24 research outputs found


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    Vertical irradiation channel of the VR-1 training reactor of the Department of Nuclear Reactors CTU was used for activation analysis of historical samples from the 14th to the 19th century. For determination of mass fractions of materials such as copper, gold and silver in irradiated samples, the relative method of activation analysis was used. Further, a set of 24 activation detectors of 12 various materials served for the determination of neutron spectrum of the VR-1 reactor using analytical method; moreover the analytical solution was compared to unfolded spectrum obtained from SAND-II deconvolution program

    Spectrometry of neutron field based on p(20)+Be source reaction

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    The research deals with a spectrometry of neutron field based on the p(20)+Be source reaction. The p(20)+Be interaction stands for a nuclear reaction where protons accelerated to energy of 20 MeV bombard Be target. Produced neutron field has broad energy distribution up to 18 MeV. The research was carried out at the Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences and was motivated by extension of experimental possibilities of the NG-2 target station. To determine the neutron spectrum, the activation foil technique was used. During the experiment, ten activation foils were irradiated. Activated foils were measured using the HPGe detector to determine the reaction rates of observed reactions. The neutron field was simulated in the MCNPX code, and the simulation served as a priori information for the unfolding of the neutron spectrum in the SAND-II code. A determined neutron spectrum is essential for various experiments, e.g., material research, measurements of nuclear data, etc

    Spectrometry of neutron field based on p(20)+Be source reaction

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    The research deals with a spectrometry of neutron field based on the p(20)+Be source reaction. The p(20)+Be interaction stands for a nuclear reaction where protons accelerated to energy of 20 MeV bombard Be target. Produced neutron field has broad energy distribution up to 18 MeV. The research was carried out at the Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences and was motivated by extension of experimental possibilities of the NG-2 target station. To determine the neutron spectrum, the activation foil technique was used. During the experiment, ten activation foils were irradiated. Activated foils were measured using the HPGe detector to determine the reaction rates of observed reactions. The neutron field was simulated in the MCNPX code, and the simulation served as a priori information for the unfolding of the neutron spectrum in the SAND-II code. A determined neutron spectrum is essential for various experiments, e.g., material research, measurements of nuclear data, etc

    The activation of W and Zr by deuterons at energies up to 20 MeV

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    The proton and deuteron induced reactions are of a great interest for the assessment of induced radioactivity of accelerator components, target and beam stoppers. In order to investigate the important nuclides, we have carried up the irradiation experiments with the variable-energy cyclotron U-120 M of the NPI CAS Řež. The production cross sections of the nuclides 179,181,182m,182,183,184m,184,186Re and 187W from reaction on natural W were investigated by deuteron beams of 20 MeV energy. A part of preliminary results of deuteron activation of natural Zr is also shown. The stacked-foil technique was utilized. The comparison of present results to data of other authors and to predictions of evaluated data libraries is discussed


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    Vertical irradiation channel of the VR-1 training reactor of the Department of Nuclear Reactors CTU was used for activation analysis of historical samples from the 14th to the 19th century. For determination of mass fractions of materials such as copper, gold and silver in irradiated samples, the relative method of activation analysis was used. Further, a set of 24 activation detectors of 12 various materials served for the determination of neutron spectrum of the VR-1 reactor using analytical method; moreover the analytical solution was compared to unfolded spectrum obtained from SAND-II deconvolution program

    The activation of W and Zr by deuterons at energies up to 20 MeV

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    The proton and deuteron induced reactions are of a great interest for the assessment of induced radioactivity of accelerator components, target and beam stoppers. In order to investigate the important nuclides, we have carried up the irradiation experiments with the variable-energy cyclotron U-120 M of the NPI CAS Řež. The production cross sections of the nuclides 179,181,182m,182,183,184m,184,186Re and 187W from reaction on natural W were investigated by deuteron beams of 20 MeV energy. A part of preliminary results of deuteron activation of natural Zr is also shown. The stacked-foil technique was utilized. The comparison of present results to data of other authors and to predictions of evaluated data libraries is discussed

    The activation of W and Zr by deuterons at energies up to 20 MeV

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    The proton and deuteron induced reactions are of a great interest for the assessment of induced radioactivity of accelerator components, target and beam stoppers. In order to investigate the important nuclides, we have carried up the irradiation experiments with the variable-energy cyclotron U-120 M of the NPI CAS Řež. The production cross sections of the nuclides 179,181,182m,182,183,184m,184,186Re and 187W from reaction on natural W were investigated by deuteron beams of 20 MeV energy. A part of preliminary results of deuteron activation of natural Zr is also shown. The stacked-foil technique was utilized. The comparison of present results to data of other authors and to predictions of evaluated data libraries is discussed

    natCu and natV cross-sections measured by quasi-monoenergetic neutrons from p+7Li reaction in the energy range of 18–34 MeV

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    natCu and natV samples were irradiated several times with quasi-monoenergetic neutrons from the p+7Li reaction in the energy range of 18–35 MeV. The activities of the samples were measured with the HPGe detector and the reaction rates were calculated. Time-of-flight measurements of the produced neutron spectra and the measurements of the residual 7Be activity in the Li target were performed to improve the knowledge of the neutron spectra. The cross-sections were extracted using the SAND-II procedure with the reference cross-sections from the EAF-2010 database. The uncertainties of the final results are discussed

    Cu and

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    natCu and natV samples were irradiated several times with quasi-monoenergetic neutrons from the p+7Li reaction in the energy range of 18–35 MeV. The activities of the samples were measured with the HPGe detector and the reaction rates were calculated. Time-of-flight measurements of the produced neutron spectra and the measurements of the residual 7Be activity in the Li target were performed to improve the knowledge of the neutron spectra. The cross-sections were extracted using the SAND-II procedure with the reference cross-sections from the EAF-2010 database. The uncertainties of the final results are discussed

    Structural Characterization of Highly Corrosion-resistant Steel

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    Structural features of novel corrosion-resistant LC 200N steel were investigated. Mössbauer spectrometry was chosen as a principal method of investigation. Surface as well as bulk properties were studied using Conversion Electron Mössbauer Spectrometry and transmission technique, respectively. Complex behaviour of magnetic and non-magnetic phases was identified in the samples by these two techniques. Chemical composition was checked by neutron activation analysis and X-ray fluorescence technique. Structural arrangement was studied by scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectrometry and transmission electron microscopy. They unveiled regions with fairly varied Cr concentrations. Basing on a simple model of two different Cr concentrations, the relative areas of the Mössbauer sextets were modelled by a linear combination of two binomial distributions