31 research outputs found

    Survey of sex/gender diversity in the GEDA 2019/2020-EHIS study – objectives, procedure and experiences

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    Sex/gender diversity is increasingly recognised by society and should be taken into account more in populationrepresentative studies, as they are important data sources for targeting health promotion, prevention and care. In 2019, the Robert Koch Institute started a population-representative health survey with the study Health in Germany Update (GEDA 2019/2020-EHIS) with a modified, two-stage measures of sex/gender. The survey covered sex registered at birth and gender identity with an open response option. This article describes the aims, the procedure and the experiences with the operationalisation of sex/gender and the results. Out of 23,001 respondents, 22,826 persons are classified as cisgender, 113 persons as transgender and 29 persons as gender-diverse. 33 respondents were counted as having missing values. A survey of interviewers showed that the two-stage measures of sex/gender had a high level of acceptance overall and that there were only a few interview drop-outs. On the basis of previous experience, the modified query can be used for further surveys, but should also be adapted in perspective. For this purpose, participatory studies are desirable that focus on how the acceptance of measures of sex/gender can be further improved and how hurtful experiences in the context of the questions asked can be avoided

    The effect of resveratrol on sphingosine-1 and oxidative/ nitrosative stress in an experimental heart ischemia reperfusion model

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    Objectives: Resveratrol (RSV) is a natural polyphenolic compound showing significant antioxidant effects. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of resveratrol on the sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) and oxidative stress biomarkers in hearth ischemia-reperfusion (I/R). Materials and Methods: The biochemical and histopathological effects of RSV on cardiac ischemia-reperfusion injury were investigated through ELISA- and light microscope. Results: We observed statistically significant differences between the treatment group and the control group in terms of malondialdehyde (MDA) level, catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities (p<0.05). Histopathologically, we also observed decreased Polymorphonuclear Leucocyte (PMNL) infiltration, myocardial edema, miyositolysis in the treatment group compared to the I/R and sham groups. Conclusion: Resveratrol may play an important role in cardiac I/R injury through its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects which were biochemically and histopathologically confirmed in the present study

    Kızılçam (Pinus brutia Ten.) Akdeniz Bölgesi alçak rakım ıslah programı kapsamındaki odun hammedesi üretimini artırmak için kızılçam odun kalitesinde (yoğunluk, lif karakterleri, ilkbahar ve yaz odun oranı) kalıtsallık ve genetik kazanç belirlenmesi

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    TÜBİTAK TOVAG01.09.2008Uzun vadede Kızılçamda odun hammaddesi üretimini artırmak amacıyla, Ceyhan Orman Fidanlığında altı adet klonal tohum bahçesinden toplanan tohumlarla kurulan 168 üvey kardeş aileli Kızılçam (Pinus brutia) döl denemesi kullanılarak, bu türdeki odun özgül ağılığı, lif boyu ve büyüme karakterlerinin genetik kontrolü çalışılmıştır. Gerekli odun örnekleri denemenin yedinci yaştaki aralama esnasında kesilen ağaçlardan elde edilmiştir. Bu çalışmadaki ulaşılmak istenen ana amaçlar; (1) odun özgül ağırlığı ve büyüme karakterleri açısından test edilen aileler arasındaki farklılıklar ile bu farklılığa ait bileşenlerin araştırılması, (2) özgül ağırlığın kalıtımsal özelliği ile büyüme karakteri ve lif uzunluğu ile arasındaki genetik korelasyoların belirlenmesi, (3) fenotipik, ayıklanmış ve genotipik tohum bahçelerinin kurulmasıyla elde edilecek genetik kazancın hesaplanması için özgül ağırlık ve gövde hami açısından 168 aileye ait ıslah değerlerinin ortaya konması olarak belirlenmiştir. Odun özgül ağırlığı açısından 168 aile birbirinden oldukça farklı değerler göstermiştir (0.35 ile 0.44 arasında). Elde edilen bu farklılık tahmin edilen aile (0.55+0,03) ve bireysel (0.42+ 0,07) kalıtım derecelerinin yüksek değerlere ulaşmasını sağlamıştır. Benzer sonuçlar büyüme karakterlerinde ve lif uzunluğunda da gözlenmiştir. Ancak ilkbahar odunun yaz odununa oranında aileler arasında bir fark ortaya çıkmamıştır. Özgül ağırlık ile büyüme karakterleri arasındaki genetik ve fenotipik korelasyonlar istatistiki olarak anlamsızken, lif karakteri özgül ağırlık ile azda olsa negatif, büyüme karakterleriyle ise pozitif bir ilişki göstermiştir. Yedinci yaştaki tek bir karaktere göre yapılan seleksiyonda kontrol materyaline göre fenotipik tohum bahçelerinden elde edilen genetik kazanç, gövde hacmi için % 8.4 olarak hesaplanırken, bu değer özgül ağırlık açısından oldukça düşük olup (%0.37) istatistiki olarak anlamsızdır. Her bir tohum bahçesinde 20 klon bırakılacak şekilde bir genetik ayıklama yapılması sonucunda tohum bahçelerinden elde edilecek genetik kazanç ise gövde hacmi için % 16.1 ve özgül ağırlık içinde %1.7 olarak tahmin edilmiştir. Islah değerlerine göre bir ve ikinci seri denemelerde en yüksek ıslah değerine sahip 30 klonla kurulacak genotipik tohum bahçelerinden elde edilecek 9 genetik kazanç, gövde hacminde % 35, özgül ağırlıkta %5.2 ve lif boyu içinse %12 olarak bulunmuştur. Özgül ağırlık ile büyüme karakterleri arasında genetik ve fenotipik bir ilişkini olmaması her iki karakter açısından da bir seleksiyon yapılabilmesine olanak sağlamıştır. Her iki karakter açısından en yüksek 10 ailenin seçilmesiyle elde edilen genetik kazanç gövde hacmi için % 27.7 iken özgül ağırlık için % 5.6 olarak hesaplanmıştır.In long term, to increase wood production in Turkish red pine (Pinus brutia), genetic control of wood specific gravity (WSG), fiber length and growth traits was investigated. Open pollinated Ceyhan progeny trial, which was established with the seeds collected from 168 clones originated from six clonal Turkish red pine seed orchards was used to realize this investigation. Wood samples were taken by destructive sampling during the rouging of this trial at the age of seven. Specifically; (1) to examine the magnitude of family differences and its components for wood specific gravity (WSG) and growth traits (height, diameter and stem volume); (2) to determine WSG inheritance and its genetic correlation with growth traits; and (3) to estimate breeding values of 168 families for the WSG and to predict genetic gain if selection is based on phenotypic, rouged and genotypic seed orchard by reselecting the best parents with respect to WSG. Differences among the 168 families for mean WSG was large (ranged from 0.35 to 0.44), as indicated by high individual (0.42+0.07) and family mean (0.55+0.03) heritabilities. Family differences and high heritabilities were also observed for all growth traits and fiber length. Genetic correlations between WSG and growth traits were statistically insignificant (near zero), while low and insignificant negative phenotypic correlations among the same traits were observed. On the other hand, although the same correlation was negative for wood specific gravity and fiber length, a positive genetic correlation between fiber length and growth traits was observed. Realized genetic gain for single trait selection at age of seven was insignificant (0.37 %) for WSG and 8.4 % for stem volume in phenotypic seed orchards. Average genetic gain in breeding zone after roguing, by leaving the best 20 clones in each seed orchard, reached 1.7 % for WSG and 16.1 % for stem volume. Genetic gain (relative to controls) at the age of seven obtained from the first generation genotypic seed orchards consisting the best 30 clones was estimated 5.2 % for WSG, 35 % for stem volume and 12% for fiber length. Multi-trait selection was also proposed in this 11 study for the same traits. Selection of best 10 families for the highest WSG and stem volume breeding values produce 5.6 % genetic gain for WSG and 27.7 % genetic gain for stem volume

