32 research outputs found

    Constructing New Realisable Lists from Old in the NIEP

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    Given a list of complex numbers \sigma:=(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,...,\lambda_m), we say that {\sigma} is realisable if {\sigma} is the spectrum of some (entrywise) nonnegative matrix. The Nonnegative Inverse Eigenvalue Problem (or NIEP) is the problem of categorising all realisable lists. Given a realisable list (\rho,\lambda_2,\lambda_3,...,\lambda_m), where {\rho} is the Perron eigenvalue and \lambda_2 is real, we find families of lists (\mu_1,\mu_2,...,\mu_n), for which (\mu_1,\mu_2,...,\mu_n,\lambda_3,\lambda_4,...,\lambda_m) is realisable. In addition, given a realisable list (\rho,\alpha+i\beta,\alpha-i\beta,\lambda_4,\lambda_5,...,\lambda_m), where {\rho} is the Perron eigenvalue and {\alpha} and {\beta} are real, we find families of lists (\mu_1,\mu_2,\mu_3,\mu_4), for which (\mu_1,\mu_2,\mu_3,\mu_4,\lambda_4,\lambda_5,...,\lambda_m) is realisable

    Connecting sufficient conditions for the Symmetric Nonnegative Inverse Eigenvalue Problem

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    We say that a list of real numbers is "symmetrically realisable" if it is the spectrum of some (entrywise) nonnegative symmetric matrix. The Symmetric Nonnegative Inverse Eigenvalue Problem (SNIEP) is the problem of characterising all symmetrically realisable lists. In this paper, we present a recursive method for constructing symmetrically realisable lists. The properties of the realisable family we obtain allow us to make several novel connections between a number of sufficient conditions developed over forty years, starting with the work of Fiedler in 1974. We show that essentially all previously known sufficient conditions are either contained in or equivalent to the family we are introducing

    The maximum of the minimal multiplicity of eigenvalues of symmetric matrices whose pattern is constrained by a graph

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    In this paper we introduce a parameter Mm(G)Mm(G), defined as the maximum over the minimal multiplicities of eigenvalues among all symmetric matrices corresponding to a graph GG. We compute Mm(G)Mm(G) for several families of graphs

    Families of Newton-like inequalities for sets of self-conjugate complex numbers

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    We derive families of Newton-like inequalities involving the elementary symmetric functions of sets of self-conjugate complex numbers in the right half-plane. These are the first known inequalities of this type which are independent of the proximity of the complex numbers to the real axis

    Graphs that allow all the eigenvalue multiplicities to be even

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    Let GG be an undirected graph on nn vertices and let S(G)S(G) be the set of all n×nn \times n real symmetric matrices whose nonzero off-diagonal entries occur in exactly the positions corresponding to the edges of GG. The inverse eigenvalue problem for a graph GG is a problem of determining all possible lists that can occur as the lists of eigenvalues of matrices in S(G).S(G). This question is, in general, hard to answer and several variations were studied, most notably the minimum rank problem. In this paper we introduce the problem of determining for which graphs GG there exists a matrix in S(G)S(G) whose characteristic polynomial is a square, i.e. the multiplicities of all its eigenvalues are even. We solve this question for several families of graphs

    Integer completely positive matrices of order two

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    We show that every integer doubly nonnegative 2×22 \times 2 matrix has an integer cp-factorization

    The effect of assuming the identity as a generator on the length of the matrix algebra

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    Let Mn(F)M_n(\mathbb{F}) be the algebra of n×nn \times n matrices and let S\mathcal S be a generating set of Mn(F)M_n(\mathbb{F}) as an F\mathbb{F}-algebra. The length of a finite generating set S\mathcal S of Mn(F)M_n(\mathbb{F}) is the smallest number kk such that words of length not greater than kk generate Mn(F)M_n(\mathbb{F}) as a vector space. Traditionally the identity matrix is assumed to be automatically included in all generating sets S\mathcal S and counted as a word of length 00. In this paper we discuss how the problem changes if this assumption is removed.Comment: 15 page

    A Nordhaus-Gaddum conjecture for the minimum number of distinct eigenvalues of a graph

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    We propose a Nordhaus-Gaddum conjecture for q(G)q(G), the minimum number of distinct eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix corresponding to a graph GG: for every graph GG excluding four exceptions, we conjecture that q(G)+q(Gc)≤∣G∣+2q(G)+q(G^c)\le |G|+2, where GcG^c is the complement of GG. We compute q(Gc)q(G^c) for all trees and all graphs GG with q(G)=∣G∣−1q(G)=|G|-1, and hence we verify the conjecture for trees, unicyclic graphs, graphs with q(G)≤4q(G)\le 4, and for graphs with ∣G∣≤7|G|\le 7

    The integer cp-rank of 2×22 \times 2 matrices

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    We show the cp-rank of an integer doubly nonnegative 2×22 \times 2 matrix does not exceed 1111

    Diagonal realizability in the Nonnegative Inverse Eigenvalue Problem

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    We show that if a list of nonzero complex numbers σ=(λ1,λ2,…,λk)\sigma=(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\ldots,\lambda_k) is the nonzero spectrum of a diagonalizable nonnegative matrix, then σ\sigma is the nonzero spectrum of a diagonalizable nonnegative matrix of order $k+k^2.