15 research outputs found

    Potencial fisiológico de sementes de crambe (Crambe abyssinica)

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    A produtividade das culturas está indiretamente relacionada com o potencial fisiológico das sementes, uma vez que este é um dos grandes responsáveis pelo adequado estabelecimento da população de plantas em campo. Assim, trabalhos têm sido conduzidos para adequar e descrever metodologias de avaliação do vigor de sementes para diversas espécies cultivadas. Para o crambe, cultura de cultivo recente no Brasil, são ainda escassos os trabalhos dessa natureza. Dessa forma, foram conduzidos experimentos em duas etapas, com o objetivo de adequar procedimentos para avaliação do vigor de sementes de crambe. Na primeira etapa foram utilizados 10 lotes e avaliaram-se a temperatura (41 e 45 °C) e o período de exposição (24, 48 e 72h) para os testes de envelhecimento acelerado com e sem solução salina saturada; oito períodos de embebição e dois volumes de água para o teste de condutividade elétrica (1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 18, 24 e 30 h/ 50 e 75 mL de água). Além disso, determinou-se a emergência de plântulas em campo e em laboratório e realizou-se o teste de sanidade dos lotes de sementes. Na segunda etapa foram utilizados seis lotes de sementes de crambe com os quais avaliou-se o teor de água (18, 20, 22%) para realização do teste de deterioração controlada e três parâmetros (índice de vigor, índice de crescimento e uniformidade de crescimento de plântulas) da análise computadorizada de imagens SVIS®. O teste de condutividade elétrica não apresentou resultados coerentes provavelmente devido ao elevado número de fungos aderidos às sementes. A deterioração controlada deve ser realizada com ajuste do teor de água para 18% e o procedimento de análise de imagens tem no parâmetro uniformidade de crescimento de plântulas um bom indicativo de vigor para sementes de crambe. O envelhecimento...The crop yields are indirectly related to the seed vigor, since it is responsible for establishing the adequate plant populations in the field. Thus, studies have been conducted to improve and describe methodologies for evaluating seed vigor of several crop species. For crambe, crop that has been recently introduced in Brazil, there are a few studies. Thus, experiments were conducted in two steps, with the aim of evaluating vigor tests for crambe seeds. In the first step, 10 seed lots were used and combination of temperature (41 to 45 °C) and the aging period (24, 48 and 72 h) for accelerated aging and satured salt accelerated aging tests; eight soaking periods and two volumes of water for the electrical conductivity (1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 18, 24 and 30 h/50 and 75 mL of deionized water) were evaluated. Besides that seedling emergence in the field and in the laboratory and seed health were also determined. In the second step, six seed lots were used. Three seed water contents (18, 20, 22%) for performing controlled deterioration test and three parameters (index of vigor, growth rate and uniformity of seedling growth) of seed computerized analysis of images SVIS® were determined. The electrical conductivity data have shown no consistency probably due to the large number of fungi adhering to the seeds. The controlled deterioration test should be performed with adjustment of seed water content to 18% and the parameter uniformity of seedling growth (SVIS®) showed a good indicative of image analysis for crambe seeds... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Both Sides of the Tracks: Louisville and Nashville Railroad's African -American Workers in Louisville, Kentucky, 1915--1945

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    274 p.Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2001.This study investigates the at work and at home experiences of Louisville and Nashville Railroad's (L&NRR) African-American workers who lived in Louisville, Kentucky from the early to the mid-twentieth century. Typically restricted to the least desirable positions, these black railroaders were a valuable part of the company's labor supply. As Louisville citizens, they often participated in the African-American community's efforts to end racial inequality. Because Louisville and the L&NRR recognized their importance in these two contexts, Louisville's African-American L&NRR workers experienced a complex interplay of strategies by the city and company to maintain amenable race relations yet white control. Contributing to this dynamic was L&NRR's influence as the city's largest employer and Louisville's attempts to avoid the stereotypical racial exploitation of the southern region. Despite the city's noted absence of racial violence and the availability of railroad work, Louisville's African-American L&NRR employees were not content with their living and working conditions. Rather, they challenged job and civic concerns through organizational support within their home communities. Thus, the multifaceted ways in which Louisville's African-American L&NRR workers protected their interests is also revealed.U of I OnlyRestricted to the U of I community idenfinitely during batch ingest of legacy ETD

