116 research outputs found
Immunohistological characterization of myoepithelial cells using monoclonal antibodies
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of monoclonal antibody (mAbs) in the myoepithelial cells of the rat submandibular salivary glands (SSG) during postnatal development. Material and method: SSG were obtained from 1, 30 and 60 days old, male, AO rats. Streptavidin-biotin immunoperoxidase method was used for immunohistochemistry. Cryostat sections were fixed in acetone and incubated with mAbs which specifically reacts with cytokeratins (CK) polypeptides ( CK7, CK8, CK18, CK kidney, K8.12, K8.13), rats epithelial (PT13D11), rats collagen (RMC-23), laminin (Ī±6Ī²1) and rats sialoadhesin (ED3). Results: Immunohistochemical analysis of the myoepithelial cells showed phenotypic heterogeneity during the postnatal development. Myoepithelial cells of acini were stained by K8.13, PT13D11 and ED3 mAbs, whereas these cells were not stained by mAbs CK7, CK8, CK18, CK-kidney, RMC-23 and Ī±6Ī²1. In adult rats, myoepithelial cells of excretory duct were stained by K8.12 mAb. Conclusion: The obtained results show phenotypic heterogeneity of myoepithelial cells and might also be useful to further understanding of myoepithelial cells development and functions
ImunohistoloÅ”ke karaktersitike kolagena, laminina i sijaloadhezina u podviliÄnoj pljuvaÄnoj žlezdi pacova tokom ontogeneze
The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of collagen, laminin and sialoadhesin in the rat submandibular salivary gland during postnatal development (1st, 30th,and 60th day) by using various monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) RMC-23 (specific for collagen),a6Ć1 (specific for laminin) and ED3 (specific for sialoadhezin). These components of extracellular matrix were detected. RMC-23 mAb showed strong positivity to the basal membranes of the ductal system (intercalated, striated and excretory ducts) and of intersticium. Increased expression in the basal membrane of acini during development of glands was noted. Similar immunoreactivity was shown byĆmAb but the intersticium showed a negative reaction to 1a6 this antibody. Positive reactivity of Ć1a6 mAb of epithelial ductal cells, particularly of the neonatal animals, was found. In contrast to Ć 1a6 and RMC23 mAbs, ED3 mAb was increasingly expressed in the myoepithelial cells during ontogenesis. Our findings regarding the immunoreactivity of collagens and laminins are in accordance with the findings of other autors. The very interesting finding of sialoadhesin in myoepithelial cells of the rat submandibular salivary gland, which is not described in literature and needs further investigation. Our results suggest that adhesion molecules and extracellular matrix proteins have an important biochemical role during postnatal development of the submandibular salivary gland.Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita ekspresija kolagena, laminina i sijaloadhezina u podviliÄnoj pljuvaÄnoj žlezdi (PPŽ) pacova tokom postnatalnog razvoja (1, 30, 60 dana). Imunohistohemijski streptavidin-biotin peroksidaznom bojenjem, upotrebom razliÄitih monoklonskih antitela RMC-23 (specifiÄno za kolagen), aĆ1(specifiÄno za laminin) i ED3 (specifiÄno za sijaloadhezin) detektovane su ove komponente ekstraÄelijskog matriksa. RMC-23 mAt se snažno vezuje za bazalne membrane izvodnih kanala (umetnuti, prugasti i ekskretorni kanali) i intersticijum. Ekspresija u bazalnim membranama acinusa se poveÄava u toku razvoja žlezde. SliÄnu imunoreaktivnost ima aĆ1 mAt, ali je intersticijum pokazivao negativnu reakciju. Epitelne Äelije izvodnih kanala posebno neonatalnih životinja bile suaĆ+. ED3 mAt je za razliku odaĆi RMC-23 mAt detektovano i u mioepitelnim Äelijama Äija se reaktivnost poveÄava tokom ontogeneze. Veoma je interesantan nalaz sijaloadhezina u mioepitelnim Äelijama PPŽ pacova koji nije opisan u literaturi, Å”to zahteva dalja ispitivanja. Ovi rezultati pokazuju da adhezioni molekuli i proteini ekstraÄelijskog matriksa imaju znaÄajnu biohemijsku ulogu u toku postnatalnog razvoja podviliÄne pljuvaÄne žlezde
Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Periapical Lesions Upregulate the Production of Immunoregulatory Cytokines by Inflammatory Cells in Culture
