41 research outputs found

    Estratègies de compromís amb el govern i la Unió Europea per a modificar la política lingüística

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    La designació de l’irlandès com a llengua oficial de la Unió Europea el 2005 va ser el resultat de la interacció entre un moviment social dinàmic i un govern d’un estat membre, la qual va esdevenir una recerca compartida de canvis en la política lingüística. Atorgar l’estatut d’oficialitat a una llengua fora del context d’una ampliació de la Unió era una situació única que exigia un enfocament nou. Les estratègies adoptades des de bon començament, que es descriuen des d’una perspectiva participativa crítica, implicaven elements creixents de suport cívic i de demostració de la força d’aquest recolzament. Aquests elements definien un context social en què es preveia i era necessària una resposta governamental, de dalt a baix, que, finalment, es va donar. Es tracten aspectes de la negociació en l’àmbit europeu, així com dos casos paral·lels i relacionats en què els drets lingüístics dels ciutadans van ser defensats per decisions del Defensor del Poble Europeu. Strategioj de interkonsento kun la registaro kaj kun Eŭropa Unio por modifi la lingvopolitikon Resumo La akcepto de la irlanda kiel oficiala lingvo de Eŭropa Unio en 2005 estis la sukcesa konkludo de interago inter vigla socia movado kaj registaro de membroŝtato, kiu fariĝis komuna serĉado de lingvopolitikaj ŝanĝoj. Doni oficialan statuson al lingvo ekster la kunteksto de plilarĝigo de la Unio estis unika situacio, kiu postulis novan aliron. La strategioj adoptitaj ekde la komenco, ĉi tie priskribitaj el kritika partoprena perspektivo, postulis elementojn de civitana subteno kaj pruvado de ties forto. Ĉi elementoj difinis socian kuntekston, en kiu oni konsideris desupran registaran subtenon nemalhavebla kaj antaŭvidis ĝin, kio finfine okazis. Oni pritraktas la intertraktadon ĉe la eŭropa nivelo, kaj ankaŭ du paralelajn kaj rilatajn kazojn, en kiuj la lingvaj rajtoj de la civitanoj estis subtenitaj de decidoj de la Eŭropa Rajtoproktektanto. Straitéisí i gcaidreamh le rialtas agus leis an AE d’fhonn athruithe beartais teanga a bhaint amach Achoimre Nuair a ainmníodh an Ghaeilge mar theanga oifigiúil de chuid an Aontais Eorpaigh sa bhliain 2005, ba chríoch shásúil é ar shaothrú gluaiseachta sóisialta bríomhaire agus Rialtais Ballstáit as lámha a chéile sa deireadh d’fhonn athruithe beartais teanga a bhaint amach. Ba staid ar leith a d’iarr cur chuige nua é stádas oifigiúil a bheith á bhronnadh lasmuigh de chomhthéacs méadaithe. Léirítear, i gcur síos á dhéantar ó pheirspictíocht chriticiúil rannpháirteach, gur tháinig, mar thoradh ar na straitéisí a cuireadh i bhfeidhm ón mbonn aníos, forás de réir a chéile ar thacaíocht an phobail agus ar léirithe a nirt, agus gur cruthaíodh comhthéacs sóisialta ina rabhthas ag súil go ngníomhódh an Rialtas ón mbarr anuas, mar ba ghá, rud a tharla. Déantar gnéithe den idirbheartaíocht ar an leibhéal Eorpach a chíoradh, chomh maith le dhá chás chomhthreormhara agus ghaolmhara inar dheimhnigh cinntí de chuid an Ombudsman Eorpaigh cearta teanga saoránach

    Analysis of pulsed vs. continuous power delivery from an electromagnetic generator

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    The purpose of this work is to present alternative power conversion techniques for an energy harvester optimized to the power requirements of an activity monitoring device. Many energy harvesters designed to use human motion provide a pulsed type of output waveform, as the signal will be strongly related to the pattern of motion used for harvesting energy. Due to this type of discontinuous signal it is considered that wearable sources have the potential to provide higher energy values by pulses rather than continuous form. For this work an electromagnetic generator system was optimised to power a monitoring device located in the shoe. Rectification techniques as well as coil parameters design have been employed and powering conditions have been analysed. The generator system can provide pulses of power high enough to sustain a low power consumption device

    When a step is not a step! Specificity analysis of five physical activity monitors

