15 research outputs found

    Knowledge Management and Database Marketing Applications

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    Bu makalenin amacı veritabanlı pazarlamanın bilgi yönetimi aracı olarak kullanılıp kullanılamayacağını araştırmak ve Türk hazır giyim endüstrisindeki perakendecilikle ilgili uygulamaları öğrenmektir. Bilgi teknolojilerini kullanan perakendeciler bazı verileri topladıktan sonra onları kendilerine yararlı enformasyonlara ve bigilere dönüştürerek veritabanlı pazarlama sistemlerini kullanabilirler. Bu araştırmada hazır giyim perakendecilerinin veritabanlı pazarlama sistemine sahip olup olmadıklarını ve sahiplerse bu sistemi nasıl kurup çalıştırdıkları incelenmektedir. Bilgi teknolojileri alanında çalışan işletmelerin bu araştırma konusu ve sonuçlarına ilgi gösterecekleri kuşkusuzdur.The aim of this article is to learn whether database marketing is used as a tool of knowledge management, and to investigate its applications among Turkish ready to wear retailers. The retailers who use knowledge technologies can collect and turn data into useful information and knowledge, and then use them in database marketing systems. This study investigates whether ready to wear retailers have such database marketing systems, and how they set up and work these systems if they have one. There is no doubt that businesses in the information technologies sector would be interested in the topic and the results

    Knowledge Management and Database Marketing Applications

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    Bu makalenin amacı veritabanlı pazarlamanın bilgi yönetimi aracı olarak kullanılıp kullanılamayacağını araştırmak ve Türk hazır giyim endüstrisindeki perakendecilikle ilgili uygulamaları öğrenmektir. Bilgi teknolojilerini kullanan perakendeciler bazı verileri topladıktan sonra onları kendilerine yararlı enformasyonlara ve bigilere dönüştürerek veritabanlı pazarlama sistemlerini kullanabilirler. Bu araştırmada hazır giyim perakendecilerinin veritabanlı pazarlama sistemine sahip olup olmadıklarını ve sahiplerse bu sistemi nasıl kurup çalıştırdıkları incelenmektedir. Bilgi teknolojileri alanında çalışan işletmelerin bu araştırma konusu ve sonuçlarına ilgi gösterecekleri kuşkusuzdur.The aim of this article is to learn whether database marketing is used as a tool of knowledge management, and to investigate its applications among Turkish ready to wear retailers. The retailers who use knowledge technologies can collect and turn data into useful information and knowledge, and then use them in database marketing systems. This study investigates whether ready to wear retailers have such database marketing systems, and how they set up and work these systems if they have one. There is no doubt that businesses in the information technologies sector would be interested in the topic and the results

    Consequences of influencer-created content on influencers’ authenticity in the beauty and personal care industry

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    One challenge in creating a personal brand is convincing consumers that it is authentic. Brands perceived to be inauthentic will have difficulty engaging with consumers; thus, the brand may not be long-lasting. This is also important for influencers, as they are a type of personal brand. Therefore, it is essential to consider the authenticity that is necessary for influencers when creating their brands. This study adapts the dimensions of advertising content value, and it examines the direct and indirect effects on influencer authenticity and followers’ trust, attitudes, and purchase intentions. The study reached out to 445 social media users interested in beauty and personal care products. The results indicate that the perceived entertainment and perceived informativeness of the influencer’s post content have a significant positive effect on influencer authenticity. Moreover, the results also show that influencer authenticity plays an important role in trust in and attitude toward branded posts. Finally, trust in and attitude toward branded posts lead to purchase intention.</p

    What Makes Consumers Recall Banner Ads in Mobile Applications

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    The uses of mobile advertisements are increasing their popularity across the world. Companies can gather information about the mobile users based on their locations, lifestyle, and preferences via GPS, cookies and browsing history and embed highly personalized banner ads in mobile applications. However, in the literature there is hardly any work on the effectiveness of these highly personalized in-app banner ads. The aim of the study is to reveal which factors affect the effectiveness of in-app banner ads. An experimental study was designed and 209 subjects participated. The results of Ordinal Logistic Regression indicated that prior brand attitude and attitude towards application have a positive effect, while brand engagement with self-concept has a negative effect on the recall of in-app banner ads. Moreover, in-app banner ads are recalled more when they are located in landscape applications and positioned at the top part of the screen. This research provides some implications for future studies and practitioners

    Erdoğmuş, İrem Eren

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    Bilgi yönetimi ve veritabanlı pazarlama uygulamaları

