116 research outputs found

    Uporedna analiza uspeŔnosti stabilizacionog splinta i farmakoterapije u osoba sa temporomandibularnim disfunkcijama

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    Pains that originate from the musculoskeletal structures of the masticatory system belong to sum of complaints that are included in a category of musculoskeletal disorders also known as tempororomandibular disorders (TMD). Pain is the most prominent TMD related symptom. Acute pain is associated with clinical condicions of intensive, rapid and severe pain onset combined with accompanying disturbances over a short time course. Chronic TMD related pain is defined as slowly developed and persistend symptom associated with psychologic, behavioral and psychosocial factors. There is significant relationship between chronic TMD related pain and depressive symptoms, similar to others musculoskeletal chronic pain patients. In a threatment of patients with TMD pain related symptoms there are several therapeutic modalites being used. Pharmacologic therapy can be effective adjunct in managing TMD pain related symptoms. Both occlusal apliance therapy and pharmacotherapy are customary in clinical practice and the most commonly used modalites in TMD pain reducing. The goal of this study is to assess the stabilization appliance therapy as a reliable procedure in reducing TMD related pain comparing with pharmacotherapy procedures. Using standarsided diagnostic protocol called Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD (RDC/TMD) provided by Dworkin and LeResche a group of 44 patients with TMD related pain complains were singled out. After the chosen patients inlisted they were divided into three groups by random. The first group involved was subjected to stabilization appliance therapy in one month time duration. Two control groups were treated by Ibuprofen or Ibuprofen and Diazepam drug combination, respectively, in tree weeks time period. In order to evaluate effects both stabilization appliance and pharmacotherapy before and after proposed therapy we conducted measurements of intensity TMD related pain symptoms. For quantification of pain intensity prior to and after therapy both Visual Analogue Scale and digital pressure algometer were used. During the treatment serious side effect were not observed. In all three groups we achived notable pain reducing. There was no significally differenses in pain reducing sucsess between proposed modalites. Obtained results confirming the fact that occlisal stabilization appliance therapy to be valid therapeutic procedure in TMD pain reducing. Therefore, it should be recomended as useful and safe method in TMD pain therapy...Bol koji potiče iz miÅ”ićno-skeletnih struktura mastikatornog sistema spada u grupu simptoma koji pripadaju kategoriji temporomandibularnih poremećaja ili temporomandibularnih disfunkcija (TMD). Bol u regiji lica, vilica i viličnih zglobova predstavlja najizraženiji i dominantan simptom temporomandibularnih disfunkcija i glavni razlog posete lekaru. Akutni bol je udružen sa kliničkom slikom intenzivnih, naglih i oÅ”trih napada bolnih simptoma kombinovanih sa pratećim disfunkcijama, u kratkom vremenskom periodu. Bol hroničnog toka kod temporomandibularnih disfunkcija se definiÅ”e kao sporo napredujući i perzistentni simptom, udružen sa psiholoÅ”kim faktorima, psihosocijalnim faktorima i faktorima bolnog ponaÅ”anja. Postoji značajna povezanost između hroničnog TMD bola i simptoma i znakova depresije, Å”to je karakteristično i za hronične muskuloskeletne poremećaje izvan regije glave i vrata. Kontrola bola u pacijenata sa temporomandibularnim disfunkcijama obuhvata različite terapijske modalitete. Terapija lekovima predstavlja vid dopunske terapije u lečenju bolnih simptoma. Terapija stabilizacionim okluzalnim splintom i terapija lekovima su uobičajene procedure u svakodnevnoj kliničkoj praksi i najčeŔće se koriste u kontroli bola i redukciji simptoma i znakova temporomandibularnih disfunkcija. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se proceni efekat terapije stabilizacionim okluzalnim splintom kao procedure u kontroli bolnih simptoma TMD u poređenju sa efektom terapije lekovima. Koristeći standardni dijagnostički protokol (RDC/TMD) predložen od strane Dworkin-a i LeResche-a izdvojena je grupa od 44 pacijenta sa bolnim temporomandibularnim disfunkcijama. Pacijenti koji su uključeni u istraživanje su podeljeni u tri terapijske grupe slučajnim izborom. Prva grupa je podvrgnuta terapiji stabilizacionim okluzalnim splintom u vremenskom periodu od mesec dana. U dve kontrolne grupe je sprovedena terapija Ibuprofenom i kombinacijom Ibuprofena i Diazepama u periodu od tri nedelje. U cilju procene efekata terapije stabilizacionim okluzalnim splintom i terapije lekovima, pre i posle sprovedene terapije izvedena su merenja intenziteta bola. Kvantifikacija intenziteta bola izvrÅ”ena je vizualnom analognom skalom (VAS) i digitalnim pritisnim algometrom. Tokom terapije nisu zabeleženi negativni sporedni efekti. U sve tri terapijske grupe postignuta je značajna redukcija intenziteta bolnih simptoma. Nisu zabeležene značajne razlike u uspeÅ”nosti redukcije bola između predloženih terapijskih modaliteta. Dobijeni rezultati potvrđuju da je terapija stabilizacionim okluzalnim splintom validna procedura u redukciji bola u pacijenata sa TMD. Zato se terapija stabilizacionim okluzalnim splintom može preporučiti kao pouzdan i bezbedan metod u kontroli bola orofacijalne regije muskuloskeletnog porekla..

