149 research outputs found
The effect of disulfiram on ethanol and/or cadmium subacute reproductive toxicity mechanisms in male rats
Dosadašnja istraživanja mehanizama toksičnosti alkohola i kadmijuma (Cd) pri pojedinačnoj i udruženoj izloženosti eksprimantalnih životinja potvrđuju da oba agensa dovode do reproduktivne toksičnosti. Brojne epidemiološke studije su takođe ukazale da su pušenje i alkoholizam uzročnici poremećaja u spermatogenezi i neplodnosti kod muškaraca. S obzirom na činjenicu da je duvanski dim značajan izvor izloženosti Cd, kao i da su alkoholičari uglavnom i pušači, potrebno je utvrditi kako disulfiram (DSF), lek koji se koristi u averzivnoj terapiji alkoholizma, utiče na reproduktivnu toksičnost izazvanu pomenutim toksikantima. Cilj ove studije je bio da se ispita efekat DSF na narušenu homeostazu bioelemenata, redoks i androgeni status u testisima pacova prethodno izloženih alkoholu i/ili Cd kao i tokom koekspozicije sa Cd. Slobodna sulfhidrilna grupa (–SH) u hemijskoj strukturi metabolita DSF, dietilditiokarbamata (DDTC), ukazuje na redukcioni i helirajući potencijal DSF koji umnogome može da promeni metabolizam kako ispitivanih toksičnih agenasa (alkohola i Cd), tako i esencijalnih bioelemenata, kao i endogenih jedinjenja koja poseduju –SH grupe zbog mogućih reakcija tiolnog ukrštanja.
Studija na životinjama (mužjaci pacova Wistar soja, n = 288) je dizajnirana sa ciljem da se imitiraju navike alkoholičara-pušača pre i nakon uvođenja DSF. Životinje su bile izložene ispitivanim supstancama subakutno (alkoholu i DSF), odnosno subhronično (Cd). Alkohol, DSF i maslinovo ulje (MU) kao rastvarač za DSF, su davani putem oralne sonde (per os), a Cd intraperitonelano (i.p.), svakodnevno u jednoj dozi. Životinje su slučajnim odabirom podeljene na kontrolne grupe i 7 eksperimentalnih grupa, od kojih je svaka grupa podeljena u 4 ili 6 podgrupa (n = 6) u odnosu na dužinu izloženosti svakoj od ispitivanih supstanci pojedinačno ili njihovoj kombinovanoj primeni. Podela eksperimentalnih životinja na grupe u odnosu na trajanje ekspozicije (1, 3, 10, 21 i 42 dana) je sledeća: tri kontrolne grupe (K1-42 , MU1-21, i K1-21/MU22-42); tri grupe koje su individualno bile izložene ispitivanim agensima (A1-21, Cd1-42 i DSF1-21); i četiri grupe koje su bile paralelno izložene ispitivanim agesnima (A1-21/Cd1-21, A1-21/DSF22-42, Cd1-42/DSF22-42 i A1-21/Cd1-42/DSF22-42)...Previous animal studies on the mechanisms of toxicity after exposure or co-exposure to alcohol and cadmium (Cd) confirmed that both agents induce reproductive toxicity. Numerous epidemiological studies have also suggested that smoking and alcoholism cause disturbances in spermatogenesis and infertility in men. Due to the fact that tobacco smoke is an important source of Cd exposure, as well as alcoholics are usually smokers too, it is necessary to determine if disulfiram (DSF), a drug used in aversive therapy of alcoholism, affects the reproductive toxicity induced by the abovementioned toxicants. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of DSF on disturbed bioelements’ homeostasis, redox and androgen status in the testes of rats previously exposed to alcohol and / or Cd and during co-exposure with Cd. Free sulfhydryl group (-SH) in the chemical structure of the DSF’s metabolite, diethyldithiocarbamate (DDTC), indicates the reducing and chelating potential of DSF, which in many ways can change the metabolism of tested toxic agents (A and Cd), as well as essential bioelements, and endogenous compounds containing -SH groups due to possible reactions of thiol linking.
