10 research outputs found

    Morfološke karakteristike nutritivnih kanala alveolarnog i nepčanog nastavka gornje vilice i njihov anatomski odnos sa velikom nepčanom arterijom i nervom

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    Nove naučne metode u anatomskim istraživanjima pružaju detaljnije i sveobuhvatnije prepoznavanje i proučavanje finih anatomskih struktura, njihovih međusobnih odnosa, a time i primenu ovih saznanja u kliničkoj praksi. Za sada u literaturi nema relevantnih podataka o morfološkim karateristikama neurovaskularnih (nutritivnih) kanala u predelu palatinalne kompaktne kosti alveolarnog i nepčanog nastavka gornje vilice. Njihova učestalost i lokalizacija, kao i odnos sa velikom nepčanom arterijom i nervom imaju uticaj na efikasnost primene sprovodne anestezije za prednje i srednje gornje zubne grane pristupom sa palatinalne strane. Ciljevi: Ovo istraživanje imalo je za ciljeve da ispita i uporedi učestalost, položaj i morfološke karateristike nutritivnih kanala alveolarnog i nepčanog nastavka gornje vilice sa nepčane strane, kortikalnu poroznost, morfološke karakteristike bočnih grana velike nepčane arterije i nerva i njihov odnos sa nutritivnim kanalima, kao i da ispita i uporedi kliničke i kardiovaskularne parametre sprovodne anestezije prednjih i srednjih gornjih zubnih grana pristupom sa nepčane strane posle primene 4% artikaina sa epinefrinom (1:100,000) standardnom karpul brizgalicom i aparatom za kontinuiranu i kontrolisanu primenu anestetičkog rastvora. Materijal i metod: Metodološki, ova studija je podeljena u dve odvojene celine. U prvom delu studije korišćeni su metodološki postupci u okviru anatomskog istraživanja koji su obuhvatili osteološku, disekcionu, histološku i radiološku analizu. Drugi deo studije se odnosio na kontrolisano kliničko istraživanje efekata intraoralne lokalne anestezije. Osteološka analiza obuhvatila je 20 suvih lobanja odnosno 40 kostiju maksile tri različite starosne dobi, oba pola, na kojima su registrovani morfološki parametri, anatomske varijacije i koštane malformacije. Analizirani su širina (debljina) i visina alveolarnog nastavka u očnjačkoj i premolarnoj regiji obostrano, zatim veličina poprečnog preseka nepčanog sulkusa, njihovo međusobno rastojanje kao i rastojanje između nosne bodlje (spinae nasalis) i struktura nepčanog nastavka. Takođe registrovani su i morfometrijski VI parametri definisani veličinom i pozicijom velikog nepčanog otvora i njegovim rastojanjem sa okolnim anatomskim strukturama..

    Morphological characteristics of the nutrient canals of the maxillary alveolar and palatine process and their anatomic relationship with the greater palatine artery and nerve

