10 research outputs found
The mass of the black hole in RE J1034+396
The black hole mass measurement in active galaxies is a challenge,
particularly in sources where the reverberation method cannot be applied. We
aim to determine the black hole mass in a very special object, RE J1034+396,
one of the two AGN with QPO oscillations detected in X-rays, and a single
bright AGN with optical band totally dominated by starlight. We fit the stellar
content using the code starlight, and the broad band disk contribution to
optical/UV/X-ray emission is modeled with optxagnf. We also determine the black
hole mass using several other independent methods. Various methods give
contradictory results. Most measurements of the blacc hole mass are in the
range 1.e6-1.e7 Msun, and the measurements based on dynamics give higher values
than measurements based on Hbeta and Mg II emission lines.Comment: A&A, in pres
Tracing dark energy with quasars
The nature of dark energy, driving the accelerated expansion of the Universe,
is one of the most important issues in modern astrophysics. In order to
understand this phenomenon, we need precise astrophysical probes of the
universal expansion spanning wide redshift ranges. Quasars have recently
emerged as such a probe, thanks to their high intrinsic luminosities and, most
importantly, our ability to measure their luminosity distances independently of
redshifts. Here we report our ongoing work on observational reverberation
mapping using the time delay of the Mg II line, performed with the South
African Large Telescope (SALT).Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, submitted as PTA proceeding
Wavelength-resolved reverberation mapping of intermediate redshift quasars HE 0413-4031 and HE 0435-4312: Dissecting Mg II, optical Fe II, and UV Fe II emission regions
We present the wavelength-resolved reverberation mapping (RM) of combined
MgII and UV FeII broad-line emissions for two intermediate redshifts
(z1), luminous quasars - HE 0413-4031 and HE 0435-4312, monitored by the
SALT and 1-m class telescopes between 2012-2022. Through this technique, we aim
to disentangle the Mg II and FeII emission regions and to build a
radius-luminosity relation for UV FeII emission, which has so far remained
unconstrained. Several methodologies have been applied to constrain the time
delays for total MgII and FeII emissions. In addition, this technique is
performed to quantify the inflow or outflow of broad-line region gas around the
supermassive black hole and to disentangle the emission/emitting regions from
lines produced in proximity to each other. The mean total FeII time delay is
nearly equal to the mean total Mg II time delay for HE 0435-4312 suggesting a
co-spatiality of their emissions. However, in HE 0413-4031, the mean FeII time
delay is found to be longer than the mean MgII time delay, suggesting that FeII
is produced at longer distances from the black hole. The UV Fe II R-L relation
is updated with these two quasars and compared with the optical FeII relation,
which suggests that the optical FeII region is located further than the UV FeII
by a factor of 1.7-1.9 i.e. . We
detected a weak pattern in the time delay vs. wavelength relation, suggesting
that the MgII broad-line originates a bit closer to the SMBH than the UV FeII,
however, the difference is not very significant. Comparison of MgII, UV, and
optical FeII R-L relations suggests that the difference may be larger for
lower-luminosity sources, possibly with the MgII emission originating further
from the SMBH. In the future, more RM data will be acquired to put better
constraints on these trends, in particular the UV FeII R-L relation.Comment: 24 pages, 16 figures, 5 tables, Accepted for publication in A&A, in
Determinanty sytuacji finansowej gospodarstw rolnych krajów unii europejskiej według wielkości ekonomicznej
The main purpose of this paper was to identify the determinants of the financial situation of farms of different economic size in CEE and EU-15 countries. The FADN database served as the basic source of data. The study covered farms located in FADN regions in the period 2014-2016. The analyses focused on the determinants of the farms’ financial situation measured with a synthetic indicator. The first step of the research procedure was the construction of the synthetic indicator of the financial condition of farms. Following this, the calculated values of the synthetic characteristic were used as explained variables in multiple regression models. The study suggests that the production potential and operating subsidies have a key impact on the financial standing of EU farms. As regards the production potential of CEE farms, it would be beneficial for their financial position to reduce their labor input. In turn, a reduction in the assets-to-land ratio would have a favorable impact on the financial situation of operators based in the EU-15. This could be indicative of overinvestment in these farms. Differences were observed in ratios of productive input and in production intensity between economic size classes; this suggests that it would be reasonable for farms of different classes to implement different farming strategies. The models developed in this study revealed that the use efficiency of productive input (measured with income performance) proved to be of relatively minor importance.Głównym celem pracy jest określenie czynników determinujących sytuację finansową gospodarstw rolnych o różnej wielkości ekonomicznej w krajach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej i UE-15. Podstawowym źródłem danych była baza FADN. Badaniami objęto gospodarstwa rolne z regionów FADN w latach 2014-2016. Przedmiot analiz stanowiły determinanty syntetycznie mierzonej sytuacji finansowej gospodarstw. W pierwszym etapie badań skonstruowano syntetyczny miernik kondycji finansowej gospodarstw rolnych. Następnie wyznaczone wartości cechy syntetycznej wykorzystano jako zmienne objaśniane w modelach regresji wielorakiej. Przeprowadzone badania wskazują na kluczowe znaczenie potencjału produkcyjnego oraz dopłat do działalności operacyjnej w kształtowaniu kondycji finansowej gospodarstw rolnych w UE. W zakresie potencjału wytwórczego w gospodarstwach krajów EŚW dla poprawy ich pozycji finansowej korzystne byłoby zmniejszenie nakładów pracy. Z kolei na sytuację finansową podmiotów w krajach UE-15 korzystnie mogłoby wpłynąć zmniejszenie uzbrojenia ziemi. Wskazywać to może na problem przeinwestowania w tych gospodarstwach. Zaobserwowano różnice między klasami wielkości ekonomicznej w zakresie relacji między czynnikami produkcji oraz intensywności wytwarzania, co świadczy o zasadności stosowania odmiennych strategii gospodarowania przez gospodarstwa z różnych klas. W skonstruowanych modelach stosunkowo mało ważna okazała się efektywność wykorzystania czynników wytwórczych mierzona wynikami dochodowymi