The pathophysiology of periapical lesions (PLs) is under control of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory (mainly immunoregulatory) cytokines. We have recently established mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from PLs and showed their suppressive effects on the production of proinflammatory cytokines from PLs inflammatory cells (ICs). In this work we studied the production of interleukin (IL)-10, IL-27 and transforming growth factor (TGF)-Ī², by PL-ICs in direct or indirect contacts with PL-MSCs. PL-ICs, which were isolated from four different asymptomatic PLs, predominantly composed of lymphocytes, followed by neutrophil granulocytes, macrophages and plasma cells. PLMSCs, expressing typical MSC markers, were co-cultivated with PL-ICs at 1:10 ratio, either in direct contact or in a transwell-system, for 24 hours. The levels of cytokines in cell-culture supernatants were tested by ELISA. The results showed that PL-MSCs up-regulated the production of all three immunoregulatory cytokines by PL-ICs. PL-MSCs stimulated the production of IL-10 and IL-27 via soluble factors, whereas the up-regulation of TGF-Ī² required direct cell-to-cell contacts. In conclusion, our results showed for the first time the involvement of PL-MSCs in restriction of inflammation in PLs by up-regulation of immunoregulatory cytokines
Different Roles of a Rat Cortical Thymic Epithelial Cell Line In Vitro on Thymocytes and Thymocyte Hybridoma Cells: Phagocytosis, Induction of Apoptosis, Nursing and Growth Promoting Activities
In this work, the interaction between a rat cortical thymic epithelial cell (TEC) line (R-TNC.1) with nursing activity and thymocytes as well as BWRT 8 thymocyte hybridoma (TH) cells has been studied. The R-TNC.1 cell line significantly bound thymocytes and TH. Binding was stronger during the first 30 min of cell incubation and was followed by a progressive deadhesion. Among adherent thymocytes the proportion of apoptotic cells increased with culture time which was a consequence of higher capacity of the line for binding of apoptotic than viable cells and induction of apoptosis in a subset of adherent thymocytes. Emperiopolesis activity of this thymic nurse cell (TNC) line was manifested by engulfment of thymocytes as well as TH cells. A subset of viable intra-TNC thymocytes has been triggered to die by apoptosis, whereas other internalized thymocytes have been stimulated to proliferate, as measured by an increase in the percentage of cells in mitosis and higher incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), in comparison to thymocytes cultivated alone. A significant stimulation of proliferation of engulfed TH cells was also observed. The R-TNC.1 cell line efficiently phagocytosed both apoptotic thymocytes and TH, and the process is followed by intra-TNC destruction of ingested cells. Cumulatively, these results suggest different role of the R-TNC.1 clone: phagocytosis of apoptotic cells; induction of apoptotic cell death in a subset of both bound and internalized thymocytes and stimulation of proliferation of a subset of intra-TNC thymocytes or TH cells
Imunohistohemijska identifikacija citokeratina u submandibularnoj pljuvaÄnoj žlezdi pacova u toku ontogeneze
Cytokeratins (CK) are a group of proteins comprised of at least 20 different skeletal polypeptides specific for simple and complex epithelia of almost all tissues. Until recently only a few antibodies for cytoskeletal proteins were available and thus it was very difficult to visualize all the components of postnatal cytodifferentiation of salivary glands. Therefore, morphologic and immunophenotypic features of the CK polypeptides, have been analized within the rat submandibular salivary glands (SSG) during postnatal development. SSG were obtained from 1, 30 and 60 days old, male, AO rats. Streptavidin-biotin immunoperoxidase method was used for immunohistochemistry. Cryostat sections were fixed in acetone and incubated with monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) which specifically react with CK polypeptides (CK7, CK8, CK18, CK kidney, K8.12, K8.13) and rat epithelium (PT13D11). Immunohistochemical analysis of the rat SSG showed phenotypic heterogeneity of particular components of this gland during postnatal development. Regarding CK profiles it was shown that epithelial cells of the acini expressed CK18, whereas epithelial cells of the duct expressed K8.12 and K8.13 mAbs. Epithelial cells of the