29 research outputs found

    Disparities in methods used to determine microplastics in the aquatic environment: A review of legislation, sampling process and instrumental analysis

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    Plastic particles smaller than 5 mm, i.e., microplastics, have been detected in a number of environments. The number of studies on microplastics in marine environments, fresh water, wastewater, the atmosphere, and the human body are increasing along with a rise in the amounts of plastic materials introduced into the environment every year, all contributing to a range of health and environmental issues. Although the use of primary microplastics has been gradually reduced by recent legislation in many countries, new knowledge and data on these problems are needed to understand the overall lifecycle of secondary microplastics in particular. The aim of this review is to provide unified information on the pathways of microplastics into the environment, their degradation, and related legislation, with a special focus on the methods of their sampling, determination, and instrumental analysis. To deal with the health and environmental issues associated with the abundance of microplastics in the environment, researchers should focus on agreeing on a uniform methodology to determine the gravity of the problem through obtaining comparable data, thus leading to new and stricter legislation enforcing more sustainable plastic production and recycling, and hopefully contributing to reversing the trend of high amounts of microplastics worldwide.Web of Science1814art. no. 760

    Immunohistochemical evaluation of tissues following bone implant extraction from upper and lower limb

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    Fractured bones can regenerate and restore their biological and mechanical properties to the state prior to the damage. In some cases, however, the treatment of fractures requires the use of supportive implants. For bone healing, three processes are essential: the inflammatory phase, the repair phase and the remodelling phase. A proper course of the first - inflammatory - stage is important to ensure a successful fracture healing process. In our study, we evaluated tissue samples immunohistochemically from the area surrounding the fractures of upper and lower limbs (bone tissue, soft tissue, and the implant-adhering tissue) for markers: CD11b, CD15, CD34, CD44, CD68, Cathepsin K, and TRAcP that are linked to the aforementioned phases. In soft tissue, higher expressions of CD68, CD34, CD15 and CD11b markers were observed than in other locations. TRAcP and Cathepsin K markers were more expressed in the bone tissue, while pigmentation, necrosis and calcification were more observed in the implant-adhering tissue. Since even the implant materials commonly perceived as inert elicit the observed inflammatory responses, new surface treatments and materials need to be developed

    Solid anorganic particles and chronic rhinosinusitis: A histopathology study

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    Although extensive research has shown the pathological effect of fine and ultrafine airborne particles, clear evidence of association of environmental exposure to them and inflammatory changes in human nasal mucosa is missing. Meanwhile, pathogenesis of chronic rhinosinusitis, despite being a disease with high prevalence in the population, is still unclear. The increasing evidence of the pro-inflammatory properties of these particles raises the question of their possible role in chronic rhinosinusitis. The presented study focused on detection of microsized anorganic particles and clusters of nanosized anorganic particles in the nasal mucosa of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis by Raman microspectroscopy and comparison of their composition to histologic findings. The results were compared to the findings in mucosa obtained from cadavers with no history of chronic rhinosinusitis. Solid particles were found in 90% of tissue samples in the group with chronic rhinosinusitis, showing histologic signs of inflammation in 95%, while in the control group, the particles were found in 20% of samples, with normal histologic findings in all of them. The main detected compounds were graphite, TiO2, amorphous carbon, calcite, ankerite and iron compounds. The results are in accordance with the premise that exogenous airborne particles interact with the nasal mucosa and possibly deposit in it in cases where the epithelial barrier is compromised in chronic rhinosinusitis.Web of Science1912art. no. 726

    Identification of the phase composition of solid microparticles in the nasal mucosa of patients with chronic hypertrophic rhinitis using Raman microspectroscopy

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    Solid particles, predominantly in micron and submicron sizes, have repeatedly been observed as a threat to a human health unique compared to the other textures of the same materials. In this work, the hypothesis the solid metal-based particles play a role in the pathogenesis of chronic hypertrophic rhinitis was investigated in patients who had not responded positively to medication. In the group of 40 randomly selected patients indicated for surgical mucotomy, the presence of solid micro- and submicron particles present in their nasal mucosa was assessed. For comparison, a set of 13 reference samples from patients without diagnosed chronic hypertrophic rhinitis was evaluated. The analysis was performed using Raman microspectroscopy. The advantage of this method is the direct identification of compounds. The main detected compounds in the mucosa samples of patients with chronic hypertrophic rhinitis were TiO2, carbon-based compounds, CaCO3, Ca(Fe, Mg, Mn)(CO3)2 MgCO3, Fe2O3, BaSO4, FeCO3 and compounds of Al and Si, all of which may pose a health risk to a living organism. In the reference samples, only TiO2 and amorphous carbon were found. In the control group mucosa, a significantly lower presence of most of the assessed compounds was found despite the longer time they had to accumulate them due to their higher mean age. Identification and characterisation of such chemicals compounds in a living organism could contribute to the overall picture of the health of the individual and lead to a better understanding of the possible causes not only in the chronic hypertrophic rhinitis, but also in other mucosal and idiopathic diseases

