341 research outputs found

    Insights into the Art of plating in gastronomy: A content analysis of master chefs’ perspectives

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    This study aims to ascertain and understand the art of plating dimensions from the perspective of master chefs. A semi-structured interview method was conducted with sixteen master chefs in Turkey to address this research purpose. The gathered data was analyzed via content analysis. As a result, four interrelated dimensions were identified; design principles, target audience, the character of the chef, and characteristics of the food. The findings contribute to the research agenda on the plating phenomenon to better understand the main framework of the art of plating. Further, many practical implications were also offered for relevant practitioners of the restaurant industry. The study is one of the first attempts to explore the dimensions of the art of plating from the perspective of master chefs in the restaurant-marketing context

    Geographic Consciousness in Sustainable Education: Students' Views

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    The aim of this study is to find out effectiveness of the education given on this study by means of the mediating role of geographic consciousness for the management dimension of natural resources. The study is a qualitative research designed as a case study. Study participants consist of a total of 50 students attending the 11th and 12th grades in Sivas province. Participants were selected with sampling method. Study data were collected with a semi-structured interview form. The data collected in the interviews with the students were analyzed using content analysis and descriptive analysis techniques. It was found out that students associate the concept of geographic consciousness with geographical knowledge; whereas other associated expressions including understanding and prediction of the universe and consciousness were seen to receive far less emphasis. The resources referred to by students to increase geographic consciousness were listed in an order of importance starting with subject teacher followed by geography lesson. In this connection, effective teaching of geography by teachers can play a role in increasing geographic awareness. As another sub-topic of study, benefits of geographic consciousness were reported by students as having knowledge of geography, increasing the general knowledge and developing environmental consciousness. Keywords: geography education, geographic consciousness, sustainable educatio

    Can we imagine the meal-sharing economy without service providers? The impact of COVID-19

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    The meal-sharing economy has taken significant scholarly attention recently; however, no study examines the impact of the current health crisis on meal-sharing economy platforms. This research attempts to bridge this gap by investigating the effect of the COVID-19 on the meal-sharing economy based on the service providers’ perspective. For this purpose, thirteen interviews with meal-sharing service providers in Istanbul were conducted, and the data were examined through conventional content analysis. Findings showed that meal-sharing service providers have been facing unprecedented challenges since the outbreak. The findings also reveal a common consensus on the disruptive role of the coronavirus measures in terms of limiting meal-sharing activities. Moreover, it was indicated that the current health crisis has compelled service providers to redesign their events as online virtual activities. The results provide favorable theoretical and practical insights to guide the meal-sharing platforms for a health crisis adoption and revival of such platforms

    Understanding the role of refugees' entrepreneurship motives and challenges in integration: Evidence from the food industry

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    This study explores the role of refugees' entrepreneurship motives and challenges in their integration into the host country. Based on the food industry, a qualitative research approach was adopted in this study. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews with Syrian refugees in two major European cities (i.e., London and Istanbul). The theme coding analysis was performed on the qualitative data, and the analysis processes revealed three main dimensions: entrepreneur integration motives, entrepreneur integration domains, and entrepreneur integration challenges. As a result of the analysis, beyond the previous studies' findings, three interconnected fundamental relations emerged from the main dimensions' sub-categories, which contribute to a better understanding of the role of refugees' entrepreneurship motives and challenges in their integration into the host society: (1) the relation between the market accessing challenge, citizenship desire, and social equality, (2) the relation of cultural proximity and the attitude of host people in building social bridges and, (3) the relation between refugees' mental health problems and resilience in entrepreneurship achievements. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this study is among the first attempts to reveal the effects of refugees' entrepreneurship motives and challenges in their integration in the context of the food industry

    Exploring the motives for entrepreneurship in the meal-sharing economy

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    Despite the popularity of entrepreneurship in tourism and hospitality and the increasing usage of meal-sharing economy platforms by locals, there is no research combining both in the extant literature. This research ascertains the main entrepreneurship motivations in the meal-sharing economy platforms. To attain our aim, a qualitative research approach was adopted, and thirteen interviews were conducted with service providers in the meal-sharing economy platforms. The data was examined through thematic analysis. As a result of the inspection, two main motives and eight sub-dimensions were determined: social and cultural motives (e.g. the gratification of hosting, altruism, source of cultural capital and, social interaction) and economic motives (e.g. monetary, facilitators, network, and independence). Theoretical implications were discussed as well as limitations and future research lines