The animal study (male Wistar rats, n = 288) was designed in order to imitate the conditions of alcoholics-smokers before and after the introduction of DSF. The animals were exposed to the tested substances subacute (alcohol and DSF) and subchronic (Cd). Alcohol, DSF, and olive oil (OL), as a solvent for DSF, were administered via oral gavage (per os), and Cd intraperitoneally, in a single daily dose. Animals were randomly divided into control groups and 7 experimental groups, each group was divided into 4 or 6 subgroups (n = 6) according to the duration of exposure to the tested substances alone or in combination. The division of the groups of the experimental animals with respect to the exposure time (1, 3, 10, 21 and 42 days) was as follows: three control groups (C1-42, OL1-21 and C1-21 / OL22-42); three groups which were independently exposed to the tested agents (A1-21, Cd1-42 and DSF1-21); and four groups that were subjected parallelly to the tested agents (A1-21 / Cd1-21, A1-21 / DSF22-42, Cd1-42 / DSF22-42 and A1-21 / Cd1-42 / DSF22-42)..
The effect of disulfiram on ethanol and/or cadmium subacute reproductive toxicity mechanisms in male rats
Dosadašnja istraživanja mehanizama toksičnosti alkohola i kadmijuma (Cd) pri pojedinačnoj i udruženoj izloženosti eksprimantalnih životinja potvrđuju da oba agensa dovode do reproduktivne toksičnosti. Brojne epidemiološke studije su takođe ukazale da su pušenje i alkoholizam uzročnici poremećaja u spermatogenezi i neplodnosti kod muškaraca. S obzirom na činjenicu da je duvanski dim značajan izvor izloženosti Cd, kao i da su alkoholičari uglavnom i pušači, potrebno je utvrditi kako disulfiram (DSF), lek koji se koristi u averzivnoj terapiji alkoholizma, utiče na reproduktivnu toksičnost izazvanu pomenutim toksikantima. Cilj ove studije je bio da se ispita efekat DSF na narušenu homeostazu bioelemenata, redoks i androgeni status u testisima pacova prethodno izloženih alkoholu i/ili Cd kao i tokom koekspozicije sa Cd. Slobodna sulfhidrilna grupa (–SH) u hemijskoj strukturi metabolita DSF, dietilditiokarbamata (DDTC), ukazuje na redukcioni i helirajući potencijal DSF koji umnogome može da promeni metabolizam kako ispitivanih toksičnih agenasa (alkohola i Cd), tako i esencijalnih bioelemenata, kao i endogenih jedinjenja koja poseduju –SH grupe zbog mogućih reakcija tiolnog ukrštanja.
Studija na životinjama (mužjaci pacova Wistar soja, n = 288) je dizajnirana sa ciljem da se imitiraju navike alkoholičara-pušača pre i nakon uvođenja DSF. Životinje su bile izložene ispitivanim supstancama subakutno (alkoholu i DSF), odnosno subhronično (Cd). Alkohol, DSF i maslinovo ulje (MU) kao rastvarač za DSF, su davani putem oralne sonde (per os), a Cd intraperitonelano (i.p.), svakodnevno u jednoj dozi. Životinje su slučajnim odabirom podeljene na kontrolne grupe i 7 eksperimentalnih grupa, od kojih je svaka grupa podeljena u 4 ili 6 podgrupa (n = 6) u odnosu na dužinu izloženosti svakoj od ispitivanih supstanci pojedinačno ili njihovoj kombinovanoj primeni. Podela eksperimentalnih životinja na grupe u odnosu na trajanje ekspozicije (1, 3, 10, 21 i 42 dana) je sledeća: tri kontrolne grupe (K1-42 , MU1-21, i K1-21/MU22-42); tri grupe koje su individualno bile izložene ispitivanim agensima (A1-21, Cd1-42 i DSF1-21); i četiri grupe koje su bile paralelno izložene ispitivanim agesnima (A1-21/Cd1-21, A1-21/DSF22-42, Cd1-42/DSF22-42 i A1-21/Cd1-42/DSF22-42)...Previous animal studies on the mechanisms of toxicity after exposure or co-exposure to alcohol and cadmium (Cd) confirmed that both agents induce reproductive toxicity. Numerous epidemiological studies have also suggested that smoking and alcoholism cause disturbances in spermatogenesis and infertility in men. Due to the fact that tobacco smoke is an important source of Cd exposure, as well as alcoholics are usually smokers too, it is necessary to determine if disulfiram (DSF), a drug used in aversive therapy of alcoholism, affects the reproductive toxicity induced by the abovementioned toxicants. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of DSF on disturbed bioelements’ homeostasis, redox and androgen status in the testes of rats previously exposed to alcohol and / or Cd and during co-exposure with Cd. Free sulfhydryl group (-SH) in the chemical structure of the DSF’s metabolite, diethyldithiocarbamate (DDTC), indicates the reducing and chelating potential of DSF, which in many ways can change the metabolism of tested toxic agents (A and Cd), as well as essential bioelements, and endogenous compounds containing -SH groups due to possible reactions of thiol linking.
