237 research outputs found

    Evidence - Based Dentistry: Do We Know What It Means?

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    Da bi obavljao posao na način stomatologije zasnovane na dokazu praktičar mora biti sposoban i pripravan oblikovati jasno pitanje, uspjeÅ”no pronaći pouzdan dokaz, sustavno ispitati dokaz te, ako je važan i vjerodostojan, primijeniti rezultate procjene u svojoj praksi. Materijali, instrumenti, tehnike i terapije mijenjaju se tako brzo da mnogi od nas imaju teÅ”koće s pamćenjem njihovih imena, a napose s pojedinostima njihove uporabe. Å irenjem elektroničke tehnologije (internet, CD-ROM i DVD) znatno je lakÅ”e pronaći informacije. U mnogo slučaja pacijenti imaju isti pristup podatcima kao i liječnici, pa kako njihove razine znanja rastu, tako rastu njihova očekivanja i zahtjevi. Stomatologija zasnovana na dokazu zatvara pukotinu između kliničkog istraživanja i stvarnoga svijeta stomatoloÅ”ke prakse te stomatolozima daje moćne alate za interpretaciju i primjenu nalaza istraživanja. Stomatologija zasnovana na dokazu je proces koji nije rigidno metodoloÅ”ko ispitivanje znanstvenoga dokaza kojim se diktira Å”to bi praktičari trebali ili ne bi trebali obavljati. U prvome redu to je proces utemeljen na integriranju znanstvene baze za kliničku skrb uporabom temeljitih, nepristranih pregleda i najpouzdanijega znanstvenoga dokaza u bilo kojem trenutku s kliničkim čimbenicima i čimbenikom pacijenta kako bi se na najbolji mogući način donijele odluke o prikladnoj zdravstvenoj skrbi za specifične kliničke okolnosti. Stomatologija zasnovana na dokazu oslanja se na ulogu pojedinačne stručne prosudbe u tome procesu.To practice in an evidence-based dentistry manner, practitioners must be able to formulate a clear question, find the best available evidence efficiently, evaluate the evidence systematically and, if it is relevant and credible, apply the results of the appraisal to their practice. Materials, instruments, techniques, and therapies change so fast that most of us have difficulty keeping up with their names, much less the details of their use. As electronic technology (Internet, CD-ROM, and DVD) expands, information retrieval is increasingly easy. Patients have access to the same data that doctors do in many cases, and as their knowledge levels increase, so do their expectations and demands. Evidence-based dentistry closes the gap between clinical research and real world dental practice and provides dentists with powerful tools to interpret and apply research findings. Evidence-based dentistry process is not a rigid methodological evaluation of scientific evidence that dictates what practitioners should or should not do. Rather, the evidencebased dentistry process is based on integrating the scientific basis for clinical care, using thorough, unbiased reviews and the best available scientific evidence at any one time, with clinical and patient factors to make the best possible decision(s) about appropriate health care for specific clinical circumstances. Evidence-based dentistry relies on the role of individual professional judgment in this process

    Computer Vision Application for Early Stage Smoke Detection on Ships

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    Nowadays, shipā€™s engine room is fire protected by automatic fire fighting systems, usually controlled from a place located outside the engine room. In order to activate the water mist extinguishing system automatically, at least two different fire detectors have to be activated. One of these detectors is a flame detector that is not hampered by various air flows caused by ventilation or draft and is rapidly activated and the other is smoke detector which is hampered by these flows causing its activation to be delayed. As a consequence, the automatic water mist extinguishing system is also delayed, allowing for fire expansion and its transfer to surrounding rooms. In addition to reliability of the shipā€™s fire detection system as one of the crucial safety features for the ship, cargo, crew and passengers, using a systematic approach in this research the emphasis is placed on the application of new methods in smoke detection such as the computer image processing and analysis, in order to achieve this goal. This paper describes the research carried out on board ship using the existing marine CCTV systems in early stages of smoke detection inside shipā€™s engine room, which could be seen as a significant contribution to accelerated suppression of unwanted consequences


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    The possibility to enable cooperative concept in urban traffic systems is challenging because of large amount of traffic data that must be collected, processed and distributed to end users. The main objective is to establish communication between three main subsystems of traffic system: driver, vehicle and infrastructure so that they can cooperate in real time traffic environment. This paper describes various wireless communication technologies that can be used to achieve real time dana exchange, and potential problems and limitations. Internet of Things (IoT) concept can be used as supportive concept for collection, processing and distribution of traffic data with one main goal ā€“ to increase urban traffic system quality in overall