    Understanding food experience in sharing-economy platforms: Insights from Eatwith and Withlocals

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    This study aims to identify and determine the dimensions of food experience using user-generated content on two sharing-economy websites as well as to offer insights into factors affecting food tourists’ evaluation of travel experiences at a culinary destination, Istanbul. For this purpose, conventional content analysis is conducted on 459 food-experience reviews on sharing-economy websites, namely, EatWith and WithLocals. Results reveal 26 items and four themes, that is, knowledge, authenticity, local hospitality, and social interaction. Theoretical and managerial implications as well as limitations are discussed, and suggestions for further research are provided

    Textile wastewater treatment by uv/fenton-like oxidation process using Fe-Cu doped pumice composite

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    In this study, Fe-Cu-Pumice (Fe-Cu-P) composite was prepared to attempt it for UV/Fenton-like treatment of biologically treated textile wastewater by means of COD andcolor removal. SEM-EDX analysis showed that Fe-Cu-P composite contained Fe and Cuat 3.5% of each one. More than 95% color (RES-436, RES-525, RES-620) removal couldbe achieved using 3 g/L Fe-Cu-P in the Fenton-like process. The removal of COD and absorbances at Abs-254 nm and Abs-280 nm increased up to 5 g/L Fe-Cu-P concentration.In addition, the highest COD, Abs-254 nm and Abs-280 nm removal could be achievedat 250 mg/L H2O2 concentration pH 3. The removals of COD, Abs-254 nm and Abs-280nm were obtained to be 63.7%, 66.3% and 72.9%, while the removals of RES-436, RES-525and RES-620 were observed as 92.9%, 96.7% and 98.1%, respectively at optimum doses ofcatalyst (5 g/L Fe-Cu-P), oxidant (250 mg/L H2O2) and pH 3 after 3 h oxidation at roomtemperatur

    The street food experiences of the local-guided tour in the meal-sharing economy: the case of Bangkok

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    Purpose This study aims to understand the components of the street food experiences of the local-guided tour in the meal-sharing economy based on the online reviews of tourists who experienced a meal-sharing activity with a local guide in Bangkok. Design/methodology/approach Based on the qualitative approach, this study involved a content analysis of 384 narratives on Withlocals. Findings The study identified five components that embrace the street food experience: a local guide’s attributes, perceived food authenticity, local culture, perceived hygiene or cleanliness. Results also revealed that the Thai street foods are unique and authentic and can reach this experience level through a local guide. Originality/value Although the importance of international travellers' street food experiences and the popularity of the meal-sharing economy platforms are rapidly growing, there is no study which had combined both of these phenomena together to date. It is the first attempt to reveal the components of street food experiences in a meal-sharing platform

    Kaynaştırma Uygulamalarının Öğrenme Çıktılarına Etkililiğinin Meta-Analitik Değerlendirilmesi