    Analytical, stochastic and experimental solution of the osteosynthesis of the fifth metatarsal by headless screw

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    This paper evaluates the various approaches to strength and stiffness analysis of fracture osteosynthesis using a headless Herbert screw. The problem has been extensively addressed using several scientific approaches, namely the analytical approach, stochastic approach, experimental approach, and (marginally) using the finite elements method. The problem is illustrated on the use of a prototype headless screw Ti: 4.0/1.4 x 30/7 (manufacturer: Medin, Czech Republic) and the surgical treatment of the fifth metatarsal fracture. Mathematical equations for the analytical calculation of the maximum stresses in the screw were established for tensile/compression loading. This problem is also interesting because of its static indetermination in tension and compression; for this reason, it was necessary to use the deformation condition, i.e., the relationship between screw extension and bone contraction. The stochastic (probabilistic) approach, i.e., application of the Monte Carlo method, takes advantage of the mathematical equations derived during the analytical solution by respecting of the natural variabilities and uncertainties. The analytical and stochastic approaches were validated by measurements on porcine bones and by the finite element method. The data measured experimentally were also processed and used for deriving an equation, appropriately approximating the data. The main part of the measurement was to determine the axial force generated during osteosynthesis with a headless screw. The obtained compressional force was used to determine the maximal stress in the screw and bone. Finally, the methods were compared. In this paper, comprehensive and original approaches based on the authors' experience with multiple methods are presented. Obtained results are necessary for headless screw designers during optimalization of the implants and are also useful for surgeons developing new surgical techniques. This biomechanical problem was solved in cooperation with the engineering industry and physicians to improve the quality of care for patients with trauma in orthopedics and surgery.Web of Science1219art. no. 961

    AIMSurv: First pan-European harmonized surveillance of Aedes invasive mosquito species of relevance for human vector-borne diseases

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    Human and animal vector-borne diseases, particularly mosquito-borne diseases, are emerging or re-emerging worldwide. Six Aedes invasive mosquito (AIM) species were introduced to Europe since the 1970s: Aedes aegypti, Ae. albopictus, Ae. japonicus, Ae. koreicus, Ae. atropalpus and Ae. triseriatus. Here, we report the results of AIMSurv2020, the first pan-European surveillance effort for AIMs. Implemented by 42 volunteer teams from 24 countries. And presented in the form of a dataset named “AIMSurv Aedes Invasive Mosquito species harmonized surveillance in Europe. AIM-COST Action. Project ID: CA17108”. AIMSurv2020 harmonizes field surveillance methodologies for sampling different AIMs life stages, frequency and minimum length of sampling period, and data reporting. Data include minimum requirements for sample types and recommended requirements for those teams with more resources. Data are published as a Darwin Core archive in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility- Spain, comprising a core file with 19,130 records (EventID) and an occurrences file with 19,743 records (OccurrenceID). AIM species recorded in AIMSurv2020 were Ae. albopictus, Ae. japonicus and Ae. koreicus, as well as native mosquito species