    Why together, why apart? An exchange of letters on Yugoslavia and those that followed

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    Pisma koja su o Jugoslaviji i onome Å”to je uslijedilo nakon njena raspada jedno drugome uputili Igor Å tiks, Ivan Đorđević i Biljana Đorđević.Letters on Yugoslavia and what followed after its disintegration exchanged by three authors: Igor Å tiks, Ivan Đorđević and Biljana Đorđevi

    Comparative analysis of both stabilization appliance therapy and pharmacotherapy succses in temporomandibular disorder patients

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    Bol koji potiče iz miÅ”ićno-skeletnih struktura mastikatornog sistema spada u grupu simptoma koji pripadaju kategoriji temporomandibularnih poremećaja ili temporomandibularnih disfunkcija (TMD). Bol u regiji lica, vilica i viličnih zglobova predstavlja najizraženiji i dominantan simptom temporomandibularnih disfunkcija i glavni razlog posete lekaru. Akutni bol je udružen sa kliničkom slikom intenzivnih, naglih i oÅ”trih napada bolnih simptoma kombinovanih sa pratećim disfunkcijama, u kratkom vremenskom periodu. Bol hroničnog toka kod temporomandibularnih disfunkcija se definiÅ”e kao sporo napredujući i perzistentni simptom, udružen sa psiholoÅ”kim faktorima, psihosocijalnim faktorima i faktorima bolnog ponaÅ”anja. Postoji značajna povezanost između hroničnog TMD bola i simptoma i znakova depresije, Å”to je karakteristično i za hronične muskuloskeletne poremećaje izvan regije glave i vrata. Kontrola bola u pacijenata sa temporomandibularnim disfunkcijama obuhvata različite terapijske modalitete. Terapija lekovima predstavlja vid dopunske terapije u lečenju bolnih simptoma. Terapija stabilizacionim okluzalnim splintom i terapija lekovima su uobičajene procedure u svakodnevnoj kliničkoj praksi i najčeŔće se koriste u kontroli bola i redukciji simptoma i znakova temporomandibularnih disfunkcija. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se proceni efekat terapije stabilizacionim okluzalnim splintom kao procedure u kontroli bolnih simptoma TMD u poređenju sa efektom terapije lekovima. Koristeći standardni dijagnostički protokol (RDC/TMD) predložen od strane Dworkin-a i LeResche-a izdvojena je grupa od 44 pacijenta sa bolnim temporomandibularnim disfunkcijama. Pacijenti koji su uključeni u istraživanje su podeljeni u tri terapijske grupe slučajnim izborom. Prva grupa je podvrgnuta terapiji stabilizacionim okluzalnim splintom u vremenskom periodu od mesec dana. U dve kontrolne grupe je sprovedena terapija Ibuprofenom i kombinacijom Ibuprofena i Diazepama u periodu od tri nedelje. U cilju procene efekata terapije stabilizacionim okluzalnim splintom i terapije lekovima, pre i posle sprovedene terapije izvedena su merenja intenziteta bola. Kvantifikacija intenziteta bola izvrÅ”ena je vizualnom analognom skalom (VAS) i digitalnim pritisnim algometrom. Tokom terapije nisu zabeleženi negativni sporedni efekti. U sve tri terapijske grupe postignuta je značajna redukcija intenziteta bolnih simptoma. Nisu zabeležene značajne razlike u uspeÅ”nosti redukcije bola između predloženih terapijskih modaliteta. Dobijeni rezultati potvrđuju da je terapija stabilizacionim okluzalnim splintom validna procedura u redukciji bola u pacijenata sa TMD. Zato se terapija stabilizacionim okluzalnim splintom može preporučiti kao pouzdan i bezbedan metod u kontroli bola orofacijalne regije muskuloskeletnog porekla...Pains that originate from the musculoskeletal structures of the masticatory system belong to sum of complaints that are included in a category of musculoskeletal disorders also known as tempororomandibular disorders (TMD). Pain is the most prominent TMD related symptom. Acute pain is associated with clinical condicions of intensive, rapid and severe pain onset combined with accompanying disturbances over a short time course. Chronic TMD related pain is defined as slowly developed and persistend symptom associated with psychologic, behavioral and psychosocial factors. There is significant relationship between chronic TMD related pain and depressive symptoms, similar to others musculoskeletal chronic pain patients. In a threatment of patients with TMD pain related symptoms there are several therapeutic modalites being used. Pharmacologic therapy can be effective adjunct in managing TMD pain related symptoms. Both occlusal apliance therapy and pharmacotherapy are customary in clinical practice and the most commonly used modalites in TMD pain reducing. The goal of this study is to assess the stabilization appliance therapy as a reliable procedure in reducing TMD related pain comparing with pharmacotherapy procedures. Using standarsided diagnostic protocol called Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD (RDC/TMD) provided by Dworkin and LeResche a group of 44 patients with TMD related pain complains were singled out. After the chosen patients inlisted they were divided into three groups by random. The first group involved was subjected to stabilization appliance therapy in one month time duration. Two control groups were treated by Ibuprofen or Ibuprofen and Diazepam drug combination, respectively, in tree weeks time period. In order to evaluate effects both stabilization appliance and pharmacotherapy before and after proposed therapy we conducted measurements of intensity TMD related pain symptoms. For quantification of pain intensity prior to and after therapy both Visual Analogue Scale and digital pressure algometer were used. During the treatment serious side effect were not observed. In all three groups we achived notable pain reducing. There was no significally differenses in pain reducing sucsess between proposed modalites. Obtained results confirming the fact that occlisal stabilization appliance therapy to be valid therapeutic procedure in TMD pain reducing. Therefore, it should be recomended as useful and safe method in TMD pain therapy..

