215 research outputs found
Hegemony can be roughly defined as the overall field of practical strategies exerted by a dominant power in gaining the consent of the people under its rule (Eagleton, 1996: 167). The authority exercised on subordinated classes depends on consent, not force. Predominant classes operate hegemony through ideology; and media is one of the fields that hegemony is achieved. Cultivation theory expresses that television has a role on the social reality conceptualization and the world perception of people. For instance, heavy viewers consider that police is essential for this world. This suggests that hegemony is achieved. In this study, research concerning the cultivation role of television on the students of Faculty of Science at Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey was carried out and the cultivation role has come out as a result of the analyses. This result indicates that hegemony is achieved on the related faculty students. In the Conclusion, I will discuss whether television is an old or new technology.Hegemonija možemo ugrubo definirati kao ukupno polje praktične strategije dominantne snage, u pridobivanju pristanka ljudi pod njegovom vladavinom (Eagleton, 1996: 167). Autoritet nad podređenim klasama ovisi o pristanku, a ne o snazi. Dominantni klase hegemoniju iskazuju kroz ideologije, a mediji su jedno od područja kroz koje se postiže hegemonija. Teorija kultiviranja naglašava da televizija ima ulogu u konceptualizaciji društvene stvarnosti i percepcije svijeta kod ljudi. Na primjer, redovni gledatelji smatraju da je policija bitna za ovaj svijet. To sugerira da se hegemonija ostvaruje. U ovoj studiji,napravljeno je istraživanje o kultivirajućoj ulozi uz sudjelovanje studenata Prirodoslovnog fakulteta na Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turska.Istraživanje je pokazalo da postoji kultivirajuća uloga televizije. Ovaj rezultat pokazuje da se hegemonija ostvaruje na studentima srodnih fakulteta. U zaključku,raspravlja se o pitanju da li je televizija stara ili nova tehnologija
Hegemony can be roughly defined as the overall field of practical strategies exerted by a dominant power in gaining the consent of the people under its rule (Eagleton, 1996: 167). The authority exercised on subordinated classes depends on consent, not force. Predominant classes operate hegemony through ideology; and media is one of the fields that hegemony is achieved. Cultivation theory expresses that television has a role on the social reality conceptualization and the world perception of people. For instance, heavy viewers consider that police is essential for this world. This suggests that hegemony is achieved. In this study, a research concerning the cultivation role of television on the students of Faculty of Science at Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey was carried out and the cultivation role has come out as a result of the analyses. This result indicates that hegemony is achieved on the related faculty students. In the Conclusion, I will discuss whether television is an old or new technology.Hegemonija možemo ugrubo definirati kao ukupno polje praktične strategije dominantne snage, u pridobivanju pristanka ljudi pod njegovom vladavinom (Eagleton, 1996: 167). Autoritet nad podređenim klasama ovisi o pristanku, a ne o snazi. Dominantni klase hegemoniju iskazuju kroz ideologije, a mediji su jedno od područja kroz koje se postiže hegemonija. Teorija kultiviranja naglašava da televizija ima ulogu u konceptualizaciji društvene stvarnosti i percepcije svijeta kod ljudi. Na primjer, redovni gledatelji smatraju da je policija bitna za ovaj svijet. To sugerira da se hegemonija ostvaruje. U ovoj studiji,napravljeno je istraživanje o kultivirajućoj ulozi uz sudjelovanje studenata Prirodoslovnog fakulteta na Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turska.Istraživanje je pokazalo da postoji kultivirajuća uloga televizije. Ovaj rezultat pokazuje da se hegemonija ostvaruje na studentima srodnih fakulteta. U zaključku,raspravlja se o pitanju da li je televizija stara ili nova tehnologija
Organizational and functional analysis of the Turkey Republic Ombudsman Institution
Devletin temel görevi kendi vatandaşlarına en iyi kamusal hizmeti
vermektir. Devletin bu temel görevini ilgili idareler yürütmekte ve yine onlar
tarafından halka sunulmaktadır. İşte sunulan bu hizmet yerine getirilirken kimi
zaman vatandaşların şikâyetleri söz konusu olmaktadır. Vatandaşların devlet ile
olan sorunlarını çözecek birçok kurum olmasına rağmen yeterli sonuçlar
günümüzde hala elde edilememiştir.
Ombudsman denetimi de bireyler ile idareler arasındaki uyuşmazlıkları
çözmek için ilk kez İsveç’te kurulmuş olan bir tamamlayıcı denetim sistemidir.
Ombudsman, bireylerin şikâyetlerini dinleyen ve gerektiğinde soruşturma
başlatarak ilgili idareleri denetleyen bir denetim sistemidir. Bireyleri idarelerin
keyfi ve hak mahrumiyeti yaratan uygulamalarından koruyan ombudsman, verdiği
tavsiye kararlarıyla da adeta adalet savunucusu bir rol üstlenmektedir. Zaman
içerisinde sorun çözme konusunda gösterdiği başarılardan ötürü İskandinav
ülkelerinden başlayarak hızla yayılmıştır.