    Erhebung geschlechtlicher Diversität in der Studie GEDA 2019/2020-EHIS – Ziele, Vorgehen und Erfahrungen

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    Die geschlechtliche Vielfalt wird gesellschaftlich zunehmend anerkannt und sollte in bevölkerungsrepräsentativen Studien verstärkt berücksichtigt werden, da sie wichtige Datenquellen sind, um Gesundheitsförderung, Prävention und Versorgung adressatengerecht auszurichten. Im Jahr 2019 startete im Robert Koch-Institut mit der Studie „Gesundheit in Deutschland aktuell“ (GEDA 2019/2020-EHIS) die bevölkerungsrepräsentative Gesundheitsbefragung mit einer geänderten, zweistufigen Geschlechtsabfrage. Erhoben wurden das bei Geburt eingetragene Geschlecht und die geschlechtliche Identität mit einer offenen Antwortoption. Im vorliegenden Artikel werden die Ziele, das Vorgehen und die Erfahrungen mit der Operationalisierung von Geschlecht und die Ergebnisse beschrieben. Von 23.001 Befragten werden 22.826 Personen als cisgeschlechtlich, 113 Personen als transgeschlechtlich und 29 Personen als genderdivers eingeordnet. 33 Befragte wurden als Personen mit fehlenden Werten gezählt. Eine Befragung der Interviewenden zeigte, dass die zweistufige Geschlechtsabfrage insgesamt eine hohe Akzeptanz aufweist und es nur zu wenigen Interviewabbrüchen kommt. Auf der Grundlage der bisherigen Erfahrungen kann die geänderte Abfrage für weitere Befragungen genutzt werden, sollte perspektivisch jedoch auch angepasst werden. Hierfür sind partizipative Studien wünschenswert, die darauf fokussieren, wie die Akzeptanz der Geschlechtsabfrage weiter verbessert werden kann und wie verletzende Erfahrungen im Kontext der gestellten Fragen vermieden werden können

    Laryngoscopic Examination During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Turkish Voice Speech and Swallowing Disorders Society and Turkish Professional Voice Society Recommendations

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    COVID-19 is highly transmissible and spreads rapidly in the population. This increases the occupational risk for health care workers. In otolaryngology clinic practice, patients with upper respiratory tract infection symptoms are common. Also, routine head and neck examinations such as oral cavity examination, nasal/nasopharyngeal examination, or video laryngostroboscopic evaluation are highly risky because of the aerosol formation. To emphasize this issue, two leading otolaryngology organizations in Turkey; 'Voice Speech and Swallowing Disorders Society', and 'Professional Voice Society' gathered a task force. This task force aimed to prepare a consensus report that would provide practical recommendations of the safety measurements during routine clinical care of laryngology patients. To fulfill this, universal aim, on the 2nd and 9th of May 2020, two web-based meetings were conducted by 20 expert physicians. This eighteen items list was prepared as an output