    Vlaknima ojačan kompozitni most kao zamena za neiznikli gornji stalni lateralni sekutić - prikaz bolesnika

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    Hypodontia of upper lateral incisors is significant aesthetic problem in young people. Ideal solution to this problem would be an implant placement, but there is a problem of unfinished growth and development. It is therefore necessary to have a temporary solution in order to maintain normal stomatognathic system functions and solve aesthetic problems until the final restoration is placed. The aim of this study was to show the possibility of treating hypodontia of permanent upper lateral incisors by creating adhesive bridge in one visit. A 15-year-old patient was referred to the Department for Prosthodontics, School of Dental Medicine in Belgrade with hypodontia of permanent upper lateral incisors. The patient had braces until 14 years of age after which she was rehabilitated with partial denture that was neither aesthetically nor functionally acceptable solution for her and significantly affected her emotional security. The adhesive bridge was made using GC composite fibers and a set of GC composite materials for the purpose of temporary replacement of missing teeth. This treatment provided good functional and aesthetic results. The space for the placement of two endosseous implants is preserved and a period of adaptation positively influenced the patient's social development in sensitive adolescent age.Hipodoncija gornjih lateralnih sekutića predstavlja značajan estetski problem mladih osoba. Idealno reÅ”enje ovog problema bi predstavljala ugradnja implantata i izrada krunice, ali je prisutan problem nezavrÅ”enog rasta i razvoja. Zbog toga je neophodno izraditi privremeno reÅ”enje, kako bi se normalno odvijale funkcije stomatognatnog sistema i reÅ”ili estetski problemi, sve do izrade trajne nadoknade. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se prikaže mogućnost zbrinjavanja hipodoncije stalnih gornjih lateralnih sekutića izradom adhezivnog mosta u jednoj poseti. Pacijentkinja starosti 15 godina javila se na Kliniku za stomatoloÅ”ku protetiku StomatoloÅ”kog fakulteta u Beogradu sa hipodoncijom stalnih gornjih lateralnih sekutića. U anamnezi je navela da je nosila fiksni ortodontski aparat do svoje 14. godine, a potom bila rehabilitovana parcijalnom pločastom protezom, kojom nije bila zadovoljna ni estetski ni funkcionalno, Å”to je značajno uticalo na njenu emocionalnu nesigurnost. Izrađen je adhezivni most primenom GC kompozitnih vlakana i setom GC kompozitnih materijala sa ciljem privremene nadoknade neizniklih zuba. Primenjenom terapijom je postignut zadovoljavajući funkcionalni i estetski rezultat do momenta realizacije trajnog protetskog reÅ”enja. Sačuvan je prostor za ugradnju dva endosealna implantata, a period adaptacije je pozitvno uticao na socijalni razvoj osobe u osetljivom pubertetskom dobu.


