25 research outputs found

    Factors modifying the special skills of canoeists

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    Darbo tikslas – taikant koreliacinį tyrimą išryškinti baidarininkų pagrindinius požymius, kurie labiausiai sąlygoja jų specialųjį parengtumą lenktyniauti 500 m nuotolyje. Tirta 13 Lietuvos olimpinės rinktinės ir jos pamainos baidarininkų. Nustatyti pagrindiniai rodikliai, kurie kinta taikant įvairius fizinius krūvius ir kurių kaitą galima koreguoti: vienkartinis raumenų susitraukimo galingumas (VRSG) (Bosco, 1982), anaerobinis alaktatinis raumenų galingumas (AARG) taikant laiptinę ergometriją ir dirbant 10 s specialiu ergometru, judesių dažnis (JD) per 10 s, paprastosios psichomotorinės reakcijos laikas (PRL), Rufjė indeksas (Skernevičius ir kt., 2004), raumenų masė (Moor, Johnsen, 1973). Specialusis parengtumas vertintas pagal rezultatus, pasiektus įveikiant simuliacinį 500 m nuotolį specialiu ergometru „Dansprint“. Atskirų rodiklių sąsajos paieškai taikytas Pirsono tiesinės koreliacijos metodas ir atlikta regresinė analizė. Tyrimai parodė, kad 500 m simuliacinio nuotolio įveikimo veiksmingumas turi didelį ryšį su anaerobiniu alaktatiniu raumenų galingumu dirbant 10 s ir patikimą ryšį su laiptinės ergometrijos AARG rodikliais. Raumenų masė turi sąsają su specialiuoju pajėgumu. Kraujotakos sistemos funkcinį pajėgumą apibūdinantis RI rodiklis turi silpną ryšį su specialiuoju darbingumu įveikiant 500 m simuliacinį nuotolį, nors tokio darbo metu 60-65 % energijos gaminama aerobinių reakcijų būdu.Aim of the present correlative study was to elucidate the main indices that exert strongest effects on canoeists preparedness for the 500 m distance Olympic team and its reserve. The main indices that change under different modifiable physical loads were elucidated. The following indices were checked: single muscular contraction power (Bosco, 1982), anaerobic alactic muscular power (AAMP) employing staircase ergometry and 10s load on a special ergometer, movement frequency per 10s, simple psychomotor response time, Roufier index (RI) (Skernevičius et al., 2004), as well muscular mass (Moor, Johnson, 1973). Special preparedness was determined from the indices demonstrated while covering the 500m simulation distance on a special "Dansprint" ergometer. Pearson‘s linear correlation method was employed to find a correlation among separate indices and a regressive analysis was performed. The study revealed a close correlation of the efficiency of covering the 500 m simulation distance with AAMP under a 10s load and a reliable relation with staircase ergometry AAMP indices. Muscular mass showed a relation with special performance. The RI which reflects the circulatory functions showed a weak correlation with covering the 500 m simulation distance, although under such load 60-65 percent of energy is produced through aerobic reactions