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    Nove naučne metode u anatomskim istraživanjima pružaju detaljnije i sveobuhvatnije prepoznavanje i proučavanje finih anatomskih struktura, njihovih međusobnih odnosa, a time i primenu ovih saznanja u kliničkoj praksi. Za sada u literaturi nema relevantnih podataka o morfološkim karateristikama neurovaskularnih (nutritivnih) kanala u predelu palatinalne kompaktne kosti alveolarnog i nepčanog nastavka gornje vilice. Njihova učestalost i lokalizacija, kao i odnos sa velikom nepčanom arterijom i nervom imaju uticaj na efikasnost primene sprovodne anestezije za prednje i srednje gornje zubne grane pristupom sa palatinalne strane. Ciljevi: Ovo istraživanje imalo je za ciljeve da ispita i uporedi učestalost, položaj i morfološke karateristike nutritivnih kanala alveolarnog i nepčanog nastavka gornje vilice sa nepčane strane, kortikalnu poroznost, morfološke karakteristike bočnih grana velike nepčane arterije i nerva i njihov odnos sa nutritivnim kanalima, kao i da ispita i uporedi kliničke i kardiovaskularne parametre sprovodne anestezije prednjih i srednjih gornjih zubnih grana pristupom sa nepčane strane posle primene 4% artikaina sa epinefrinom (1:100,000) standardnom karpul brizgalicom i aparatom za kontinuiranu i kontrolisanu primenu anestetičkog rastvora. Materijal i metod: Metodološki, ova studija je podeljena u dve odvojene celine. U prvom delu studije korišćeni su metodološki postupci u okviru anatomskog istraživanja koji su obuhvatili osteološku, disekcionu, histološku i radiološku analizu. Drugi deo studije se odnosio na kontrolisano kliničko istraživanje efekata intraoralne lokalne anestezije. Osteološka analiza obuhvatila je 20 suvih lobanja odnosno 40 kostiju maksile tri različite starosne dobi, oba pola, na kojima su registrovani morfološki parametri, anatomske varijacije i koštane malformacije. Analizirani su širina (debljina) i visina alveolarnog nastavka u očnjačkoj i premolarnoj regiji obostrano, zatim veličina poprečnog preseka nepčanog sulkusa, njihovo međusobno rastojanje kao i rastojanje između nosne bodlje (spinae nasalis) i struktura nepčanog nastavka. Takođe registrovani su i morfometrijski VI parametri definisani veličinom i pozicijom velikog nepčanog otvora i njegovim rastojanjem sa okolnim anatomskim strukturama..

    Efikasnost i sigurnost 4% artikaina sa epinefrinom za gornji prednji i srednji alveolarni nervni blok primenom kompjuterski kontrolisanog sistema i standardnog pristupa za primenu anestetičkog rastvora - prospektivna, randomizovana, kontrolisana, dvosturko slepa, ukrštena klinička studija

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    Bacground/Aim. The efficient dental anesthesia, which is related to the clinically adequate depth, duration and the width of anesthetic field, is an important prerequisite for successful dental treatment. The aim of this study was to investigate and compare the pulpal anesthesia and cardiovascular parameters after the anterior middle superior alveolar (AMSA) nerve block with 4% articaine with epinephrine administered by conventional cartridge-syringe and computer-controlled local anesthetic delivery system (CCLADS). Methods. This controlled double-blind cross-over randomized clinical study included 38 healthy volunteers. Efficacy of pulpal anesthesia after the AMSA nerve block was evaluated by measuring a success rate, onset and duration of pulpal anesthesia, using an electrical pulp tester. The parameters of cardiovascular function (systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate) were monitored noninvasively. Results. Successful pulpal anesthesia of all tested teeth was obtained in 57.9% participants with CCLADS and in 44.7% participants with conventional syringe. The onset time was not significantly different between two investigated groups. The pulpal anesthesia duration was not significantly different neither within nor between investigated groups. The systolic and diastolic blood pressures were significantly decreased in both investigated groups, in comparison with the baseline values. Heart rate significantly decreased within CCLADS from 10th to 30th minute when compared to baseline. Conclusion. The efficacy of pulpal anesthesia and safety of cardiovascular profile of 0.6 mL of articaine with epinephrine (1:100.000) delivered with CCLADS were improved in comparison to the conventional syringe delivery. Significant changes of cardiovascular function were not observed.Uvod/Cilj. Efikasna zubna anestezija u pogledu klinički adekvatne dubine, trajanja i širine anestetičkog polja je važan preduslov za uspešno zubno lečenje. Cilj rada bio je ispitivanje i upoređivanje parametra anestezije zubne pulpe i kardiovaskularnih parametra posle gornje prednje i srednje alveolarne (AMSA) sprovodne anestezije postignute 4% artikainom sa epinefrinom, primenom standardne karpulbrizgalice i kompjuterski kontrolisanog sistema za primenu anestetičkog rastvora (CCLADS). Metode. U ovom randomizovanom, prospektivnom, kontrolisanom, dvostruko slepom ukrštenom kliničkom istraživanju učestvovalo je 38 ispitanika. Kvalitet anestezije zubne pulpe posle AMSA anestezije praćen je na osnovu uspešnosti, latentnog perioda i trajanja anestezije zubne pulpe, primenom električnog pulp-testera. Parametri kardiovaskularne funkcije (sistolni i dijastolni krvni pritisak, srčana frekvencija) praćeni su neinvazivno, primenom aparata za monitoring. Rezultati. Uspešna anestezija zubne pulpe svih ispitivanih zuba bila je prisutna kod 57,9% ispitanika posle kod CCLADS i kod 44,7% ispitanika posle primene standardne karpul-brizgalice. Latentni period i trajanje anestezije zubne pulpe nisu se značajno razlikovali između ispitivanih grupa. Sistolni i dijastolni pritisak bili su značajno sniženi u praćenim vremenskim intervalima u odnosu na početne vrednosti. Srčana frekvencija je bila značajno snižena kod CCLADS grupe od 10 do 30 minuta u odnosu na početne vrednosti. Zaključak. Kontrolisanom kompjuterizovanom primenom (CCLADS) 0,6 mL 4% artikaina sa epinefrinom (1:100,000) za AMSA sprovodnu anesteziju, postignut je bolji kvalitet anestezije zubne pulpe u odnosu na primenu artikaina sa epinefrinom standardnom karpul brizgalicom. Nisu uočene bitne promene funkcija kardiovaskularnog sistema

