735 research outputs found

    Curriculum evaluation of elemantary school fourth grade's computer and information technologies course

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    Bu arastırmanın temel amacı 2006-2007 egitim-ögretim yılında ilkögretim 4. sınıf seçmeli bilgisayar dersi ögretim programını ögrenci, bilgisayar ögretmeni, sınıf ögretmeni ve yönetici görüslerine göre degerlendirmektir. Arastırmada nicel yöntemlerden anket, nitel yöntemlerden görüsme kullanılmıstır. Nicel örneklem için Aydın ili merkezinde 6 okul belirlenmistir. Nitel veriler için, amaçlı örnekleme yolu ile her okuldan 6 ögrenci seçilmistir. Bu okullardaki bilgisayar ögretmenleri, sınıf ögretmenleri ve okul yöneticileri ile görüsmeler yapılmıstır. Nicel verilerin analizi için frekans, yüzde dagılımı ve verilerin cinsiyete ve ögrencilerin devam ettikleri okulun sosyo-ekonomik düzeyine göre anlamlı olarak farklılasıp farklılasmadıgını hesaplamak üzere ki-kare testi yapılmıstır. Nitel veriler için görüsmeler, ses kayıt cihazı ile kaydedilmis, bilgisayar ortamına aktarılmıs, satır satır okuma teknigi ile içerik analizi yapılmıstır. Sonuçlara genel olarak bakıldıgında, bilgisayar ögretmeni görüslerine göre, bilgisayar dersi hedefleri ögrenci düzeyine uygun degildir. Bilgisayar derslerinde oynatılacak oyunların nitelikleri belirlenmeli, bu ünite ile ilgili egitsel oyunlar gelistirilmelidir. Programda, internetin arastırma amacıyla kullanımı ile ilgili konulara daha genis yer verilmelidir. Görüsme sonuçlarına göre, içerik farklı sosyo-ekonomik düzeydeki okullarda farklı islenmektedir. Bilgisayar dersi ile ilgili uygulamalara bakıldıgında, bilgisayar dersinin düzenli olarak islenmesi için özen gösterilmemesi, ögrencilere örtük olarak bilgisayar dersinin önemli bir ders olmadıgı mesajını vermektedir. Ögrenme-ögretme süreçleri ile ilgili olarak, okulların bilgisayar laboratuvarlarının fiziksel alanı ve alt yapısı önemli etkenlerdir. Özellikle alt-sosyo ekonomik düzeydeki okullara bilgisayar laboratuvarlarının güncellenmesi için bakanlık ya da yerel yönetimler aracılıgı ile destek verilmesi gerektigi söylenebilir. Bilgisayar ders kitapları ile ilgili ögretmenler arasında bir görüs birligi bulunmamaktadır. Arastırma bulgularına bakıldıgında, bazı okullarda bilgisayar laboratuvarını kullanmamanın bir ceza aracı olarak kullanıldıgı görülmektedir. Degerlendirme boyutu ile ilgili olarak, ögrencilerin ve bilgisayar ögretmenlerinin bilgisayar dersinin karnede ii notunun olması yönünde bir beklentisi vardır. Bilgisayar ögretmenlerinin, bilgisayar basında uygulamalı sınav yapabilmeleri için gerekli düzenlemeler yapılmalıdır. The main purpose of this research is to evaluate elementary school fourth grade Computer and Information Technology Course according to students?, computer teacher?s, classroom teacher?s and school administrator?s vision. In the research, survey is used for quantitative data while interview is used for qualitative data. 6 schools are selected for quantitative sample and 6 students are selected by sampling objectively for qualitative data. For quantitative data?s analysis frequency and percentage are calculated and chi-square test is done in order to calculate whether data?s undergo a significant change according to gender and schools? socioeconomic degrees the student keep on. As for the qualitative data, after taking a permit, interviews are recorded by tape recorder, the interviews are transferred to the computer, and content analysis is done by line by line technique. Looking at the overall results it is seen that according to computer teachers? opinion, the goals of the computer and information Technologies course are not adequate and it needs to be improved. The qualities of the games which would be used in the computer and information technologies course is to be determined, for this unit educational computer games should be developed. In the program, more attention should be given to such subjects as the use of internet for the purpose of research. According to interviews, content differs in the different socio-economic class? schools. Considering closely to the applications in the course, inadequate attention is given to the course, and this application signals a hidden message that computer and information technology is not an important course. As for the learning and teaching process, schools? computer laboratory?s physical space and substructure are important factors. It may be suggested that by the help of the Education Ministry and municipal administration, support be given so that the laboratories especially in low socioeconomic class school will be improved. There is no agreement between computer ii teachers about course text books. According to the research results, the fact that students are forbidden to use the computer labs is seen as a punishment subject. in some schools. As for the assessment dimension, students and computer teachers have expectations that computer and technology course be a grade in the carnets. Necessary changes should be done so that computer teachers make the computer and technology course exam by performance rating

