20 research outputs found

    Effect of Double-Step and Strain-Assisted Tempering on Properties of Medium-Carbon Steel

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    The present work aimed to study the properties of medium-carbon steel during tempering treatment and to present the strength increase of medium-carbon spring steels by strain-assisted tempering (SAT). The effect of double-step tempering and double-step tempering with rotary swaging, also known as SAT, on the mechanical properties and microstructure was investigated. The main goal was to achieve a further enhancement of the strength of medium-carbon steels using SAT treatment. The microstructure consists of tempered martensite with transition carbides in both cases. The yield strength of the DT sample is 1656 MPa, while that of the SAT sample is about 400 MPa higher. On the contrary, plastic properties such as the elongation and reduction in area have lower values after SAT processing, about 3% and 7%, respectively, compared to the DT treatment. Grain boundary strengthening from low-angle grain boundaries can be attributed to the increase in strength. Based on X-ray diffraction analysis, a lower dislocation strengthening contribution was determined for the SAT sample compared to the double-step tempered sample

    Influence of the Energy Density for Selective Laser Melting on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Stainless Steel

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    We have investigated the impact of the process parameters for the selective laser melting (SLM) of the stainless steel AISI 316L on its microstructure and mechanical properties. Properly selected SLM process parameters produce tailored material properties, by varying the laser’s power, scanning speed and beam diameter. We produced and systematically studied a matrix of samples with different porosities, microstructures, textures and mechanical properties. We identified a combination of process parameters that resulted in materials with tensile strengths up to 711 MPa, yield strengths up to 604 MPa and an elongation up to 31%, while the highest achieved hardness was 227 HV10. The correlation between the average single-cell diameter in the hierarchical structure and the laser’s input energy is systematically studied, discussed and explained. The same energy density with different SLM process parameters result in different material properties. The higher energy density of the SLM produces larger cellular structures and crystal grains. A different energy density produces different textures with only one predominant texture component, which was revealed by electron-backscatter diffraction. Furthermore, three possible explanations for the origin of the dislocations are proposed

    Bimodal Microstructure Obtained by Rapid Solidification to Improve the Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of Aluminum Alloys at Elevated Temperature

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    The demand for aluminum alloys is increasing, as are the demands for higher strength, with the aim of using lighter products for a greener environment. To achieve high-strength, corrosion-resistant aluminum alloys, the melt is rapidly solidified using the melt-spinning technique to form ribbons, which are then plastically consolidated by extrusion at elevated temperature. Different chemical compositions, based on adding the transition-metal elements Mn and Fe, were employed to remain within the limits of the standard chemical composition of the AA5083 alloy. The samples were systematically studied using light microscopy, scanning electron, and transmission microscopy with electron diffraction spectrometry for the micro-chemical analyses. Tensile tests and Vickers microhardness were applied for mechanical analyses, and corrosion tests were performed in a comparison with the standard alloy. The tensile strength was improved by 65%, the yield strength by 45% and elongation by 14%. The mechanism by which we achieved the better mechanical and corrosion properties is explained

    Solidification Behavior of Fe-6.5Si Alloy Powder for AM-SLM Processing, as Assessed by Differential Scanning Calorimetry

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    Lab-scale investigations on the processing of small powder volumes are of special importance for applications in additive manufacturing (AM) techniques. Due to the technological importance of high-silicon electrical steel, and the increasing need for optimal near-net-shape AM processing, the aim of this study was to investigate the thermal behavior of a high-alloy Fe-Si powder for AM. An Fe-6.5wt%Si spherical powder was characterized using chemical, metallographic, and thermal analyses. Before thermal processing, the surface oxidation of the as-received powder particles was observed by metallography and confirmed by microanalysis (FE-SEM/EDS). The melting, as well as the solidification behavior of the powder, was evaluated using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Due to the remelting of the powder, a significant loss of silicon occurred. The morphology and microstructure analyses of the solidified Fe-6.5wt%Si revealed the formation of needle-shaped eutectics in a ferrite matrix. The presence of a high-temperature phase of silica was confirmed by the Scheil–Gulliver solidification model for the ternary model Fe-6.5wt%Si-1.0wt%O alloy. In contrast, for the binary model Fe-6.5wt%Si alloy, thermodynamic calculations predict the solidification exclusively with the precipitation of b.c.c. ferrite. The presence of high-temperature eutectics of silica in the microstructure is a significant weakness for the efficiency of the magnetization processes of soft magnetic materials from the Fe-Si alloy system