    Arterial supply of the trigeminal ganglion, a micromorphological study

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    Background: In this study, we explored the specific microanatomical properties of the trigeminal ganglion (TG) blood supply and its close neurovascular relationships with the surrounding vessels. Possible clinical implications have been discussed. Materials and methods: The internal carotid and maxillary arteries of 25 adult and 4 foetal heads were injected with a 10% mixture of India ink and gelatin, and their TGs subsequently underwent microdissection, observation and morphometry under a stereoscopic microscope. Results: The number of trigeminal arteries varied between 3 and 5 (mean 3.34), originating from 2 or 3 of the following sources: the inferolateral trunk (ILT) (100%), the meningohypophyseal trunk (MHT) (100%), and from the middle meningeal artery (MMA) (92%). In total, the mean diameter of the trigeminal branches was 0.222 mm. The trigeminal branch of the ILT supplied medial and middle parts of the TG, the branch of the MHT supplied the medial part of the TG, and the branch of the MMA supplied the lateral part of the TG. Additional arteries for the TG emerged from the dural vascular plexus and the vascular network of the plexal segment of the trigeminal nerve. Uniform and specific intraganglionic dense capillary network was observed for each sensory trigeminal neuron. Conclusions: The reported features of the TG vasculature could be implied in a safer setting for surgical approach to the skull base, in relation to the surrounding structures. The morphometric data on TG vasculature provide anatomical basis for better understanding the complex TG blood supply from the internal and external carotid arteries

    Arterial supply of the trigeminal ganglion, a micromorphological study

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    Background: In this study, we explored the specific microanatomical properties of the trigeminal ganglion (TG) blood supply and its close neurovascular relationships with the surrounding vessels. Possible clinical implications have been discussed. Materials and methods: The internal carotid and maxillary arteries of 25 adult and 4 fetal heads were injected with a 10% mixture of India ink and gelatin, and their TGs subsequently underwent microdissection, observation and morphometry under a stereoscopic microscope. Results: The number of trigeminal arteries varied between 3 and 5 (mean 3.34), originating from two or three of the following sources: the inferolateral trunk (ILT) (100%), the meningohypophyseal trunk (MHT) (100%), and from the middle meningeal artery (MMA) (92%). In total, the mean diameter of the trigeminal branches was 0.222 mm. The trigeminal branch of the ILT supplied medial and middle parts of the TG, branch of the MHT supplied the medial part of the TG, and the branch of the MMA supplied the lateral part of the TG. Additional arteries for the TG emerged from the dural vascular plexus and the vascular network of the plexal segment of the trigeminal nerve. Uniform and specific intraganglionic dense capillary network was observed for each sensory trigeminal neuron. Conclusions: The reported features of the TG vasculature could be implied in a safer setting for surgical approach to the skull base, in relation to the surrounding structures. The morphometric data on TG vasculature provide anatomical basis for better understanding the complex TG blood supply from the internal and external carotid arteries

