7 research outputs found

    Acid whey utilization for beverage production

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    Whey is a byproduct of cheese, curd and casein manufacture and as an excellent source of proteins, vitamins, minerals and lactose can be used in wide range of industrial production. If treated as waste material without further processing, it can have negative impact on the environment. Main components of whey are water (93% of total volume), lactose (70 to 72% of dry matter), whey protein (8 to 10% solids), and minerals (12 to 15% solids). Of the minerals, most abundant are magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, sodium, zinc, and their salts which are passed to whey from milk. Predominantly represented vitamins are water-soluble vitamins (B1, B2, B12, B6, and C) from which the vitamins B2, B12 and C are bound to the whey proteins. The most abundant whey proteins are betalactoglobulin, alfa lactalbumin, GMP (glycomacropeptide), bovine serum albumin, immunoglobulins, lactoferrin and lactoperoxidase. For each of these proteins have been demonstrated or at least implied, unique functional, nutritional or nutraceutical properties. The aim of the thesis was to compile a literature review focused on the possibility of using whey from the production of cheese and curd as raw materials for the manufacture of various types of beverages and monitoring the effect of the addition of various flavor components and whey proteins on the sensory quality of the drink prepared from fresh sour whey. The hypothesis of this work was that flavored whey drinks made from acid whey supplemented with whey protein have a higher sensory quality score than flavored drinks without the addition of whey protein and that whey drinks flavored with mango flavour are more acceptable by consumers they are able to mask undesirable off-tastes of sour whey better than flavor peaches, cherries and black currants. In all specimens, the effect of 8 different recipes and flavors of peaches, cherries, mango and blackcurrant on the final sensory quality and acceptability to consumers was observed. It was found that the best rated drinks were of cherry and mango flavors. Beverages with the addition of mango juice were able to reliably mask natural off-taste of whey, which supports the hypothesis about the appropriateness of using this flavor. Drinks with peach flavor were evaluated to be of the worst senzory quality. As of the best sensory quality were evaluated drinks flavored with cherry flavor, which reached the best overall evaluation. In all variants of formulas was observed that drinks with added WPC achieved better overall evaluation than similar variations without addition of WPC. Statistically significant results of this finding, however, were observed only in the context of mango flavors

    Analysis of the relation between move and cognitive inteligence

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá vztahem mezi úrovní pohybové a kognitivní inteligence. Je rozdělena na část teoretickou a praktickou. V teoretické části jsou popisovány počátky vědeckého zkoumání inteligence, vývoj významu pojmu inteligence a základní koncepce a modely inteligence současné doby. Zvláštní část je věnována vymezení tělově pohybové inteligence. Praktická část je koncipována jako výzkumné šetření u studentů ZČU prostřednictvím standardizovaných testů "Analýza struktury inteligence ISA" a "Motorický test paží MTP". Výsledná data jsou statisticky zpracována.Katedra psychologieObhájenoThis bachelor work deals with the relation between the level of physical and cognitive inteligence. It is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical parts. The begginings of science researches of inteligence, the development of the term "inteligence", basic approaches and current inteligence models are described in theoretical part. Special interest is aimed to definate bodily-kinesthetic inteligence. Practical part is constructed as a research of students of the University of West Bohemia via standardised methods "analysis of inteligence structure ISA" and "Motorical arms test - MTP" The result datas are statisticaly analysed and sumarised

    Perceptions of School Climate by Pupils, Teachers and Parents

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá percepcí školního klimatu. Jejím cílem je zmapovat klima vybrané školy z pohledu žáků, učitelů a rodičů. Diplomová práce je rozdělena na část teoretickou a praktickou. V rámci teoretických východisek jsou charakterizovány klima školy, klima školní třídy a klima učitelského sboru. Následující části jsou věnovány jednotlivým aktérům, školního klimatu, jako jsou žáci, učitelé a rodiče. Teoretickou část uzavírají kapitoly, které se zaměřují na zkoumání a hodnocení školního klimatu a na současné výzkumy. V praktické části je realizováno výzkumné šetření na základní škole, ve kterém je porovnávána shoda a rozdílnost v hodnocení školního klimatu žáky, učiteli a rodiči.ObhájenoThe thesis deals with perceptions of school climate. Its aim is to map the climate of our schools from the perspective of students, teachers and parents. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. Within the theoretical bases are characterized by a school climate and the climate in the classroom and teaching staff. The following sections are devoted to individual actors of school climate, such as students, teachers and parents. The final chapters of theoretical part focus on the evaluation of school climate and current research. In the practical part is realized survey in elementary school, which is compared to consensus and divergence in the assessment of school climate by pupils, teachers and parents

    Fluorescent castasterone reveals BRI1 signaling from the plasma membrane

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    Receptor-mediated endocytosis is an integral part of signal transduction as it mediates signal attenuation and provides spatial and temporal dimensions to signaling events. One of the best-studied leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases in plants, BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1 (BRI1), perceives its ligand, the brassinosteroid (BR) hormone, at the cell surface and is constitutively endocytosed. However, the importance of endocytosis for BR signaling remains unclear. Here we developed a bioactive, fluorescent BR analog, Alexa Fluor 647-castasterone (AFCS), and visualized the endocytosis of BRI1-AFCS complexes in living Arabidopsis thaliana cells. Impairment of endocytosis dependent on clathrin and the guanine nucleotide exchange factor for ARF GTPases (ARF-GEF) GNOM enhanced BR signaling by retaining active BRI1-ligand complexes at the plasma membrane. Increasing the trans-Golgi network/early endosome pool of BRI1-BR complexes did not affect BR signaling. Our findings provide what is to our knowledge the first visualization of receptor-ligand complexes in plants and reveal clathrin- and ARF-GEF-dependent endocytic regulation of BR signaling from the plasma membrane