4 research outputs found

    Perceived Danger and Landscape Preferences of Walking Paths with Trees and Shrubs by Women

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    There have been many studies on the impact of urban greenery on perceived danger and preferences, but not many have been conducted in non-English speaking countries. We carried out our research among female university students in Poland, Latvia and China (n = 243), using a photograph rating survey instrument, and presenting slides presenting park landscapes. We compared the impact of the presence of trees and shrubs and their capability of offering concealment, as well as perceived space use intensity on perceived danger and preferences in all three countries. Participants rated the presence of shrubs as a more positive influence on path use intensity and as a negative influence on perceived danger. The link between tree presence and perceived danger in Poland and Latvia is small as well as insignificant in China. In addition, perceived danger turned out to be a mediator of the relations between the presence of trees and shrubs and perceived path use intensity and preference. Our findings support the idea that vegetation in parks could be shaped so that it does not provide place to hide. However, this recommendation is primarily applicable to areas in which the variable ‘perceived danger’ is of importance

    Genetic Loci of Plant Pathogenic <i>Dickeya solani</i> IPO 2222 Expressed in Contact with Weed-Host Bittersweet Nightshade (<i>Solanum dulcamara</i> L.) Plants

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    Dickeya solani, belonging to the Soft Rot Pectobacteriaceae, are aggressive necrotrophs, exhibiting both a wide geographic distribution and a wide host range that includes many angiosperm orders, both dicot and monocot plants, cultivated under all climatic conditions. Little is known about the infection strategies D. solani employs to infect hosts other than potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Our earlier study identified D. solani Tn5 mutants induced exclusively by the presence of the weed host S. dulcamara. The current study assessed the identity and virulence contribution of the selected genes mutated by the Tn5 insertions and induced by the presence of S. dulcamara. These genes encode proteins with functions linked to polyketide antibiotics and polysaccharide synthesis, membrane transport, stress response, and sugar and amino acid metabolism. Eight of these genes, encoding UvrY (GacA), tRNA guanosine transglycosylase Tgt, LPS-related WbeA, capsular biosynthesis protein VpsM, DltB alanine export protein, glycosyltransferase, putative transcription regulator YheO/PAS domain-containing protein, and a hypothetical protein, were required for virulence on S. dulcamara plants. The implications of D. solani interaction with a weed host, S. dulcamara, are discussed

    Ochrobactrum quorumnocens sp. nov., a quorum quenching bacterium from the potato rhizosphere, and comparative genome analysis with related type strains.

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    Ochrobactrum spp. are ubiquitous bacteria attracting growing attention as important members of microbiomes of plants and nematodes and as a source of enzymes for biotechnology. Strain Ochrobactrum sp. A44T was isolated from the rhizosphere of a field-grown potato in Gelderland, the Netherlands. The strain can interfere with quorum sensing (QS) of Gram-negative bacteria through inactivation of N-acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs) and protect plant tissue against soft rot pathogens, the virulence of which is governed by QS. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene alone and concatenation of 16S rRNA gene and MLSA genes (groEL and gyrB) revealed that the closest relatives of A44T are O. grignonense OgA9aT, O. thiophenivorans DSM 7216T, O. pseudogrignonense CCUG 30717T, O. pituitosum CCUG 50899T, and O. rhizosphaerae PR17T. Genomes of all six type strains were sequenced, significantly expanding the possibility of genome-based analyses in Ochrobactrum spp. Average nucleotide identity (ANIb) and genome-to-genome distance (GGDC) values for A44T and the related strains were below the single species thresholds (95% and 70%, respectively), with the highest scores obtained for O. pituitosum CCUG 50899T (87.31%; 35.6%), O. rhizosphaerae PR17T (86.80%; 34.3%), and O. grignonense OgA9aT (86.30%; 33.6%). Distinction of A44T from the related type strains was supported by chemotaxonomic and biochemical analyses. Comparative genomics revealed that the core genome for the newly sequenced strains comprises 2731 genes, constituting 50-66% of each individual genome. Through phenotype-to-genotype study, we found that the non-motile strain O. thiophenivorans DSM 7216T lacks a cluster of genes related to flagella formation. Moreover, we explored the genetic background of distinct urease activity among the strains. Here, we propose to establish a novel species Ochrobactrum quorumnocens, with A44T as the type strain (= LMG 30544T = PCM 2957T)

    SARS-CoV-2 infection in vaccinated maintenance hemodialysis patients despite anti-spike seroconversion: a report of 3 breakthrough cases

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    Chronically hemodialyzed (HD) patients are at a high risk of developing very severe forms of COVID-19 disease. In this article we describe three HD patients (all males, aged 70, 70 and 74 years) vaccinated intramuscularly with a two-dose mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine; BionTech/Pfizer Comirnaty, in whom subsequent breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infections developed. All patients achieved post-vaccine seroconversion for anti-spike antibodies with IgG titers of 445, 227 and 92.5 AU/mL (cut-off, 13 AU/mL) case 1, 2 and 3 respectively. SARS-CoV-2 infection was diagnosed 44, 28 and 48 days after the second dose of BNT162b2 and confirmed with the polymerase-chain-reaction (PCR) test. Two asymptomatic patients underwent this test because of their direct contact with a person with confirmed COVID-19. The third patient reported only a non-significant drop in oxygen saturation, and was hospitalized (case 3). All these patients were characterized by a low post-vaccination neutralizing antibody titer and a high production of these antibodies after falling ill (795, 845 and 5770). Perhaps this production of antibodies is responsible for the mild course of the disease, and the likely reduction of mortality. These breakthrough cases in no way undermine the importance of the vaccinations, and on the contrary argue for their urgency