16 research outputs found

    Differences in motivation of food festivals visitors: A view from the Czech Republic

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    Gastronomy festivals are one of the fastest growing sectors of tourism and their importance for any destination is undeniable. The significance of the supply side attracts much more attention in research in contrast to the demand side in spite of the fact that knowing the customers and their motivation is the key for most aspects of realization and marketing of a festival. The main topics of this article are components of motivation to attend a festival that were obtained from self-administered questionnaires and categorized into dimensions of motivations. The dimensions are Taste, Experience, Social Status, Change, People, Family and Inspiration and they are studied in context of socio-demographic characteristics of the festivals attendees. This article compares two events held in the Czech Republic - Pivni Fest in Pilsen and Valtice Wine Markets. The results show primarily a distinct perception of festivals in terms of dimensions Family and Experience and the influence of education and marital status on the motivation

    Corrigendum: Integrative potential of Central European metropolises with a special focus on the Visegrad countries

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    Martin Šauer, Vilém Pařil, Milan Viturka, authors of the article “Integrative potential of Central European metropolises with a special focus on the Visegrad countries”, published in Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 25(2), 219-238, https://doi.org/10.3846/tede.2019.7555 inform that order of names and surnames appeared reversed and would like to make the following correction in the authorship as follows:  Martin Šauer, Vilém Pařil, Milan Viturka.  The authors regret the error

    XXIV. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách

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    Title in English: 24th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences: Conference proceedings. The conference proceedings consists of papers presented at the 24rd International Colloquium on Regional Sciences that was organized by Department of Regional Economics and Administration FEA MU. It contains 79 articles arranged by topic. The individual articles deal with e.g. socioeconomic disparities among regions, regional policy, territory attractiveness, tourism or regional public administration

    XXV. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách

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    Title in English: 25th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences: Conference proceedings The conference proceedings consists of papers presented at the 25th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences that was organized by Department of Regional Economics and Administration FEA MU. It contains 57 articles arranged by topic. The individual articles deal with e.g. socioeconomic disparities among regions, regional policy, territory attractiveness, tourism, or regional public administration

    Strategie vybraného podniku

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    The thesis is focused on the design of corporate strategy for the company AMPO, s.r.o., which is created through the outputs of the strategic analysis and by using methods, tools and models, and should improve the situation of the company and achieve the selected strategic. The author in creating a new strategy for the company AMPO, s.r.o. Used modeling methods and the final outcome was a summary of the recommendations and create a graphical model of the proposed strategy. The literature search focused on the topic of strategy and strategic management. They described various methods, tools and models, which were then used in the practical part and are the basis for the formulation and implementation strategies

    Income inequality and its impacts in France, Sweden and the United Kingdom

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    This bachelor thesis aim is to analyze the level of income inequality, its impacts, and consequences for the population in three selected states of the European Union: Sweden, France and the United Kingdom. It goes through the historical perspective of income inequality since the very first data were taken till today’s state of income inequality. It also compares what are the impacts of the income inequality on social mobility, education, and healthcare in all selected countries. Attention was paid to the relevance of sources of data, the vast majority of data mapping the actual state of income inequality were from OECD and European Institutions

    Environmental Economics And Policy: Course Evaluation Survey

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    Článek si klade za cíl prozkoumat různé aspekty výuky a studia environmentální ekonomie pomocí výzkumu provedeného v kurzu vyučovaném na Vysoké škole ekonomické v Praze. Dotazníkové šetření bylo zaměřené na postoje studentů vůči životnímu prostředí a na jejich hodnocení různých částí kurzu. Názory studentů byly posléze porovnány s jejich výsledky u závěrečné zkoušky a s úrovní aktivity, se kterou se zapojovali do diskusí během seminářů. Hlavní otázkou výzkumu bylo, zda studenti se zájmem o ekonomickou politiku a regionální ekonomiku považovali orientaci kurzu na životní prostředí za osobně přínosnou. A pokud ano, jakých aspektů kurzu si nejvíce cenili, v čem byl pro ně kurz přínosný, jaké preferovali informační zdroje a jakou roli v jejich přístupu ke studiu sehrál zájem o stav životního prostředí?Mezi nejdůležitější výsledky šetření lze zařadit obhajobu environmentální ekonomie jako užitečné součásti kurikula studenty z obou skupin, tj. „environmentalistů“ i „ne-environmentalistů“ (či dokonce „anti- environmentalistů“). Dále studenti kladně hodnotili možnost aktivního zapojení do diskusí a prezentací během seminářů. Vyvážené rozložení přednášek a seminářů s dostatečným prostorem pro hlubší diskusi byly zřejmě klíčovými faktory pro udržení zájmu studentů. Data nám neposkytla dostatečné informace pro konstrukci regresních modelů s rozumnou predikční silou vzhledem k výsledkům zkoušky. Výzvou pro další výzkum tak zůstává zkvalitnění analýzy přístupů ke studiu (tzv. learning strategies).The main objective of this paper is to outline the educational aspects of environmental economics referring to an example of a course taught at The University of Economics, Prague.A quantitative survey among students was conducted to describe their perceptions of the environmental topics and the diverse components of the course. This learners’ perspective is compared with students’ examination results and their level of activity in seminars. One of the main questions asked in this text is: do students interested in economic policy and regional economics consider the environmental orientation of the course important? And if yes what aspects of the course do they value, what benefits do they get from the course, what are their learning strategies and what role does this play with regards to students’ concern for environmental issues?Probably the most important finding of the research is the students’ advocacy of environmental economics as a beneficial part of curriculum both by those clustered as ‘environmentalists’ and ‘non-environmentalists’ (or even ‘anti-environmentalists’). Students appreciate having a chance to participate actively in the course. A well balanced proportion of lectures and seminars with enough space for deep discussion seem to be crucial for retaining students’ interest. The data doesn’t equip us with sufficient information to construct regression models with reasonable predictive power concerning exam results. A challenge for further research is to work with a better informed analysis of students’ learning strategies

    Cestovní ruch očima geografů

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    Quantitative Analysis of Tourism Potential in the Czech Republic

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    On the one hand, tourism is a significantly spatially differentiated socio‑economic phenomenon, bound to the attractiveness of local conditions. On the other hand, it is a sectional phenomenon which requires a high level of coordination and cooperation of all tourism stakeholders. This is the background for the practical implementation of tourism policy. The state’s conceptual activity and its institutions are irreplaceable in this respect. From this point of view, a prerequisite for quality economic‑political decisions of the existence of materials and methods, which these features respect, is necessary. One of these prerequisites is a quantitative analysis of tourism potential in the Czech Republic, which should be a basis for direct and targeted state’s interventions into the improvement of public infrastructure of tourism in the area. The main purpose of the quantitative analysis of tourism potential is to objectively measure the tourism potential, i.e., to set the criteria for the evaluation of its national, regional, and local importance and consequently, conduct a comparative analysis of the tourism areas and centers of importance according to the key types of tourism. Finally, on the basis of the processed factual, statistical and cartographic information to propose functionally spatial delimitation of tourism potential