16 research outputs found

    Multidisciplinary investigation on cold seeps with vigorous gas emissions in the Sea of Marmara (MarsiteCruise): Strategy for site detection and sampling and first scientific outcome

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    MarsiteCruise was undertaken in October/November 2014 in the Sea of Marmara to gain detailed insight into the fate of fluids migrating within the sedimentary column and partially released into the water column. The overall objective of the project was to achieve a more global understanding of cold-seep dynamics in the context of a major active strike-slip fault. Five remotely operated vehicle (ROV) dives were performed at selected areas along the North Anatolian Fault and inherited faults. To efficiently detect, select and sample the gas seeps, we applied an original procedure. It combines sequentially (1) the acquisition of ship-borne multibeam acoustic data from the water column prior to each dive to detect gas emission sites and to design the tracks of the ROV dives, (2) in situ and real-time Raman spectroscopy analysis of the gas stream, and (3) onboard determination of molecular and isotopic compositions of the collected gas bubbles. The in situ Raman spectroscopy was used as a decision-making tool to evaluate the need for continuing with the sampling of gases from the discovered seep, or to move to another one. Push cores were gathered to study buried carbonates and pore waters at the surficial sediment, while CTD-Rosette allowed collecting samples to measure dissolved-methane concentration within the water column followed by a comparison with measurements from samples collected with the submersible Nautile during the Marnaut cruise in 2007. Overall, the visited sites were characterized by a wide diversity of seeps. CO2- and oil-rich seeps were found at the westernmost part of the sea in the Tekirdag Basin, while amphipods, anemones and coral populated the sites visited at the easternmost part in the Cinarcik Basin. Methane-derived authigenic carbonates and bacterial mats were widespread on the seafloor at all sites with variable size and distributions. The measured methane concentrations in the water column were up to 377 ÎŒmol, and the dissolved pore-water profiles indicated the occurrence of sulfate depleting processes accompanied with carbonate precipitation. The pore-water profiles display evidence of biogeochemical transformations leading to the fast depletion of seawater sulfate within the first 25-cm depth of the sediment. These results show that the North Anatolian Fault and inherited faults are important migration paths for fluids for which a significant part is discharged into the water column, contributing to the increase of methane concentration at the bottom seawater and favoring the development of specific ecosystems

    A review of 20 years (1999–2019) of Turkish–French collaboration in marine geoscience research in the Sea of Marmara

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    International audienceThis paper retraces the history and main achievements of the ongoing Turkish-French collaboration in marine geoscience research in the Sea of Marmara, which was initiated in the aftermath of the 1999, Izmit and Duzce earthquakes. The collaboration resulted in nine large oceanographic cruises along with six recovery operations involving diverse vessels, and in the participation in two major EU-funded programmes (ESONET-NoE and MARSITE) and to one bilateral project, e.g. the MAREGAMI Project, co-funded by TUBITAK and ANR (the Turkish and French national funding agencies for research, respectively). In this paper, we review the major scientific contributions on the tectonic evolution of the North-Anatolian Fault in the Marmara Region; on the relationships between faulting, seismicity, fluids and ecosystems; and on paleo-seismology and paleo-oceanography in the Sea of Marmara

    Microbialites on the northern shelf of Lake Van, eastern TĂŒrkiye: Morphology, texture, stable isotope geochemistry and age

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    Lake Van, the world's largest alkaline lake, hosts some of the largest microbialite towers worldwide, which are considered as modern analogues of ancient stromatolites. This study investigates the links between microbialite evolution, geology, climate and hydrology, and the role of biotic and abiotic processes in microbialite growth and morphology. For these objectives, the northern shelf of Lake Van was surveyed by subbottom seismic profiling and diving, and two 9 m and 15 m high microbialite chimneys were sampled at 25 m water depth. Samples were analysed for stable oxygen and carbon isotopes, X‐ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy and U/Th age dating. Lake Van microbialites precipitate wherever focused Ca‐rich groundwater flows to the lake floor to mix with alkaline lake water. Variable columnar, conical and branching morphologies of the microbialites indicate various processes of formation by groundwater channelling within the chimneys. Collectively, our data suggest that the microbialite chimneys have formed within the last millennium, most likely during the warm and humid Medieval Climate Anomaly (ca AD 800–1300), when lake level rose approximately to the present level due to enhanced Inputs of riverine Ca‐rich freshwater and groundwater. Our new scanning electron microscopy observations indicate that the internal structure of the microbialites below the outer cyanobacteria‐covered crust is constructed by calcified filaments, globular aggregates and nanocrystals of algal, cyanobacterial and heterobacterial origins and inorganically precipitated prismatic calcite crystals. These textural features, together with dive observations, clearly demonstrate the important role of inorganic carbonate precipitation at sites of groundwater discharge, followed by cyanobacteria and algal mucilage deposition and microbially meditated calcification in the photic zone in the rapid growth of the microbialite chimneys. Considering the close similarities of some textures with those of ancient stromatolites and meteorites, the results of this study provide new insights into the environmental conditions associated with stromatolite formation and extra‐terrestrial life evolution

    Defining the Upper Nisyros Pumice (57.1 ± 1.5 ka) as new tephra isochrone for linking early MIS-3 palaeoenvironmental records in the Aegean-Black Sea gateway: New evidence from the Sea of Marmara