The animal study (male Wistar rats, n = 288) was designed in order to imitate the conditions of alcoholics-smokers before and after the introduction of DSF. The animals were exposed to the tested substances subacute (alcohol and DSF) and subchronic (Cd). Alcohol, DSF, and olive oil (OL), as a solvent for DSF, were administered via oral gavage (per os), and Cd intraperitoneally, in a single daily dose. Animals were randomly divided into control groups and 7 experimental groups, each group was divided into 4 or 6 subgroups (n = 6) according to the duration of exposure to the tested substances alone or in combination. The division of the groups of the experimental animals with respect to the exposure time (1, 3, 10, 21 and 42 days) was as follows: three control groups (C1-42, OL1-21 and C1-21 / OL22-42); three groups which were independently exposed to the tested agents (A1-21, Cd1-42 and DSF1-21); and four groups that were subjected parallelly to the tested agents (A1-21 / Cd1-21, A1-21 / DSF22-42, Cd1-42 / DSF22-42 and A1-21 / Cd1-42 / DSF22-42)..
Monitoring slope instability in Belgrade suburban area by analysing satellite and aerial images
Purpose of this study is to prepare slope instability map by using a spatial criteria in a landslide-
prone area of Belgrade suburban area. Landslide locations were detected from interpretation
of aerial images. Several factors were used for interpretation of landslide conditioning factors.
These factors are: slope, lithology, human impact, distance from rivers and streams, tectonic assembly,
NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) calculated from Landsat 7 satellite images.
During last 35 years, in Belgrade urban and suburban area, more than 2000 landslides were
registered. Research area includes unstable slopes in the area of the gully, the total surface area of
1.4 km2. Research area is located near Sava, 20 km SW from Belgrade City centre, and it is very
close to biggest, deepest and the most investigated landslide in Belgrade area, named Umka. According
to Basic Geological Map (Filipović and Rodin 1976), whole area is built from marly and
carbonic clay, coal, diatomaceous earth and sand. Conformably over the Pannonian sediments lie
gray, yellowish and bluish marl clay. Average slope value of research area is 7.42°. Three groups
of faults are noted. Regional faults are NW-SE oriented. This group of faults is responsible for
gullies forming. Second detected group of faults is perpendicular to the first group. Some of this
ruptures are responsible for the occurrence of couple of landslides in this area. Third group includes
NNE-SSW oriented faults. Relation between the occurrences of slope instability to this
group of faults was not established. The biggest part of area of 0.8 km2 that was detected by analysing
of areal images is considered as a potential landslide, which means that it is not active landslide,
but there is big possibility, considering lithology, position and terrain slope, that could be
initiated with greater rainfall or other triggers. There are 10 active smaller landslides. Biggest of
them includes area of 0.3 km2. Two landslides that once were active, but not now, are detected.
They are in close vicinity of active landslides. Since the research area belongs to suburban area,
interpreted landslides do not make any threats to people or households
Monitoring slope instability in Belgrade suburban area by analysing satellite and aerial images
Purpose of this study is to prepare slope instability map by using a spatial criteria in a landslide-
prone area of Belgrade suburban area. Landslide locations were detected from interpretation
of aerial images. Several factors were used for interpretation of landslide conditioning factors.
These factors are: slope, lithology, human impact, distance from rivers and streams, tectonic assembly,
NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) calculated from Landsat 7 satellite images.
During last 35 years, in Belgrade urban and suburban area, more than 2000 landslides were
registered. Research area includes unstable slopes in the area of the gully, the total surface area of
1.4 km2. Research area is located near Sava, 20 km SW from Belgrade City centre, and it is very
close to biggest, deepest and the most investigated landslide in Belgrade area, named Umka. According
to Basic Geological Map (Filipović and Rodin 1976), whole area is built from marly and
carbonic clay, coal, diatomaceous earth and sand. Conformably over the Pannonian sediments lie
gray, yellowish and bluish marl clay. Average slope value of research area is 7.42°. Three groups
of faults are noted. Regional faults are NW-SE oriented. This group of faults is responsible for
gullies forming. Second detected group of faults is perpendicular to the first group. Some of this
ruptures are responsible for the occurrence of couple of landslides in this area. Third group includes
NNE-SSW oriented faults. Relation between the occurrences of slope instability to this
group of faults was not established. The biggest part of area of 0.8 km2 that was detected by analysing
of areal images is considered as a potential landslide, which means that it is not active landslide,
but there is big possibility, considering lithology, position and terrain slope, that could be
initiated with greater rainfall or other triggers. There are 10 active smaller landslides. Biggest of
them includes area of 0.3 km2. Two landslides that once were active, but not now, are detected.