    Teste de condutividade elétrica em sementes de maracujazeiro-amarelo

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    O teste de condutividade elétrica pode proporcionar informações importantes e complementares sobre o potencial fisiológico de sementes em período de tempo relativamente curto, visto que o teste de germinação se completa aos 28 dias para sementes de maracujá. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência do teste de condutividade elétrica na avaliação do potencial fisiológico e padronizar a metodologia para sementes de maracujá-amarelo. Quatro lotes de sementes foram submetidos aos testes de germinação e vigor (primeira contagem, envelhecimento acelerado, índice de velocidade de germinação e emergência de plântulas em casa de vegetação), incluindo o teste de condutividade elétrica, conduzido com 25 e 50 sementes imersas em 50 e 75 mL de água desionizada,e as leituras realizadas após três, seis, nove, 12 e 24 h de embebição. Somente o lote 2 apresentou comportamento de baixo vigor apontado pelos testes de primeira contagem, emergência de plântulas e condutividade elétrica. A determinação do vigor de sementes de maracujá-amarelo por meio do teste de condutividade elétrica pode ser realizada utilizando 50 sementes e 75 mL após 24 h de embebição.The electrical conductivity test can provide important and complementary information on the physiological potential of seeds in a relatively short period of time, unlike the germination test which is completed in 28 days for yellow passion fruit seeds. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of the electrical conductivity test and to standardize the methodology to be for seeds of yellow passion fruit. Four seed lots were tested for germination and vigor (first count, accelerated aging, speed germination index and seedling emergence in green-house) including the electrical conductivity test, conducted with 25 and 50 seeds immersed in 50 and 75 mL of dionized water and the readings taken after 3, 6, 9, 12 and 24 hours of soaking. Only lot 2 showed reduced vigor appointed by the first count test, seedling emergence and electrical conductivity test. The vigor determination of yellow passion fruit through the electrical conductivity test can be performed using 50 seeds in 75 mL of dionized water, with 24 hours of soaking

    Desempenho de cultivares de couve-flor de verão em Ipameri Performance of cultivars of cauliflower summer in Ipameri

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    Com o propósito de avaliar o comportamento de seis cultivares de couve-flor de verão, quanto à produção e resistência à podridão negra (Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris), instalou-se um experimento em campo, em Ipameri-GO, com o delineamento experimental em blocos completos casualizados com seis tratamentos e quatro repetições. Cada parcela experimental, de 10m², constou de 20 plantas distribuídas no espaçamento de 1,0m entre linhas e 0,5m entre plantas. Foram avaliadas as cultivares: híbridos 'Cindy', 'Sarah AF-1169', 'Sharon', 'Verona', 'Lisvera' e a variedade Piracicaba precoce. Os híbridos Verona e Sharon mostraram-se promissores para cultivo nas condições edafoclimáticas em que foram avaliados, com produtividades de 34,17 e 30,64t ha-1, respectivamente, e com moderados níveis de resistência à podridão negra. A variedade Piracicaba precoce apresentou produção inferior às dos melhores híbridos avaliados e moderada resistência à podridão negra. O híbrido Sarah não é recomendado para plantio na região de Ipameri-GO por apresentar baixa produção e baixa resistência à podridão negra.<br>In order to evaluate the behavior of six cultivars of cauliflower summer, as production and resistance to black rot (Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris), installed a field experiment in Ipameri-GO, with the experimental in randomized complete blocks with six treatments and four replications. Each plot of 10m², consisting of 20 plants distributed at a spacing of 1.0m between rows and 0.5m between plants. We evaluated the cultivars: hybrids 'Cindy', 'Sarah AF-1169', 'Sharon', 'Verona', 'Lisvera' and the variety Piracicaba precoce. Hybrids Verona and Sharon proved promising for cultivation in the environmental conditions that were evaluated, with yields of 34.17 and 30.64t ha-1 respectively, and moderate levels of resistance to black rot. The variety Piracicaba precoce showed lower production of the best hybrids and moderate resistance to black rot. The hybrid Sarah is not recommended for planting in the region of Ipameri-GO due to its low production and low resistance to black rot