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    IntroductionPhysical activity is an essential aspect of a healthy lifestyle for both physical and mental health states. As step count is one of the most utilized measures for quantifying physical activity it is important that activity-monitoring devices be both sensitive and specific in recording actual steps taken and disregard non-stepping body movements. The objective of this study was to assess the specificity of five activity monitors during a variety of prescribed non-stepping activities.MethodsParticipants wore five activity monitors simultaneously for a variety of prescribed activities including deskwork, taking an elevator, taking a bus journey, automobile driving, washing and drying dishes; functional reaching task; indoor cycling; outdoor cycling; and indoor rowing. Each task was carried out for either a specific duration of time or over a specific distance. Activity monitors tested were the ActivPAL micro (TM), NL-2000 (TM) pedometer, Withings Smart Activity Monitor Tracker (Pulse O-2)(TM), Fitbit One (TM) and Jawbone UP (TM). Participants were video-recorded while carrying out the prescribed activities and the false positive step count registered on each activity monitor was obtained and compared to the video.ResultsAll activity monitors registered a significant number of false positive steps per minute during one or more of the prescribed activities. The Withings (TM) activity performed best, registering a significant number of false positive steps per minute during the outdoor cycling activity only (P = 0.025). The Jawbone (TM) registered a significant number of false positive steps during the functional reaching task and while washing and drying dishes, which involved arm and hand movement (PSandra O’Connell is supported by the Irish Research Council grant number EPSPG/2012/504, under the Enterprise Partnership Scheme. The enterprise partner was the Galway Clinic, Doughiska, Co. Galway, Ireland

    Application of video-based methods for competitive swimming analysis: a systematic review

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    This paper explores the application of video-based methods for the analysis of com- petitive swimming performance. A systematic search of the existing literature was conducted using the following keywords: swim*, performance, analysis, quantitative, qualitative, cam- era, video on studies published in the last ve years, in the electronic databases ISI Web of Knowledge, PubMed, Science Direct, Scopus and SPORT discus. Of the 384 number of records initially identi ed, 30 articles were fully reviewed and their outcome measures were analysed and categorised according to (i) the processes involved, (ii) the application of video for techni- cal analysis of swimming performance and (iii) emerging advances in video technology. Re- sults showed that video is one of the most common methods used to gather data for analysing performance in swimming. The process of using video in aquatic settings is complex, with little consensus amongst coaches regarding a best-practice approach, potentially hindering usage and effectiveness. Different methodologies were assessed and recommendations for coaches, sport scientists and clinicians are provided. Video is an extremely versatile tool. In addition to providing a visual record, it can be used for qualitative and quantitative analysis and is used in both training and competition settings. Cameras can be positioned to gather images both above and below the water. Ongoing advances in automation of video processing techniques and the integration of video with other analysis tools suggest that video analysis will continue to remain central to the preparation of elite swimmers

    These shoes are made for walking: sensitivity performance evaluation of commercial activity monitors under the expected conditions and circumstances required to achieve the international daily step goal of 10,000 steps

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    IntroductionPhysical activity is a vitally important part of a healthy lifestyle, and is of major benefit to both physical and mental health. A daily step count of 10,000 steps is recommended globally to achieve an appropriate level of physical activity. Accurate quantification of physical activity during conditions reflecting those needed to achieve the recommended daily step count of 10,000 steps is essential. As such, we aimed to assess four commercial activity monitors for their sensitivity/accuracy in a prescribed walking route that reflects a range of surfaces that would typically be used to achieve the recommended daily step count, in two types of footwear expected to be used throughout the day when aiming to achieve the recommended daily step count, and in a timeframe required to do so.MethodsFour commercial activity monitors were worn simultaneously by participants ( n = 15) during a prescribed walking route reflective of surfaces typically encountered while achieving the daily recommended 10,000 steps. Activity monitors tested were the Garmin Vivofit (TM), New Lifestyles' NL-2000 (TM) pedometer, Withings Smart Activity Monitor Tracker ( Pulse O-2)(TM), and Fitbit One (TM).ResultsAll activity monitors tested were accurate in their step detection over the variety of different surfaces tested (natural lawn grass, gravel, ceramic tile, tarmacadam/asphalt, linoleum), when wearing both running shoes and hard-soled dress shoes.ConclusionAll activity monitors tested were accurate in their step detection sensitivity and are valid monitors for physical activity quantification over the variety of different surfaces tested, when wearing both running shoes and hard-soled dress shoes, and over a timeframe necessary for accumulating the recommended daily step count of 10,000 steps. However, it is important to consider the accuracy of activity monitors, particularly when physical activity in the form of stepping activities is prescribed as an intervention in the treatment or prevention of a disease state.Sandra O’Connell is supported by the Irish Research Council grant number EPSPG/2012/504, under the Enterprise Partnership Scheme. The enterprise partner was the Galway Clinic, Doughiska, Co. Galway, Ireland.peer-reviewe