16 research outputs found

    Ünivalent Fonksiyonlar Teorisinde Geometrik Fonksiyonların Sağladığı Bazı Özellikler

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    Bu çalışmada görüntü kümesi özel bir geometrik özelliğe sahip olan ünivalent fonksiyonların bazı aileleri incelenmiştir. Bu aileler konveks ve yıldızıl dönüşümler, hemen hemen konveks dönüşümler ve spiral-like dönüşümlerdir. Bu fonksiyonların analitik özellikleri ile görüntü kümesinin geometrisi arasındaki bağlantı ifade edilmiştir. Ayrıca bu fonksiyonların Hadamard Çarpımının geometrik özellikleri ve bu çarpım ile oluşturulan koşullar derlenmiştir

    Adjunctive Effects of a Sub-Antimicrobial Dose of Doxycycline on Clinical Parameters and Potential Biomarkers of Periodontal Tissue Catabolism

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    Objectives: The aim of the present randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-arm study was to examine the effectiveness of a sub-antimicrobial dose of doxycycline (SDD) in combination with nonsurgical periodontal therapy, compared to nonsurgical periodontal therapy alone, on potential gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) biomarkers of periodontal tissue catabolism related to the clinical outcomes over a 12-month period. Materials and Methods: GCF was collected and clinical parameters were recorded from 30 periodontitis patients randomized either to an SDD or placebo group. The SDD group received SDD (20 mg) b.i.d for 3 months plus scaling and root planing (SRP), while the placebo group was given placebo capsules b.i.d for 3 months plus SRP. The patients were evaluated every 3 months during the 12-month study period. At each visit, clinical parameters and GCF sampling were repeated. Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-8, MMP-9, MMP-13, myeloperoxidase (MPO), osteoprotegerin (OPG), and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase-5 (TRAP-5) were determined by IFMA and ELISA. Results: Significant improvements were observed in all clinical parameters in both groups over 12 months (p < 0.0125) while the SDD group showed significantly better reduction in gingival index (GI) and pocket depth and a gain in clinical attachment compared to the placebo group (p < 0.05). GCF MMP-8 and OPG levels significantly reduced in the SDD group compared to baseline (p < 0.05). GCF MMP-9 significantly decreased in both groups compared to baseline (p < 0.05). GCF MPO significantly decreased at 3 and 9 months in the SDD group, while it significantly decreased at 6 months in the placebo group (p < 0.05). TRAP and MMP-13 could be detected in none of the samples. Conclusions: The present results indicate that three months of adjunctive usage of SDD to nonsurgical periodontal therapy compared to nonsurgical periodontal therapy alone in periodontitis patients results in further improvement of clinical periodontal parameters and GCF markers of periodontal tissue breakdown over a 12-month period. Beneficial effects of adjunctive SDD therapy is likely to be related to the reduced levels of two major periodontitis-associated MMPs, MMP-8 and -9, and their potential oxidative activator MPO

    Adjunctive Effects of a Sub-Antimicrobial Dose of Doxycycline on Clinical Parameters and Potential Biomarkers of Periodontal Tissue Catabolism

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    Objectives: The aim of the present randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-arm study was to examine the effectiveness of a sub-antimicrobial dose of doxycycline (SDD) in combination with nonsurgical periodontal therapy, compared to nonsurgical periodontal therapy alone, on potential gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) biomarkers of periodontal tissue catabolism related to the clinical outcomes over a 12-month period. Materials and Methods: GCF was collected and clinical parameters were recorded from 30 periodontitis patients randomized either to an SDD or placebo group. The SDD group received SDD (20 mg) b.i.d for 3 months plus scaling and root planing (SRP), while the placebo group was given placebo capsules b.i.d for 3 months plus SRP. The patients were evaluated every 3 months during the 12-month study period. At each visit, clinical parameters and GCF sampling were repeated. Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-8, MMP-9, MMP-13, myeloperoxidase (MPO), osteoprotegerin (OPG), and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase-5 (TRAP-5) were determined by IFMA and ELISA. Results: Significant improvements were observed in all clinical parameters in both groups over 12 months (p < 0.0125) while the SDD group showed significantly better reduction in gingival index (GI) and pocket depth and a gain in clinical attachment compared to the placebo group (p < 0.05). GCF MMP-8 and OPG levels significantly reduced in the SDD group compared to baseline (p < 0.05). GCF MMP-9 significantly decreased in both groups compared to baseline (p < 0.05). GCF MPO significantly decreased at 3 and 9 months in the SDD group, while it significantly decreased at 6 months in the placebo group (p < 0.05). TRAP and MMP-13 could be detected in none of the samples. Conclusions: The present results indicate that three months of adjunctive usage of SDD to nonsurgical periodontal therapy compared to nonsurgical periodontal therapy alone in periodontitis patients results in further improvement of clinical periodontal parameters and GCF markers of periodontal tissue breakdown over a 12-month period. Beneficial effects of adjunctive SDD therapy is likely to be related to the reduced levels of two major periodontitis-associated MMPs, MMP-8 and -9, and their potential oxidative activator MPO