    The Impact of Digital Marketing on Luxury Fashion Brands

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    The effect of digital marketing on enterprises in industry of fashion is covered in this paper. The study looks at how YouTube vloggers and social media have changed how consumers interact with premium businesses. In the context of digital marketing for fashion companies, it also examines the notions of value co-creation and ingredient branding. The report also discusses how digital marketing affects the luxury retail business and the luxury consumer experience. According to the study, digital marketing has significantly changed the luxury fashion business, presenting opportunities and difficulties for luxury fashion brands. Luxury fashion companies can increase sales and customer loyalty, increase brand awareness, and broaden their customer base by employing digital marketing methods efficiently

    The Impact of Digital Marketing on Consumer Intention in Morocco

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    This study investigates the digital marketing’s impact on platform of social media on consumer intention in Morocco. A sample of 30 respondents was surveyed to gather insights into their behavior and perceptions. The findings indicate a relation among the digital marketing and consumer intention, highlighting the importance of leveraging social media channels for effective marketing. The study recommends that businesses in Morocco prioritize their digital marketing efforts and focus on delivering relevant and informative content through social media to influence consumer purchase decisions. Knowing about the digital marketing and its consumer behavior impact, marketing strategies of the companies can be enhanced and effectively reach and engage their target audience in Morocco

    Internal Branding and Brand Commitment: The Role of Years of Experience & Monthly Income

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    Employee brand commitment has a vital role in their brand supporting behaviors. Therefore, this study is investigated the effect of internal branding Mechanisms on employee brand commitment from the employees’ perspective. This study also is examined the differences in employees’ perspectives on internal branding mechanisms, and employee brand commitment depends on their years of experience & monthly income. This study is targeted the banking industry using a convenience sample that includes ten banks in Palestine. This study is explored the employees’ perspective, thus, the unit of analysis in this study is the banks’ employees. This study is employed a quantitative empirical causal research design, through a self-administered structured questionnaire. This study is used descriptive statistics tests, One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), post-hoc multiple comparisons, two-step SEM process, and the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Moreover, the data is analyzed using the “Analysis of Moment Structure” AMOS 20 program. The findings are shown a strong effect of internal branding Mechanisms on employee brand commitment. Also, the study found differences in employees’ perspectives on internal branding mechanisms and employee brand commitment depend on their years of experience & monthly income. Therefore, this research study may provide some benefits to the banking sector and the researcher in order to understand better the factors that will increase employee understanding of internal branding activities and enhancing employee brand commitment