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    One of the most preferred range-free indoor localization methods is the location fingerprinting. In the fingerprinting localization phase machine learning algorithms have widespread usage in estimating positions of the target node. The real challenge in indoor localization systems is to find out the proper machine learning algorithm. In this paper, three different machine learning algorithms for training the fingerprint database were used. We analysed the localization accuracy depending on a fingerprint density and number of line-of-sight (LOS) anchors. Experiments confirmed that Gaussian processes algorithm is superior to all other machine learning algorithms. The results prove that the localization accuracy can be achieved with a sub-decimetre resolution under typical real-world conditions

    Protetička terapija lateralnog defekta lica

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    Introduction. Facial defects may arise as a result of head and neck trauma or facial tumor ablation. Minor defects can be reconstructed surgically while large defects usually need combined surgical and prosthetic reconstruction. The aim of this study was to present the prosthetic reconstruction of the lateral facial defect using facial colored acrylic prosthesis. Case Report. A male patient with a maxillary defect on the left side and a large lateral facial defect on the same side received an obturator prosthesis as well as a facial colored acrylic prosthesis (facial-orbit) retained by the glasses frame. Satisfied aesthetics was accomplished. However, the stability of the prostheses during mandibular movements could not be achieved which resulted in saliva leakage over the lips. Conclusion. Better functional and aesthetic outcome could be achieved by combined surgical and prosthetic treatment of such large facial defect.Uvod. Defekti lica mogu nastati kao posledica povrede glave i vrata ili usled ablacije tumora predela lica ili okoline. Manji defekti se rekonstruiÅ”u hirurÅ”ki, dok se velika oÅ”tećenja uglavnom rekonstruiÅ”u kombinovano, primenom hirurÅ”kih i protetičkih metoda. Cilj rada je bio da se prikaže protetička rekonstrukcija lateralnog defekta lica facijalnom protezom od akrilata u boji. Prikaz bolesnika. MuÅ”karcu s defektom levog dela maksile i velikim lateralnim defektom lica s iste strane izrađene su opturator- proteza i proteza lica (orbito-facijalna) od akrilata u boji retiniranom preko okvira naočara. Time je postignut zadovoljavajući estetski izgled, ali nije postignuta stabilnost pri kretnjama mandibule, s posledičnim curenjem pljuvačke preko komisure usana. Zaključak. Bolji funkcionalni i estetski ishod bi se mogli postići hirurÅ”ko- protetičkom terapijom ovako velikog defekta lica

    Retencija proteze nosa pomoću implantata ā€“ prikaz slučaja

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    Nasal defects can occur as a result of head and neck trauma, or due to partial or complete ablation or resection of the tumor in the nasal area and surroundings. Smaller defects can be reconstructed surgically while large defects are mainly reconstructed combined surgically and prosthetically. The aim of this paper was to present prosthetic reconstruction of the nasal defect by colored vinyl polysiloxane prosthesis retained with craniofacial basal disc implants. An adequate aesthetics and stability of the prosthesis was achieved during mandible and mimic muscles movements.Defekti nosa mogu nastati kao posledica traume glave i vrata ili usled delimične ili potpune ablacije, odnosno resekcije tumora predela nosa i okoline. Manji defekti nosa se rekonstruiÅ”u hirurÅ”ki, dok se veliki defekti uglavnom rekonstruiÅ”u kombinovano, kako hirurÅ”ki tako i protetski. Cilj ovoga rada bio je da se prikaže protetska rekonstrukcija defekta nosa protezom izrađenom od vinil-polisiloksana u boji sa retencijom preko kraniofacijalnih bazalnih disk-implantata. Ovakvom protetskom nadoknadom postignute su zadovoljavajuća estetika i stabilnost proteze pri pokretima mandibule i mimičnih miÅ”ića

