166 research outputs found

    Punitive Damages in Mass Tort Litigation: Addressing the Problems of Fairness, Efficiency, and Control

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    Oppgaven vår tok utgangspunkt i et helsebygg på Otta (som for øyeblikket er under prosjektering hos Palm & Bratlie). Bygget har en grunnflate på ca.350 m2. Det skal i første omgang bygges i to etasjer, men det prosjekteres for et mulig påbygg av en tredje etasje. Hovedmålet vårt med dette prosjektet var å finne et bæresystem som tilfredsstiller dimensjonerende krav og som, så langt det er hensiktsmessig, lar seg plassere i forhold til romløsning iht. arkitekttegningene. Vi skulle vurdere noen ulike aktuelle bæresystem for deretter å velge det bæresystemet vi fant mest hensiktsmessig i det aktuelle bygget. Deretter skulle det valgte bæresystemet dimensjoneres og det skulle utarbeides DAK tegninger av løsningen

    Oppstartsfasens betydning for teamprestasjoner: en eksplorativ utredning om aktiviteter i oppstartsfasen og deres sammenhenger med teamprestasjoner

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    Vår studie har til formål å belyse aktiviteter i oppstartsfasen til team, og om disse aktivitetene har sammenheng med teamprestasjoner. Fra eksisterende litteratur vet vi at hendelser tidlig i et teams levetid har langvarig effekt, men kunnskap om hva som påvirker teamprestasjoner og hvordan er begrenset. Dypere innsikt rundt sammenhengen mellom aktiviteter i oppstartsfasen og teamprestasjoner vil kunne hjelpe team å fokusere på de aktivitetene som sannsynliggjør bedre prestasjoner. For å belyse vår problemstilling har vi observert oppstartsfasen til 18 team i gjennomføringen av teambuildingøvelsen Escape Room. Vi benyttet oss av narrative notater for å samle inn data. Deretter konstruerte vi en mal for koding og analyse av aktivitetene til teamene. Vårt første hovedfunn er aktivitetene vi identifiserte i oppstartsfasen, som vi strukturerte i åtte kategorier; kommunikasjon, målklargjøring, koordinering, ledelse, problemforståelse, motivasjonsbygging, sosial loffing og engasjement. Videre analyserte vi teamets aktiviteter opp mot teamprestasjoner for å belyse eventuelle sammenhenger. Vårt andre hovedfunn i denne studien er at et teams fravær av dysfunksjoner i alle ovennevnte kategorier, synes å ha systematisk sammenheng med gode teamprestasjoner. Våre funn hentyder at et fravær av dysfunksjoner hos team i oppstartsfasen vil vare levetiden ut, og således har en positiv sammenheng med teamprestasjoner. Vi fant også en sammenheng mellom gode teamprestasjoner og team som hadde god kommunikasjon og/eller problemforståelse. Fra litteraturen vet vi at felles problemforståelsen avhenger av teammedlemmenes evne til å kommunisere deres individuelle forståelse av problemet. Ut fra dette, er det altså ikke overraskende at kommunikasjon og problemforståelse opptrer sammen. Eksisterende litteratur beskriver disse aktivitetene som prestasjonsfremmende, hvilket styrker våre funn. Vår studie hentyder en sammenheng, en hypotese som må testes, og er ikke et bevis. Blant vårt utvalg er våre funn likevel tydelig. Vi oppfordrer derfor til ytterligere forskning på dette emnet for å se om disse funnene kan underbygges av kvantitativ forskning, og generaliseres til flere team.nhhma

    The Housewife and the Soldier - Tamil constructions of womanhood in the age of migration

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    Hvordan har medgiftens betydning ændret sig i takt med diasporiseringen af det tamilske samfund? Med fokus på tamilske konstruktioner af kvindelighed, bliver de historiske og kulturelle kontekster medtænkt i debatten om arrangerede ægteskaber