    Store Atmosphere Strategies and their Effects on Purchase Intention

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    Retailers must continually adjust to the realities due to the fast speed of today's society, which brings with it constant changes in fashion trends, technology advancements, and also the modification of lifestyle. Even though such improvements and adjustments are unnecessary, they must be made in order to keep the store attractive or to modernize the technical infrastructure and lower operating energy usage in the face of competition from new, similarly minded businesses. The functioning of the retail operation is heavily influenced by the architectural and design solution, where the customer must first arrive at the store, which then needs to draw them in and persuade them to make a purchase. Recent years have seen a rise in the importance of the shopping environment. Many stores rely on the fact that they have the most comfortable atmosphere, which forces the customer to stay in the store as long as possible. Sellers also try to make shopping an experience, making it necessary for the customer to feel satisfied in the store. Shopping atmosphere and control can help higher customer satisfaction. It is therefore very important to monitor the key factors that affect the atmosphere in the store. This article examines selected elements of the shopping atmosphere and its impact on consumers in electronic markets operating in Turkey, Germany, and England. It integrates research, survey, and observation into real terms of selected retail operations. Based on the findings, the conclusion on adapting selected factors influencing the atmosphere is proposed to improve the overall well-being of customers and thus their satisfaction during shopping

    Social media attitudes among vocational school students

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    The rapid developments in communication technologies in recent years, especially the introduction of the internet into our daily lives, have brought many changes in social, economic and cultural life.One of these changes; social media communication tools that enter our lives rapidly.Social media has become an indispensable part of our lives with the increasing number of users.Researches show that young people especially university students frequently use social media communication tools. In this study, social media attitudes of Vocational High School students were investigated and in this context, 502 students studying at Sakarya University and Kafkas University Vocational High Schools were studied.Social Media Attitude Scale developed by Otrar and Argınwas used to determine the social media attitudes of Vocational School students.The scale consists of 23 items. Relational screening method was used in the research. Necessary analyzes were performed with SPSS 24 program and mean and standard deviation values of the scale items were calculated.Two groups t test, one-way Anova test and Post-Hoc Scheffe test were used to correlate social media attitudes with demographic data.In conclusion, there was no significant difference between students' social media attitudes and gender, department, class, internet usage time demographic data; however, there was a positive and significant relationship between social media attitudes and internet connection year and social media usage hours

    Implications of COVID-19 Pandemic on Air Cargo Transportation

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    Air cargo transportation is a key determinant in meeting the demand for perishable goods, which is highly dependent on timely imports of inputs and exports of semi-finished or finished products as part of global supply and production networks. Airports, which are the doors of countries to the outside world, have been closed to passenger transportation, but never to cargo planes. Because the entry of the goods needed by the countries is important in terms of raw materials and needs. The aim of this article is to show the current situation of air cargo transportation in the world during the pandemic period and to reveal the importance of air cargo transportation in terms of supply chain

    Eğitim İsteği: Açık ve Örtük Program Bağlamında Bir İnceleme

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    Eğitim isteği (educational aspiration) kavramı, eğitimden beklentiler ve eğitime verilen anlam; motivasyon, bireylerin akademik başarıları, okula devam/ devamsızlıkları, okul terki gibi konular ile yakından ilişkilidir ve bireylerin içinde bulundukları sosyo-ekonomik konum ile de organik bir bağa sahiptir. Eğitim isteği bireylerin daha yüksek kademelerdeki okullara devam etme isteğini işaret etmektedir. Eğitim isteği kavramı, aynı zamanda eğitime verilen “değer” ile de ilgilidir. Değerler bizim günlük yaşam pratiklerimizi etkilediği gibi, tarihsel ve sosyal değişimlerden sorumlu olan, bireysel ve kültürel gelişim ile yakından ilişkilidir. Bununla birlikte, değerler bireyin inançları ve ulaşılmak istenen hedefler ile de ilişkili görülmektedir. “Eğitim isteği” kavramı uluslararası alanyazında; eğitim programları, eğitim sosyolojisi, eğitim ekonomisi, eğitim politikaları, halk sağlığı, eğitim psikolojisi ve rehberlik gibi pek çok alanda disipliner ve disiplinler arası şekilde incelenmektedir. Bununla birlikte, eğitim isteği ve örtük program ilişkisi üzerinde odaklanan çalışmaların daha çok kuramsal düzeyde olduğu, Bourdieu’nun kültürel kapital ve habitus kavramları çerçevesinde analizlere dayandığı görülmektedir. Bu çalışma ile kavramın niteliği ve boyutları, farklı alanlar ile ilişkileri ortaya konmaya çalışılacaktır.