65 research outputs found

    Algorithm for the robot palletization of different shape objects

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    U ovom radu razvijen je heuristički tip algoritma za autonomnu robotsku paletizaciju predmeta rada različitih dimenzija. Svi predmeti rada istih su visina te dolaze u radni prostor robota pojedinačno jedan za drugim. Robot Fanuc M-10iA svojim vizijskim sustavom prepoznaje geometrije predmeta te prema postojećem stanju na paleti donosi procjenu najpovoljnijeg mjesta odlaganja trenutnog predmeta na paletu ili na međuprostor za odlaganje nepovoljnih predmeta. Algoritam je razvijen na računalu uz pomoć programskog alata Roboguide HandlingPro nakon čega je izvezen na robota i pokrenut preko njegovog privjeska za učenje.This paper presents the development of a heuristic algorithm for the autonomous robotic palletization of work objects of different dimensions. All work objects are of the same height and arrive to the robot's workspace individually one by one. The robot Fanuc M-10iA recognizes the geometry of the current work object through his vision system and provides an estimate of the best place to dispose it according to the existing pallet state. In case of the arrival of an unfavorable object it is going to be disposed to a buffer area. The algorithm was developed with the help of the Roboguide HandlingPro programming tool, after which it was exported to the robot and launched over its teach pendant

    Algoritam za robotsku paletizaciju predmeta različitih oblika

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    U ovom radu razvijen je heuristički tip algoritma za autonomnu robotsku paletizaciju predmeta rada različitih dimenzija. Svi predmeti rada istih su visina te dolaze u radni prostor robota pojedinačno jedan za drugim. Robot Fanuc M-10iA svojim vizijskim sustavom prepoznaje geometrije predmeta te prema postojećem stanju na paleti donosi procjenu najpovoljnijeg mjesta odlaganja trenutnog predmeta na paletu ili na međuprostor za odlaganje nepovoljnih predmeta. Algoritam je razvijen na računalu uz pomoć programskog alata Roboguide HandlingPro nakon čega je izvezen na robota i pokrenut preko njegovog privjeska za učenje

    Optofluidic Force Induction as a Process Analytical Technology

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    Manufacturers of nanoparticle-based products rely on detailed information about critical process parameters, such as particle size and size distributions, concentration, and material composition, which directly reflect the quality of the final product. These process parameters are often obtained using offline characterization techniques that cannot provide the temporal resolution to detect dynamic changes in particle ensembles during a production process. To overcome this deficiency, we have recently introduced Optofluidic Force Induction (OF2i) for optical real-time counting with single particle sensitivity and high throughput. In this paper, we apply OF2i to highly polydisperse and multi modal particle systems, where we also monitor evolutionary processes over large time scales. For oil-in-water emulsions we detect in real time the transition between high-pressure homogenization states. For silicon carbide nanoparticles, we exploit the dynamic OF2i measurement capabilities to introduce a novel process feedback parameter based on the dissociation of particle agglomerates. Our results demonstrate that OF2i provides a versatile workbench for process feedback in a wide range of applications.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure


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    Resilience is a relatively new concept that lacks clarity although it is increasingly used in everyday conversation and across various disciplines. The term was first introduced into psychology and psychiatry from technical sciences and afterwards thorough medicine and healthcare. It represents a complex set of various protective and salutogenic factors and process important for understanding health and illness, and treatment and healing processes. It is defined as a protective factor that makes an individual more resilient to adverse events that lead to positive developmental outcomes. Resilience is a positive adaptation after stressful situations and it represents mechanisms of coping and rising above difficult experiences, i.e., the capacity of a person to successfully adapt to change, resist the negative impact of stressors and avoid occurrence of significant dysfunctions. It represents the ability to return to the previous, so-called "normal" or healthy condition after trauma, accident, tragedy, or illness. In other words, resilience refers to the ability to cope with difficult, stressful and traumatic situations while maintaining or restoring normal functioning. The higher the resilience, the lower the vulnerability and risk of illness. Resilient individuals tend to be optimistic, have a tendency to see everything as a useful experience, focus on personal strengths and qualities, use constructive criticism, develop close relationships with others, have developed social skills, and are emotionally conscious. Good resilience aggravates and prevents the onset of disease, provides good heath, facilitates and accelerates healing, and provides productive life and a sense of well-being despite chronic illness. Resilience experts believe that anyone can strengthen their resilience and thus contribute to the advancement of health and, if ill, ease the illness, accelerate and facilitate healing

