in a deficiency or excess of metals in the human body may impair the functioning of the skeletal and articular system and of the organs, and may also predispose the body to the development of diseases, i.e., osteoporosis. Our study aimed to analyze the concentrations of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), fluorides (F-), and lead (Pb) in the infrapatellar fat pad (Hoffa&#8217;s fat pad) of subjects who had undergone a total knee replacement (TKR) surgery. We also endeavored to establish how concentration levels of those elements are affected by selected biological and environmental factors. The studied group comprised 48 residents of Western Pomerania Province: 34 women (n = 34) aged 56&#8211;87 and 12 men (n = 12) aged 59&#8211;85. Concentration levels of Ca, Mg, and Pb were established using inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). A Thermo Orion ion-selective electrode was applied for measuring F- concentration. Subjects aged 75&#8211;87 showed higher Mg concentration values than those aged 56&#8211;74. Big city residents and smokers were found to have higher infrapatellar fat pad Mg concentration than their non-smoking counterparts and small town dwellers. Of all the elements whose concentrations we analyzed in our studies, only magnesium was found to correlate with smoking, place of residence, and age. Our findings regarding the quantities of selected elements in the infrapatellar fat pad may be used for the interpretation and analysis of biological, morphological, and mechanical changes in the human body

    Phosphorus Concentration in Knee Joint Structures of Patients Following Replacement Surgery

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    The aim of the study was to assess phosphorus (P) concentration in structures of the knee joint&#8212;including the tibial spongy bone, articular cartilage, meniscus, anterior cruciate ligament, and infrapatellar fat pad (Hoffa&#8217;s fat pad)&#8212;of patients following knee joint replacement. The study also aimed to assess the influence of selected biological and environmental factors on P concentration in studied parts of the knee joint. Phosphorus concentration was determined using inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). Statistically significant differences in P concentration were found between different elements of the knee joint. The highest P concentration was measured in the spongy bone (72,746.68 mg kg&#8722;1 dw) and the lowest in the Hoffa&#8217;s fat pad (1203.19 mg kg&#8722;1 dw). P levels were unaffected by gender, age, BMI, place of residence, smoking, or alcohol consumption. Data on P concentration in the osteoarticular elements of the knee may be useful in the interpretation and evaluation of biochemical, morphological, and mechanical changes occurring in the body