    Ultrafine-Grained Zn–Mg–Sr Alloy Synthesized by Mechanical Alloying and Spark Plasma Sintering

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    Zinc materials are considered promising candidates for bioabsorbable medical devices used for the fixation of broken bones or stents. Materials for these applications must meet high mechanical property requirements. One of the ways to fulfil these demands is related to microstructure refinement, particularly the decrease in grain size. In the present work, we combine two powder metallurgy techniques (mechanical alloying—MA, and spark plasma sintering—SPS) to prepare Zn–1Mg–0.5Sr nanograin material. The microstructure of compacted material consisted of Zn grains and particles of Mg2Zn11 intermetallic phases from 100 to 500 nm in size, which resulted in high values of hardness and a compressive strength equal to 86 HV1 and 327 MPa, respectively. In this relation, the combination of the suggested techniques provides an innovative way to form extremely fine microstructures without significant coarsening during powder compaction at increased temperatures

    Enhanced Spring Steel’s Strength Using Strain Assisted Tempering

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    Spring steels are typical materials where enhancement of mechanical properties can save considerable mass for transport vehicles, in this way the consumption of fuel or electric energy can be decreased. A drastic change in both the resulting microstructure and mechanical properties could be achieved due to the inclusion of strain into the tempering process after quenching. The strain assisted tempering (SAT) technology was applied, i.e., the process of quenching and following a sequence of tempering operations alternating with strain operations. After the first tempering, controlled deformation by rotary swaging was carried out with a strain of 17% (strain rate is about 120 s−1). Considerably higher strength parameters after SAT compared to conventional quenching and tempering (QT) technology were nevertheless accompanied by enhanced notch toughness at the same time by the decrease of elongation and reduction of area. However, by optimizing the process it is was also possible to achieve acceptable values for those parameters. Remarkable differences are visible in resulting microstructures of compared samples, which were revealed by metallographic analysis and X-ray diffraction measurement. While the standard microstructure of tempered martensite with transition carbides was observed after QT processing, carbideless islands with nanotwins occurred in martensitic laths after SAT processing

    Primerjava korozijskih lastnosti polirane in lasersko teksturirane površine biorazgradljive zlitine Fe-Mn

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    Fe-based biodegradable alloys such as Fe-Mn are interesting for biodegradable implantshowever, their corrosion rate for such applications is too low. Here, nanosecond-laser surface texturing is applied as a successful surface treatment for increasing the degradation rate of an Fe-Mn alloy. Laser texturing increases the surface area by increasing the surface porosity and generating a super-hydrophilic surface. Electrochemistry tests revealed that the laser-textured samples have a higher corrosion rate than a polished sample, thus enhancing the biodegradability of the Fe-Mn alloy. EDS analyses revealed a significantly higher content of Mn on the surface in the oxidized layer compared to the bulk Fe-Mn composition, which is one of the reasons for the increased corrosion rate. This work demonstrates the potential of laser-treated surfaces of biodegradable metals for biomedical applications.Biološko razgradljive zlitine, kot so na primer Fe-Mn zlitine, so zanimive za uporabo v obliki biološko razgradljivih implantantov, vendar je njihova hitrost korozije za ciljne aplikacije še vedno prenizka. Lasersko teksturiranje površine predstavlja uspešno površinsko obdelavo za povečanje hitrosti razgradnje Fe-Mn zlitine. Obdelava površine z laserjem poveča delež izpostavljene površine na račun večje poroznosti, obenem pa je novonastala površina superhidrofilna. Elektrokemijski testi so pokazali, da imajo vzorci, obdelani z laserjem, večjo stopnjo korozije v primerjavi s poliranimi vzorci, s čimer se poveča biorazgradljivost zlitine Fe-Mn. EDS analiza je pokazala povečano vsebnost Mn na površini v oksidirani plasti v primerjavi s kemijsko sestavo osnovnega materiala Fe-Mn, kar predstavlja eno od razlag za povečanje hitrosti korozije. Raziskava dokazuje potencial laserske obdelave površine biološko razgradljivih kovin za biomedicinske aplikacije