They are in close vicinity of active landslides. Since the research area belongs to suburban area,
interpreted landslides do not make any threats to people or households
NF-κB as common target gene of miRNAs related to oxidative stress and prostate cancer radiotherapy response
Background: Between 50% and 60% of cancer patients receive radiotherapy (RT). Oxidative stress (OS), DNA repair, and hypoxia in combination with individual genetic/epigenetic background are major events influencing the individual response to radiation exposure. Deleterious effects of irradiation (IR) are strongly associated with OS. Oxidative stress occurs when cells fail to maintain balance between the production and scavenging of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Overproduction of ROS is associated with side effects of RT. MicroRNAs are small non-codding RNA involved in a wide variety of cellular processes and radiation response amongst others. Our aim was to investigate common target gene silenced by the highest number of miRNAs involved in oxidative stress during RT. Material and methods: Two approaches have been used to elucidate miRNA network and common target genes-literature survey and bioinformatics analysis with miRNet online software. Based on literature survey results, we performed multiple combinatorial queries for hsa-miR-17-3p/21/34a/96/122/146a/155/193a/200a/206/210 involved in oxidative stress in response to IR/RT in PCa. Results: Common target of the highest number of miRNAs (4)-miR-21/34a/146a/155 was nuclear factor-κB (NF-kB). According to “Function Explorer search” of miRNet, KEGG pathway listed molecules belonging to signaling pathway involved in PCa apoptosis regulation. Conclusion: The most promising miRNAs which should be investigated further in response to RT and oxidative stress in PCa are miR-21/34a/146a/155, and especially its interaction with NF-kB. Transcription factor NF-κB is considered as crucial link between inflammation and cancer and can be activated by ROS and IR. Modulating NF-κB signaling in PCa cells may influence on response to RT5th Congress of the Serbian Association for Cancer Research with International Participation SDIR-5, Virtual event, December 3, Belgrade, 2021
Vibration control of resonant vibratory feeders with electromagnetic excitation
Vibracioni dodavači sa elektromagnetnom pobudom, odnosno elektromagnetni vibracioni dodavači (EMVD) su najčešće korišćeni u procesnoj industriji za obezbeđenje gravimetrijskog protoka sitnozrnih i rasutih materijala. Ovi pogoni obezbeđuju laku i jednostavnu kontrolu masenog protoka transportujućih materijala. U poređenju sa ostalim pogonima (pneumatskim, inercionim, centrifugalnim, itd.), oni su jednostavnije i kompaktnije konstrukcije, robusni i pouzdani u radu. Odsustvo habajući mehaničkih delova kao što su reduktori, kišnici, ekscentri i sl., čine EMVD veoma ekonomičnom opremom. Standardni pretvarački izlazni stepeni namenjeni za kontrolu EMVD su bazirani na SCR elementima (tiristorima i trijacima). Njihovo korišćenje podrazumeva korišćenje kontrole faznog ugla (KFU) i stoga konstantnu učestanost vibracija. Na ovaj način kontrolno kolo mora biti sinhronizovano sa mrežnom učestanošću 50(60)Hz. Uz pomoć KFU je jedino moguće ostvariti podešavanje amplitude vibracija, ali ne i njihove učestanosti. Primena prekidačkih tranzistorskih (IGBT ili MOSFET) energetskih pretvarača, omogućava amplitudsku i (ili) frekventnu kontrolu EMVD. Njihovo korišćenje podrazumeva pobudu EMVD nezavisno od mrežne učestanosti. Dodatno, frekventna kontrola dozvoljava rad u oblasti mehaničke rezonance. Rad u ovoj oblasti je veoma efikasan, pošto je moguće obezbediti značajne izlazne pomeraje, veoma malom ulaznom snagom. Optimalan i efikasan rad zahteva praćenje rezonantne učestanosti. U ovom radu su predstavljeni jedno moguće rešenje vibracione kontrole EMVD, kao i odgovarajući simulacioni i eksperimentalni rezultati.The vibratory feeders with electromagnetic excitation called electromagnetic vibratory feeders (EMVF) are commonly used for performing gravimetric flow of granular and particulate materials in processing industry. This drives offer easy and simple control the mass flow of conveying materials. In comparison with other drives (pneumatics, inertial, centrifugal, etc...), these have a more simple construction and they are compact, robust and reliable in operation. The absence of wearing