Znaczenie aktywności władz gmin dla absorpcji funduszy UE oraz jej wpływ na rozwój lokalny. Przykład gminy Szamocin
The article is aimed at presenting the authorities’ activity when applying for the EU funds and the influence of gained aid on a local development. The Szamocin Commune is the subject of research. The authorities’ activity is the commune’s strength. Despite their mediocre financial situation, approximately 1/4 of their spending is on investments. The commune’s weaknesses include mainly poor quality of the roads in the commune and few sanitary sewage systems. In order to improve the level of a local development and the quality of the inhabitant’s life, investments in these areas have been realized thanks to gained EU funds for several years now. The commune could carry out more EU projects does not have its own sufficient resources required in case of financial engineering. It is one of the two barriers to absorb the EU funds, except for an inefficient system of funds allocation.Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie aktywności władz gminy w ubieganiu się o dofinansowanie unijne oraz wpływ pozyskanego wsparcia z UE na rozwój lokalny na przykładzie gminy Szamocin. W pierwszej części scharakteryzowano gminę w celu zidentyfikowania jej mocnych i słabych stron. Następnie ukazano poziom pozyskanych przez gminę unijnych środków i liczbę realizowanych projektów w różnym czasie; w okresie przedakcesyjnym, 2004-2006 oraz 2007-2013. Wyniki gminy Szamocin zestawiono ze średnią obliczoną dla województwa. W końcowej części opracowania przedstawiono opinie pracowników ds. pozyskiwania środków UE dotyczące barier skutecznej absorpcji. Porównano wyniki badań ankietowych wykonanych w dwóch różnych okresach. Na podstawie badań można stwierdzić, że gmina realizowała unijne projekty zgodnie ze swoimi potrzebami, niwelując słabe strony. Gmina Szamocin mogłaby realizować więcej projektów UE, jednak nie posiada wystarczających środków własnych wymaganych w montażu finansowym. Jest to jedna z dwóch, oprócz nieodpowiedniego systemu rozdziału środków, barier ograniczających absorpcję środków unijnych
Quality of life of children suffering from motor disabilities as evaluated by their parents
Purpose: We assessed the quality of life of children with motor disabilities in comparison with healthy children, as evaluated by their parents, using the CHQ-PF28 questionnaire (Child Health Questionnaire—Parent Form). Materials and methods: In a prospective study, we evaluated the quality of life of 105 children with motor disabilities. Results: Our research showed lower quality of life in the group of children with motor disabilities compared with controls, both in terms of physical and psychosocial health. Significant correlations between independent walking and physical functioning, general behavior, and mental health of children suffering from motor disabilities were found. According to the average indices of quality of life of children suffering from motor disabilities, depending on sex, the greatest differences occurred in behavior and change of health status, while the smallest differences in self-esteem and parental involvement, compared with controls. In the case of healthy children, the largest differences appeared in the perception of pain, behavior, and self-esteem; whereas, the smallest variations occurred in the change of health status and physical activity. Conclusion: Children suffering from motor disabilities demonstrate lower quality of life compared with healthy children
Quality of life of children suffering from motor disabilities as evaluated by their parents
Purpose: We assessed the quality of life of children with motor disabilities in comparison with healthy children, as evaluated by their parents, using the CHQ-PF28 questionnaire (Child Health Questionnaire—Parent Form). Materials and methods: In a prospective study, we evaluated the quality of life of 105 children with motor disabilities. Results: Our research showed lower quality of life in the group of children with motor disabilities compared with controls, both in terms of physical and psychosocial health. Significant correlations between independent walking and physical functioning, general behavior, and mental health of children suffering from motor disabilities were found. According to the average indices of quality of life of children suffering from motor disabilities, depending on sex, the greatest differences occurred in behavior and change of health status, while the smallest differences in self-esteem and parental involvement, compared with controls. In the case of healthy children, the largest differences appeared in the perception of pain, behavior, and self-esteem; whereas, the smallest variations occurred in the change of health status and physical activity. Conclusion: Children suffering from motor disabilities demonstrate lower quality of life compared with healthy children
SALT long-slit spectroscopy of quasar HE 0435-4312: fast displacement of the Mg II emission line
Context. The Mg II emission line is visible in the optical band for intermediate redshift quasars (0.4 < z < 1.6) and it is thus an extremely important tool to measure the black hole mass and to understand the structure of the Broad line region (BLR).