    DRD4 genotyping may differentiate symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and sluggish cognitive tempo

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    Objective: Studies to reduce the heterogeneity of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have increased interest in the concept of sluggish cognitive tempo (SCT). The aim of this study was to investigate if the prevalence of two variable-number tandem repeats (VNTRs) located within the 30 -untranslated region of the DAT1 gene and in exon 3 of the dopamine D4 receptor (DRD4) gene differ among four groups (31 subjects with SCT but no ADHD, 146 individuals with ADHD but no SCT, 67 subjects with SCT + ADHD, and 92 healthy controls). Methods: We compared the sociodemographic profiles, neurocognitive domains, and prevalence of two VNTRs in SCT and ADHD subjects versus typically developing (TD) controls. Results: The SCT without ADHD group had a higher proportion of females and lower parental educational attainment. Subjects in this group performed worse on neuropsychological tests, except for psychomotor speed and commission errors, compared to controls. However, the ADHD without SCT group performed significantly worse on all neuropsychological domains than controls. We found that 4R homozygosity for the DRD4 gene was most prevalent in the ADHD without SCT group. The SCT without ADHD group had the highest 7R allele frequency, differing significantly from the ADHD without SCT group. Conclusion: The 7R allele of DRD4 gene was found to be significantly more prevalent in SCT cases than in ADHD cases. No substantial neuropsychological differences were found between SCT and ADHD subjects

    On some properties which are provided by geometric functions in ünivalent function theory

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    YÖK Tez No: 379809Bu çalışmada görüntü kümesi özel bir geometrik özelliğe sahip olan ünivalent fonksiyonların bazı aileleri incelenmiştir. Bu aileler konveks ve yıldızıl dönüşümler, hemen hemen konveks dönüşümler ve spiral-like dönüşümlerdir. Bu fonksiyonların analitik özellikleri ile görüntü kümesinin geometrisi arasındaki bağlantı ifade edilmiştir. Ayrıca bu fonksiyonların Hadamard Çarpımının geometrik özellikleri ve bu çarpım ile oluşturulan koşullar derlenmiştir.Some families of univalent functions for which the image domain has a special geometric property were considered in this study. Among the families considered are convex and star-like mappings, close-to-convex mappings, spiral-like mappings. The connection between the geometry of the image domains and analytic properties of the mapping function was described. Also geometric properties of Hadamard Product of geometric functions were collected