Ombudsmanın örgütsel ve işlevsel analizini gerçekleştirdiğimiz bu
çalışmanın ilk bölümünde kamu, denetim ve kamu denetçiliğinin gelişimi ve
türleri üzerinde durulmuştur. Çalışmamızın ikinci bölümünde ise ombudsmana
ilişkin literatür bilgisi verildikten sonra önemli altı ülkenin ombudsman kurumları
incelenmiştir. Çalışmamızın son bölümünde ise Türkiye’deki ombudsman
kurumuna neden ihtiyaç olduğu, ne gibi çalışmalar yapıldığı, örgütsel sisteminin
nasıl olduğu ve işlevsellik durumunun ne olduğu konularına yer verilmiştir.The main task of the state is to provide the best public services to their
citizens. This essential task is carried out by state authorities concerned and served
to the public by them. Sometimes citizens' complaints are concerned while
fulfilling these services offered. Despite the fact that there are many state
institutions to solve the problem of citizens regarding the goverment, today
satisfactory results still have not been optained.
The Ombudsman audit is also a complementary control systems first
established in Sweden to resolve disputes between the administration and
individuals. The Ombudsman is an inspection system that listen the individuals’
complaints and check the relevant authorities by initiating the investigation when
needed. The Ombudsman that protect individuals from administrations’
applications that create arbitary deprivation of rights almost plays a justice
advocate role in its advised decisions. It is spread rapidly in time starting from the
Scandinavian countries due to successes in solving problems.
In the first part of this study that we performed an organizational and
functional analysis of Ombudsman, it is focused on the public, audit and the
development of public control and its types. In the second part of our study the
Ombudsman institutions of six important countries were examined after citing
works of literature about it. In the last part of our study the topic such as “why the
Ombudsman institution in Turkey is needed, what kind of work is done, how its
organizational system is and what its functional status is’’ are included
England and Kashgar State Relations (1870-1874)
1865 yılında Doğu Türkistan’a gelerek Kaşgar’a hâkim olan Yakub Beg devletini kurduktan kısa bir süre sonra İngiltere ve Rusya’nın ilgi alanlarına girmiştir. Kaşgar Devleti’ne karşı Rusya menfi bir tutum izlemiş; bölgedeki ticari çıkarlarını zedelenmesinden korkmuş ve işgal ettiği Batı Türkistan’daki Türk Hanlıklarına kötü örnek olacağı endişesine kapılmıştır. İngiltere de Kaşgar Devleti’ne olumlu yaklaşarak; onun ticari olanaklarından faydalanmak istemiş, Hindistan’ı korumak için Rusya ile aralarında tampon bir devlet olarak düşünmüştür. Yakub Beg ise özellikle Rusların tehdidine karşı İngiltere’yi koz olarak kullanıp varlığını korumaya çalışmıştır. Bu makalede Yakub Beg’in 1870- 1874 yılları arasında İngiltere’yle kurduğu diplomatik ilişkiler ele alınmış, bu ilişkilerin Kaşgar devleti açısından etkisi irdelenmeye çalışılmıştır.Shortly after being established, Kashgar state attracted the attention of Britain and Russia. Where Russia took a negative stance against Kashgar state as it was afraid its commercial interests in the region would be damaged and worried that this would set a bad example to the Turkish Khanates in West Turkestan that it had already occupied, Britain approached it positively as it wanted to take advantage of its commercial possibilities and use it as a buffer between India and Russia. Yakub Bey, on the other hand, tried to protect the State’s existence by using Britain as a trumpcard especially against the threat of the Russians. In this article, Yakub - Beg’s diplomatic relations with Britain between 1870-1874 are discussed, and the effect of these relations on Kashgar State is studied
Elit ferdi ve takım sporcuların kuvvet, sürat ve esneklik performanslarının karşılaştırılması
The purpose of this study, the elite athletes in individual and team strength, speed and flexibility in size and to compare the performance characteristics.Research, studying Sports Science Department, 50 individual and 50 team (32 women, 68 men) voluntarily participated in elite level athletes. The mean age of women athletes in the study was 20.2±1.2 years , mean age 21.5±2.4years male athletes. Research 1RM (Biceps Curl, Triceps Press, Bench Press, Chest Press, Lat Pull, Leg Extantion, Leg Curl, Upper Back, Abdominal, Vertical Rowing), strength, speed (5 m., 10 m., 20 m, 30 m., 40 m., and 50 m.and protectors sit and reach (flexibility) tests were done. As a transaction identifier and intergroup statistical t-tets was performed independ.Women's individual and team athletes 1RM Leg Press values found no significant difference between values (p<0.05) significant difference was found between the other values (p > 0.05). If male athletes (1RM), chest press, shoulder press, lat pully, an important difference between the values of the bench press (p<0.05) between the other values difference (p>0.05).As a result of study based on data obtained from elite level athletes in individual and team sports men and women engaged in their own strength , speed and flexibility differences in values were determined.Bu çalışmanın amacı, elit ferdi ve takım sporcuların kuvvet, sürat ve esneklik özelliklerinin performans boyutu ile karşılaştırılmasıdır.Araştırmaya, Spor Bilimleri Bölümü’nde okuyan 50 ferdi ve 50 takım (32 kadın, 68 erkek) elit düzeyde sporcu gönüllü olarak katıldı. Araştırmaya katılan kadın sporcuların ortalama yaşları 20.2±1.2 yıl, erkek sporcularında ortalama yaşları 21.5±2.4 yıl’dı. Araştırmada 