    Pustefrekvens som en metode for intensitetsstyring hos godt trente løpere

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Respiratory rate (RR) is the body's most visible parameter of internal physiological load. Due to challenges in measuring it with other specific measurement methods, RR has mainly been used as a subjective measure of intensity outside the lab. Increased focus on training monitoring has resulted in new wearables that open up the possibility of using RR as a measure of internal physiological load. This study aimed to evaluate (1) the utility of RR as an internal physiological measure for intensity control, (2) the validity and functionality of the newly developed Tyme WearTM shirt. METHOD: Seventeen (11 men, 6 women) well-trained runners (30 ± 6 years, 69 ± 12.7 kg, 175 ± 10 cm, maximum oxygen uptake 61 ± 4 ml.kg-1.min-1) participated in the study. After preliminary testing, the runners completed a long run, threshold run, long interval run, and short interval run in a randomized order. Relevant physiological and perceptual receptors were repeatedly measured during each training session. RESULTS: Vyntus and Tyme WearTM shirt showed strong correlation in measuring maximal respiratory rate (RRmax) (r = 0.986, p < 0.001). RRmax measured by the shirt during runs to exhaustion without a mask showed a significant difference (y = 0.9687x + 10.607, p < 0.05, r = 0.45) compared to the same run with a mask. Percent change in respiratory rate reserve (%RRR) was greater compared to %HRR during LIT (p < 0.001, d = 0.8), TIT (p < 0.001, d = 0.9), HIT (p < 0.001, d = 0.8), and SIT (p < 0.05, d = 0.6). CONCLUSION: RR can be a useful measure for intensity control, and the vest provides valid measurements of RR during training in controlled environments. The benefits of monitoring RR during training include more precise intensity control and better quantification of changes in mobilization during training sessions. KEYWORDS: Endurance, running, respiratory rate, training load, monitoring

    Comparing "challenge-based" and "code-based" internet voting verification implementations

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    Internet-enabled voting introduces an element of invisibility and unfamiliarity into the voting process, which makes it very different from traditional voting. Voters might be concerned about their vote being recorded correctly and included in the final tally. To mitigate mistrust, many Internet-enabled voting systems build verifiability into their systems. This allows voters to verify that their votes have been cast as intended, stored as cast and tallied as stored at the conclusion of the voting period. Verification implementations have not been universally successful, mostly due to voter difficulties using them. Here, we evaluate two cast as intended verification approaches in a lab study: (1) "Challenge-Based" and (2) "Code-Based". We assessed cast-as-intended vote verification efficacy, and identified usability issues related to verifying and/or vote casting. We also explored acceptance issues post-verification, to see whether our participants were willing to engage with Internet voting in a real election. Our study revealed the superiority of the code-based approach, in terms of ability to verify effectively. In terms of real-life Internet voting acceptance, convenience encourages acceptance, while security concerns and complexity might lead to rejection

    Dyslexia and password usage:accessibility in authentication design

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    Governments and businesses are moving online with alacrity, driven by potential cost savings, changing consumer and citizen expectations, and the momentum towards general digital provision. Services are legally required to be inclusive and accessible. Now consider that almost every online service, where people have to identify themselves, requires a password. Passwords seem to be accessible, until one considers specific disabilities, one of which can lead to many challenges: dyslexia being a case in point. Dyslexia is associated with word processing and retention difficulties, and passwords are essentially words, phrases or alphanumeric combinations. We report on a literature review conducted to identify extant research into the impact of dyslexia on password usage, as well as any ameliorations that have been proposed. We discovered a relatively neglected field. We conclude with recommendations for future research into the needs of a large population of dyslexics who seem to struggle with passwords, in a world where avoiding passwords has become almost impossible. The main contribution of this paper is to highlight the difficulties dyslexics face with passwords, and to suggest some avenues for future research in this area

    Seeing is believing: Symbolic politics and the opportunities of non-democratic transition in Angola

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    Following the resignation of President José Eduardo dos Santos after 38 years in power, the August 2017 elections in Angola were peaceful, yet of questionable results and returned the ruling party, MPLA, to power. However, in his first three months in office, the new President, João Lourenço has proceeded to some high-profile reshuffles and symbolic actions that have induced a palpable sense of optimism in the broader population, which seemed hardly warranted before the elections. This article reassesses the outcome of the elections from an Angolan perspective, based on fieldwork carried out in the capital, Luanda and the northern province of UÃge shortly after the polls. By examining how certain actions become symbols and what those symbols enable among Angolan citizens, the article offers a discussion of the weight of symbolic politics and the opportunities for change under conditions that fall short of formal standards of democratic process

    Humanization of robots: is it really such a good idea?

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    The aim of this review was to examine the pros and cons of humanizing social robots following a psychological perspective. As such, we had six goals. First, we defined what social robots are. Second, we clarified the meaning of humanizing social robots. Third, we presented the theoretical backgrounds for promoting humanization. Fourth, we conducted a review of empirical results of the positive effects and the negative effects of humanization on human–robot interaction (HRI). Fifth, we presented some of the political and ethical problems raised by the humanization of social robots. Lastly, we discussed the overall effects of the humanization of robots in HRI and suggested new avenues of research and development.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio