39 research outputs found
The role of the enquiry commission in the decision-making at the League of Nations regarding the Albanian Issue
This article aims to focus on the activity of the Commission of Enquiry of the League of Nations in Albania during 1921-1923. It helps to better understand the progress of the relations of this organization with Albania. How much did the work of this Commission influence the decisions of the League of Nations regarding the Albanian issue during these years? The topic is interesting because it has to do with some issues of historiography that need elucidation. The existing corpus mainly focuses on the foreign commissions in Albania and in the majority of the cases investigates the commission for the delimitation of borders and refers to the activity of Commission of Enquiry in Albania. The existing literature is limited to the accont of its presence and visits made in different cities in Albania. The article analyzes the reports that this Commission sent to the League of Nations and also the decisions that the latter took on the basis of the reports and advice of Commission members in order to better Albania's relations with the League of Nations in the economic and political sphere. In the economic field it is related to the assignment of economic counsellors whilst in the political one with the decisions that the League of Nations took based on Commission reports for the country, and not on the international press. The decisions taken by the League of Nations during this time are an indicator of the efficiency of the activity of this Commission
INVESTIGATION OF MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF CEMENT MIXTURES OBTAINED BY USING MINERAL ADDITIVE MATERIALSAbstractThe construction industry has undergone significant changes with the developing technology in the last century. Developments in technology have led to the diversification of materials used in the construction industry. More durable structures have been started to be built against earthquake, liquefaction and different settlements, where soil improvement has been made. Energy consumption in the whole world has increased significantly in recent years due to the increase in the world population and the rapid development of technology. The reduction of natural resources, air and environmental pollution have gained popularity in the idea of using industrial waste materials. Silica Fume (SF), Fly Ash (FA) and Blast Furnace Slag (BFS) are major effective waste materials used in cement or concrete due to their pozzolanic properties. Their usage is very common in our age of improving the soil with additives. With these materials, it is now possible to provide reinforcement, impermeability and structural rigidity. In this study, additive-free Portland cement (CEMI 42,5R) and 0%, 10% and 20% of cement weight SF, 0%, 10% and 20% F type FA, 0%, 20% and 40% BFS and 0%, 1% and 2% Hyper plasticizer (HP) binder material with sand were used and 81 different mortar samples with a water / binder ratio of 0.8 were prepared from their mixtures. After the preparation of samples which were kept for 28 days without changing the humidity, unconfined compressive and splitting tensile (Brazilian) strength tests were carried out on them. The highest unconfined compressive strength (mean 23,52 MPa) was obtained in the sample containing 20% SD, 20% FA and 2% HP in 81 different samples. In the short term (28 days), in samples containing predominantly BFS, the optimum HP ratio was 0%, as the YFC desorbed (shattered) water. However, since SD is fine grained in mixtures containing SF, the optimum HP ratio was determined as 1%, and this was achieved as 2% since the FA could not fully hydrate in samples containing FA.Keywords: Blast Furnace Slag, Fly Ash, Hyper Plasticizer, Pand Cement, Silica FumeMİNERAL KATKI MALZEMELERİ KULLANILARAK ELDE EDİLEN ÇİMENTO KARIŞIMLARIN MEKANİK ÖZELLİKLERİNİN ARAŞTIRILMASIÖzetİnşaat sektörü son yüzyılda gelişen teknoloji ile birlikte önemli değişiklikler geçirmiştir. Teknolojide yaşanan gelişmeler elbette inşaat sektöründe kullanılan malzemelerin de çeşitlenmesine yol açmıştır. Zemin iyileştirmesinin yapıldığı, depreme, sıvılaşmaya ve farklı oturmalara karşı çok daha dayanıklı yapılar inşa edilmeye başlanmıştır. Dünya nüfusundaki artış ve teknolojinin hızlı gelişmesinden dolayı, dünyadaki enerji tüketimi son yıllarda önemli derecede artmaktadır. Doğal kaynakların azalması, hava ve çevre kirliliği, endüstriyel atık malzemelerin kullanılma fikrine popülerlik kazandırmıştır. Silis Dumanı (SD), Uçucu Kül (UK) ve Yüksek Fırın Cürufu (YFC) puzolanik özelliklerinden dolayı çimento veya betonda kullanılan atık malzemelerin en etkili olanlarıdır. Katkı malzemeleriyle zeminin iyileştirilmesi çağımızda kullanımı oldukça yaygındır. Bu malzemeler ile güçlendirme, sızdırmazlık ve yapısal rijitlik sağlamak mümkün olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Katkısız Portland Çimentosu (CEMI 42,5R) ve çimento ağırlığının %0, %10 ve %20’si oranında SD, %0, %10 ve %20’si oranında F tipi UK, %0, %20 ve %40’si oranında öğütülmüş YFC ile %0, %1 ve %2’si oranında Hiper Akışkanlaştırıcı (HA) bağlayıcı malzeme kullanılmış olup, bunların karışımlarından su/bağlayıcı oranı 0.8 olan 81 farklı harç numunesi hazırlanmıştır. Hazırlanan numuneler 28 gün nemi değişmeyecek şekilde bekletildikten sonra üzerinde serbest basınç ve yarmada çekme (brezilyan) dayanım deneyleri yapılmıştır. Oluşturulan 81 farklı numune içerisinde %10 SD, %1 HA içeren numunede en yüksek serbest basınç dayanımı (ort. 24,66 MPa) elde edilmiştir. Kısa vadede (28 gün), baskın oranda YFC içeren numunelerde YFC suyu kusturduğu(cıvıttığı) için optimum HA oranı %0 iken SD içeren karışımlarda SD ince taneli olduğu için optimum HA oranı %1, UK içerenlerde UK tam hidrate olamadığı için bu durum %2 oranında yakalanmıştır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Yüksek Fırın Cürufu, Uçucu Kül, Hiper Akışkanlaştırıcı, Katkısız Portland Çimentosu, Silis Duman