    Seasonal Phosphorus Dynamics in Turfgrass of Different Purposes

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    Phosphorus (P) is a component of phospholipids, nucleic acids and molecules that store energy. It increases yield and water and nutrients use efficiency. Phosphorus turfgrass content is essential for root development, and, indirectly, nutrient uptake. The aim of this research was to determine soil and turfgrass blade phosphorus dynamics on two recreational (parks Bundek and Jarun) and two sports (Hippodrome and SP Mladost) turfgrasses in the city of Zagreb and determine adequate fertilization. Soil and plant material sampling was performed three times during the growing season 2012 in each of the four investigated locations. The results showed that, generally, soil phosphorus content was low or even turfgrass blade phosphorus content was on the lower end of optimal supply range. Soil phosphorus values ranged from 1.78 to 6.78 mg P2O5 100 g-1, while turfgrass blade phosphorus content ranged from 0.15 to 0.45 % P. Sampling time does not affect turfgrass blade phosphorus content. Due to the particularly low soil and turfgrass blade phosphorus status, special attention when designing the fertilization program should be given to phosphorus application with at least 10 g of P2O5 m-2 in the early spring, and, if necessary, with 1 g of P2O5 m-2 during the growing season


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    Gradski parkovi imaju veliku ulogu u ekologiji ljudskog staniÅ”ta jer pročiŔćuju zrak, proizvode kisik, pružaju skloniÅ”ta i staniÅ”ta za mnoge životinjske vrste, pogotovo ptice. Također, predstavljaju zelene oaze u kojima ljudi zbog stresnog i brzog ritma života traže mjesto za odmor, pružajući raznolike rekreacijske sadržaje za stanovnike gradova. Ovo istraživanje provedeno je s ciljem utvrđivanja količine makrohraniva (duÅ”ik, fosfor i kalij) u listovima trava kao i statusa hraniva u tlu na parkovnim javnim povrÅ”inama, na temelju čega se preporučila optimalna prihrana travnjaka. Unutar rekreacijsko sportskih javnih objekata Grada Zagreba odabrani su Rekreacijsko Å”portski centar (RÅ C) Jarun i Park Bundek, koji uz Park Maksimir čine pluća Grada Zagreba. Uzorkovanje listova trava, kao i uzorkovanje tla provedeno je na oba travnjaka tri puta tijekom vegetacije. Na istraživanim lokalitetima najveći udio trava čini Lolium perenne L. sa 70% udjela, Festuca rubra Huds. sa 20%, a 10% udjela čine ostale biljne vrste. Utvrđeno je da su u oba travnjaka količine duÅ”ika uglavnom unutar granica koje sugeriraju literaturni navodi, za rod Lolium spp. L., dok su utvrđene nedostatne količine kalija i fosfora, posebice na RÅ C Jarun. Prosječne vrijednosti hraniva u listovima trava kroz vegetaciju za RÅ C Jarun iznose 3,14% N, 0,31% P i 2,78% K, a za Park Bundek 3,24% N, 0,41% P i 3,17% K, Å”to ukazuje na općenito neÅ”to bolju ishranjenost travnjaka u Parku Bundek u odnosu na Jarun. Slijedom navedenog, a kako bi održali barem postojeći status hraniva u tlu i biljci, predlažemo proljetnu gnojidbu sa 100 g mā€“2 NPK 5-20-30 ili 7-14-21 uz dodatak 20 g mā€“2 superfosfata. S obzirom na česte koÅ”nje tijekom vegetacije i na odnoÅ”enje duÅ”ika, potrebna je i prihrana dva puta tijekom vegetacije s po 10 g mā€“2 KAN-a.Urban parks play an important role in the ecology of human habitats because they filter the air, produce oxygen and provide shelters and habitats for many species, especially birds. They also represent green oases where people affected by stress or overwork may find a place to rest. Urban parks provide a variety of recreational activities for city residents. The aim of this study is to determine the content of macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) in grass leaves in the urban parks of public areas in order to recommend optimal lawn fertilization. In addition, nutritional grass leaves statuses as well as analyses were made to determine the amount of macronutrients (N, P, K). Within recreational sport public buildings of the City of Zagreb were selected Recreational Sports Centre (RSC) Jarun and Bundek Park facilities as large green areas that are along with Maksimir Park the ā€œlungsā€ of the city. Grass leaves and soil sampling were carried out on both lawns three times during the growing season. The content of nitrogen in grass leaves of both lawns is within the limits suggested by current literature whilst there was an determined lack of potassium and especially phosphorus. The determined average value of nutrients in the grass leaves during the vegetation period for Jarun were 3.14% N, 0.31% P and 2.78% K, and for Bundek 3.24% N, 0.41% P and 3.17% K. In general, the results show a slightly higher nutrient value of lawn in the Bundek Park compared to Jarun. On the study sites the largest share of grasses belongs Lolium perenne L. with 70%, Festuca rubra Huds. with 20% and 10% belongs to other plant species. Chemical properties of investigated soils show that the soil on RSC Jarun is alkaline and moderately supplied with nitrogen, very poorly supplied with phosphorus and well supplied with potassium. The soil in the Park Bundek is neutral and moderately supplied with nitrogen, very poorly supplied with phosphorus and slightly supplied with potassium. Consequently, we suggest spring fertilization on both locations with 100 g mā€“2 NPK 5-20-30 or 7-14-21 with the addition of 20 g mā€“2 superphosphate because of low P status both in soil and grass leaves and two topdressings during the growing season with 10 g mā€“2 KAN because of mowing

