65 research outputs found

    Kırım Kongo Aşı Projesi

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    Crimean–Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus: Progress in Vaccine Development

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    Crimean–Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV), a member of the Nairoviridae family and Bunyavirales order, is transmitted to humans via tick bites or contact with the blood of infected animals. It can cause severe symptoms, including hemorrhagic fever, with a mortality rate between 5 to 30%. CCHFV is classified as a high-priority pathogen by the World Health Organization (WHO) due to its high fatality rate and the absence of effective medical countermeasures. CCHFV is endemic in several regions across the world, including Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, and has the potential for global spread. The emergence of the disease in new areas, as well as the presence of the tick vector in countries without reported cases, emphasizes the need for preventive measures to be taken. In the past, the lack of a suitable animal model susceptible to CCHFV infection has been a major obstacle in the development of vaccines and treatments. However, recent advances in biotechnology and the availability of suitable animal models have significantly expedited the development of vaccines against CCHF. These advancements have not only contributed to an enhanced understanding of the pathogenesis of CCHF but have also facilitated the evaluation of potential vaccine candidates. This review outlines the immune response to CCHFV and animal models utilized for the study of CCHFV and highlights the progress made in CCHFV vaccine studies. Despite remarkable advancements in vaccine development for CCHFV, it remains crucial to prioritize continued research, collaboration, and investment in this field


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    Cloning of HBsAg Gene of Hepatitis B Virus in to an Expression Vector

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    In the present study, the surface antigen (HBsAg) of HBV was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and cloned into an expression vector. For this purpose, HBV DNA was obtained from a patient with chronic HBV infection. Then, the PCR product of HBsAg gene of HBV was cloned into pcDNA3.1/V5 HisTOPO vector. The resulting recombinant plasmid, termed pFHBsAg, was transformed into jM109 competent bacterial cells. The presence of the HBsAg gene was confirmed by PCR screening assay. Moreover, enzyme digestion assay was also performed for the same purpose. Both assays indicated that HBsAg gene of HBV was placed into the expression plasmid


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    SARS-CoV-2, which caused the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare an international public healthemergency, had infected more than 574 million people and killed more than 6.3 million people as of August3, 2022. As a result of the development of protective vaccines against the disease, 11 vaccines were approvedby the WHO and 40 vaccines were approved for use in humans by different countries. In 2021, inactivatedvaccines constituted 4.16 billion doses of total vaccine production as 11.15 billion doses for Covid-19. Thisamount (approximately 37%) underlines the importance of inactivated vaccines in pandemic conditions. Thefirst step in the inactivated vaccine process is the production of live virus. Investigation of SARS-CoV-2 virusproduction in bioreactor systems, is important for determining the efficient system. The aim of this study wasto comperate the production of SARS-CoV-2 antigen by Vero cells in Cell Factory (CF) system for staticculture and microcarrier (MC) spinner flask system for suspension culture. After virus production, antigencontent of the pellet obtained by PEG precipitation of the clarified culture was determined by SDS-PAGEmethod. According to the first study results, cellular production yields were 0.26 μg antigen/106 cells in theCF system and 0.20 μg antigen/106 cells in the MC system. In second virus production for purification studies,antigen yields were 756.7 μg antigen/liter and 0.39 μg antigen/106 cells. The PEG pellet was purifiedcomparatively in AKTA pure-150 system by using flow-through (Capto Core 400, CC400, Cytiva) and bindelute(Nuvia HP-Q, Bio-Rad) principles. According to the purification results, the antigen yield was 89% forCC400 and 74% for Nuvia HP-Q. CC400, was better about removal of impurities as well. As a result, CellFactory system was found more efficient for lab-scale SARS-CoV-2 antigen production and CC400 columngave the best results for the purification process.</p