mechanical part, such as gears, cams belts, bearings, eccentrics, etc., makes EMVF, most economical equipment. Standard power electronic output stages intended for control of the EMVF using SCR devices (thyristors and triacs). This implies phase angle control (PAC) and constant frequency of vibration. In this way control circuit must be synchronized to the mains supply frequency 50(60) Hz. PAC can only accomplish tuning amplitude of vibration, but not vibratory frequency. Application of transistor (IGBT or MOSFET) switch mode power converters enables accomplishing the amplitude and (or) frequency control of EMVF. Their use implies the excitation of an EMVF independent of the mains supply frequency. In addition, the frequency control ensures operation in the region of mechanical resonance. This operation is highly efficient, because large output displacement is provided by small input power. An optimal and efficient operation requires tracking of resonant frequency. This paper presents possible solution of the amplitude frequency control of EMVF and corresponding simulation and experimental results
Vibration control of resonant vibratory feeders with electromagnetic excitation
Vibracioni dodavači sa elektromagnetnom pobudom, odnosno elektromagnetni vibracioni dodavači (EMVD) su najčešće korišćeni u procesnoj industriji za obezbeđenje gravimetrijskog protoka sitnozrnih i rasutih materijala. Ovi pogoni obezbeđuju laku i jednostavnu kontrolu masenog protoka transportujućih materijala. U poređenju sa ostalim pogonima (pneumatskim, inercionim, centrifugalnim, itd.), oni su jednostavnije i kompaktnije konstrukcije, robusni i pouzdani u radu. Odsustvo habajući mehaničkih delova kao što su reduktori, kišnici, ekscentri i sl., čine EMVD veoma ekonomičnom opremom. Standardni pretvarački izlazni stepeni namenjeni za kontrolu EMVD su bazirani na SCR elementima (tiristorima i trijacima). Njihovo korišćenje podrazumeva korišćenje kontrole faznog ugla (KFU) i stoga konstantnu učestanost vibracija. Na ovaj način kontrolno kolo mora biti sinhronizovano sa mrežnom učestanošću 50(60)Hz. Uz pomoć KFU je jedino moguće ostvariti podešavanje amplitude vibracija, ali ne i njihove učestanosti. Primena prekidačkih tranzistorskih (IGBT ili MOSFET) energetskih pretvarača, omogućava amplitudsku i (ili) frekventnu kontrolu EMVD. Njihovo korišćenje podrazumeva pobudu EMVD nezavisno od mrežne učestanosti. Dodatno, frekventna kontrola dozvoljava rad u oblasti mehaničke rezonance. Rad u ovoj oblasti je veoma efikasan, pošto je moguće obezbediti značajne izlazne pomeraje, veoma malom ulaznom snagom. Optimalan i efikasan rad zahteva praćenje rezonantne učestanosti. U ovom radu su predstavljeni jedno moguće rešenje vibracione kontrole EMVD, kao i odgovarajući simulacioni i eksperimentalni rezultati.The vibratory feeders with electromagnetic excitation called electromagnetic vibratory feeders (EMVF) are commonly used for performing gravimetric flow of granular and particulate materials in processing industry. This drives offer easy and simple control the mass flow of conveying materials. In comparison with other drives (pneumatics, inertial, centrifugal, etc...), these have a more simple construction and they are compact, robust and reliable in operation. The absence of wearing mechanical part, such as gears, cams belts, bearings, eccentrics, etc., makes EMVF, most economical equipment. Standard power electronic output stages intended for control of the EMVF using SCR devices (thyristors and triacs). This implies phase angle control (PAC) and constant frequency of vibration. In this way control circuit must be synchronized to the mains supply frequency 50(60) Hz. PAC can only accomplish tuning amplitude of vibration, but not vibratory frequency. Application of transistor (IGBT or MOSFET) switch mode power converters enables accomplishing the amplitude and (or) frequency control of EMVF. Their use implies the excitation of an EMVF independent of the mains supply frequency. In addition, the frequency control ensures operation in the region of mechanical resonance. This operation is highly efficient, because large output displacement is provided by small input power. An optimal and efficient operation requires tracking of resonant frequency. This paper presents possible solution of the amplitude frequency control of EMVF and corresponding simulation and experimental results
