199 research outputs found

    Navigating the Course of Relation Back: Krupski v. Costa Crociere S.p.A. and Standardizing the Relation-Back Analysis

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    Does moral cleansing moderate the effect of evolutionary altruism on helping intention? An exploratory study

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    There is strong evidence for social evolutionary motivations for helping (e.g., reciprocal altruism) and also growing support for the influence of the social cognitive theory of moral cleansing on prosociality. Where the former motivation is interpersonal, the latter is intrapersonal. This experimental study hypothesized that, in addition to main effects of evolutionary altruism and moral cleansing on helping intention, an interaction would occur between these theoretical motivations. Using three situational helping scenarios as dependent measures, the effect of participants&rsquo; morally-valenced recalled behavior (moral/immoral/achievement/failure) and the effect of their social proximity to a helping target (cousin/colleague/stranger) on helping intention was determined. Overall, 616 Australian participants (90.1% female) completed the online experiment. Two-way ANOVA demonstrated a consistent main effect of social proximity on helping intention across all three helping scenarios, supporting evolutionary social psychological explanations for helping. However, instead of moral self-regulation effects, moral identity consistency effects were induced by the moral behavior recall manipulation. A main effect of behaviour recall on helping intention occurred, with moral recall increasing helping intention. The problem of theoretical ambiguity regarding moral identity consistency and moral self-regulation is discussed, as is the useful role of null result publications in informing effective experimental design.<br /

    Kompetencje absolwenta pedagogiki resocjalizacyjnej

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    Praca recenzowana / peer-reviewed paperThis study focuses on theoretical reflections on Social Pedagogy Studies graduates. The term „competencies” here means both adaptative and transgressive potential of a subject. This potential is comprised of knowledge, skills and personal capacities (in its dynamic grasp). In its essence this study aims to find the answer to the question of the extent to which Social Pedagogy Studies prepare its graduates substantially and methodically and shape the subjective properties responsible for the will and readiness to constantly raise qualifi cations (lifelong learning). The essay attempts to specify (closely define) personal qualities that should characterize the future social pedagogue (e.g. probation officer, streetworker, correctional officer) in a changing educational reality

    A New Enquiry Concerning the Old World

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    Arms and Armour of Kraków Guilds in Light of the 1683 Register

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    The question of the armament of city arsenals in early modern Poland has so far been overlooked by researchers. The issues of defence architecture, sieges, and occupation have been discussed much more often. Meanwhile, it should be remembered that from the Middle Ages to the end of the existence of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, city militias, mostly composed of guilds, played a fundamental role in city defence. Therefore, both the training and arming of city militias was very important, as proven by the defence of Kraków during the Habsburg siege in 1587 and later during the Swedish siege in 1655. The mid-17th century marked the beginning of the decline of this thriving royal city. Looted and destroyed during the two-year Swedish occupation in 1655–1657, it needed time to rebuild its defence system. The Sejm constitutions of 1658 and 1659 referred to this, but it was not until 1670 that a commission, chaired by Bishop Andrzej Trzebicki, met on this matter. Another external threat soon appeared, this time from Turkey. In 1683, the possibility of a siege of Kraków by Ottoman troops or their vassals was seriously considered. The solution was the alliance of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth with Austria, which, among other things, assumed mutual assistance in the event of a siege of either capital – Vienna or Kraków. When the Turkish army launched a siege of the Austrian capital on July 14, 1683, elected councillors in Kraków inspected their own city’s defences. As a result of the undertaken inspection, the Revisia Baszt w Krakowie (The Review of Towers in Kraków) (Ms 423, p. 6, 25–34, held in The Scientific Library of the PAAS and the PAS in Kraków) was written, which, apart from the description of the state of preservation of the fortificati ons, contains a previously unpublished register of weapons for individual guilds. This source allows us to largely know the combat readiness of the then-defenders of Kraków. The inventory presented shows a serious armament shortage that could have sufficed for fewer than 500 people

    Działania profilaktyczne podejmowane przez rodzinnych kuratorów sądowych w obszarze zdrowia