    Micro and nano-sized particles in human cancer and hypertrophic tissues

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    Disertační práce pojednává o detekci mikro a nanometrických částic na bázi kovů v lidské hypertrofické tkáni z oblasti skořep nos ních u pacientů s chronickou rýmou, v lidské nádorové plicní tkáni a v cytologických vzorcích sputa. Studované tkáně a tekutiny byly primárně charakterizovány metodou Ramanovy mikrospektroskopie, vybrané vzorky byly pak následně podrobeny analýze na skenovacím elektronovém mikroskopu, kdy zjištěné výsledky byly vyhodnoceny statistickými metodami. Navíc byl proveden odběr silničního prachu v závislosti na zatíženosti dopravy (2 lokality) v průběhu osmi měsíců, jakož možný potenciální zdroj částic zatěžující dýchací systém člověka. Těmito metodami se podařilo detekovat přítomnost pevných částic/shluků částic převážně na bázi kovů. Velká část z nich byla zjištěna ve velikosti pod 1 μm. Mnohé z těchto částic/shluků částic patří svým chemickým složením podle IARC mezi agens „prokazatelně karcinogenní pro člověka“. Takto získané informace a postupy by mohly dále posloužit pro lékařskou praxi. Charakterizované metody detekce částic v lidské tkáni by se tak mohly výhledově stát součástí speciálního vyšetření u některých autoimunitních onemocnění nebo u nemocí, které byly diagnostikovány jako idiopatické, tedy vzniklé z neznámých příčin.The doctoral thesis deals with the detection of micro and nano-sized metallic particles in human hypertrophic tissues from carrier beams in patients diagnosed with chronic rhinitis, human lung cancer tissues and cytological specimens of sputum. The studied tissues and fluids were first characterized by the Raman microspectroscopy method, the selected samples were then analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, where the results were evaluated by statistical methods. In addition, road dust was collected depending on the traffic load (2 locations) in eight months, and analyzed as a potential source of particulate matter entering human respiratory system. These methods were able to detect the presence of solid particles / particle aggregates predominantly metal-based. Many of these were found in a size below 1 μm. Many of these particles / clusters of particles can be according to chemical composition classified by IARC as "probably carcinogenic to humans". The information and procedures thus obtained could further serve for medical practice. Characterized methods of particle detection in human tissues could thus prospectively be come a part of a special examination in some autoimmune diseases or in diseases that have been diagnosed as idiopathic, resulting from unknown causes9360 - Centrum nanotechnologiívyhově

    Stabilization of waste bottom ash generated from hazardous waste incinerators

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    Stabilization of bottom ash generated from hazardous waste incineration by the means of solidification was assessed by applying three different amounts of cement admixture (10%, 20% and 30%) and four distinct solidification periods (1 day, 4 days, 7 days and 28 days) in order to decrease the amount of harmful elements or compounds in the waste. Complex assessment of all the observed parameters was performed both according to the EU standard 2003/33/EC for waste acceptable at landfills for hazardous waste and by using ecotoxicological test on the freshwater algae Desmodesmus subspicatus. Whilst unmodified bottom ash exceeded the permit limit concentrations, after the solidification, most of the elements was immobilized in the admixture. The growth inhibition of D. subspicatus was, however, found out to be increasing during the process, possibly because the increase of molybdenum in the leachate with the increased cement addition and prolonged solidification period. From all the combinations tested, 30% cement addition and the standard 28 days solidification period appears to be the ideal one.Web of Science319

    Hypersenzitivita IV. typu na titan: vzácná nebo jen vzácně rozpoznaná?

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    The presented review aims to summarize the current knowledge of hypersensitivity to titanium – a material widely used in medical applications thanks to its exceptional chemical stability, resistance to corrosion, low specific weight and high strength. The hypersensitivity to metals is usually caused by the Type IV immunopathological reaction. Case reports on allergic reactions to titanium are rare but the actual occurrence can be expected to be much higher, especially due to its problematic detection. Although cutaneous patch tests are widely accepted and used for the diagnosis of hypersensitivity of numerous metals (e.g. Ni), it is notoriously unreliable in case of allergies to titanium, which may be associated with the low percutaneous transport of titanium and its salts. The Lymphocyte Transformation Test has superior sensitivity but it remains mostly unknown among clinicians and there are not many laboratories capable of performing it. This review presents numerous case reports indicating, in combination with the above-mentioned facts, that hypersensitivity to titanium should be considered as a possible cause also in non-specific problems associated with titanium implant failure.Web of Science902918

    Settled dust from urban and suburban roads in an industrial city area: Location and seasonal differences in metal content

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    Settled road dust, present on all roads surfaces in a relatively high abundance, is a complex of particles-ranging from nanosized to microsized-from both natural and anthropogenic sources and may pose possible risk to the biosphere as well as influence the atmosphere because of the road dust resuspension. Geographical and seasonal differences in heavy metal content of the settled road dust were studied at two sites: urban site with a heavy traffic in the industrial city of Ostrava, Czech Republic and suburban site of Ostrava with a negligible traffic load in settlement Ludgerovice. Dust samples were collected monthly during the period from March to October 2015. Obtained dust samples were homogenized and subsequently analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy; the results were then assessed by multivariate statistical methods (Principal components analysis, Factorial analysis on mixed data). The difference in the content of Ba, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Sn, V, and Zn was explainable mainly by the factor of the site only the content of Fe was significantly dependent on the month of sampling. The contents of the particular elements and the correlations found among them confirm the assumption that heavy metals detected in the road dust samples from the urban site most likely originated primarily from the traffic-and particularly from the non-combustion processes.Web of Science1953040303