    The fourth industrial revolution's impact on dentistry

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    Uvod I najveći vizionari nisu mogli da pretpostave kojom brzinom će stomatoloÅ”ka struka i nauka prihvatiti koncept četvrte industrijske revolucije. Po obimu i složenosti ova transformacija je veća od svih do sada poznatih i u literaturi je opisana kao Dentistry 4.0. Digitalna revolucija je stomatologiji omogućila da gotovo sve kliničke i laboratorijske procedure mogu biti podržane digitalnim tehnologijama. Cilj ovog rada je razumevanje uloge četvrte industrijske revolucije u stomatologiji. Metode Pretraživanje baze Medline izvrÅ”eno je putem baza podataka PubMed i Google Scholar za termine "četvrta industrijska revolucija", "digitalna stomatologija", "stomatologija 4.0", "CAD-CAM". Takođe su koriŔćene opcije "srodnih članaka" uz dodatno ručno pretraživanje preglednih članaka i relevantnih tekstova. Rezultati U radu su opisane najčeŔće dijagnostičke i terapijske procedure koje su podržane digitalnim tehnologijama. Zaključak Sofisticirane tehnologije četvrte industrijske revolucije dovele su do brže i preciznije dijagnoze oralnih oboljenja. Kliničke procedure postaju jednostavnije, preciznije i predvidljivije za lekara, a komfornije za pacijenta. Dugoročno, tu su i ekonomske uÅ”tede i očuvanje životne sredine.Introduction Even the greatest visionaries could not have guessed at what speed the profession and science of dentistry would accept the concept of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In terms of its scale and complexity, this transformation has been greater than any known before and it has been described in the literature as Dentistry 4.0. The digital revolution in dentistry has allowed for nearly all clinical and laboratory procedures to be supported by digital technologies. The aim of this paper is to understand the role of Industry 4.0 in the profession of dentistry and identify its research status today and in the future. Methods An electronic search of Medline literature was performed via PubMed and Google Scholar databases with the terms "fourth industrial revolution," "digital dentistry," "dentistry 4.0," "CAD-CAM." The option "related articles" was also utilized as well as an additional manual search of review articles and the most relevant papers. Results The paper describes the most frequently used diagnostic and therapeutic procedures supported by digital technologies. Conclusion The sophisticated technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution have led to more rapid and precise diagnoses of oral diseases. Clinical procedures have become easier, more precise and predictable to the dentist, and more comfortable to the patient. The long-term benefits also include financial savings and environmental protection

    The fourth industrial revolution's impact on dentistry

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    Uvod I najveći vizionari nisu mogli da pretpostave kojom brzinom će stomatoloÅ”ka struka i nauka prihvatiti koncept četvrte industrijske revolucije. Po obimu i složenosti ova transformacija je veća od svih do sada poznatih i u literaturi je opisana kao Dentistry 4.0. Digitalna revolucija je stomatologiji omogućila da gotovo sve kliničke i laboratorijske procedure mogu biti podržane digitalnim tehnologijama. Cilj ovog rada je razumevanje uloge četvrte industrijske revolucije u stomatologiji. Metode Pretraživanje baze Medline izvrÅ”eno je putem baza podataka PubMed i Google Scholar za termine "četvrta industrijska revolucija", "digitalna stomatologija", "stomatologija 4.0", "CAD-CAM". Takođe su koriŔćene opcije "srodnih članaka" uz dodatno ručno pretraživanje preglednih članaka i relevantnih tekstova. Rezultati U radu su opisane najčeŔće dijagnostičke i terapijske procedure koje su podržane digitalnim tehnologijama. Zaključak Sofisticirane tehnologije četvrte industrijske revolucije dovele su do brže i preciznije dijagnoze oralnih oboljenja. Kliničke procedure postaju jednostavnije, preciznije i predvidljivije za lekara, a komfornije za pacijenta. Dugoročno, tu su i ekonomske uÅ”tede i očuvanje životne sredine.Introduction Even the greatest visionaries could not have guessed at what speed the profession and science of dentistry would accept the concept of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In terms of its scale and complexity, this transformation has been greater than any known before and it has been described in the literature as Dentistry 4.0. The digital revolution in dentistry has allowed for nearly all clinical and laboratory procedures to be supported by digital technologies. The aim of this paper is to understand the role of Industry 4.0 in the profession of dentistry and identify its research status today and in the future. Methods An electronic search of Medline literature was performed via PubMed and Google Scholar databases with the terms "fourth industrial revolution," "digital dentistry," "dentistry 4.0," "CAD-CAM." The option "related articles" was also utilized as well as an additional manual search of review articles and the most relevant papers. Results The paper describes the most frequently used diagnostic and therapeutic procedures supported by digital technologies. Conclusion The sophisticated technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution have led to more rapid and precise diagnoses of oral diseases. Clinical procedures have become easier, more precise and predictable to the dentist, and more comfortable to the patient. The long-term benefits also include financial savings and environmental protection
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