    Funkcionalni i onkoloŔki ishodi bolesnika liječenih frontolateralnom laringektomijom

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    Cilj rada: Analizirati funkcionalni i onkoloÅ”ki ishod bolesnika s ranim stadijem karcinoma grkljana, liječenih frontolateralnom laringektomijom. Bolesnici i metode: U retrospektivno istraživanje uključeno je 45 kirurÅ”ki liječenih bolesnika s ranim stadijem karcinoma grkljana. Funkcionalni ishod uključivao je procjenu respiratorne i fonatorne funkcije, te akta gutanja. Respiratorna funkcija grkljana smatrana je primjerenom u slučaju nepostojanja stenoza i uspjeÅ”nog dekanilmana. Za evaluaciju glasa koriÅ”tene su GRBAS skala, Voice Handicap Index 30 upitnik i spektralna akustična analiza glasa. Akt gutanja procjenjivan je na osnovu anamnestičkih podataka i fiberlaringoskopskog pregleda. OnkoloÅ”ki ishod prikazan je Kaplan-Meierovim krivuljama ukupnog preživljenja (overall survival), preživljenja bez bolesti (disease free survival) i preživljenja vezanog uz bolest (disease specific survival). Rezultati: Od ukupno 45 bolesnika, 3 su bila ženskog, a 42 muÅ”kog spola. Medijan dobi iznosio je 64 godine (raspon 44-79). Svi su se tumori nalazili u glotičkoj regiji, te su svrstani u T1 (60%) ili T2 (40%) klasifikaciju bolesti. Postoperativna radioterapija primijenjena je u 15 (33,3%) bolesnika zbog limfovaskularne invazije tumora ili R1 resekcijskih rubova. Svi su bolesnici imali urednu respiratornu funkciju te uredno izvrÅ”en dekanilman. Kod niti jednog bolesnika nismo verificirali poremećaj gutanja. Analiza fonatorne funkcije pokazala je umjerene teÅ”koće bolesnika vezane uz kvalitetu glasa. Procjenom onkoloÅ”kog ishoda utvrđeno je da je petogodiÅ”nje preživljenje vezano uz bolest iznosilo 100%, petogodiÅ”nje ukupno preživljenje 93,3%, dok je petogodiÅ”nje preživljenje bez bolesti iznosilo 86,7%. U sklopu praćenja bolesnika (medijan 86,2 mjeseca), dva su bolesnika razvila lokalni, a jedan regionalni recidiv bolesti. Zaključak: Iako noviji modaliteti liječenja nude bolji funkcionalni ishod Å”to se najviÅ”e očituje u kvaliteti glasa, frontolateralna laringektomija nudi podjednak onkoloÅ”ki ishod i vrijedna je alternativna kirurÅ”ka opcija u pomno izabranim slučajevima

    Bilateral congenital knee dislocation associated with bilateral developmental hip deformities

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    Prirođena dislokacija koljena je relativno rijetka deformacija, a pogotovo udružena s deformacijom drugih zglobova. Djevojčica u ovom prikazu, rođena je s obostranom dislokacijom koljena i obostranim razvojnim poremećajem kuka u smislu iŔčaÅ”enja. Prvi pregled u ortopedskoj ambulanti obavljen je 21. dan nakon rođenja. Učinjena je radioloÅ”ka i ultrazvučna dijagnostika i genetska obrada. Nisu nađeni elementi Larsenova sindroma kao ni artrogripoze. Djevojčica je liječena trakcijom na vertikalnom okviru i sadrenim redresmanom oba koljena. Nakon repozicije kukova aplicirao se aparat Hilgenreiner. Tek nakon repozicije oba kuka omogućila se redresmanom repozicija i puna fl eksija koljena. Nakon stabilizacije kukova i koljena aplicirani su remenčići prema Pavliku, koji su noÅ”eni dva mj. Liječenje je trajalo do sedam mj. života djevojčice a svi postupci su praćeni ultrazvukom i RTG snimkama. Praćenje joÅ” traje.Congenital knee dislocation is a relatively rare entity, especially if associated with other joint deformities. We present a case of a girl with both congenital knee and hip dislocations who was followed-up for four years. She was fi rst referred to our department when she was three weeks old. Radiographic and ultrasound examinations, as well as genetic tests excluded Larsenā€™s syndrome and arthrogryposis. Traction on the vertical plane was applied to make closed hip reduction easier, after which we started serial knee casting. When reduced, hips were stabilized by Hilgenreinerā€™s orthosis, which enabled casting of the knees to be continued and fi nished successfully. After stabilization of the hips and knees, Pavlikā€™s harness was applied for two months. The treatment took seven months and all the steps were followed by radiographic and ultrasound imaging when needed
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