acini were not stained by K8.12 and PT13D11 mAbs. Intercalated ducts were strongly CK kidney+ and PT13D11+. Myoepithelial cells of the acini were stained by K8.13 mAbs, whereas these cells were not stained by mAbs specific for simple epithelia. This immunohistological study showed that the heterogeneity expression of CK polypeptides might also be useful to further understand the origin of epithelial SSG cells, as well as their development and function.Citokeratini (CK) su grupa složenih proteina koji se sastoje od najmanje 20 razliÄitih polipeptida citoskeleta, specifiÄni za obiÄan i složeni epitel skoro svih tkiva. Do skoro je bilo dostupno samo nekoliko antitela specifiÄnih za proteine citoskeleta i zbog toga je bila otežana vizualizacija komponenti postnatalne citodiferencijacije pljuvaÄnih žlezda. U ovoj studiji su, pomoÄu panela monoklonskih antitela (mAt), analizirane morfoloÅ”ke i imunofenotipske osobine CK polipeptida, u submandibularnoj pljuvaÄ noj žlezdi (SPŽ) pacova tokom ontogeneze. Submandiblarne pljuvaÄne žlezde uzimane su od soja AO pacova, muÅ”kog pola, starosti 1, 30 i 60 dana. U ovom radu koriÅ”Äena je imunohistohemijska metoda streptavidin-biotin peroksidaznog bojenja. Tkivni preseci fiksirani su u acetonu i inkubirani sa mAt specifiÄnim za CK polipeptide (CK7, CK 8, CK 18, CK bubrega, K8.12, K8.13) i epitel pacova (PT13D11). U ovoj imunohistohemijskoj analizi, ekspresija anti -CK antitela na SPŽ pacova, pokazuje fenotipsku heterogenost odreÄenih komponenti ove žlezde tokom postnatalnog perioda. Epitelne Äelije acinusa su CK18+, dok epitelne Äelije kanaliÄa imaju izražene CK definisane sa K8.12 i K8.13 mAt. Epitelne Äelije acinusa nisu bile obojene sa K8.12 i PT13D11 mAt. Umetnuti kanali su bili izrazito CK bubrega+ i PT13D11+. Mioepitelne Äelije acinusa su bile obojene sa K8.13 i PT13D11 mAt, dok su ove Äelije imale negativnu reakciju sa mAt specifiÄnim za obiÄni epitel. Ova imunohistohemijska studija pokazuje heterogenost u ekspresiji CK polipeptida i može poslužiti za razumevanje porekla, razvoja i funkcije epitelnih Äelija SPŽ pacova
Tumor necrosis factor-alfa and interleukin-4 in cerbrospinal fluid and plasma in different clinical forms of multiple sclerosis
Background/Aim. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an immunemediated central nervous system disease characterized by inflammation, demyelination and axonal degeneration. Cytokines are proven mediators of immunological process in MS. The aim of this study was to investigate whether there is a difference in the production of the tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and interleukin-4 (IL-4) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and plasma in the MS patients and the controls (other neurological non-inflammatory diseases) and to determine a possible difference in these cytokines in plasma and CSF in different clinical forms of MS. Methods. This study involved 60 consecutive MS patients - 48 patients with relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) and 12 patients with secondary progressive MS (SPMS). The control group consisted of 20, age and sex matched, nonimmunological, neurological patients. According to the clinical presentation of MS at the time of this investigation, 34 (56.7%) patients had relapse (RRMS), 14 (23.3%) were in remission (RRMS), while the rest of the patients, 12 (20.0%), were SPMS. TNF-alpha and IL-4 concentrations were measured in the same time in CSF and plasma in the MS patients and the controls. Extended disability status score (EDSS), albumin ratio and IgG index were determined in all MS patients. Results. The MS patients had significantly higher CSF and plasma levels of TNF-alpha than the controls (p < 0.001 for both samples). IL-4 CSF levels were significantly lower in the MS patients than in the controls (p < 0.001), however plasma levels were similar. The patients in relapse (RRMS) and with progressive disease (SPMS) had higher concentrations of CSF TNF-alpha levels than the patients in remission (p < 0.001). IL-4 CSF levels in relapse (RRMS) and SPMS groups were lower than in the patients in remission. The patients in remission had an unmeasurable plasma TNF-alpha level and the patients with SPMS had significantly lower IL-4 levels in plasma than the patients in relapse and remission (p < 0.001). The only significant correlation between cytokine level with either EDSS, or albumin ratio, or IgG index, was found between CSF TNF-alpha levels and albumin ratio in the patients with relapse (R square = 0.431, p < 0.001). Conclusion. According to the obtained data MS relapse was characterized by high concentrations of TNF-alpha in CSF and plasma and low concentrations of IL-4 in CSF. Remission was characterized by high concentrations of IL-4 and low concentrations of TNF-alpha both in CSF and plasma. SPMS was characterized with lower concentrations of TNF-alpha and IL-4 compared to relapse, both in CSF and plasma