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    In order to fulfill the principle of equality of educational opportunity, it is necessary to prioritize the education of individuals with special needs in the society and to provide special education services to these individuals. Inclusion is the practice of integrating individuals with special educational needs (IwSEN) with individuals with typically developing (IwTD) in the general education environment. In this study, it is aimed to synthesize recent research quantitatively in order to determine the effectiveness of inclusion practices on learning outcomes through meta-analysis. In this regard, pretest-posttest control group-based studies conducted between 2000-2019 both nationally and internationally were scanned from national and international databases in line with the inclusion criteria. This study was conducted under the guidelines of PRISMA declaration. As a result of the search process, 36 studies (14 PhD dissertations, 10 master's thesis, 11 articles and 1 conference paper) complying with the inclusion criteria and in which semi-experimental and experimental designs were applied and comparisons between the groups were made were selected out of 62 studies. The effect size, heterogeneity test, intermediate variable analyzes and publication bias analyzes of the studies were performed using the Comprehensive Meta- Analysis program (CMA 3.0). The findings were handled according to random effects model and interpreted according to Cohen's classification. The effectiveness of inclusion practices was found to be large effect size (g= 1.328). In addition, the effect sizes of the studies included in the study were calculated according to the variables of group level (teacher, student) and school level. In terms of the group level, the effectiveness of applications in both teachers and students group was found at “large effect size” level. In terms of the school level, while the “moderate effect size” was seen at higher education, all other groups had “large effect size”. Some insights can be obtained from the results of this study, which revealed that the effectiveness of inclusion practices is at a large effect level for students and teachers and moderate effect level for preservice teachers.Eğitimde fırsat eşitliği ilkesini yerine getirmek için toplumda özel gereksinimli bireylerin eğitimlerinin ön plana alınması ve bu bireylere özel eğitim hizmetleri sunulması gereklidir. Kaynaştırma uygulamaları özel gereksinimli (ÖG) öğrencilerin tipik gelişim özelliği gösteren (TGÖG) akranlarıyla birlikte aynı ortamda eğitimlerini sürdürmelerini sağlamaktadır. Bu araştırmada kaynaştırma uygulamalarının etkililiğini belirlemek amacıyla yakın zamanda yapılan araştırmaların meta-analiz yoluyla nicel sentezlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu bağlamda 2000-2019 yılları arasında yapılan, deneysel/yarı deneysel desene dayalı çalışmalar dâhil edilme ölçütleri doğrultusunda ulusal ve uluslararası veri tabanlarından taranmıştır. Bu çalışma, PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Protocols) rehberliğinde yapılmıştır. Literatür taraması sonucunda yarı deneysel ve deneysel desenlerin uygulandığı ve gruplar arasında karşılaştırmaların yapıldığı 62 çalışmaya ulaşılmıştır. Ancak dâhil edilme ölçütlerine uygunluk gösteren 36 çalışma (14 doktora tezi, 10 yüksek lisans tezi, 11 makale ve 1 konferans bildirisi) bu çalışma kapsamında değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmaların etki büyüklüğü, heterojenlik testi, ara değişken analizleri ve yayım yanlılığı analizleri Comprehensive Meta- Analysis programı (CMA 3.0) kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Bulgular rastgele etkiler modeline göre ele alınmış ve Cohen'in ölçütlerine göre yorumlanmıştır. Kaynaştırma uygulamalarının etkililiği “büyük etki büyüklüğü” düzeyinde bulunmuştur (g= 1.328). Ayrıca, araştırmaya dâhil edilen çalışmaların etki büyüklükleri uygulama yapılan grup (öğretmen, öğrenci) ve okul kademe değişkenlerine göre de hesaplanmıştır. Grup düzeyleri açısından hem öğretmenler hem öğrenciler grubunda uygulamaların etkililiği “büyük etki büyüklüğü” düzeyinde bulunmuştur. Okul düzeyleri açısından yükseköğretim düzeyinde “orta etki büyüklüğü” görülürken, diğer tüm grupların “büyük etki büyüklüğüne” sahip olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Kaynaştırma uygulamalarının etkililiğinin öğrenciler ve öğretmenler açısından büyük etki düzeyinde, öğretmen adayları açısından orta etki düzeyinde olduğunu ortaya çıkaran bu çalışmanın sonuçlarından birtakım çıkarımlar sağlanabilir

    Exploring the components of meal-sharing experiences with local foods: A netnography approach

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    This study aims to explore and ascertain the components of meal-sharing experiences with local foods of international travellers. This study offers insights into the factors influencing local food tourists’ evaluation of destination experiences of a sharing economy platform. A netnography approach is applied to understand the meal-sharing experience and 957 online reviews are examined which were posted on Eatwith by visitors who participated in the meal-sharing economy platform in Rome (Italy) between 2013 and 2020. Findings reveal seven components of meal-sharing experiences with local foods: authenticity, social interaction, local hospitality, awe, local culture, novelty, and servicescape. Findings show that participants can interpret their meal-sharing experience in different ways. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first research that uses online reviews to explore and understand the meal-sharing experience with local foods. This study has unique theoretical contribution by exploring the components of meal-sharing experience with local foods, as well as practical implications for service providers in order to enhance their service and experience quality