    Cooperative Model for Idle Traffic Optimisation

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    The growth trend and the trend of population migration into city centres, as well as the continuous increase in the number of motor vehicles cause traffic jams and congestions in most major cities in the world. In order to eliminate the problems caused by the circling in search of available parking space, i.e. by the congestion, different methods and approaches are implemented. First of all, these are the appropriate strategies and policies that are made in order to regulate the existing situation and to demotivate the arrival of part of the population in the city centre, which does not represent a necessity. Another way to eliminate the above problem, which is the most emphasized in this paper, is represented by the intelligent parking systems. Intelligent parking systems are used to guide the driver to the available parking space and to provide information on the characteristics of it. Normally, they are also used for parking reservation and payment, but in most cases they were related exclusively to closed parking lots and garages. With the technological progress and the development of intelligent sensors it has become possible even to control street parking spaces, which is especially emphasized in this paper. Also, an advanced model of guidance to available parking spaces using a cooperative approach is proposed. The simulation model presenting the advantages of this system compared to the classical approach, which are also highlighted in this paper, is developed

    Magnetic Resonance in Diagnosing Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

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    Svrha ovoga rada bila je prikazati tehniku oslikavanja magnetskom rezonancijom kao korisnom u dijagnosticiranju poremećene funkcije čeljusnih zglobova, na osnovi kliničkih primjera, budući da u naÅ”oj zemlji ta tehnika joÅ” nije postigla Å”iroku primjenu. Na MR slikama procjenjivala se je normalna funkcijska anatomija i oblici poremećene funkcije čeljusnih zglobova (pomak zglobne pločice s redukcijom i pomak zglobne pločice bez redukcije). Služili smo se standardnim kosim sagitalnim projekcijama s T1 sekvencama koje su dobivene na Magneton Impact (Siemens) aparatu od 1,0 T opremljenim povrÅ”inskom zavojnicom promjera 10 centimetara. MR slike dobivene su u položajima zatvorenih i otvorenih usta u kosoj sagitalnoj ravnini okomitoj na dužinsku os zglobne glavice. Oslikavanje magnetskom rezonancijom neinvazivna je tehnika koja se služi magnetskim poljem i radiofrekventnim pulsovima umjesto ionizirajućim zračenjem za stvaranje slika. Od svih poznatih radioloÅ”kih tehnika magnetska se je rezonancija pokazala najboljom tehnikom izbora za prikazivanje mekih i tvrdih tkiva čeljusnih zglobova. Općenito, oslikavanje magnetskom rezonancijom primjenjuje se u slučaju nesigurne dijagnoze i neuspjeÅ”nog liječenja poremećaja čeljusnih zglobova. Osim u dijagnostici može se upotrebljavati u vrjednovanju raznih oblika liječenja poremećaja čeljusnih zglobova (gdje se točno vide stanja prije i poslije liječenja) te za bolje razumijevanje patofiziologije i biomehanike čeljusnih zglobova, Å”to je potkrijepljeno u brojnim znanstvenim i stručnim studijama.The purpose of the paper is to present magnetic resonance imaging as a useful technique in establishing a diagnosis of functional disorders of the temporomandibular joint, on the basis of case studies, as this technique is not yet widely used in this country. The MR images were used for assessment of normal functional anatomy, as well as forms of functional disorders of the temporomandibular joints (disc displacement with and without reduction). Standard oblique sagittal planes with T1 sequences obtained using Magneton Impact (Siemens) apparatus at 1.0 T with surface coil of 10 cm diameter were used. The MR images were taken in the open mouth and closed mouth positions in the oblique sagittal plane vertical to the longitudinal axis of the condyle. Magnetic resonance imaging is a non-invasive technique using magnetic field and radio frequency pulses instead of ionising radiation for image creation. Of all known radiologic techniques, magnetic resonance imaging proved to be the best technique of choice for visualization of soft and hard tissues of the temporomandibular joints. In general, the magnetic resonance technique is used in cases of doubtful diagnosis and therapeutic failure of temporomandibular disorders. Apart from diagnostics, the technique can also be used in assessment of various methods of treatment of temporomandibular disorders (where conditions before and after treatment are assessed). It is also used for better understanding of the pathophysiology and biomechanics of temporomandibular joints, which has been shown in numerous scientific studies

    A Comparative Analysis of Maritime Universities Websites

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    Nowadays, the Internet, i.e. its leading services like the World Wide Web are unavoidable in communications, providing services and information sharing. Websites and a variety of Internet pages that make up the World Wide Web are the primary user interfaces for online business, providing information and promotional activities on the Internet. The rapid and progressive development of this medium has led to the fact that there is almost no maritime education institution without its own website, or at least a web page. The quality and success of the presentation via the Internet and the development of websites in a way to suit usersā€™ needs still remain a problem, not only for designers and managers but also for owners, representing an incentive for the analysis and research in the field of maritime colleges. In evaluating user interfaces, including websites, different approaches and methods are used where the usability, due to its widespread use, is most often considered as the main factor of quality. In this paper, usability factors of websites are analyzed using the questionnaire method and available online tools for 20 maritime universities worldwide and the obtained results are presented as well as recommendations for further researches