Gold in the past, today and future
This paper deals with gold, which is described as a chemical element. Special attention is paid to its physical-chemical properties and, furthermore, where or in what form it can be found in nature. We discuss the role it has played through history and we inform how gold has been developed to the level it has reached today's value. Still more, when gold is broken into nanoparticles, this form could be highly useful for a wide range of processes, including general nanotechnology, electronics manufacturing and the synthesizing of different functional materials. It is important that we know that gold is also used in industry in many engineering applications (contacts in micro-electronics) and medicine (dental alloys, implants)
ZajedniÄke imunofenotipske odlike podviliÄne pljuvaÄne žlezde i grudne žlezde pacova
Introduction. Submandibular salivary gland is a part of the neuro-immune-endocrine system. It contains biological factors which regulate a number of functions in the body including the modulation of thymus function. Objective. The aim of the study was to investigate immunophenotypic characteristics of submandibular salivary glands of rats during ontogenesis, using the panels of monoclonal antibodies and to compare with the phenotypic characteristics of epithelial components of the thymus. Methods. Submandibular salivary glands and thymus were obtained from 1, 30 and 60 days old male AO (Albino, Oxford) rats. Streptavidin-biotin peroxidase method was used for staining. Results. Immunohistochemical analysis of rat submandibular salivary glands showed phenotypic heterogeneity of particular components of this gland during the postnatal development. We demonstrated that rat submandibular salivary glands share common antigens with rat thymic epithelial cells, but the observed phenotypic similarity between the individual regions was considered much more significant. Our data showed that the phenotypic similarity between duct epithelial cells and subcapsular epithelial cells and most medullary cells, whereas cortical epithelial cells are phenotypically similar to acinar cells. Conclusion. This immunohistological study showed phenotypic complexity of the submandibular salivary gland and similarity to the thymus that opens new perspectives in studying phenotypic similarities between this gland and lymphatic organs.Uvod. Submandibularna pljuvaÄna žlezda je deo neuroimunoendokrinog sistema koja posredstvom bioloÅ”kih faktora reguliÅ”e mnoge funkcije u organizmu, ukljuÄujuÄi i modulaciju funkcije timusa. Cilj rada. Cilj rada bio je da se ispitaju imunofenotipske odlike submandibularne pljuvaÄne žlezde pacova tokom ontogeneze pomoÄu panela monoklonskih antitela i uporede s fenotipskim svojstvima epitelnih komponenti timusa. Metode rada. Istraživanja su raÄena na pacovima soja AO (Albino Oxford), muÅ”kog pola, starosti od jednog, 30 i 60 dana. Za fenotipsku analizu koriÅ”Äena je streptavidin-biotin- peroksidazna metoda bojenja. Rezultati. Ova imunohistoloÅ”ka studija ukazuje na heterogenost fenotipskih odlika pojedinih komponenti submandibularne pljuvaÄne žlezde tokom postnatalnog razvoja. TakoÄe je ustanovljeno da submandibularna pljuvaÄna žlezda i timus imaju zajedniÄke antigene, ali je mnogo znaÄajnija fenotipska sliÄnost izmeÄu pojedinih regiona u oba ispitivana organa. Epitelne Äelije izvodnih kanala submandibularne pljuvaÄne žlezde su fenotipski sliÄne epitelnim Äelijama subkapsularne i veÄini Äelija u meduli timusa. Epitelne Äelije acinusa su fenotipski sliÄne epitelnim Äelijama korteksa timusa. ZakljuÄak. Fenotipska kompleksnost submandibularne pljuvaÄne žlezde i sliÄnost s timusom otvara nove moguÄnosti za analizu fenotipske sliÄnosti izmeÄu ove žlezde i limfatiÄnih organa
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