    Some aspects of nutrition in perspective training olympic team athletes

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    Siekiant ištirti ir įvertinti perspektyvinio rengimo olimpinės pamainos sportininkų mitybos įpročius pagal specialiai parengtą anketą, anoniminės apklausos metodu ištirti 79 sportininkai. Sportininkų faktinės mitybos tyrimui taikytas 24 valandų 3 dienų iš eilės apklausos metodas. Statistinė duomenų analizė atlikta naudojant SPSS 13 statistinę programą. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad 15-18 metų amžiaus ir 19-22 metų amžiaus sportininkių maisto racionų energinė vertė, atitinkamai sudaranti 46,9± 13,9 kcal/kg kūno masės 39,7± 13,8 kcal/kg kūno masės, yra per maža. Maisto racionų baltymų ir riebalų kiekiai viršija sportininkų vyrų organizmo fiziologines reikmes. Nepakeičiamos aminorūgšties metionino ir pakeičiamų aminorūgščių arginino ir tirozino disbalansas sportininkų maiste lemia netinkamą sportininkų organizmo aprūpinimą baltymais. 19-22 metų amžiaus vyrų ir moterų maisto racionų ir 15-18 metų amžiaus moterų maisto racionų angliavandenių kiekis yra nepakankamas. Sportininkų maisto racionų vitaminų ir mineralinių medžiagų kiekiai neatitinka rekomenduojamų, todėl koreguojant sportininkų mitybą, vitaminus ir mineralines medžiagas parinkti ir derinti prie įprastinės mitybos reikia individualiai. Nustatėme, kad tik pusė perspektyvinio rengimo olimpinės pamainos sportininkų šviežias daržoves vartoja kasdien ir tik 53 proc. kasdien arba kelis kartus per dieną vartoja grūdinius produktus. Mėsos, žuvies ir kiaušinių produktus kasdien vartoja 60 proc. sportininkų, o pieną ir pieno produktus kasdien vartoja mažiau nei pusė olimpinės pamainos sportininkų. Maisto produktų vartojimo skirtumus lemia sportininkų amžius ir lytisOn purpose to explore and evaluate nutrition peculiarities of per-spective training Olympic team athletes by using special questionnaire method, 79 athletes were surveyed. To explore a factual diet of the athletes, there was applied 24 hours 3 days consecutively survey method. Statistical analysis of the data was made by using SPSS 13 statistical program. Results have shown that energy of food ration of athletes between 15- 18 years old and 19-22 years old, corresponding 46,9 ± 13,9 kcal/ kg day and 39,1± 13,8 kcal/kg day respectively, are not sufficient. The amount of protein and fat in diet exceed physiological requirements of male bodies. An imbalance of an essential amino acid methionin and non-essential amino acids arginine and thyrosine in athletes' diet determine inappropriate proteins supply in their bodies. The amount of carbohydrates in 19-22 years old males and females and 15-18 years old femeles' diet is insufficient. The amounts of vitamins and minerals in athletes' food rations do not confirm recommendable amounts. In addition to this, when correcting athletes nutrition vitamins and minerals need to be selected and adjusted to accustomed nutrition individually. During research we have determined, that only a half of perspective training Olympic team athletes consume fresh vegetables every day and only 53 percents every day or several times per day consume cereal products. 60 percent of athletes consume meat, fish and egg products every day. Milk and dairy products are used every day by less than a half of Olympic team athletes. The differences in using food products are determined by athletes' age and sex. Male more often consume cereal products (p < 0,05) and meat, egg and fish products (p < 0,05) comparing with females. 19-22 years old athletes, comparing with 15-18 years old athletes, more often consume leguminous products (p < 0,05) and special nutrition products for athletesLietuvos olimpinis sporto centrasVilniaus sporto medicinos centrasVilniaus universitetasVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    Associations between dietary habits, nutritional knowledge and their determinants of Lithuanian Olympic Team athletes

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    The lack of nutritional knowledge is a limiting factor for healthy athletes’ nutrition. Nutritional knowledge can be developed by a number of information of (sports coaches, family members, friends, TV and radio broadcasts, etc.). These sources of information are not reliable and do not give relevant knowledge on athletes nutrition. Nutritional knowledge of athletes has not been investigated in Lithuania yet. This led to our research objective: to assess nutritional knowledge of Lithuanian Olympic Team athletes (n=195), to identify the factors determining it, and to find out association between nutritional knowledge and nutritional habits of the study group (the average age was 17.8 ± 3.2 years). The nutrition survey questionnaire was used to examine nutritional habits of Lithuanian Olympic Team athletes in 2013. Nutritional knowledge of athletes was assessed by adapting nutritional knowledge test (NKT). Logistic regression was applied to evaluate the interaction between athletes’ nutritional practices, nutrition knowledge and their determinants. The results showed that level of the nutritional knowledge of athletes has an average point. However, the nutritional knowledge of athletes depends on sport, gender, age, and education level. A higher level of nutrition knowledge is specific to athletes representing cyclic (odds ratio 3,6) and acyclic (odds ratio 3,6) sports, of higher education level (odds ratio 3,0), who are older (odds ratio 2,8) and who falls into the group of women (odds ratio 2,9). Nutritional knowledge is most sufficient of younger combat sports athletes with lower education level. Nutritional knowledge of athletes does not depend on the information received from the coaches (odds ratio 0,7), family members (odds ratio 1,4) the popular literature (odds ratio 1,6), TV and radio (odds ratio 0,8), doctors (odds ratio 0,5), dieticians (odds ratio 0,8) and friends (odds ratio 3,6). Knowledge about nutrition does not affect dietary habits of athletes. Athletes lack the motivation to eat healthily. The nutritional habits of athletes are mainly determined by the taste of food, too little attention is drawn to the sport discipline and healthful diet effect. Therefore, athletes’ dietary habits do not meet nutritional guidelines. In summary, educational programs must be implemented that develop nutritional knowledge of athletes in Lithuania. In addition, during educational process special attention must be focused on the improvement of nutrition knowledge of combat sports athletes

    Some aspects of nutrition in perspective training olympic team athletes

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    The main criteria of choosing products do not depend on athletes' age and sex. 73,4 percent of perspective training Olympic team athletes choose food products in aim to achieve better health mostly considering on the taste of food products

    Nutritional status and physical development of Lithuanian high-performance skiers and biathletes