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    The possibility to enable cooperative concept in urban traffic systems is challenging because of large amount of traffic data that must be collected, processed and distributed to end users. The main objective is to establish communication between three main subsystems of traffic system: driver, vehicle and infrastructure so that they can cooperate in real time traffic environment. This paper describes various wireless communication technologies that can be used to achieve real time dana exchange, and potential problems and limitations. Internet of Things (IoT) concept can be used as supportive concept for collection, processing and distribution of traffic data with one main goal ā€“ to increase urban traffic system quality in overall


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    Cilj ovog rada bio je analizirati mogućnosti financiranja koje na raspolaganju stoje MSP sektoru u Hrvatskoj. U ostvarenju ovog cilja koriÅ”teno je desk istraživanje kojim su se prvo detektirale sve mogućnosti financiranja. Nakon toga proveden je intervju s kreditnom referenticom konkretne banke kako bi se dobio detaljniji uvid u navedeni problem. Rezultati dobiveni analizom pokazali su da pristup financiranju ozbiljan problem, prvenstveno zbog nedostataka kolaterala od strane malih i srednjih poduzeća, te nerazvijenosti alternativnih oblika financiranja, ali da postoje značajni napori, prije svega Vlade, u rjeÅ”avanju ovog problema.The aim of this paper was to analyze the funding opportunities, available to SMEs sector in Croatia. In achieving this aim, desk research was used for detecting all available funding options at this moment. Later, interview with credit officer was conducted in order to get more detailed insight into this problem. Results obtained from the analysis showed that the access to finance is severe problem, primarily due to lack of collateral owned by the small and medium-sized enterprises, and underdevelopment od the alternative forms of financing, but also that there are significant efforts, especially from the government, to solve this problem

    The Relationship between Dental Occlusion and ā€œProsthetic Occlusionā€ of Prosthetic Restorations Supported by Natural Teeth and Osseointegrated Dental Implants

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    The concept of human dental occlusion represents much more than the mere physical contact of the biting surfaces of opposing teeth. It is not a static, unchanging, structural relationship, but rather a dynamic, real, physiological relationship between different tissue systems. It is best defined as the functional relationship between the components of the masticatory system, which includes the teeth, the periodontium, the neuromuscular system, the temporomandibular joints and the craniofacial skeleton. Biologically, occlusion represents a coordinated functional interaction between different cell populations of the masticatory tissue systems that differentiate, model, remodel, destroy and regenerate. When the functional balance of the masticatory system is disturbed or when occlusion is restored by various types of prosthetic restorations, specific goals of occlusal treatment become important, especially today with the rapid insertion of dental implants. The aim of this chapter is to highlight the characteristics of dental occlusion in relation to the characteristics and requirements of ā€˜prosthetic occlusionā€™ for different types of prosthetic restorations supported by natural teeth, gingiva, alveolar ridges and dental implants. A particular focus in writing the chapter is the analysis of the scientific literature on the interrelationship between the so-called occlusion concepts and the biomechanical aspects of different types of implant prosthetic restorations


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    Cilj ovog rada bio je analizirati mogućnosti financiranja koje na raspolaganju stoje MSP sektoru u Hrvatskoj. U ostvarenju ovog cilja koriÅ”teno je desk istraživanje kojim su se prvo detektirale sve mogućnosti financiranja. Nakon toga proveden je intervju s kreditnom referenticom konkretne banke kako bi se dobio detaljniji uvid u navedeni problem. Rezultati dobiveni analizom pokazali su da pristup financiranju ozbiljan problem, prvenstveno zbog nedostataka kolaterala od strane malih i srednjih poduzeća, te nerazvijenosti alternativnih oblika financiranja, ali da postoje značajni napori, prije svega Vlade, u rjeÅ”avanju ovog problema.The aim of this paper was to analyze the funding opportunities, available to SMEs sector in Croatia. In achieving this aim, desk research was used for detecting all available funding options at this moment. Later, interview with credit officer was conducted in order to get more detailed insight into this problem. Results obtained from the analysis showed that the access to finance is severe problem, primarily due to lack of collateral owned by the small and medium-sized enterprises, and underdevelopment od the alternative forms of financing, but also that there are significant efforts, especially from the government, to solve this problem
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