18 research outputs found

    Epicardial adipose tissue and pericoronary fat thickness measured with 64-multidetector computed tomography: potential predictors of the severity of coronary artery disease

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between pericoronary fat and the severity and extent of atherosclerosis, quantified using 64-multidetector computed tomography, in patients with suspected coronary artery disease. METHODS: The study population consisted of 131 patients who were clinically referred for noninvasive multislice computed tomography coronary angiography for the evaluation of coronary artery disease. Patients were classified as follows: no atherosclerosis, Group 1; nonobstructive atherosclerosis (luminal narrowin

    Environmental Sustainability and Strategic Stakeholder Management: The Coca-Cola Company in Turkey and Water Management

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    The future of almost any business depends on the sustainability of water resources. One of the global corporations using high amount of water during its production process and also a bottled water manufacturer is TCCC (The Coca-Cola Company). This paper analyze TCCC's perspectives on "economics" and "ecology" under the globalisation impact. The motivations of this TNC operating in Turkey as CCI (Coca Cola Içecek A.S.) under TCCC system, on CSR (corporate social responsibility) and environmental sustainability strategies have been identified following a critical literature review on CSR and sustainability, and TCCC Sustainability Review as well as an analysis of CCI Turkey’s annual and CSR reports. [Paper presented at the GIRA 2010: 'Corporate Governance, Innovation and Social Responsibility' Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 9-10 September 2010.]environmental sustainability, Coca-Cola, water management, CSR, Turkey, Asia

    Hydrogen generation from solid state NaBH4 by using FeCl3 catalyst for portable proton exchange membrane fuel cell applications

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    Being a boron-based compound, sodium borohydride, NaBH4, is a convenient hydrogen storage material for applications like unmanned air vehicles. There are several concerns behind commercialization of hydrogen gas generator by NaBH4 hydrolysis systems. This study aims to contribute to the solution of the problems of NaBH4 hydrolysis system in three main ways. First, the usage of solid state NaBH4 enables to increase the durability and the gravimetric H-2 storage capacity of the system in order to meet US DOE targets. Second, solid NaBH4 usage decreases the system's weight since it does not require a separate fuel storage tank, which is very important for portable, on demand applications. Finally, the system's cost is decreased by using an accessible and effective non-precious catalyst such as ferric chloride, FeCl3. The maximum hydrogen generation rate obtained was 2.6 L/min and the yield was 2 L H-2/g NaBH4 with an efficiency of 76% at its most promising condition. Moreover, the novel solid NaBH4 hydrogen gas generator developed in the present work was integrated into a proton exchange membrane fuel cell and tested at the optimum operating conditions. (C) 2018 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Kinetics of hydrogen generation from hydrolysis of sodium borohydride on Pt/C catalyst in a flow reactor

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    Here, we report the results of a kinetic study on the hydrogen generation from the catalytic hydrolysis of sodium borohydride in a differential flow reactor. As catalyst platinum supported on carbon (Pt/C) was used in two forms: either as powder or coated on carbon cloth. For optimization of the system several parameters such as sodium hydroxide concentration, sodium borohydride concentration and the flow rate of the feed solution were varied. It was found that the H2 generation rate increases with an increase in NaBH4 concentration whereas it shows a slight decrease with variation in NaOH concentration. As an important parameter, an increase in the flow rate of feed solution enhances the hydrogen generation rate. This is an important result as it provides an easy control of reaction or hydrogen generation on demand. Copyright (c) 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Üniversitelerin Kurumsal Profillerinin Sosyal Medya Boyutu: Devlet ve Vakıf Üniversitesi Ayrımı

