91 research outputs found

    Digital Storytelling in Teacher Professional Development

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    Editorial for EJEL Volume 17 Issue 1.

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    The Organizational Implementation of Online Teacher Professional Development

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    The effectiveness of e-learning:An explorative and integrative review of the definitions, methodologies and factors that promote e-Learning effectiveness

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    Abstract A structured search of library databases revealed that research examining the effectiveness of e-Learning has heavily increased within the last five years. After taking a closer look at the search results, the authors discovered that previous researchers defined and investigated effectiveness in multiple ways. At the same time, learning and development professionals within public and private organisations are increasingly being asked to prove the effectiveness of their learning and development initiatives. This paper investigates the effectiveness of e-Learning through an integrative review. The paper answers the following research questions: How is the effectiveness of e-Learning defined? How is the effectiveness of e-Learning measured? What makes e-Learning solutions effective? The authors discovered 19 distinct ways to define effectiveness, the most common of which is ‘learning outcome’, appearing in 41 % of the articles examined in the literature review. Moreover, the most common way to measure effectiveness is quantitatively with pre- and post-tests. This paper includes an empirical study of an e-Learning solution for science teachers (K–12) which serves as a valuable addition to the findings of the literature study. The study suggests that it is difficult to use e-Learning to improve teaching performance, as participating teachers can apply several strategies to avoid substantially changing their work-related practices. Furthermore, the study shows that only using the fulfilment of pre-defined learning objectives as an effectiveness parameter does not allow developers and researchers to see unexpected and unintended changes in practice that occur as a result of the e-Learning program. Finally, the research provides insight into the validity of self-assessments

    Erfaringer med brug af multimediecases

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    Første gang publiceret i UNEV nr. 1: Undervisningsformer på nettet, november 2003, red. Simon Heilesen og Helle Bækkelund Jensen. ISSN 1603-5518.Casebaseret undervisning har ligesom mange andre undervisningsformer fundet vej til de digitale, multimediale og virtuelle rum. Denne artikel beskæftiger sig med undervisningscases, der både er baseret på IKT-teknologier, i dette tilfælde webbaserede cases, og som er multimediale, dvs. gør brug af flere asynkrone og synkrone medieformer. Casene anvendes i dag primært som undervisningsmateriale i forbindelse med tilstedeværelsesundervisning, men bruges også i helt virtuelle online-forløb. I artiklen peges på områder, som kræver opmærksomhed under brug og udvikling af multimediecases, og på, hvordan en sådan undervisning kan gennemføres. Herunder gennemgås nogle forslag til værktøjer, som kan anvendes for at opnå en læringsproces, hvor de studerende er engagerede i undervisningen, og hvor de aktiveres til et højt refleksionsniveau, der både inddrager praksis fra casen, og som er funderet i fagets teori

    Editorial for EJEL Volume 16 Issue 1

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    Workshops as a Research Methodology

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    Multimedia teaching cases

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    SUMMARY The summary presents an overview of the dissertation and major findings of my research: · Research Area, Questions and Design · Frame of Reference - Domain Knowledge · Major Findings Research Area, Questions and Design This dissertation investigates development and use of multimedia teaching cases, as applied in business education. Teaching cases present companies, and the current problems or opportunities they are facing. (Barnes, Christensen and Hansen 1994, Maufette- Leenders, Erskine and Leenders 1997, Heath 1998, Manninen 1997.) The primary characteristic is that the case is based on real events. Very often the case description follows a decision-making situation. (Mauffette-Leenders, Erskine, and Leenders 1997, Hazard 2000.) The case is prepared by students and then discussed in class. The objective of the class discussion is to analyse the company's situation and come up with viable strategies for the future (Leenders and Erskine 1989, Heath 1998, Orngreen and Bielli 2001). Cases were introduced to business education already in 1910 at the Harvard Business School, and have since then gained widespread use throughout the world (Leenders and Erskine 1989). Traditionally teaching cases have been written descriptions, but the teaching cases in this dissertation are multimedia cases. The use of multimedia teaching cases is a relatively new phenomenon. Because of the novelty of the approach, research on how to apply these or developing them is extremely limited. Though I investigate both a use and a development perspective, the use dimension is investigated with the purpose to inform development. In particular the dissertation results in a set of roles and tools influencing the development process, which is also seen in my three research questions: 1. Which roles and tools characterise the development and use of multimedia teaching cases for business education? 2. How are these roles and tools applied to the multimedia development process, and how do they support or restrain the development. 3. How are the development roles and tools, and the use roles and tools interrelated, and how do they relate to a development model for multimedia teaching cases