116 research outputs found

    No evidence of DUI in the Mediterranean alien species Brachidontes pharaonis (P. Fisher, 1870) despite mitochondrial heteroplasmy

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    Two genetically diferent mitochondrial haplogroups of Brachidontes pharaonis (p-distance 6.8%) have been identifed in the Mediterranean Sea. This hinted at a possible presence of doubly uniparental inheritance in this species. To ascertain this possibility, we sequenced two complete mitogenomes of Brachidontes pharaonis mussels and performed a qPCR analysis to measure the relative mitogenome copy numbers of both mtDNAs. Despite the presence of two very similar regions composed entirely of repetitive sequences in the two haplogroups, no recombination between mitogenomes was detected. In heteroplasmic individuals, both mitogenomes were present in the generative tissues of both sexes, which argues against the presence of doubly uniparental inheritance in this species

    Online CASE CPI

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    [EN] Online CASE CPI is an example of using Big data in public statistics. In principle, it is a consumer price index based entirely on online prices: a combination of Central Statistical Office of Poland’s methodology and online data sets. An innovative method of data collection – data scrapping – allowed us to substantially reduce a time delay between data collection and a publication of results. A short, nine-month period of data collection has not given rise to make important conclusions, hence the aims of this paper are: to discuss a general framework of measuring consumer inflation online, to present preliminary results for Poland and to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of this approach. Finally, we believe that online consumer price indices have a complementary nature to conventional inflation measurement, but it might be a serious alternative, having in mind a huge growth potential of e-commerce in coming years.Radzikowski, B.; Śmietanka, A. (2016). Online CASE CPI. En CARMA 2016: 1st International Conference on Advanced Research Methods in Analytics. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 56-65. https://doi.org/10.4995/CARMA2016.2015.3133OCS566

    Response to a DNA vaccine against the H5N1 virus depending on the chicken line and number of doses

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    Background Avian influenza virus infections cause significant economic losses on poultry farms and pose the threat of a possible pandemic outbreak. Routine vaccination of poultry against avian influenza is not recommended in Europe, however it has been ordered in some other countries, and more countries are considering use of the avian influenza vaccine as a component of their control strategy. Although a variety of such vaccines have been tested, most research has concentrated on specific antibodies and challenge experiments. Methods We monitored the transcriptomic response to a DNA vaccine encoding hemagglutinin from the highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus in the spleens of broiler and layer chickens. Moreover, in layer chickens the response to one and two doses of the vaccine was compared. Results All groups of birds immunized with two doses of the vaccine responded at the humoral level by producing specific anti-hemagglutinin antibodies. A response to the vaccine was also detected in the spleen transcriptomes. Differential expression of many genes encoding noncoding RNA and proteins functionally connected to the neuroendocrine-immune system was observed in different immunized groups

    Influence of meteorological conditions on the morbidity of the Warsaw citizens

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    Istnieją dobrze znane zależnościpomiędzy zachorowalnościąi śmiertelnościąludzi a warunkami meteorologicznymi. Artykuł zawiera wyniki nowych badań nad związkami tych zmiennych. Badania oparto na dobowych sprawozdaniach lekarzy jednej z przychodni rejonowych w Warszawie. Wyszczególniono 21 jednostek chorobowych. Dane dobowe o liczbie zachorowań były porównywane z głównymi elementami meteorologicznymi. Zaobserwowano wyraźną sezonowość w występowaniu schorzeń układów krążenia i oddechowego. Wykazują one również związek z temperaturą powietrza, ciśnieniem atmosferycznym i saldem wymiany ciepła pomiędzy człowiekiem a otoczeniem.There are well known quality relationships between human morbidity and mortality and meteorological conditions. The paper presents the results of new studies dealing with qualitative relationships of those variables. The studies base on daily reports of physicians from the one of the clinic for outpatients in Warsaw. 21 individual diseases were noticed. Daily data of diseases amount were compared with meteorological parameters. There were observed seasonal differentiation of circulatory and respiratory diseases. They are also correlated with air temperature, air pressure and net heat storage (special biometeorological index)

    An avian influenza H5N1 virus vaccine candidate based on the extracellular domain produced in yeast system as subviral particles protects chickens from lethal challenge

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    AbstractHighly pathogenic avian influenza is an on-going problem in poultry and a potential human pandemic threat. Pandemics occur suddenly and vaccine production must be fast and effective to be of value in controlling the spread of the virus. In this study we evaluated the potential of a recombinant protein from the extracellular domain of an H5 hemagglutinin protein produced in a yeast expression system to act as an effective vaccine. Protein production was efficient, with up to 200 mg purified from 1 L of culture medium. We showed that the deletion of the multibasic cleavage site from the protein improves oligomerization and, consequentially, its immunogenicity. We also showed that immunization with this deleted protein protected chickens from challenge with a highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus. Our results suggest that this recombinant protein produced in yeast may be an effective vaccine against H5N1 virus in poultry

    Modelling seawater carbonate chemistry in shellfish aquaculture regions: Insights into CO2 release associated with shell formation and growth