Recurrent abdominal pain (RAP) in children is defined as at least three episodes of pain that occur over at least three months and affect the child's ability to perform normal activities. The prevalence of recurrent abdominal pain in a population of schoolchildren varies from 10% to even 45%. Pituitary disorders are rarely considered as causative factor in children with abdominal pain, especially in absence of midline facial defects and in case of emergency, when growth monitoring is neglected or not performed carefully. Herein we report an unusual case of RAP caused by secondary adrenal insufficiency. An 8-year-old girl was hospitalized repeatedly because of RAP. Biological parameters including white blood cell count, hemoglobin value, C-reactive protein, glucose, electrolytes were within the normal range. Low cortisol combined with low ACTH values was the clue for diagnosis. The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the pituitary region revealed anterior pituitary hypoplasia and pituitary stalk interruption. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of child with RAP caused by pituitary disorder. Possible inherited, autoimmune and post-traumatic causative factors are discussed
Pravni okvir kulturne delatnosti nacionalnih manjina
Polazeći sa stanovišta da su kulturne različitosti i njihovo poštovanje od suštinskog su značaja za konstituisanje i opstanak različitih grupnih društvenih identiteta, autori u monografiji odgovaraju na izazov produbljenog proučavanja kako opšteg pravnog regulisanja kulture i kulturnih delatnosti koje, zbog mnogostukosti svojih izraza, po prirodi stvari, neretko izmiču preciznom i detaljnom pravnom regulisanju, već i odnosa između kulturnih i manjinskih prava, kao i pravnog okvira u kojem se odvijaju kulturne delatnosti nacionalnih manjina, pri čemu je fokus analize na pravnom okviru kulturne delatnosti nacionalnih manjina. Autori kroz višedimenizonalan i višeslojan pristup sagledavaju rešenja koja u pogledu kulturne delatnosti nacionalnih manjina postoje kako u aktima međunarodnog, tako i u aktima uporednog prava, bilo da je reč o onima aktima kojima je regulisana opšta kulturna delatnost, bilo da su u pitanju akti posvećeni zaštiti nacionalnih manjina, uz razmatranje i nadležnosti različitih političko-teritorijalnih nivoa organizovanja vlasti koji su u uporednom pravu ovlašćeni za regulisanje kulturne delatnosti nacionalnih manjina. Ova svestrana analiza sadržine, subjekata, načina finansiranja i ostalih pitanja u vezi s kulturnom delatnošću nacionalnih manjina počiva na pravnim znanjima i obuhvata shvatanja iz različitih pravnih disciplina – međunarodnog prava, prava ljudskih prava, prava Evropske unije, ustavnog prava i upravnog prava. Da bi u potpunosti rasvetlili tematiku kulturne delatnosti nacionalnih manjina autori, osim dogmatsko-normativnog pristupa, neizostavno upućuju i na praktične aspekte ostvarivanja pravnog okvira. Za uporedni prikaz pravnog okvira kulturne delatnosti nacionalnih manjina autori su odabrali četiri države – Mađarsku, Makedoniju, Republiku Srbiju i Republiku Hrvatsku. Smisao takvog izbora leži u činjenici da je reč o državama različitog društveno-ekonomskog razvitka i položaja, ali koje u velikoj meri baštine isto ili slično pravno nasleđe, u kojima kao nacionalne manjine žive pripadnici njihovih većinskih naroda i koje stoga imaju zaključene bilateralne sporazume o njihovoj zaštiti, ali i značajnu kulturnu saradnju koja se zasniva na bilateralnim sporazumima o kulturi i koje su, naposletku, ali ne i najmanje važno, u različitom statusu i odnosu spram Evropske unije. Na samom kraju, autori na osnovu svoje analize izvode tri grupe zaključaka: zaključke opšteg karaktera i one koji se odnose na međunarodne i evropske instrumente od značaja za kulturnu delatnost nacionalnih manjina, ukazujući na njihove nedostatke ali i pozitivne tendencije u regulativi; zaključke koji proističu iz uporednopravne analize pravnog okvira i prakse u odabranim državama, identifikujući dva modela regulisanja ovog pitanja i ukazujući na rizike koje sa sobom nose neka od analiziranih praktičnih rešenja, a pre svega projektno finansiranje kulturne delatnosti nacionalnih manjina; i na kraju, zaključke koji se odnose na otvorena pitanja pravnog okvira kulturnih delatnosti nacionalnih manjina u Srbiji, dajući polazne osnove za eventualnu reformu domaćeg zakonodavstva
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