Aims. We aim to determine the substructure and the variability of the Mg II line with the aim to identify which part of the line comes from a medium in Keplerian motion.
Methods. Using the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) with the Robert Stobie Spectrograph (RSS) we performed ten spectroscopic observations of quasar HE 0435-4312 (z = 1.2231) over a period of three years (Dec. 23/24, 2012 to Dec. 7/8, 2015).
Results. Both the Mg II line and the Fe II pseudo-continuum increase with time. We clearly detect the systematic shift of the Mg II line with respect to the Fe II over the years, corresponding to the acceleration of 104 ± 14 km s-1 yr-1 in the quasar rest frame. The Mg II line shape is clearly non-Gaussian but single-component, and the increase in line equivalent width and line shift is not accompanied with significant evolution of the line shape. We analyse the conditions in the Mg II and Fe II formation region and we note that the very large difference in the covering factor and the turbulent velocity also support the conclusion that the two regions are spatially separated.
Conclusions. The measured acceleration of the line systematic shift is too large to connect it with the orbital motion at a distance of the BLR in this source. It may imply a precessing inner disk illuminating the BLR. Further monitoring is still needed to better constrain the variability mechanism
Self-consistent dynamical model of the Broad Line Region
Relation between BLR and accretion dis
Wavelength-resolved reverberation mapping of intermediate-redshift quasars HE 0413-4031 and HE 0435-4312: Dissecting Mg II, optical Fe II, and UV Fe II emission regions
We present the wavelength-resolved reverberation mapping (RM) of combined
MgII and UV FeII broad-line emissions for two intermediate redshifts
(z1), luminous quasars - HE 0413-4031 and HE 0435-4312, monitored by the
SALT and 1-m class telescopes between 2012-2022. Through this technique, we aim
to disentangle the Mg II and FeII emission regions and to build a
radius-luminosity relation for UV FeII emission, which has so far remained
unconstrained. Several methodologies have been applied to constrain the time
delays for total MgII and FeII emissions. In addition, this technique is
performed to quantify the inflow or outflow of broad-line region gas around the
supermassive black hole and to disentangle the emission/emitting regions from
lines produced in proximity to each other. The mean total FeII time delay is
nearly equal to the mean total Mg II time delay for HE 0435-4312 suggesting a
co-spatiality of their emissions. However, in HE 0413-4031, the mean FeII time
delay is found to be longer than the mean MgII time delay, suggesting that FeII
is produced at longer distances from the black hole. The UV Fe II R-L relation
is updated with these two quasars and compared with the optical FeII relation,
which suggests that the optical FeII region is located further than the UV FeII
by a factor of 1.7-1.9 i.e. . We
detected a weak pattern in the time delay vs. wavelength relation, suggesting
that the MgII broad-line originates a bit closer to the SMBH than the UV FeII,
however, the difference is not very significant. Comparison of MgII, UV, and
optical FeII R-L relations suggests that the difference may be larger for
lower-luminosity sources, possibly with the MgII emission originating further
from the SMBH. In the future, more RM data will be acquired to put better
constraints on these trends, in particular the UV FeII R-L relation.Comment: 24 pages, 16 figures, 5 tables, Accepted for publication in A&A, in