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    Mollusc aquaculture is a high-value industry that is increasing production rapidly in Europe and across the globe. In recent years, there has been discussion of the potential wide-ranging environmental benefits of this form of food production. One aspect of mollusc aquaculture that has received scrutiny is the production of calcareous shells (CaCO3). Mollusc shell growth has sometimes been described as a sink for atmospheric CO2, as it locks away carbon in solid mineral form. However, more rigorous carbonate chemistry modelling, including concurrent changes in seawater pCO2, pH, dissolved inorganic carbon, and total alkalinity, shows that calcification is a net CO2 source to the atmosphere. Combined with discussions about whether mollusc respiration should be included in carbon footprint modelling, this suggests that greater in-depth understanding is required before shellfish aquaculture can be included in carbon trading schemes and footprint calculations. Here, we show that regional differences in the marine carbonate system can alter the amount of CO2 released per unit CaCO3 formation. Our carbonate chemistry modelling shows that a coastal mussel farm in southern Portugal releases up to ~0.290 g of CO2 per g of CaCO3 shell formed. In comparison, an identical farm in the coastal Baltic Sea would produce up to 33% more CO2 per g of CaCO3 (~0.385 g-CO2·(g-CaCO3)−1). This spatial variability should therefore also be considered if mollusc aquaculture is to be included in future carbon trading schemes, and in planning future expansion of production across the industry

    Comparison of 2016–17 and Previous Epizootics of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5 Guangdong Lineage in Europe

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    We analyzed the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5 epizootic of 2016–17 in Europe by epidemiologic and genetic characteristics and compared it with 2 previous epizootics caused by the same H5 Guangdong lineage. The 2016–17 epizootic was the largest in Europe by number of countries and farms affected and greatest diversity of wild birds infected. We observed significant differences among the 3 epizootics regarding region affected, epidemic curve, seasonality, and outbreak duration, making it difficult to predict future HPAI epizootics. However, we know that in 2005–06 and 2016–17 the initial peak of wild bird detections preceded the peak of poultry outbreaks within Europe. Phylogenetic analysis of 2016–17 viruses indicates 2 main pathways into Europe. Our findings highlight the need for global surveillance of viral changes to inform disease preparedness, detection, and control

    Genetic diversity and connectivity within Mytilus spp. in the subarctic and Arctic

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    Climate changes in the Arctic are predicted to alter distributions of marine species. However, such changes are difficult to quantify because information on present species distribution and the genetic variation within species is lacking or poorly examined. Blue mussels,Mytilusspp. are ecosystem engineers in the coastal zone globally. In order to improve knowledge of distribution and genetic structure of theMytilus eduliscomplex in the Arctic, we analyzed 81 SNPs in 534Mytilusspp. individuals sampled at 13 sites to provide baseline data for distribution and genetic variation ofMytilusmussels in the European Arctic.Mytilus eduliswas the most abundant species found with a clear genetic split between populations in Greenland and the Eastern Atlantic. Surprisingly, analyses revealed the presence ofM. trossulusin high Arctic NW Greenland (77°N) andM. galloprovincialisor their hybrids in SW Greenland, Svalbard and the Pechora Sea. Furthermore, a high degree of hybridization and introgression between species was observed. Our study highlights the importance of distinguishing between congener species, which can display local adaptation and suggests that information on dispersal routes and barriers are essential for accurate predictions of regional susceptibility to range expansions or invasions of boreal species in the Arctic

    Wybrane aspekty zarządzania środowiskiem w Polsce i na świecie

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    The purpose of the article is to identify and evaluate selected municipal government activities in environmental management for climate protection and to formulate recommendations for municipalities in this regard. The research methods used are: a literature review, and a quantitative analysis of CSO data on 13 specific indicators of municipalities (counties) on: climate change, air and groundwater protection, land use, biodiversity and waste management and qualitative analysis. The research examines the results of environmental management in municipalities in different parts of the world and on the territory of Polish municipalities (districts) of varying wealth. A comparative analysis of the management activity of municipalities (counties) in three groups of Polish local governments: the most wealthy, medium wealthy and least wealthy has been carried out. The study shows a higher intensity of pro-environmental activities among the more prosperous municipalities. The available CSO data are also insufficient to comprehensively assess the multi-faceted activity of municipalities in environmental management. The current priorities of local authorities and the natural conditions of the municipality due to its location are also important. It is recommended to increase the activity of municipal authorities, especially less wealthy ones, in environmental management, and to increase the activity of all municipalities in the legal protection of environmentally valuable areas and in the creation of biodiversity.Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja i ocena wybranych aktywności samorządów gminnych w zakresie zarządzania środowiskiem dla ochrony klimatu oraz sformułowanie rekomendacji dla gmin w tym zakresie. Zastosowane metody badawcze to: przegląd literatury, ilościowa analiza danych GUS w zakresie 13 wskaźników szczegółowych gmin (powiatów) dotyczących: zmian klimatu, ochrony powietrza i wód gruntowych, użytkowania gruntów, bioróżnorodności i gospodarki odpadami i analiza jakościowa. Badania dotyczą rezultatów zarządzania ochroną środowiska w gminach w różnych częściach świata oraz na terytorium polskich gmin (powiatów) o zróżnicowanej zamożności. Dokonana została analiza porównawcza aktywności zarządczej gmin (powiatów) w trzech grupach polskich samorządów: najzamożniejszych, średniozamożnych i najmniej zamożnych. Z badań wynika większa intensywności działań prośrodowiskowych wśród gmin bardziej zamożnych. Dostępne dane GUS są także niewystarczające, aby kompleksowo ocenić wieloaspektową aktywność gmin w zarządzaniu ochroną środowiska. Ważne są także aktualne priorytety władz lokalnych oraz naturalne warunki gminy wynikające z jej położenia. Rekomenduje się zwiększenie aktywności władz gmin, szczególnie mniej zamożnych, w zakresie zarządzania środowiskiem oraz zwiększenie aktywności wszystkich gmin w prawnej ochronie obszarów cennych przyrodniczo oraz w kreowaniu bioróżnorodności