    Angiosome of the fibular artery as anatomic basis for free composite fibular flap

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    Introduction. The free osteoseptocutaneus fibular flap is, anatomically, an angiosome of the fibular artery. Knowledge of detailed topography anatomy of the fibular artery and its branches is necessary for successful creation and elevation of the flap. Objective. The aim of the study was to determine topography of the tissue of the leg supplied only by the fibular artery, to describe topography relations of the branches of the fibular artery, their number, anastomoses, vascular plexus and the way of vascularization of the skin, muscle and bone tissue. Method. The popliteal artery was cannulated in 15 cadaveric legs, flushed with ink and then with 10% ink-gelatin. Fixation of tissue was performed with formalin and then micropreparation of the side branches of the fibular artery was performed. Also, two corrosive models were made. Localization of foramen nutrition was determined by measuring 50 fibulas. Results. The skin supplied by the fibular artery forms distal two thirds of the lateral-posterior aspect of the leg. Vascularization of the skin arises from the side branches of the fibular artery forming a rich fascia plexus at the deep fascia level. From 3 up to 7 side branches of the fibular artery are incorporated in the fascia arterial plexus and can be separated as septocutaneus and myocutaneus, according to topography relations. The nutritive artery enters the fibula cortex at a spot that, measured from the top of the fibula, lies in the area between 32% and 65% of the whole length of the fibula. Periosteal circulation of the fibula originates from the short side branches of the fibular artery that anastomoses at the periosteum level. Conclusion. The axial line of flap has to be marked 2 cm posterior to the line from caput fibulae to malleolus lateralis. Numerous anastomoses between the side branches of the fibular artery in the fascia plexus enable good circulation of the skin even when some of the branches are not included in the flap. The middle third of fibula has to be used as bone graft because of localization of the foramen nutrition.

    Apical root-end filling with tricalcium silicate-based cement in a patient with diabetes mellitus: A case report

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    Introduction. The material used for root-end filling has to be biocompatible with adjacent periapical tissue and to stimulate its regenerative processes. Tricalcium silicate cement (TSC), as a new dental material, shows good sealing properties with dentin, high compression strengths and better marginal adaptation than commonly used root-end filling materials. Although optimal postoperative healing of periapical tissues is mainly influenced by characteristics of end-root material used, it could sometimes be affected by the influence of systemic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus (DM). Case report. We presented apical healing of the upper central incisor, retrofilled with TSC, in a diabetic patient (type 2 DM) with peripheral neuropathy. Standard root-end resection of upper central incisor was accompanied by retropreparation using ultrasonic retrotips to the depth of 3 mm and retrofilling with TSC. Post-operatively, the surgical wound healed uneventfully. However, the patient reported undefined dull pain in the operated area that could possibly be attributed to undiagnosed intraoral diabetic peripheral neuropathy, what was evaluated clinically. Conclusion. Although TSC presents a suitable material for apical root-end filling in the treatment of chronic periradicular lesions a possible presence of systemic diseases, like type 2 DM, has to be considered in the treatment outcome estimation

    Nutrient canals and porosity of the bony palate: A basis for the biological plausibility of the anterior middle superior alveolar nerve block