    Gen ifadesi zaman serisi verileri için hizalama algoritması

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    Biyolojik bir sürece ait gen ifadesi zaman serilerinin örnekleme zamanları veya ilerleme hızları farklı koşullarda veya bireylerde değişebilmektedir. Bu nedenle zaman serilerinin uygun bir şekilde karşılaştırması, kümelenmesi ve sınıflandırılması gibi problemlerde genellikle serilerin hizalanması gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada, gen ifadesi zaman serilerinin hizalanmasında kullanılan çeşitli metodolojik yaklaşımlara genel bir bakışın sunulması ve literatürde başlıca kullanılan algoritmaların ayrıntılı olarak incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Ayrıca yaygın olarak kullanılan dinamik zaman bükmesi algoritması, insan ve fare akciğer gelişim sürecine uygulanarak bu iki süreç arasındaki benzerlik ve farklılıkların ortaya konulması hedeflenmiştir. İlk olarak, hizalama algoritmalarını gen ifadesi zaman serilerine uygulamadan önce; modelleme, gen seçimi ve gürültü giderme gibi ön işleme adımlarına neden ihtiyaç duyulduğu açıklanmış ve her bir ön işleme adımına ait literatürde kullanılan yaklaşımlar özetlenmiştir. Ardından gen ifadesi zaman serileri için geliştirilmiş olan hizalama algoritmaları; dinamik zaman bükmesi, parametrik zaman bükmesi, üretici zaman bükmesi ve korelasyon zaman bükmesi algoritmaları ayrıntılı olarak anlatılmıştır. Son olarak, bu hizalama algoritmalarının performansları, uygulama alanlarındaki etkinlikleri ve yapılarından kaynaklanan kısıtlılıkları değerlendirilmiştir. Tezin uygulama kısmında ise, insan ve fare fetal akciğer gelişimine ait zamansal farklar, dinamik zaman bükmesi algoritmasıyla tahminlenmiş ve bir simülasyon prosedürü yardımıyla bu farkların istatistiksel olarak anlamlılığı değerlendirilmiştir. Gen ifadesi zaman serilerinin hizalanmasında kullanılan algoritmalar, değişik hızlarda seyreden biyolojik olaylardaki benzerliklerin ve farklılıkların genom düzeyinde aydınlatılmasında büyük kolaylıklar sağlamaktadır.The sampling time or rate of progress of gene expression time series belonging to a biological process can vary in different conditions or in individuals. Therefore, the series need to be aligned with alignment algorithms special to gene expression time course data before comparison, classification and clustering tasks. In this study, it is aimed to present a general overview of the different approaches used in aligning gene expression time series data, and to apply a commonly used algorithm by using human and mouse fetal lung development data. First of all, gene selection criteria before the alignment and, mathematical and statistical modeling approaches for handling missing data, irregular sampling and sparseness of gene expression time series data problems have been discussed. Then, the use of dynamic time warping algorithm that is widely used in different research areas such as speech recognition, data mining and information retrieval to aligning gene expression data has been examined. After discussion about dynamic time warping algorithm other developed methods such as parametric time warping, multi segment generative time warping and shorting correlation optimized time warping algorithms have been summarized with their modeling approaches. B-splines, its coefficients estimated via linear mixed effect model, have been constructed for the time series in pre-processing step of parametric time warping; and smoothing B-splines have been used for the last two methods. Finally, the performance of these alignment algorithms, their effectiveness according to application areas, and their limitations were evaluated. In application section of this thesis, time shifts between mouse and human fetal lung development have been estimated with dynamic time warping algorithm, and statistical significance of these shifts has been determined via a simulation procedure. The algorithms used to align the gene expression time series provide great ease in bring out the similarities and differences in the biological events in different speeds at the genome level

    Ünivalent Fonksiyonlar Teorisinde Geometrik Fonksiyonların Sağladığı Bazı Özellikler

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    Bu çalışmada görüntü kümesi özel bir geometrik özelliğe sahip olan ünivalent fonksiyonların bazı aileleri incelenmiştir. Bu aileler konveks ve yıldızıl dönüşümler, hemen hemen konveks dönüşümler ve spiral-like dönüşümlerdir. Bu fonksiyonların analitik özellikleri ile görüntü kümesinin geometrisi arasındaki bağlantı ifade edilmiştir. Ayrıca bu fonksiyonların Hadamard Çarpımının geometrik özellikleri ve bu çarpım ile oluşturulan koşullar derlenmişti

    Ünivalent Fonksiyonlar Teorisinde Geometrik Fonksiyonların Sağladığı Bazı Özellikler

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    Bu çalışmada görüntü kümesi özel bir geometrik özelliğe sahip olan ünivalent fonksiyonların bazı aileleri incelenmiştir. Bu aileler konveks ve yıldızıl dönüşümler, hemen hemen konveks dönüşümler ve spiral-like dönüşümlerdir. Bu fonksiyonların analitik özellikleri ile görüntü kümesinin geometrisi arasındaki bağlantı ifade edilmiştir. Ayrıca bu fonksiyonların Hadamard Çarpımının geometrik özellikleri ve bu çarpım ile oluşturulan koşullar derlenmişti

    Investigation of the relationship between lower extremity functional performance of American football players and their anthropometric characteristics and jump test results

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    Objective: Hop tests have well-known benefits when evaluating the rehabilitation process after sports injuries. However, utilization of hop tests to evaluate functional athletic performance of healthy athletes is currently uncertain and is not common in clinical practice. This study aimed to investigate the relationships between hop performance, their symmetries and functional test performance in American Football (AmF) players. Materials and Methods: Twenty-six collegiate AmF players aged 20.9±2.5 years participated in this study. According to their playing positions, players categorized as Skill Players (SP), Big Skill Players (BSP) and Linemen (LM). Body Mass Index (BMI) and body fat ratio were measured. Then, subjects were performed hop tests and 10-yards Lower Extremity Functional Test (LEFT). Players were also analysed by dividing into low and high performers for LEFT, according to their LEFT test duration. Results: Hop test performance of the SP was superior to LM for SLH, TH, and CH. The performance of BSP was inferior to SP for CH, and was superior to LM for SLH. In LEFT, the SP group was significantly faster than LM. For LEFT, TH, CH and 6H test results were significantly different between low and high performer players. Conclusion: Hop tests may be utilized to evaluate the functional athletic performance of AmF players. Physical characteristics and playing positions should also be considered. Symmetry had no effect on LEFT