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    Artykuł ma charakter teoretyczno-empiryczny i składa się z trzech części. Pierwsza z nich to teoretyczne rozważania skoncentrowane na problematyce zdrowia w ujęciu interdyscyplinarnym, przyjmującym holistyczną perspektywę funkcjonowania człowieka. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na znaczenie wartości zdrowia w środowiskach zmarginalizowanych, narażonych na ryzyko wykluczenia społecznego. W drugiej, metodologicznej warstwie opracowania zaprezentowano przyjętą koncepcję i procedurę badawczą. Celem eksploracji była próba diagnozy działań profilaktycznych dotyczących obszaru zdrowia, podejmowanych przez kuratorów sądowych w rodzinach dysfunkcjonalnych objętych nadzorami. Zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego z wykorzystaniem ankiety, wywiadu i analizy dokumentów. Badania miały charakter ogólnopolski i przeprowadzono je w reprezentatywnej grupie rodzinnych kuratorów zawodowych, społecznych i okręgowych. Część trzecią artykułu stanowi szczegółowa analiza konkretnych działań prewencyjnych podejmowanych przez kuratorów we wspomnianym obszarze. Obejmowały one promowanie zdrowego stylu życia, przypominanie o obowiązku szczepień i badaniach profilaktycznych, kontakt z podmiotami ochrony zdrowia, kierowanie do ośrodków terapii uzależnień. W konkluzji końcowej stwierdzono przeciętne zainteresowanie obszarem zdrowia na tle innych działań podejmowanych przez kuratorów w codziennej pracy. Badani najczęściej wykorzystywali strategię interwencyjną oraz strategię redukcji szkód. Działalność kuratorów zawodowych była bardziej nacechowana profilaktyką w porównaniu do pracy kuratorów społecznych. Najwięcej okazji do wdrażania projektów profilaktycznych mieli kuratorzy pracujący w ośrodkach kuratorskich. Większe przekonanie na temat sensu wykorzystywania zabiegów profilaktycznych w codziennej pracy wyrażały kobiety, z ponadprzeciętnym poczuciem sprawstwa i świadomością wysokiej skuteczności własnej pracy.The article is comprised of three parts and is of a theoretical and empirical nature. The first part includes theoretical considerations focused on the interdisciplinary approach of health-related issues which adopted a holistic perspective of the functioning of human beings. Particular attention was paid to the importance of health in marginalized environments which face the risk of social exclusion. The second, methodological layer of the study presents the adopted concept and the research procedure. The aim of the exploration was to make an attempt to diagnose health-related preventive actions undertaken by court-appointed family guardians in dysfunctional families subject to supervision. In order to do so, the author applied a diagnostic poll method with the use of a questionnaire, interviews and a document analysis. The research was conducted nationwide in a representative group of court-appointed family professional, social and district guardians. The third part of the article is a detailed analysis of specific preventive actions undertaken by courtappointed family guardians in the above mentioned area which included promoting a healthy lifestyle, reminding about the obligation to vaccinate and undergo checkups, maintaining contact with health care instiutions, and sending to addiction treatment centers. In the fi nal conclusion the author stated that in comparison to other actions undertaken by court-appointed family guardians in their daily work, the interest in health was average. The respondents most often took advantage of the intervention strategy or the harm reduction strategy. Professional guardians concentrated more on prevention than social guardians. The guardians working in juvenile detention centers had as many opportunities as possible to implement preventive projects. Women with above-average sense of authorship and awareness of high effecti veness of their own work were more convinced about the sense and purpose of using preventive actions in their daily work

    Social rehabilitation in times of a pandemic

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    Treść artykułu stanowią rozważania na temat problemów resocjalizacji w okresie pandemii Covid-19. W pierwszej części zostały zarysowane dylematy przeciętnego człowieka, który znalazł się w nowej, nieznanej dotąd sytuacji zagrożenia zdrowia i życia. Druga część koncentruje się na wyzwaniach współczesnej resocjalizacji w obliczu koronakryzysu. Zredagowano ją na podstawie kwerendy źródeł internetowych oraz rozmów przeprowadzonych z przedstawicielami instytucji penitencjarnych, placówek wychowawczych dla nieletnich i kuratorów sądowych. Ostatnia część tekstu, stanowiąca podsumowanie, zawiera rekomendacje metodologiczne, czyli wskazuje nowe aspekty badań w analizowanym obszarze.The content of the article consists of considerations on the problems of social rehabilitation during the Covid-19 pandemic. The first part outlines the dilemmas of the average person who is in a new, unknown situation, which threat to his health and life. The second part focuses on the challenges of contemporary social rehabilitation during the coronavirus crisis. It was compiled on the basis of a review of internet sources and interviews with representatives of penitentiary institutions, juvenile educational institutions and probation officers. The last part of the text, which is a summary, contains methodological recommendations, i.e. it indicates new aspects of research in the analyzed area