    Desempenho de cultivares de couve-flor de verão em Ipameri

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    Com o propósito de avaliar o comportamento de seis cultivares de couve-flor de verão, quanto à produção e resistência à podridão negra (Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris), instalou-se um experimento em campo, em Ipameri-GO, com o delineamento experimental em blocos completos casualizados com seis tratamentos e quatro repetições. Cada parcela experimental, de 10m², constou de 20 plantas distribuídas no espaçamento de 1,0m entre linhas e 0,5m entre plantas. Foram avaliadas as cultivares: híbridos 'Cindy', 'Sarah AF-1169', 'Sharon', 'Verona', 'Lisvera' e a variedade Piracicaba precoce. Os híbridos Verona e Sharon mostraram-se promissores para cultivo nas condições edafoclimáticas em que foram avaliados, com produtividades de 34,17 e 30,64t ha-1, respectivamente, e com moderados níveis de resistência à podridão negra. A variedade Piracicaba precoce apresentou produção inferior às dos melhores híbridos avaliados e moderada resistência à podridão negra. O híbrido Sarah não é recomendado para plantio na região de Ipameri-GO por apresentar baixa produção e baixa resistência à podridão negra.In order to evaluate the behavior of six cultivars of cauliflower summer, as production and resistance to black rot (Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris), installed a field experiment in Ipameri-GO, with the experimental in randomized complete blocks with six treatments and four replications. Each plot of 10m², consisting of 20 plants distributed at a spacing of 1.0m between rows and 0.5m between plants. We evaluated the cultivars: hybrids 'Cindy', 'Sarah AF-1169', 'Sharon', 'Verona', 'Lisvera' and the variety Piracicaba precoce. Hybrids Verona and Sharon proved promising for cultivation in the environmental conditions that were evaluated, with yields of 34.17 and 30.64t ha-1 respectively, and moderate levels of resistance to black rot. The variety Piracicaba precoce showed lower production of the best hybrids and moderate resistance to black rot. The hybrid Sarah is not recommended for planting in the region of Ipameri-GO due to its low production and low resistance to black rot

    Phenology of Campomanesia adamantium (Cambess.) O. Berg in Brazilian Cerrado

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    Abstract Campomanesia adamantium is a fruit tree native to Cerrado and important for human consumption as food, herbal medicine and even in the beverage industry. The aim of this study was to evaluate the vegetative and reproductive phenology of C. adamantium plants in the region of Ipameri-GO, the synchronization of phenophases and the correlation with climatic data. Rainfall, relative humidity, average, maximum and minimum temperature, as well as sprouting, flowering and fruiting data of C. adamantium plants were collected between September and December of 2016 and 2017. Graphs were plotted for climatological data and phenological phases. Phenophase synchrony analysis and correlation of these phases with the climate of the region were performed. Sprouting and flowering began before the first rains of the rainy season and the peak of these phenophases occurred in October. Fruiting began in October and peak was observed in November. Sprouting is highly synchronous from the second ten days of October and flowering reveals high synchronicity between the second half of October and the first half of November. Fruiting is considered highly synchronous from the second half of November. Not all plants reach reproductive stages. Sprouting and fruiting are related to the occurrence of rainfall and increase of air RH. Flowering has no correlation with rainfall, air RH and temperature