The National Movement within the Albanian Diaspora in1919-1920
This article examines the importance of Albanian émigré societies as active supporters of Albania’s membership in the League of Nations at the Paris Peace Conference, and their role in the establishment of the modern state of Albania. Albanian immigration societies such as Vatra (the Pan-Albanian Federation of America) as well as the Society of Albanians of Romania were critical actors in the efforts to advance the cause of their homeland during and after World War I. This article analyzes the migrant networks that operated during this period by considering the work of local and foreign representatives of these societies, such as Fan S. Noli (one of the key figures being discussed in this article), Luigj Bumçi, Dr.Mihal Turtulli, Mehmed Konica, and Edith Durham. It illustrates how these figures played an intricate role in Albania's admission process to the League of Nations via their lobbying in the European chancelleries, gradually changing the Great Powers’ attitude towards the Albanian candidacy. Partly relying on a novel investigation of documents from the Albanian Central State Archive that pertain to the activity of the representatives of Pan-Albanian Federation Vatra in the Parliament of Great Britain, this article will clarify the postponement of the decision of the Albanian issue as part of the broader ‘Adriatic question’ from the Peace Conference to the proceedings of the League of Nations. As a result of the activity of the representatives and delegates of these societies, Albania was admitted to the League of Nations on 17 December 1920 without defined boundaries, constituting a special case in the history of the League of Nations
Relationship between student engagement and academic performance
This research aims to investigate the impact of student engagement on academic performance. Using a sample of 196 students from the University of Tirana, Faculty of Economics, we used multiple regression to assess the effect of behavioral engagement, cognitive engagement, and emotional engagement on student’s performance. The results of the engagement model created using three constructs show a correlation between overall student engagement and academic performance. In this study, we identified that behavioral engagement was the only significant factor for academic performance, while the two other factors, namely, emotional and cognitive engagement were not significant factors for students’ academic performance. We also identified that there was a significant difference between bachelor and master students as well as their year of study. The coefficient for “bachelor and first class” is negative and significant. However, there are no substantial differences between working students and non-working students or their gender in the relationship between engagement and academic performance. Our results provide additional empirical evidence for the higher education institution, teachers, parents and peers and some pointers for policy making. Increasing the engagement of students brings benefits for all involved stakeholders
Effects of a fungicide on pollen morphology and fertility of tomato (lycopersicon esculentum mill.)
Effects of Equation Pro (22.5% Famoxadone + 30% Cymoxanil), a fungicide widely used on tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) grown in greenhouses in Turkey against Phytopthora infestans and Alterndria solani, were studied on the morphology and fertility of tomato pollens. The fungicide was applied to tomatoes grown in pots in a greenhouse at recommended dosage (0.4 g/1 water) and double the recommended dosage (0.8 g/1 water). At the recommended dosage of Equation Pro, pollens were affected but at double the recommended dose, fertility is decreased to 41 % with morphological deformity and thinner wall layers
Özet: Bu çalışmada; Türkiye domates seracılığında yaygın olarak kullanılan Trival
Forte Cansa (% 20 Mancozeb + % 21 Metalik Bakır) fungisitinin, domates
(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) bitkisinde polen yapısı üzerine etkileri
incelenmiştir. Serada saksı koşullarında yetiştirilen domates bitkilerine fungisit
uygulaması, Muğla, Fethiyede'ki sera domatesi üreticilerine göre üretici dozunda
(50 g/ 13 L su) yapılmıştır. Çalışmada ekzin-intin tabaka kalınlığı ile por ve yarık
en-boy ölçümleri mikrometrik oküler kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Yarık boy ölçümü
dışındaki diğer değerler (ekzin-intin tabaka kalınlığı, por en-boy ve yarık en
ölçümleri) kontrole göre azalmıştır. Diğer taraftan 50 g/ 13 L dozun ekvatorial
görünümdeki polenlerde, kontrol grubunda görülmeyen polen şekil yapıları tespit edilmiştir.
Anahtar kelimeler: Fungisit, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., polen
(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) PLANT
Abstract: In this study, effects of a fungicide namely Trival Forte Cansa (20 %
Mancozeb + 21 % Metallic Copper) widely used on tomatoes grown in greenhouse
in Turkey; on the pollen structure of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) plant
were studied. The fungicide was applied to the tomatoes grown in pots in the
greenhouse according to grower's dosage (50 g/ 13 L tap water) in Fethiye-Muğla
area. The exine-intine layer thickness and pore-colpus width-length were measured
using an ocular micrometer. The data obtained revealed that there was a reduction
in the other values (the exine-intine layer thickness and the measurements of pore
width-length and colpus width) of the groups getting fungicide application except
for colpus length as compared to the control. On the other hand, some pollen shape
structures that are not observed in the control group were encountered in the
pollens of equatorial view at 50 g/ 13 L dosage.
Key words: Fungicide, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., polle