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    Background. The authors investigated morphologic parameters of the palatal cortex that affect the diffusion of local anesthetic solution in the region of the anterior middle superior alveolar (AMSA) nerve block injection site. Methods. The authors used computed tomographic (CT) and micro-CT imaging to assess 20 human skulls from an anatomic collection. Analysis of the C1 images included frequency, distribution, and width of the nutrient canals in the bony palate, according to to the person's sex and age. Micro-CT analysis involved measuring the thickness and porosity of palatal cortical bone in the area of the AMSA injection site in relation to the thickness and porosity of the opposite buccal cortical bone. Results. There was a statistically significant difference (P = .042) in the location of the nutrient canals between male specimens (> 50% in the border region) and female specimens (> 50% in the palatal process). Furthermore, the female skulls had significantly wider nutrient canal foramina (P = .042) than did the male skulls. Despite greater thickness, the palatal cortex in the area of the AMSA injection site had slightly greater porosity than did the buccal cortex. A significantly greater number of microcanals penetrated the whole cortical thickness in palatal than in buccal cortical bone (P = .001). Conclusions. The distribution and width of nutrient canals differed between male and female skulls. At the microscopic level, structural characteristics of the palatal cortex provide a good anatomic basis for the potential of a satisfactory AMSA injection success rate. Practical Implications. The AMSA technique success rate might be increased if the clinician adjusts the injection site to the distribution of nutrient canals, depending on the sex of the patient

    Antioxidant activity of three different Serbian floral honeys

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    In this study, three Serbian honey samples (Acacia, Linden and "Homoljski med") were analyzed to determine their total phenolic, flavonoid and antioxidant content, as well as their in vitro antioxidant activity. The antioxidant activity of honeys was examined by different tests, including the reducing power and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging assay. In addition, correlations between the antioxidant activity and total phenolic, as well as flavonoid content were also sought. The highest content of total phenolics (27.44 mg/100 g), flavonoids (9.78 mg/100 g), reducing power and DPPH free radical scavenging activity were obtained in the case of Linden honey. The EC50 values of the Linden honey, determined based on the reducing power and DPPH radical scavenging activity, were 24.17 mg/ml and 51.34 mg/ml, respectively. Also, the antioxidant content was highest for Linden honey, and it valued 5.45 mg QEAC/100 g (expressed as mg of quercetin equivalent antioxidant content - QEAC per 100 g of honey) and 7.82 mg AEAC/100 g (expressed as mg of ascorbic acid equivalent antioxidant content - AEAC per 100 g of honey). Also, a linear correlation was observed between the antioxidant activity and total phenolics, as well as total flavonoids

    New records of introduced species in the Mediterranean Sea (April 2023)

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    This Collective article reports 17 introduced species and 22 new locations for these species in the Mediterranean Sea. The reports are from three different Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) subregions (Aegean-Levantine Sea, Adriatic Sea and Western Mediterranean Sea) and the Sea of Marmara and cover ten different countries. The goal of consistent and detailed reporting of introduced species is to complement the existing species inventories and serve as a basis for establishing monitoring strategies and other conservation measures. Some of the reports from this article are the first species records for the Mediterranean Sea, namely the green alga Udotea flabellum from the Aegean Sea (Turkey) and the deepbody boarfish Antigonia capros from the Balearic Sea (Spain). In addition, new records of introduced species are included for different seas, namely the moon crab Matuta victor for the Aegean Sea (Greece), the whale shark Rhincodon typus and the lionfish Pterois miles for the Alboran Sea (Spain), the almaco jack Seriola rivoliana for the Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy), and the hound needlefish Tylosurus crocodilus for the Adriatic Sea (Italy). Furthermore, reports on first country records are included: the red alga Colaconema codicola from Slovenia, the nudibranch Melibe viridis from Bosnia and Herzegovina, the lionfish Pterois miles from Montenegro, and the goldstripe sardinella Sardinella gibbosa from Syria, which also represents a second record for the Mediterranean Sea. Furthermore, the occurrence of the scleractinian coral Oculina patagonica was noted in Gulf of Lion (France). Four polychaete species, namely Leodice antennata, Timarete punctata and Branchiomma bairdi, are reported from the vermetid reef habitat and two of them (L. antennata and B. bairdi) are also recorded for the first time in Lebanon. Evidence for established populations of the Asian date mussel Arcuatula senhousia in the Sea of Marmara (Turkey) and the rayed pearl oyster Pinctada radiata around the island of Sardinia (Italy) is provided