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    The changes in the field of communication that have been taking place all over the world since 1990 have resulted in a polyphonic communication structure in Turkey. From the 2000s on, in particular, the Web 2.0 interactive media allowing individual users to create their own content have also had a deep impact on communication at the organizational level. From a comparative perspective, this study aims to analyze the use of social media by organizations in Turkey in terms of the concepts of corporate identity and corporate communication. For this purpose, the corporate social network profiles of the Turkish universities established after 2007 were analyzed through content analysis. In this study, which can be considered as a summary of our project supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), the universities in Turkey were analyzed by focusing on social media networks. The data, obtained from the social media network named Facebook, which is used by 43 state universities and 36 foundation universities in Turkey, were analyzed by applying 8 different criterion categories that had been revealed by our surveying method conducted within the scope of the study. Appearance, frequency of re-occurrence, and intensity were used for this analysis. This study is significant as it presents a new approach concerning the subject, and it provides a model related to the organizational/institutional use of social media networks.İletişim alanında dünyada yaşanan değişimlerin, 1990 yılı sonrasında Türkiye'deki yansımaları, zaman içinde çok sesli bir yapının oluşmasını sağlamıştır. Özellikle 2000'li yıllardan itibaren, medya içeriğinin kullanıcılar tarafından üretilmesine izin veren, etkileşimli Web 2.0 ortamının etkisi kurumsal anlamda da gözlenmiştir. Bu çalışma, sosyal medyanın Türkiye'deki kurumlar tarafından kullanımına kurumsal kimlik ve kurumsal iletişim kavramları çerçevesinde karşılaştırmalı bir bakış açısı ile yaklaşmayı hedeflemiştir. Bu amaçla, 2007 yılından sonra Türkiye'de kurulan üniversitelerin sosyal medya ağlarındaki kurumsal profilleri, içerik analizi yöntemiyle incelenmiştir. Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Kurumu (TÜBİTAK) tarafından desteklenerek sonuçlandırılan projenin bir özeti niteliğinde olan bu çalışmada, Türkiye'deki üniversiteler, farklı bir bakış açısıyla, sosyal medya ağları vasıtasıyla incelenmiştir. Türkiye'deki 43 devlet ve 36 vakıf üniversitesinin Facebook sosyal medya ağlarından elde edilen veriler, tarama yöntemiyle, analizin kapsamına göre tespit edilen 8 ayrı kategorideki ölçütler altında, içerik analizi yöntemiyle incelenmiştir. Bu analiz için görünüş, tekrarlanış sıklığı ve yoğunluk sayma birimleri kullanılmıştır. Çalışma, konuya ilişkin yeni bir yaklaşım ve kurumların sosyal medya ağı kullanımına ilişkin bir model önerisi sunması açısından önem taşımaktadır

    Double bond configuration of palmitoleate is critical for atheroprotection

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    Objective: Saturated and trans fat consumption is associated with increased cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. Current dietary guidelines recommend low fat and significantly reduced trans fat intake. Full fat dairy can worsen dyslipidemia, but recent epidemiological studies show full-fat dairy consumption may reduce diabetes and CVD risk. This dairy paradox prompted a reassessment of the dietary guidelines. The beneficial metabolic effects in dairy have been claimed for a ruminant-derived, trans fatty acid, trans-C16: 1n-7 or trans-palmitoleate (trans-PAO). A close relative, cis-PAO, is produced by de novo lipogenesis and mediates inter-organ crosstalk, improving insulin-sensitivity and alleviating atherosclerosis in mice. These findings suggest trans-PAO may be a useful substitute for full fat dairy, but a metabolic function for trans-PAO has not been shown to date. Methods: Using lipidomics, we directly investigated trans-PAO's impact on plasma and tissue lipid profiles in a hypercholesterolemic atherosclerosis mouse model. Furthermore, we investigated trans-PAO's impact on hyperlipidemia-induced inflammation and atherosclerosis progression in these mice. Results: Oral trans-PAO supplementation led to significant incorporation of trans-PAO into major lipid species in plasma and tissues. Unlike cis-PAO, however, trans-PAO did not prevent organelle stress and inflammation in macrophages or atherosclerosis progression in mice. Conclusions: A significant, inverse correlation between circulating trans-PAO levels and diabetes incidence and cardiovascular mortality has been reported. Our findings show that trans-PAO can incorporate efficiently into the same pools that its cis counterpart is known to incorporate into. However, we found trans-PAO's anti-inflammatory and anti-atherosclerotic effects are muted due to its different structure from cis-PAO. (C) 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier GmbH

    Emopamil binding protein mutation in conradi-hünermann-happle syndrome representing plaque-type psoriasis

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    Conradi-Hünermann-Happle syndrome (CDPX2, OMIM 302960) is an inherited X-linked dominant variant of chondrodysplasia punctata which primarily affects the skin, bones, and eyes. CDPX2 patients display skin defects, including ichthyotic lesions, follicular atrophoderma, cicatricial alopecia, and less frequently ichthyosiform erythroderma, cataracts, and skeletal abnormalities consisting of short stature, asymmetric shortening of the limbs, epiphyseal stippling, and craniofacial defects. CDPX2 results from mutations in emopamil binding protein (EBP) gene. The aim of our study is to identify EBP mutation in a unique case of Conradi-Hünermann-Happle syndrome with rare psoriasiform lesions