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    The aim of this article is to learn whether database marketing is used as a tool of knowledge management, and to investigate its applications among Turkish ready to wear retailers. The retailers who use knowledge technologies can collect and turn data into useful information and knowledge, and then use them in database marketing systems. This study investigates whether ready to wear retailers have such database marketing systems, and how they set up and work these systems if they have one. There is no doubt that businesses in the information technologies sector would be interested in the topic and the results.Bu makalenin amacı veritabanlı pazarlamanın bilgi yönetimi aracı olarak kullanılıp kullanılamayacağını araştırmak ve Türk hazır giyim endüstrisindeki perakendecilikle ilgili uygulamaları öğrenmektir. Bilgi teknolojilerini kullanan perakendeciler bazı verileri topladıktan sonra onları kendilerine yararlı enformasyonlara ve bigilere dönüştürerek veritabanlı pazarlama sistemlerini kullanabilirler. Bu araştırmada hazır giyim perakendecilerinin veritabanlı pazarlama sistemine sahip olup olmadıklarını ve sahiplerse bu sistemi nasıl kurup çalıştırdıkları incelenmektedir. Bilgi teknolojileri alanında çalışan işletmelerin bu araştırma konusu ve sonuçlarına ilgi gösterecekleri kuşkusuzdur

    Database marketing applications in ready-to wear retailing sector in Turkey

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    Eren, Erol (Dogus Author) -- Conference full title: 2001 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology: Portland, Oregon, USA, July 29 - August 2, 2001.The aim of this paper is to explore state of database marketing among ready to wear retailing sector of Turkey. The population was the list of ready to wear retail firms in Istanbul, given by the Turkish Council of Shopping Centers and Retail firms. Out of 81 retail firms on the list, 50 were contacted. An exploratory study was carried out. The research was divided into two parts; telephone interviews and structured in-depth interviews with firms that applied database marketing. Findings suggested important conclusions about the state of database marketing among ready-to-wear retail firms in Turkey. Database marketing was in its introductory state. There were only a few applicators, who did not apply database marketing in the full sense. Most of the retailers thought that they knew their customers, so did not need to collect customer information. Even if they did collect it, they did not analyze it, or gave meaning to it. Customer information did not shape their marketing strategies or actions. Some retailers that collected customer information used it for direct mail purposes. However, two-way dialogue or relationship was not formed with the customers

    Database marketing- a survey in ready to wear retailing in Turkey

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    ÖZETBu çalışmanın amacı, dünyada veritabanlı pazarlama gelişimini ortaya koymak ve Türkiye'deki hazır giyim perakendecilerin üzerine bir araştırma yaparak, veritabanlı pazarlamanın Türkiye'de bugünkü durumunu keşfetmektir. Veri tabanlı pazarlama, pazarlama ve teknolojinin buluştuğu yeni bir pazarlama metodu olarak pazarlamacıların müşteri bilgisini tüm plan ve eylemlerinde kullanmalarını sağlamaktadır. Şirketler, müşteri ile ilişki kurmak, müşteri bağlılığını arttırmak ve bu bağlılıktan yararlanarak kazanç sağlamak için veri tabanlı pazarlama kullanmaktadırlar. Günümüz dünyasında, veri tabanlı pazarlama rekabetçi olmak için gerekli bir metot olarak kabul edilse de, Türkiye'deki şirketler için yeni ve denenmemiş bir kavramdır. Bu yüzden, Türkiye'de veri tabanlı pazarlamayı aydınlatması için ön araştırma çalışması yapılması uygun görülmüştür. Araştırma hazır giyim perakendecilik sektörü üzerine yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, neredeyse tüm perakendecilerin veritabanlı pazarlama kavramına aşina olmadıkları ve anlamını bilmedikleri görülmüştür. Bu sonuçla ilintili olarak, yalnızca çok az perakendecinin veritabanlı pazarlama uyguladıkları bulunmuştur. Çoğu perakendeci müşteri bilgisi toplasa da bu bilgiyi analiz edip, müşterilerini hedeflediği pazarlama planları geliştirmekte kullanmamaktadır. Müşterileri ile iletişim kurmakta kullandıkları tek metot tek yönlü bir iletişim aracı olan aracısız mektuptur. Veri tabanlı pazarlama uygulayıcıları da konunun inceliklerini bilmemektedir. Veri tabanlı pazarlama ilkelerini benimseyecekleri, müşteri bilgisini müşterilerini bağlı kılmak ve pazardaki pozisyonlarını korumak amacıyla kullanmayı öğrenecekleri uzun bir yolun başındadırlar.ABSTRACTThe aim of this study is to present database marketing developments in the world, and to explore its state in Turkey, by conducting a survey in ready to wear retailing sector of Turkey. Database marketing is a new tool of marketing, a combination of technology and marketing, that makes it possible for marketers to use customer information in all their marketing plans and actions. Companies use database marketing to form relationship with their customers, maintain them loyal, and gain revenue growth out of this loyalty. Although the concept of database marketing is thought as an essential method for being competitive in the market in the world of today, it is a new concept and an untried method for companies in Turkey. Therefore, an exploratory study was chosen to be conducted to shed a light on database marketing in Turkey. It was the ready to wear retailing sector, that the study was carried with.It was found that almost all retail firms were not familiar with the concept ,and did not know its meaning. Related to this fact, only a few of them applied database marketing. Although most retail firms collected customer information, they did not analyze and use it for developing marketing plans aimed at their customers. The most common method applied to contact with customers was direct mail, a one way communication medium. The applicators of database marketing were not sophisticated, either. They were at the beginning of a long journey to embrace principles of database marketing, learn to use customer knowledge in making their customers loyal and keeping their position in the market