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    Physical development of high-performance winter sports athletes must be optimal, and with proper diets athletes must ensure an increased their body’s needs for essential nutrients. Only a scientific evaluation of the athletes’ nutrition status provides the opportunity to adjust, optimize and personalize their diets properly. The aim of the present research was to assess nutrition status (3-day food records), physical development for high-performance Lithuanian skiers and biathletes. Research on the athletes nutrition status and physical development was carried out in the preparatory competition period in 2013. The sample included skiers (n = 14) and biathletes (n = 20). The results showed that nutrition profile of Lithuanian elite skiers and biathletes determines an optimal physical development of male athletes and a moderate physical development of female athletes. Nevertheless, nutrition status of skiers and biathletes does not meet the requirements. This is confirmed by the data that protein intake of athletes does not meet the guidelines, their diets lack carbohydrates and there is too much fat. It was found that the athletes’ nutrition status depends on gender. Male athletes’ diets do not contain enough carbohydrates, polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids), vitamin D and contain too much protein, fat, saturated fatty acids and cholesterol. On the contrary, the energy intake of food does not cover the energy expenditure of female athletes, their diets lack carbohydrates, protein, non-essential aminoacid phenilalanine, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins D, A, B1, B2, B12, folic acid and minerals potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper and zinc. In conclusion the nutrition of high-performance winter sports athletes in Lithuania must be optimized, individualized and adjusted according to the gender. Special attention must be paid to nutritional care of female athletes, which nutrition profile does not meet the requirements and can‘t stimulate maximal adaptation of the body to long-lasting and (or) highintensity physical loads

    Effect of vitamin D on the immune system of female athletes

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    Immune system is strongly influenced by daily overcome of physical workloads. Monitoring of the immune system is one of the main tasks of preparing athletes for the European and world championships. Recently, much attention is being focused on the evaluation of active vitamin D effects on immune system. Data on vitamin D metabolism characteristics and its effect on athletes’ immune system have not been published in Lithuania. This led to our research objective – to determine the status of athletes’ body supply with vitamin D and to evaluate serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D relationship with the immune system activity. The research was conducted in May 2013. There were investigated high-performance basketball and volleyball female players who represented the Lithuanian Deaf Olympic Team. The contingent was 26,4 ± 4,5 years of age, 172,4 ± 5,9 cm of height and 66,3 ± 7,3 kg of body weight. Athletes’ blood was analyzed using the hematologic analyzer “Micros 60” in accredited Lithuanian Sports Medicine Centre laboratory. 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) serum level was set in the accredited disease diagnostic laboratory “Endemik”. 7 day food recall study was conducted in order to assess the intake of dietary vitamin D. The results showed that the average of 25 (OH) D level in female athletes’ serum is 24,1 ± 6,6 ng/ml. Immune system activity have significant association with 25(OH)D serum level in the absence of vitamin D stores in the sportswomen’s’ body. It was found that 25(OH)D serum level have an inverse relationship with total count of white blood cells (r = -0,676) and granulocytes/neutrophils (r = - 0,613) and direct relationship with circulating lymphocyte and monocyte concentrations (r = 0,571 and r = 0,446). In addition, the recommended intake of vitamin D among female athletes does not provide the required level of serum vitamin D

    Nutrition profile of Lithuanian high-performance cyclists

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    Athletes and their coaches must pay special attention to nutritional care as an integral part of a proper diet for optimal physical development of athletes and achieving optimal results. Special exception in sports science is given to endurance athletes. Particular attention is paid to endurance-trained female athletes who are often attributed to the unbalanced nutritional risk group. These data led to the objective: to assess the nutritional status and body composition of Lithuanian high-performance cyclists by gender. In 2012, during the general preparation have been investigated and evaluated the diet and body composition of Lithuanian high-performance cyclists (n = 50). The results showed that the optimal physical development of male athletes and moderate physical development of female athletes is determined by Lithuanian elite cyclist’s diet. Regardless of gender, athlete’s nutrition does not meet the requirements. This is confirmed by the data that protein intake of cyclists does not meet the guidelines, including the fact that carbohydrate, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin A and vitamin D, magnesium and manganese intake is lower than recommended. Male athletes consume too much fat, saturated fatty acids and cholesterol, while female athletes are assigned to the risk group of an unbalanced nutrition. Energy intake of female athletes is less then energy expenditure. Women’s diet is critically low in carbohydrates, protein, essential amino acids such as valine, leucine, isoleucine, methionine, lysine, phenylalanine, omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin B12, folic acid, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper and zinc. In conclusion: cyclist’s nutrition must be optimized, individualized and adjusted according to the athletes’ gender. Based on the scientific basis, cyclists are highly recommended for the supplementation with carbohydrate, essential fatty acids (omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids), vitamins and minerals