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    International audienceThe rhyolitic Upper Nisyros Pumice (UNP) from the Kos-Yali-Nisyros volcanic system has been detected as a cryptotephra layer in lacustrine sediments from the Sea of Marmara (SoM). A new independent age of the UNP eruption at 57.1 ± 1.5 cal ka BP has been interpolated using a combination of radiocarbon dating, tephrochronology and wiggle-matching of the SoM proxy record (Ca-curves) with Greenland oxygen isotope data, therewith confirming recently published radioisotopic dates of UNP land deposits. The UNP tephra in the SoM was identified by comparisons of the SoM tephra glass chemical dataset with published data of other marine tephra records from the Aegean Sea and the Megali Limni lacustrine sediment sequence (Lesvos Island). The stratigraphic position of the UNP tephra in these records verified its deposition in the SoM at the onset of MIS-3 and specifically at the termination of Greenland Interstadial GI-16. The new findings define the UNP tephra as a valuable time marker for the synchronisation of palaeoenvironmental data for this time period and help spurring the establishment of a robust tephrostratigraphical framework for the last ~70 kyr in the Aegean-Black Sea region

    Sedimentological and Geochemical evidence for Seismoturbidite Generation in the Kumburgaz Basin, Sea of Marmara: Implications for Earthquake Recurrence along the Central High Segment of the North Anatolian Fault

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    International audience9 Holocene earthquake history of the Central High Segment of the North Anatolian Fault is 10 examined here for the first time based on analysis of seismoturbidites within a 21-m-long piston 11 core recovered from the Kumburgaz Basin in the Sea of Marmara. The visual lithological 12 description combined with detailed grainsize analyses indicate that the deep basin hemipelagic 13 sediments are interrupted by 28 turbidite units during the last 6.1 cal kyrs BP. The turbidites 14 show strong segregation and a sharp boundary between a coarse basal part and overlying 15 homogenite as inferred from detailed sedimentological and geochemical data. Several 16 amalgamated turbidites are recognized by repeated fining upward sequences with no 17 intervening homogenite indicating multiple episodes of traction and deposition as a result of 18 various slope failures and turbidity currents. Each unit was possibly triggered by the same 19 earthquake event rupturing in the Sea of Marmara. The most common sedimentary feature is 20 the continuous parallel lamination that was presumably introduced by long lasting water 21 oscillations on suspended sediments due to the seiche effect. The establishment of geochemical 22 criteria and exclusive sedimentary processes distinguish earthquake triggered turbidites 23 (seismoturbidites) from other trigger factors. Moreover, such distinction allows us to evaluate 24 2 hydrodynamic sedimentary conditions and processes in the Kumburgaz Basin. The base of most 25 seismoturbidites are associated with a sharp increase in Mn concentration that can be explained 26 by a diagenetic enrichment of Mn at the oxic/anoxic interface of the sediments near the seafloor 27 prior to the deposition of the turbidite. An age-depth model of the studied core based on seven 28 AMS 14 C ages allows precise correlation between historical earthquakes and seismoturbidites 29 in the Kumburgaz Basin. At least the latest nine of them fit well with the previously recorded 30 major earthquake events between ca. ~500 cal yrs BP and 2.5 cal kyrs BP. 3

    Continental Transform Boundaries: Tectonic Evolution and Geohazards

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    Continental transform boundaries cross heavily populated regions, and they are associated with destructive earthquakes,for example, the North Anatolian Fault (NAF)across Turkey, the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden fault in Haiti,the San Andreas Fault in California, and the El Pilar fault in Venezuela. Transform basins are important because they are typically associated with 3-D fault geometries controlling segmentation—thus, the size and timing of damaging earthquakes—and because sediments record both deformation and earthquakes. Even though transform basins have been extensively studied, their evolution remains controversial because we don’t understand the specifics about coupling of vertical and horizontal motions and about the basins’long-term kinematics. Seismic and tsunami hazard assessments require knowing architecture and kinematics of faultsas well as how the faults are segmented

    Slow build-up of turbidity currents triggered by a moderate earthquake in the Sea of Marmara

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    Earthquake-induced submarine slope destabilization is known to cause debris flows and turbidity currents, but the hydrodynamic processes associated with these events remain poorly understood. Records are scarce and this notably limits our ability to interpret marine paleoseismological sedimentary records. An instrumented frame comprising a pressure recorder and a Doppler recording current meter deployed at the seafloor in the Sea of Marmara Central Basin recorded consequences of a MW = 5.8 earthquake occurring Sept 26, 2019 and of a Mw = 4.7 foreshock two days before. The smaller event caused sediment resuspension but no strong current. The larger event triggered a complex response involving a mud flow and turbidity currents with variable velocities and orientations, which may result from multiple slope failures. A long delay of 10 hours is observed between the earthquake and the passing of the strongest turbidity current. The distance travelled by the sediment particles during the event is estimated to several kilometres, which could account for a local deposit on a sediment fan at the outlet of a canyon, but not for the covering of the whole basin floor. We show that after a moderate earthquake, delayed turbidity current initiation may occur, possibly by ignition of a cloud of resuspended sediment. Some caution is thus required when tying seismoturbidites with earthquakes of historical importance. However, the horizontal extent of the deposits should remain indicative of the size of the earthquake