1RM (Biceps Curl, Triceps Press, Bench Press, Chest Press, Lat Pull, Leg Extantion, Leg Curl, Upper Back, Abdominal, Vertical Rowing) kuvvet, sürat (5 m., 10 m., 20 m, 30 m., 40 m., ve 50 m. ve otur uzan (esneklik) testleri yapıldı. İstatistikî işlemler olarak tanımlayıcı ve gruplar arası independ t-test uygulandı.Kadın ferdi ve takım sporcuların değerlerinin 1RM Leg Press değerleri arasında önemli fark bulundu (p<0.05) diğer değerleri arasında önemli fark bulunamadı (p>0.05). Erkek sporcularda ise (1RM) chest press, shoulder press, lat pully, bench press değerleri arasında önemli fark bulunurken (p<0.05) diğer değerleri arasında önemlibir fark bulunamadı (p>0.05). Elde edilen verilere dayalı olarak çalışmamızın sonucunda, elit düzeyde ferdi ve takım sporlarını yapan erkek ve kadın sporcuların kendi arasında kuvvet, sürat ve esneklik değerlerinde farklılıklar belirlendi
Is there any Effect of Core Exercises on Anaerobic Capacity in Female Basketball Players?
This study was planned in order to determine the effect of core exercises on anaerobic capacity of female basketball players. Twelve female athletes who play basketball participated in the study voluntarily. The athletes had 3 sets of repetitive core exercise program performed 4 days a week for 8 weeks at the end of their basketball trainings. The height of the athletes was 165 ± 6.57 cm, body weight was 58.73 ± 7.42 kg, age was 19.75 ± 1.05, and athletic age was 6.11 ± 2.11. According to the analysis of the results, peak power, average power, right and left hand grip strengths and right and left arm fat percentages of post-tests were found to have a statistically significant difference than the pre-tests (p <0.05). To sum up, there are very few studies on the anaerobic capacity of female basketball players, especially on the upper extremities. It is observed that basketball players have a stronger anaerobic capacity in attack and defense and that core exercises have a positive effect on certain basketball-specific technical skills such as passing, shooting, dribbling and defensive movements, and in this sense, they will also increase the performance of the athletes
An investigation of the digital game addiction between high school students
The aim of this study was to investigate the digital game addiction levels of the high school students, according to some variables such as sports participation, gender, place of accommodation and level of income.The sample group comprises 931 high school students (508, %54,6 female and 423, %45,4 male) from several villages, districts and Kutahya city center (a town in the west part of Turkey with the population of 325.000). They participated to the study voluntarily. In addition to personal information from prepared by the researcher, the game addiction scale developed by Lemmens et al. (2009) and adapted to Turkish by Irmak and Erdogan (2015) was used as a data gathering tool. It is a five point Likert type scale and has one factor and seven items. In order to evaluate the results the descriptive statistical methods (percentage (%), frequency (f) and t-test, one-way ANOVA) were used.As a result, the significant difference was determined regarding digital game addiction [t (931)=-3,76; p=0,00] between the students who participate to the sports activities and who do not. So, the non-participant students found more game addicted. According to the gender, male students were determined more addicted than females [t (931)=9,45; p=0,00]. No significant difference was determined in terms of the place where the students lived (p=0,56, p>0,05). Finally, the significant difference was determined in terms of the income levels, [f (931)=3,07; p=0,01] on behalf of the students who had good income level. They found more addicted
The Effect of Strabismus Surgery on Refractive Error and Anterior Segment Measurement
Aim: This study aimed to investigate the effects of horizontal strabismus surgery on refractive error and anterior segment parameters.
Material and Methods: Fifty-four eyes of 27 patients were included in this study. Patients underwent repeated refraction measurements and anterior segment evaluation preoperatively, first week, first month, third month, and sixth month postoperatively. Patients were divided into three groups, those who underwent resection (group 1), recession (group 2), and healthy eyes without any surgical intervention (group 3).
Results: The mean age of the patients was 24.4±11.1 years and 14 (51.9%) were female. There was a statistically significant difference in central corneal thickness in group 2 before and after surgery (p=0.037). The mean central corneal thickness was highest in the first week with 548.14±40.42 µm and lowest in the first month with 541.50±41.75 µm after surgery. There was a statistically significant difference in cell density (p=0.004) and mean cell area (p=0.004) between groups 1 and 2 in the first week after surgery. The cell density level was statistically significantly higher in group 1 in all postoperative measurements. In addition, the mean cell area level was statistically significantly lower in group 1.
Conclusion: Strabismus surgery has an effect on anterior segment parameters in addition to correcting eye movements and visual axis. Depending on the type of intervention, the number of affected anterior segment parameters also varies. In the management of the patient in the postoperative period, the anterior segment structures should be carefully evaluated at each examination and the findings should be noted
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